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alright guys it's your boy Jay Reptar here back from the other video I hope you guys are having an amazing day you guys aren't you at the Field Camera split this about to get way way brighter because right here we have a big box a really big fun - this says heavy package that's how they describe me and then after that over 70 pounds that's also described me my doctor says it's only boys right here we have a 75 pound box you might be wondering what's in this box or you might not be wondering cuz you price all the title the thumbnail but the box is that so we're gonna be opening it up right now and seeing what's in here and trying it out I got all this stuff sent to me by an elite op9 I'll put the link in the description down below guys this is not a sponsor but they wanted to send everything over here so the rep pack to check it out so show them some love guys and we're gonna do this right never I said links are down below for anything you see in this box you could go on the website and check it out but anyway let's get started I am very excited it's like Christmas on steroids yes seriously rights alright so boy out my knife which will probably look very very basic get into this saying where'd you get that one I got this one from Home Depot 4.0 so here we go gonna open this up right now I do not know what is in this box of whatsoever I know like me I have an idea what's in it but I don't really know what they look like anything like that so it's gonna be kind of like yo Don Pokemon pack opening days let me find out together oh I love it oh oh ok guys so this is literally everything on there store I got everything they have on their store in this box so there is nothing that's not in here we're gonna get into it right now they might not even be able to be all in this video but we're gonna try and say we can do so we're gonna open one pack and then we're gonna go outside and test this stuff down and see how it works alright so like I said we're gonna open it right now I am very very excited me Parker I've been looking at these for a little bit time just a box and wow you know what is it heavy it is very heavy you two both of us to get this even in here so ok so it looks like I'm not your look in here completely it looks like there's a lot of boxes so I'm gonna get one box out woven that oh yeah alright well that's up so I started the biggest box yes yeah I know what the rap guy before the Red Hat for opening up the biggest box first I'm too clearly I don't know what to expect let's get into this alright so let's get into this thing and check it out alright here's want any advice on how to cut a knife or cutter bar to open is always cut towards yourself holy crap so ready I am very ready that's actually less yeah I am so so so very ready okay alright alright here we go ready oh that is a nice handle already okay it's got a nice sheath on it Oh sick that's like Dark Matter call of duty camo so right there guys this was like a combat knife this is sick it's actually got a camo on if it's like galaxy theme this is frickin sweet it's got some nice weight on it this is not a sponsored video guys this is just a it's like they just want to send it for the red pack to see and hi I am just think this is actually pretty sick okay guys you've seen like what these knives are but I just wanna see the camels look like I said I'm gonna pick my favorite one we're gonna go out there and test it but what I want you guys to do throughout this video since there every category is pick your favorite knife and comment it down below which one's your favorite color alright next knife here we go ready but I really feel like what would be Pokemon packs here dude oh it's a process yeah alright next knife here you go oh we got the royal blue tiger just thinking that from mw2 modern warfare 2 blue tiger right there that is sick that is awesome and they sent all this for the rut back that is awesome I can't with everything on this store I got alright next camera let's see it okay I can't really chew much on this one actually oh that was like a day to remember Creber like that looks like any Grateful Dead t-shirt wow that looks like a flavor of a juice who's up next Kim oh here we go oh I used wait for the full review haha oh dude you know what I think so far this might be my favorite that looks like like I don't even know what that is don't like the weather you know what it looks like looks like what fall camo and mw2 should have been yeah this is okay next one all right here goes the next one oh I already like this what is all the trim oh yeah that is sick that's like a mixture between like a white tiger and just a golden lion wow that would be a beautiful animal yeah well this is a beautiful animal okay oh that's not really too much of that one yet yeah yeah you're black that's just black but man you know what never gets a little black no that wood is awesome simple and black you know what they say once you go black you have don't make something like that that would be a little longer though being what all right here we go next door almost got a two left okay here we go some kind of looks like the galaxy one a little bit oh I thought was dark matter that's Dalek this is actually dark matter hold on I wish you guys at the home could hold this and feel the qualities I feel like the colors make it look light but it's ash that girthy night like it feels solid last for one for this box and then we're gonna go outside and start testing these things here we go I've already found my favorite one I think it's gonna look like that is so thick that is my favorite one the last one de definitely not least this it's dope that is so sick that is by part of my finger what that is oh yeah that's the biggest one like that has to be the sickest one all right guys we're about to go outside and test about here's all the knives I want you guys to comment down below which one is your guys's favorite night of the combat knife the red one dark matter one the blue one do you guys know already my favorite one is that red one I would have liked to have a Reptar green one but it's okay which one's your favorite burger you know the blue one is so sick but his gold with white that is badass really is but I got to go the blue one or the red one those are also I think the red was definitely a favorite so I'm gonna take the red one and we're going outside you tested alright guys so we're outside now about to do a slash test with the red rage that's why I nicknamed it the Red Raider to see what happens oh yeah it looks even better in the light guys it looks pretty good crazy awesome okay ready oh I didn't feel like nothing besides butter okay bleed our key I would have move on to a stronger sense without I mean that's a straight cut all right right here you get ready I'll do it you know I had a feeling I was gonna get splashed hi was it and I was very right as well oh my god smooth my dude it just feels like it feels like you have a mini machete there's just so much downward force should I try and throw it if you think you can do it I gotta get this off the line because I'm sure people are being really annoyed right now it doesn't do that okay guys so based on the weight it feels pretty good I think it should be throwable oh wow so much force within the little ragged dad dragged all the way through the entire blade view there's just so much weight on oh there we go well the same please I think that thing will do the job I got it yeah they tell me the movies all right right there those beautiful beautiful foods what hey you know it's cold there's no excuse the terrible bad like we actually are missing one more which is freaking like gunmetal is it's friggin sick you're just you're uh you're solid blade yeah alright guys so we're gonna grab another ride him out of here that was amazing that was great that was awesome yeah I have so many knives more knives as I know what to do with and a quick note from future King Reptar here they also sent butterfly trainer knives guys yes they are not cutting at all I obviously can't give away real knives these are freaking sick though here's just a few of them right here they sent all of these of those so I have quite a lot of them and I have nothing to do with those I'm gonna be getting away on Instagram if you guys haven't already follow me on Instagram gonna be giving away over there but we're gonna go back in here guys and this box are still so happy we'd love to back up on here I'm gonna show you guys what is inside the box just this is just boxes I haven't see inside it yet but me and Parker are not gonna look at the box whatsoever so you guys are gonna know what's coming and the next part of this because I can only probably do one part of this research here we go ready I mean I can't look nope just put the camera don't holy breath back please just maybe let me know in the comments okay so I'm gonna reach in there and grab just one random box it's looks like a good size when I get my hand around it go up that one and woken up and see what's on that one okay so this one right here doesn't really have a lot information on it so let's just open it up and see what's in here I wish I could see you I'm not trying to look ahead but all I saw was perfect point at a ninja star and this shape by I have a guess I have something found upon in this area so let's find out if my suspicion is correct stuffing these open so you a night yeah a night would be fun if only we had what oh yes I know these are our ninja stars they have to be right no they're throwing stars ninjas throw OH there's a lot of ninja stars you're like many ninja stars a lot of them though holy crap we got our yellow one a blue one that's red paint blue one we're gonna blue one they'll call you either I just kinda let it happen like I didn't even notice yeah you know that stuff more about me that doesn't you and then wrapped our green wood that is sick and you guys already know we're gonna do some test throws but there's more in here so let's see what the other ones are all right then the next one is very similar to those ones but they're actually just like classic ninja star there's no color to them and that's all there's an hour one a blue one alright here you go the next one oh nice so we finally have a throwing star that Parker could actually throw with that one that's Parker prove it does getting got eight sides on it and you missed this you are the worst thrower of all time if you could not hit something with this yeah I can hit something with that that is got eight stars eight heads on it I am excited to go out there and test this one you know what this Chinese means this says parking throw me all right here do another set of ninja stars Oh what the heck dude these things look like something out of like Dante's Inferno they're dope like I never seen a ninja star design like that dog bone yeah I don't even know like most ninja stars are like steamed at all those bones in the middle I see just a dog bone I have no clue mostly ninja stars are very like asian-inspired these are like I don't know like almost like medieval it looks like these are sick and there's two of those as well so we'll pick one of these to go outside and throw - all right here we go ready we got last was a wise ninja star we already have freakin the five of the runs on five or five sets of them that is a baby here we go I know you'll be the person to see it oh that is so sick and there's so much weight on it this is like journey as his ninja start yeah that is so dope dude so we have a total of six ninja star sets I'm gonna pick my favorite one and we're gonna go ahead and go out there yeah well I'll give it to you I'm gonna pick this one and I'm gonna pick these two little bit this one do alright guys so I picked two of these ninja stars and I picked this one awesome xerneas one gonna hit those pretty targets and then we're gonna bigger one out try this another ninja stars already Shia LaBeouf these ones it's a little finger hole right here for your finger to hold in who is cool that's perfect look at this one the ninja star literally went into the shark they're literally stuck like instantaneously okay so we're get a little bit of a bigger target drying out some more okay so down Oh God what does with underground right now that is dangerous all right so now we have a big frickin tulear right there a snap cola Parker has the eight star ninja star there's literally no way you could miss this one oh there's no way dude I mean I'm not the best throwing neither throwing star all right here we go let's get it three two one pivot yeah I can hit something with that well you managed to figure out a way for it not to work you found a way to break it up okay guys there we go this is Parker's redeeming moment here you got this right 2010 all right range shot here we go all right now we're gonna go in some gotta keep people on their toes but any fruit my house bulbs always on their toes okay so now we're going inside it see what else is in that epic box all right here we go going back to the box this is just this is literally the best thing ever yeah no it's great this is Christmas in the box right here okay next I grab another box another full box I don't even care I'm grabbing full boxes at this point Harvin that would open let's see you there all right here we go ready oh I'm ready Popov this sucker open all right guys I grabbed one out of here let's check out and see what it is all right ready let's do it all right okay okay yes the Koran bit that's it this is a dope sheath you do this sheet this dope look you can put this around your neck hands-free I mean X looks a weird place you think you're looking at your land use your weapon convention yeah probably wear it but it's cool-looking oh that is dope that is sick dude this is what I think the Campbells are the same as they were in the combat knives though I think it's just smaller so it looks like different yeah as like a different depiction of it I mean oh I think we're gonna do guys we're gonna open up all the Koran it's gonna think of the same camos over on the combat knives earlier save you guys some time so we're gonna open all these up real quick give you guys a tour okay guys we got all the Koran bin knives open these things are sick if you guys don't know me or the one use only saw cuz don't know about Quran is they have a whole fighting style built around Karambit these things are definitely zombie survival approve of you guys me so we're gonna check these out right now show you guys haven't pick your favorite Karambit comment it down below these are knives alright guys so that is all them right there you know your boys favorite is this I wish oh my god I wish they had a rep card green cloth algaas because this give you my new rep stars cloth there's no green one unfortunately yeah but they are freaking sick so the only ones that are not the same camels you've already seen are these two right here these are the I think are a little bit thicker and a little higher quality but these ones are definitely sharper on the bottom so we're gonna test out maybe two one of these in one of these let's go outside and I've never used the Koran before actually you think soaked it's a very common thing we'll have these days but I don't have one alright guys so here we go right now i'ma show you guys what Karambit could be used for they literally hook let's get a good example right here ready imma do it slow actually just and see what I'm talking about you ready getting close be careful oh my god butter literally that was incredible and telling you we're gonna need a little a little bigger for this alright so now I wanted to get a better example of what a cramping could do we'll cure you dive into all of these weapons a little bit more they're video this is very pre for this one but this is a lot thicker than human skin for sure so let's see what happened ready all I'm ready alright is hard boy Lee gutted it and look dude the pain is actually still fine you know what that was actually I'm not gonna lie was one of my one concern that was my biggest concern before I wanted to like tell you guys this thing is sick I wanted to see if the paint chipped off and it does after a long period of time I said this is not a sponsored video it doesn't go long for your time but it's actually pretty solid alright guys so now how many views both cameras we're gonna go for a double gotta just do it have a double guddi's double like that slash goodies double gun it doesn't happen with Taco Bell Oh double gut it alright ready we'll do it so this is a fist night this is a perfectly straight line you see that guy it's like beautiful octave and that was with this one and then with this one it had a little bit of a curvature still super strong but man this is the difference was it leverage on it okay yeah so we're doing one more item I was actually gonna do three but Parker recommended we do a fourth so we're gonna do a fourth yeah I want more I was like yes for instance that only for the rep back I'm doing four items and four sets there is still so much in years of you guys want to see more smash the like button and let me know down below next item I pulled this out ooh survivor it's one of my favorite shows from though purpura long from a long time ago however you really being in that show yeah it's awesome and it's actually back on so yeah now here comes sponsor sponsor right now it's a terrible show don't watch it the worst okay not sponsor Laetitia all right guys last item here we go this Reviver let's see what's in here holy crap I thought it was gonna be like multiple knives I didn't think it was gonna be a giant one so right here what do you even call this this is a survivor is that a bowie knife with a hiking hunting boating knife what the heck oh you go the survivor the survivor this thing is badass what I'm just a treasure to see example this [ __ ] dope um it feels pretty solid let's go outside and take a look and see what it's really capable of okay nice weight feels pretty good to be honest I like the handles a little bit odd but we'll see here we go three two what that is a lot of pressure to a dude all right but now let's see if it's throw up I'm gonna go for a full foot this time this is actually hard to do guys oh my god it's stuck in the table I've read so much weight went through the table now that that's awesome this thing has so much weight I literally can hear the Thunder what did you aim at I would break a rib before snap look here the impact breaker infinite snappy alright guys actually this knife has such good weight I'm actually gonna go for a full one and a half to two flips to hit the jugular which I never do because I it's very dangerous and it's not very likely most knives are like kind of hard to do it with I think that's what I could do it over there like a big idiot okay guys you're new here make sure I subscribe if you guys want to see more it was inside that box make sure I smash like button I wouldn't get spamming the comments with a moremore in the comments down below if you want to see more down below but as always I will see you guys tomorrow I hope I made you guys day a little bit brighter as always your boy key grip car
Channel: ADHD's World
Views: 1,838,304
Rating: 4.9124737 out of 5
Keywords: Kids, Family, ADHDs World, Funny Challenge, DIY Challenge, ADHD’s World, ADHD world, adhd, ADHD life, ADHD world most dangerous toys, nerf, nerf guns, dangerous toys, secret hidden, punishments, challenge, cam and jeff, funny, family friendly, top 3 diy apocalypse survival weapons vs fruit, vs fruit, survival challenge, 24 hour survival, zombies, we built, backyard, diy, do it yourself, cheater, hacker, game master, fruit ninja, Best Rated, Worst Rated, Mystery Box
Id: vVW81nfSCY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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