BUDK 36 mystery pocket knife box! Worth $100?

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hey guys welcome back I'm actually pretty excited about this this is obviously from bed K but they have a new mystery box that is 36 knives 36 mystery knives and it's about a hundred bucks so you know it breaks down to you know less than three bucks a knife so that's pretty cool you know this is gonna be knives that are on the inexpensive materials side as well if you've seen any my $5 Friday night knife videos this is going to be along the same lines and ya still got the poison ivy going on so sorry about the gross hand and arm but you know it is what it is so we are going to dig into this box and see what we get for a hundred bucks now here I got free shipping and there was like a 10 or 15 percent off I think I ended up paying 80 85 bucks for this box so we will dig in and see if that's actually worth it 36 knives we're gonna use the Walmart knife that we just used in the last $5 Friday night knife video get this guy open I'm excited I mean they're cheap knives but they're fun a lot of times it's just fun to see what you get so of course we have the mandatory but a paper look at that big old box and knives now I see repeats in here already from other mystery knife things I've bought but you know for example the Southwest knife you saw that in my Father's Day video but this one's actually a different color that was red this one's black so this is different so yeah and didn't even flip out maybe after it breaks in a little bit it is spring-assist but very weak spring you know I've got a couple of these and usually they flip out okay this one this one's having trouble so I might need to loop that up a little bit but at any rate there you go there's your Southwest black knife I wonder if they're all different they kind of look like they may be all different this one that's definitely a repeat from before this knife sucks so it is it is definitely a three dollar knife this is probably one of the worst knives they've ever had and their mystery boxes but you know it's hard plastic man it just it's just it's just ridiculous but at least this one flips out so of course you got the mandatory bottle opener on the back there yeah okay that knife that knife's pretty terrible so those two right out the gate I don't like but you know we'll move them on to somebody else so we got a timber wolf okay looks all right liner lock didn't flip out on the first try but again these are all new knives so there it goes just needs to be broken in a little bit sorry I said why not luck it's frame walk frame lock knife but you know pretty great standard fare yeah so there you go timber wolf all these you know unless I say otherwise it's a it's a mystery stainless steel they don't really tell you on the box is what they are usually in the product and information there's nothing about the steel types is probably a 420 in this cases Ridge Runner okay it's probably the slip-joint knife yeah very small yeah just a standard slip joint but look pattern on the wood that's pretty nice and actually the fit and finish on this is nice too that's real smooth no real raised edges or anything which is which is nice for you know a knife that costs less than three bucks havoc skill knife I do like skill so see what we got in this thing oh we got tape on that one you know Walmart knife to get that open boop-boop see if we can get into it now oh yeah okay so it's basically stilettos style superlight listen to that plastic plastic everywhere except for the liners which are stainless steel I just flipped right out but there you go look at the skills that one's pretty freakin ridiculous but anyways there you go the habakkuk knife so that one away we're not gonna spend a lot of time reviewing these I'm just just gonna pull them out and show you what you get Dark Knight Junior interesting you got a ninja on there and then there you go stick your finger in there got yourself what looks like a dagger but you know it's it's not sharp on this side it's just the look just just sharp on the one side this side so yep that one's different I haven't seen that one yet but Moe minja there you go your mole Minjae this is your knife right here cool all right last we got here we got the lighter knife so if you have watched any of the Budd K s shtf unboxings there's a lot of them out there this one's pretty standard you put a Bic lighter in here and then you've got a little knife on the back end very tiny but hey you got yourself a little knife so cute actually kind of like this I mean it I don't always carry a lighter with me but I do sometimes and there you go you can have a little a little knife with you okay man what's to do next another timber wolf another timber wolf we got blue my god look at that golden wolf howling at the moon sweet and gold on this side look at that and then flip out first time but I bet it will on a second sure did gold that is pretty awesome there you go if you like wolves and you like gold you are in shape with that timber wolf knife another Ridge Runner it's gonna be another small standard slip-joint pocket knife I'm getting oh yeah look at that that's pretty actually like that so we got let's see got it blade and another blade and another blade there you go it's kind of your standard trapper knife yeah cool you guys think of that yeah I'm sure that's just some kind of acrylic or something but looks nice so cool all right I like both of those little Ridge runners those nice okay well we got here the matrix assisted opening rescue folder yep well if you like like red and black that's actually my high school colors there but yeah I'm not a big fan of the combo blades with the serrations but there it is do you have a little little glass breaker on the end do you have some studs as well OOP all right there's the matrix the matrix knife round god knows what probably United cutlery I don't know a lot of these are made by the United Keppler put that away see if it says there's there's the model number BK 37 t air 30 17 oh four and a half inches closed all right set that over there oh my goodness we got I think we got all three Shadow Warrior nice got the gray the blue this better be gold it is all right so we got all three of the shadow warriors I'm not gonna pull those out of the box they all look the same so kind of a faux Damascus on there and a picture of some Japanese warriors so cool all right those we got another oh my god there's so many Southwest knives so obviously they're just trying to get rid of these things cuz nobody's buying them but this one is the white one so I have the red one black one there's the white one and then I also got a blue one so at least your different colors so if I go to the southwest I am all set do you like that color blue though that's nice okay moving right along we got another again another one of those that's in desert tan which I like better than the the gold cool we got another ridgerunner this is going to be another lip joint nice yeah oh it looks very similar to that trapper but it's just the single single blade there so same same design on the handle though kind of cool yeah so many so many knives okay is that one okay we got a cragger German rosewood stiletto folder it's just Lannister lettuce style but hmm and we flip this guy out interesting get a little Wow okay so it doesn't actually flip it just get yourself a little fingernail hole there and it does lock then you put it away like that interesting I don't know if I liked it it doesn't flip out given that it's just a leather style and a weird that it opens like a slip joint bit whatever there it is okay and I've had a couple of these in previous boxes this one it's just different color faux Damascus a little cleaver cleaver style I'm not going to open that one up cuz thanks chin those before Black Legion this one's a brand that's used a lot there at bed K this one is obviously a folder Karambit with like a snake or a leopard skin print on there but these things always have like very small finger holes so I have truck I mean I have medium size hands and I always have trouble getting my finger through there but I guess it works it's just I don't know they need to make those finger openings bigger for folks with bigger hands than me at least but you know cheap plastic nothing nothing to write home about there it's uh yeah like I said all these are gonna be very inexpensive knives but you get a lot of them all right there's that got another one of those I already have that exact knife that's the rainbow version tomahawk I think we did this on a $5 Friday night knife let's see yeah I think this is just a different color maybe no this is different and I don't have this one so and I got like a marble look to it right there but it is all plastic on the handle scales you know feels kind of sharp you have no and didn't even lock look at that didn't lock boo there it goes no it's locked very skinny layer lock there just barely making contact yeah say it didn't walk up again so that's gonna need to be worn in a little bit see if it locked that time yeah that time it finally locked so does have a comfortable place for your thumb there and you can choke up on it another place for your thumb for more detail work so interesting you do have the stupid bottle opener on the back but I mean if you like that your luck not a big fan myself but you know sometimes that kind of thing comes in handy I do have a couple knives that have a bottle opener on them that I use from time to time there's that that's different got another tomahawk see if that's the same dude yeah just different color so at least they're different colors you know they didn't give me all the same thing and another timber wolf that's same knife as we opened earlier just different style of wood on there got a couple more so many Ridge runners in here this is going to be another of those slip joints yeah so that's made to look like one staghorn but it's not it's just plastic or acrylic fit and finish on this one isn't as good I mean you can feel those those intersections there but yeah just a standard slip joint so not bad not bad for two dollars and change you know could do worse could have a frost cutlery knife you know so god I've had this knife before I nice actually sold this knife for ten bucks to somebody so I feel bad about that this knife sucks but I'm definitely gonna be getting rid of this one I this knife is terrible I just you know leader of the pack oh man I don't know if you're carrying this knife probably enough leader of the pack but does have court cutter on there and a glass breaker copious amounts of plastic like a thick that is so it does give you a nice big handle to grab on to only one thumb stud so if your lefty like me out of luck so anyways I've reviewed that knife before so it's not gonna get into it again you know it is what it is so get rid of that knife for sure that Ridge Runner yeah I see this knife a lot this thing is junk really unhappy about this one I mean I guess you have to have a few stinkers in there but yeah look at that good God look at that liner so if if you're unfamiliar with liner locks you want an early lockup because that is the life of your liner once it moves all the way to the other side which this one is right out of the box it's pretty much done so you know it is locking up so I guess it's OK for now but it's not going to last it's it's going to start failing but that looks like metal it is not okay there is actually no liner on that side there's only a liner on this side which is just the the lock so this thing is about as big a piece of crap as you could imagine I mean look at that right out of the box you get the plastic mold indentations there I mean good god this thing sucks that is definitely definitely definitely the worst knife I've pulled out of this box maybe the worst knife I've got from bed K ever it's it's up there I mean I'm gonna go ahead and call it the worst nice knife ever had a big K and I hope we don't have to but I think we do yep got a black one too great so two of those are absolutely awful okay when we got here the gold dragon interesting interesting and the ninja thing going here look at that you have the dragon breathing fire with the gold blade of course and you do have a dragon on the gold blade that is that's pretty freakin crazy and if you have the finger grooves does feel nice in the hand and it just spring right out of there wire is making good lock up there so yeah I mean it's plastic but it's a like a probably propylene kind of plastic yes it's real hard it's not the cheaper plastic on the others that I was showing you earlier so yeah even though that one is completely ridiculous that one seems to be the most fun so far in my opinion got the dragon and the gold together yeah yep that's probably my favorite I have this knife already this came in a twenty dollar bed cave mystery box I'm not going to open it up it looks just like that it's very small not not a great knife but not a bad knife for the money anyways you're another havoc skull knife is this the same wonder if this is the same knife that I opened earlier that was the Stiletto style or if it's a different different style of knife I don't know we will see we will see it's so it's the same style of knife but it has a different picture it's exact same knife just you know different skull picture on there so yeah got some kind of skull trooper there with skills at the bottom and havoc on the blade so there you go very light very cheap plastic feeling just yeah it is what it is I knew what I was getting when I bought this so you know I'm not upset about anything except those those two really shitty sorry really crappy Ridge runners got another Sol a knife this one looks different than the little deed that I pulled down a minute ago oh yeah different so now there's another cheapo stiletto this one but this one's a lot heavier and it's still plastic but it's the real hard plastic not the cheap junky plastic yeah basically the same knife just slightly better plastic material on the handles and different different picture on there there you go all right so we got ourselves the SOA okay I just realized that camera cut out at some point there so what you missed was this dude I think hopefully that's all you missed but at any rate it's this thing the centering was ridiculously off it actually makes noise when you close it and just look how what kind of loose that blade is just a bit of blade play yeah this thing is I can probably probably screw that down at the pivot fix that but yeah sex it came right out of the box like that it's honest yeah almost to the point where I would call that broken but we'll see if it tightens down I guess but anyways there's a knife punisher style on the yeah on the handle okay now the next thing that i was starting to look at here was the it's another havoc knife they went real hard on these stilettos styles so this one's got like a chinese dragon on there and some roses looks like i don't know but yeah i mean these these flip out super easy just cheap plastic you know so there's that we've got a couple more in there to go back way over there what's in this little box if this is a knife might be the smallest knife I've ever seen oh my gosh it isn't all oh my gosh wow look at that you got the American flag on there it's ridiculous that's a two-finger knife right there USA god bless the USA is what it says on there you can see that man that it's tiny tiny tiny as a this bringing assist and you do have a little clip on it so I guess you could use that as a little money clip maybe but yeah that is ridiculously little not a not a super sharp edge but it's it does feel long modestly sharp so interesting that is very very tiny okay well there's that so last thing is a kissing cream this thing feels very light I've got a few of these kissing cranes in the past and they've been you know special editions of one sort or another this one does not appear to be it's a very very tiny kissing crane maybe this wall schizophrenia I've ever had but yeah you've got the faux staghorn on there again I think that's faux staghorn anyways and yeah just got a bunch of these little guys that in the same same basic design just different handles different makers so anyways that is what we got in the 36 knife box from bud kay I I hope the video didn't cut out more than what I think he did if it did I'll try and sort back through here and see what all you missed but at any rate that's that's the 36 knives mystery knife set from bud Kay thanks for watching guys
Channel: Ohio Blade and Cutlery
Views: 199,726
Rating: 4.611021 out of 5
Keywords: budk, 36 knife box, unboxing, knives, blade, cutlery, camping, outdoors, havoc, timber wolf, black legion, southwest, huge knife box, mystery, box, budk mystery box, cheap, budget, inexpensive, $100, knife box, pocket knife, pocket knife unboxing, pocket knives, mystery box, survival, edc, every day carry
Id: y1loPlR2NW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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