My Budget Switchblade Knives

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a 2jw video for you guys here today I'm gonna go through so my budget automatic knives that's I still carry some everyday but these are the ones that I keep put up my : budget because most of them are in the $30.00 range couple of them here are worth a little bit more than that but some of them are vintage some of them are new or we're new not very long ago I guess I'll start with the most modern ones my Kalashnikov the blade HQ exclusive orange these are really good knives these beauclerk lash pops my father-in-law I bought him a tan one when I bought this and I think that was in 2012 and he still carries it every day and has fired it probably thousands of times thousand times and it still works very good so I highly recommend the Booker Kalashnikov is an everyday carry automatic AusAID steel you get a pretty sharp dagger type blaze not bad for EDC pretty good pocket clip my original Lightning out the front that I fought in 2010 maybe 2011 but I've had it for a long time I got a blue one now that I carry that I just recently bought but I carried this one for a very long time definitely good knives it got to the point where when it's closed sometimes it'll the blade will want to slip past and come out when it was in my pocket so I didn't want to carry it anymore so I retired if it as you can see it still works fine another very highly recommended budget automatic is the lightning the Taiwan version very good another cheap automatic that I carried quite a bit was this it's like a pro tect godfather chinese clone copy springs out real good you know there is no safety on it and I've seen these in several different configurations black green kind of like a marble looking handle scale red blue also with the satin blade another good automatic knife that is cheap budget-friendly and I got a couple here that are out the front that I never did carry this is like a Concorde clone it's a very heavy duty knife kind of a weak ejection on the blade on this one but I bought this at a gun show about three or four years ago see honestly out of all of them this one is probably the worst surely it hasn't done that to me in a while but there we go again maybe needs to be oiled I don't know kind of got to do that sometimes got to go like that and get it back in on these yeah I definitely wouldn't recommend carrying this this is kind of just a novelty and it's kind of unusual because as heavy duty is the way this knife is built it's a shame they didn't put better insides in it because it could have been a good knife moving on another one of the first knives I got about the same time as the lightning is a the Tomb Raider and this is kind of like these are kind of like the cheap out the Front's nowadays the style that you see this one definitely it works better it's got the double edged dagger blade kind of a boxy style square knife I believe you can buy these in kit form too I don't know why they call them the Tomb Raider there may have been one in the original tomb raider movie that looks similar to this but you can still get these moving down the line here we'll go to a couple budget stilettos and this is kind of the style you see nowadays on like a 20 dollar automatic it's got kind of a boxy style to it they seem to work pretty good they say it a little emo ATO on them you can get these I get a lot of people that ask me about these kind of knives like when I post on Instagram and stuff because people are looking for just budget automatics like this to carry around with them and don't know where to get up and I'd say go to direct knife sales or maybe Key West are good swords swords there's a lot of places where you can get these nowadays and you know for 20 bucks they're not bad and I got a couple newer versions here newer ones that is a little bit of water here see how much bigger that is this one kind of has the acrylic camel you see the button is kind of crooked on this one safety lever is kind of bent the acrylic cam oh I just thought it looked cool then I got the Blackmagic tactical black which is a really popular style like the beltram tactical stiletto kind of brought this in this the quality of these especially this one it kind of has the brass pins the black the brass liners at least it looks like brass it's fairly sharp a little bit better quality like handle skittles and I got three 1980s stilettos all more or less same these are like the ones that you would find in the magazines like you know edge co-brand I don't think these were made in China like these new ones back then I don't know it's dead they stay Italy Milano on a more solid you a raw spray but they're probably made in Japan Taiwan most likely you can kind of tell these because they've got that stepped pin there on the bottom of the hole like that you can kind of tell the older ones when you see them for sale pretty cool just your standard s style guard stilettos and then I've got to manual actually it's in with my budget autos but I like these too because you can tell that you can see the difference here and you have an Italian style they got the faux buttons the button even has spring to it but it is a manual this one actually has horn handles on it too so this one's this one's brass liners this one's pretty good quality but you can see the difference here in a Japanese stiletto same principle button rizzuto Milano type handle scales plastered Delrin plastic it has more of a straight bolster to it as opposed to the s bolster has the fish tail at the bottom as opposed to the rounded but and also the blade profile almost like a spaceships foot type blade as opposed to the foot point standard stiletto blades so that's a good comparison to see the difference between the same time period Italian fake slips white stiletto and the Japanese and then lastly I've got a couple lever locks this one is actually a manual as well I've seen most of the ones I've seen like this are in fact automatics coffin style handle with that long finger nail neck there Japan style this one is a edge ko cold war-era Taiwan this Taiwan lasered on there it says stainless Ross spray on the blade this one not as you can see is an actual automatic lever lock basically the same knife just one's an automatic and one is a manual get this one off of sharper deals that's pretty much all of them all my budget ones I keep in this one anyway I've got a few other ones floating around but that's the majority of them you know and that's not including like all my Rizzuto's and all all that title on my out the front this is just kind of your twenty to forty dollar automatic knives that link there's 16 of them in here so I appreciate you guys watching all my new subscribers I've been putting out that many videos but I've kind of been dealing with a lot and illness and some other things and I just haven't been able to get out the type of videos that I was for a long time so appreciate you follow me on G+ and Instagram and I'll be back with you guys soon as I can thank
Channel: JW's BulletsNBlades
Views: 1,215,981
Rating: 4.7075915 out of 5
Keywords: Switchblade, Knife (Sports Equipment), blades, machete, axe, Butterfly, sword, balisong, schrade, cold steel, NRA, knife rights, knife collection, automatic knife, Knife Throwing (Hobby), Blade, Knives, Steel
Id: v7jhbz_Jwos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2015
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