A greyhound's dinner, salmon tonight! yummm

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any oh who's gonna have a yummy dinner oh today Lily was a really good girl at the vet we have some extra salmon for her I was just gonna get a cook salmon oh and it's got skin too oh my goodness salmon and lamb are her favorite foods so we'll cook some up and see how she likes it waiting for the salmon to cook then you want to show everyone your tricks boy I need to get a treat she won't do it without says you're trying to she loves these treats it doesn't come for a freak so greyhounds usually have a hard time sitting but she will sit for a cookie so sit lay down good girl all right I have it right here on my knee can you give me a paw paw Paw Paw good girl all right are we gonna get it good job while we wait you also want to show everyone your toys want to show your toys all right so Lily has this giant caterpillar which is her favorite to sleep on all right let's show them your toys which toy right now she's been loving this alpaca toy it's been her favorite oh she says ominous for you I know you can have the toy you don't have to wait here she's thinking I have more treats okay no she's like I'm ready to give you my Pock I know I know I know but no more treats are waiting for the salmon oh my God okay so she's oh she loves this one how about this one she must think I other treat squirrel she's so spoiled she is our baby oh she loves the duck one dang her eye is focused on the food I got nothing does it smell like salmon okay well just keep waiting okay just keep waiting big Snoop girl okay yum [Music] all right just about ready oh smushing it up to put in her food oh Lily are you ready she didn't know when she was behind me oh yum yum all right go ahead wait she doesn't go until we Pat her on the head this is very uh ceremonial every night yum enjoy Lily [Music] Lily was it yummy
Channel: Your Agent Alexis
Views: 45,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ulO5Bfp4HzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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