How to disassemble a US M40 gas mask (1/2)

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hey youtube uh so in today's video i will show  you guys how to disassemble your m40 or m40a1 mask   right so right now we have a uh polish mp4 head  harness i switched it out temporarily because of   uh the head harness that came with this exact  my my exact mask was a bit frailed so yeah i   temporarily switched it out and then we go under  we have a medium large universal second skin and   then we have the neutral gray uh tinted outsoles  all right so first we're gonna start taking off   the filter of course and here is a french cff3  filter and next what you want to do is you want   to start with the the outside you're going to get  your finger fit it under the apron of the length   and then take every other bit of it off then  you get like this this you want to flip it over   so it's uh saves you time and it's a lot  easier to put it on back onto the mask like so repeat the same with the other after a little bit sorry about that and then next  since we got to take off the second skin and but   in order to do that this is in the way so we're  gonna take this off uh the axial valve cover so   you wanna start with taking out the drinking tube  and you take it out of its holder the next what   you want to do what i do is um i put my fingers in  here and you kind of want to pull out and upwards   but see we still have these uh prongs i  guess and what you want to do is you want   to pull it same process like uh when you're  pulling out the initial external valve cover   you want to pull it out and up and there's two  of them so you wanna do this for this one too now we are left with the exhale uh  valve itself what you wanna do is simply   just get it like that put it into a taco  shape and pull upwards and there you go and then the second skin uh what  i like to do is i start from   up and go downwards here i'm showing  you so what i do is i pull it around the lenses like so you want to keep going down and then pull it from the front  voicemail and then the side voice mirror and now you just finish it by  taking off the exhale valve assembly this part is a little bit hard because  you got to get it around these uh   prongs that are jutting out and the drinking  tube gets in the way sometimes sorry about that and here you go universal  second skin let's put that down and then next if you want to take  off the head harness it's very simple   you're just going to pull it outwards and turn  it at it one second but you want to turn it   at an angle like so and then push it like  that and this is going to be this little uh   i don't call it but uh kind of like a  door i guess then pull it out simple   easy as that but i'm not gonna do that  because i wanna make a part for myself later and then next you're gonna  wanna take out the drinking tube see that you simply pull it out there you go drinking tube   or drinking straw on my bed and then next you  want to take out the tissue tube uh inmate valves   those that thing i'm going to do is the same thing  as the exhale valve put it into a taco shape and   carefully pull it out you don't want to break  that it's very thin and same process for this one right and now you have the   just the bare bones of the nasal cup and then  next we have the side voice mirror um sometimes   it might be loose mine oh mine is right now but  uh just to show you guys you want to bring your mask carrier mine is a m42 m45  bag or you may have the m40   yeah the m40 and 42 bag which is a rectangular  in shape you see this one this is the d-ring   it's going to come with all bags  you want to turn it to the flat side you see these uh this cross pattern  you can put in one of those notches   and then turn counterclockwise all right so there's gonna be three steps to  this first you're gonna take off the the ring   next you want to put your hand  inside the mask let me show you this can be to the right  side of the oral nasal cup   like that i can barely see my own screen so i'm  sorry so it's that thing right there you get your   finger you're gonna push it out and then there is  the gasket rubber gasket and the voicemail itself   this is what the inner part looks like  and this is what you see on the outside right and lastly we have the inlet valve  assembly right so what you wanna do is you wanna   yours may have the second one but there's like two  of these uh little i don't know what to call them   but yeah there's one on this side and there's  also gonna be one here but mine's not uh   put with two so what you wanna do is you just pull  out and upwards again and there you go so but now   you gotta get this um what i like to do is i would  just put my finger in here and you're gonna gonna   push like that can you see that you're gonna push  outwards and then you want to take everything and you want to push it down into the mask careful  not to break it this is like 20 year old rubber   right there you go now you have the inlet valve  assembly um there are actually three parts to this   as well there is this wagon wheel and the inlet  valve itself and the deflector um you can take   those off but uh sorry i don't want to do that  with mine because i want to break it on accident   right and there you go your mask is ready for  submersion um or cleaning but you might want   to take out the head harness because that's  going to be uh annoying to dry off and this   part is also removable but you need a four  prong tool to do that see these little holes   so that's what those are there for but  i unfortunately did not have that tool   and well yeah there you go your mask  is ready for cleaning and maintenance and this is everything laid out and there you go thanks for watching i hope  you learned something new and enjoyed thank you
Channel: YoMada
Views: 1,045
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Id: jU5IqhJ0z2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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