HOUSEPLANT HOME Sanctuary in the BRONX β€” Ep. 224

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everybody was posting about how they got like these andrewing begonias at home depot and i was like what i was like how did i miss this [Music] this episode of the house plant home tour on plant one on me is brought to you by fourth generation family owned and operated espoma organic which produces superior organic gardening products for both the indoor and outdoor gardener you can look out for espoma products like their potting medium amendments and organic fertilizers at your local garden center and at i love the fact that you came on the phone and said it perfectly right the first time around people usually get it wrong it's usually naya and i'm like it's me yeah yeah so yes i'm used to things yeah oh well that's great well thank you so much for inviting us into your home well thank you for for coming and wanting to come to my tiny little apartment yeah well can we can we come in come on in yeah so this is kind of like the room right that people see and i think that people always think it's bigger than it is well you know what i think you always seem to manage to bring your plants around you you like yeah you like to yeah we say popular place for you yeah this is like my area like i sit here for my lives and i'm like blah blah blah blah this is like the backdrop but um yeah sometimes i stage them for photos yeah but like they don't mind it too much people are always like don't move the really fake i'm like it's okay well it's nice because you have a corner pocket here with two windows and i know it's a little bit of a gray day today but what what direction do your windows face and do you get some good light yeah i like to do tremendous light so this is my east facing window and the sun rises here every morning which is a great way to be greeted because like i come out my bedroom and i come into the room and it's like here and then my humidifier is kind of tucked here so when it's on and the sun comes through people are like oh what filter are you using to get that sun glare i'm like it's the actual actual sun's glare yeah so that's super cool so this is east and this is my south facing window um where i kind of like keep on myself facing loving plants like my succulents and then my cacti and stuff um they hang out here my bop and whatnot so tell me how you got into plants and like when you started like what was what was your story so my story is kind of heavy yeah um so i always kind of liked plants but never really did well with them and before i got this apartment i was actually going through a period of homelessness with my kids for about two years um so it was like a domestic violence situation we left there then we were like tv shelter for like way too long and then when i finally got my own space i was like this is going to be my sanctuary like so good on you i just was like yeah this has to be it for me so i started bringing in you know plants here and there and it's funny because before the pandemic i had maybe 10 plants and now it's like you know so that's that's kind of like how it started just like wanting to feel like the energy of like the tropics and like having plants around me because my heart belongs in the tropics like i feel like actually are you originally from the travelers or no american okay not the generation and were you born in this area i was born technically in new jersey nothing wrong with new jersey yeah but i was raised in the bronx i'm a bronx girl through and through um even though i was born in jersey my parents met here in the bronx oh that's my yeah my mom went to high school right around the corner yeah my dad went to high school too far away so they were raised here but they moved to jersey after they got married so i just happened to be born there and then back so it's like in your blood and so all the way through yeah i love that you've brought it into your life and it's like a part of like healing and like sanctuary absolutely and i think that's something that you like really bring through in your conversations now can you tell me a little bit more about like how you're kind of developing conversations with folks do you have something like a tea and plants on tuesdays so much stuff so okay so first and foremost i started my instagram page the bloom journey because i just wanted a creative outlet and at the time it wasn't like i'm going to do this whole big thing with plants it was just like what's the one thing i always want to talk about and we'll never run out of content i was like plants so i just started with that and then lo and behold like this whole community like it's like just emerged in front of me and i was like wow look at all these amazing people and i feel like i have my story which is like my personal bloom journey my like journey of like you know blooming and all of that but the more i talk to people i'm like everyone has a story everyone has like their own bloom journey some amazing things that they have to share about how plants have affected their lives so i started a wednesday live so every wednesday we do self-care through plant care people share the things that people have shared on the show like it's so heartwarming it's amazing how plants have changed people's lives and then on tuesdays we have timo plants tuesdays which is just fun right because i like tea and um so i'll show you something really quickly so i have a couple of plants in like little teapots and things so like this is my little raffia um in a teapot and then i have um a couple and like teacups and stuff so it's like a little and fancy teapots too like even the one to the right of that is yes thank you a friend of mine actually found this in a thrift shop oh my gosh and sent it back to me so i'm like i don't know if there's like actual gold on here i don't know but um but yeah so it started with like just putting plants in teacups and stuff and then wanting to do like actual tea parties with plants and so it was like tea with plants this is fun and i did like a british accent one day and everybody went crazy this is the thing i was like now we're gonna just roll with it yes good afternoon darlings yes yes yes you're just in time for tea as always today i'm very excited because we're doing something a bit different we're going to be having a live tea session with a very special guest oh here she is she's already here let me get her in the room people like it so yeah so on tuesdays we do tea with plants and on wednesday we do self-care through plant care that's amazing well it's so nice that you just like you know kind of took it run with it and really made it your own and gave people the space to be able to talk about their journey as well and that was something that was really that really resonates with me because even when i wrote my book how to make a plant love you i opened it up to the community to talk about their journey and i was like wow people's journeys are so unique but still like a lot of folks feel isolated but then they start to read other people's journeys and they're like oh but it's similar to mine exactly and so then all of a sudden the isolation kind of just washes away yeah and it's you know it's technically in a way the the plants brought people together to have a a source of to communicate on so yeah yeah and i think that's i think there's something very unique about the plant community personally because i've been parts of other types of communities i used to do like beauty influencing and stuff like that and i feel like plant people are just different right like i don't know like just very like heartwarming people very giving very loving we did a live yesterday um with young lady who was doing ceramics and someone came in and was like oh you need a griffin grip and i had no idea what that was she does ceramics also something that would help her do it better yeah and then she's like oh yeah i could use one of those we're like all right everybody let's get her griffin grip let's do this let's start doing donations and like before the live was over people had like donated all this money to get her what she needed um and then like we decided to auction off um this planter that she was making live on the show and she was like okay we started bidding at 20 bucks and then like went up to like 150 and was like okay so yeah and i was just like people are just amazing yeah like this is this community is they show up they show up really really good well tell us a little bit more about like some of your plants maybe you could tell us some of your first ones or second ones or some special ones yeah and uh oh gosh i knew that question would come so i was like which one do i talk about so i think about this one oh wow so this is my black gem aloe plant which was one of my favorite gym is so look at so many babies off of it the amount of babies i could i have to i'd have to show you but this is the mama plant yeah i actually wait for the mama this whole thing oh this whole thing yeah because i propped off um some pups some time ago and i actually gifted that to a friend okay so that's part of why this particular plant so special to me because it was one of my very first plants that i brought in here when i brought it literally it was like just this one yeah and it was probably the size of like this little thing and it just grows so fast oh my god this is so good because i had gotten one maybe like six or seven months ago and it's about this size and i had just it came bare root and i potted it so now this gives me hope that mine will like flourish it does and i don't do anything to it i just leave it there and it just grows and grows and grows and so to be able to say oh this is one of my first plants and then to prop up a pup and then gift it to a friend it just felt like it all kind of came full circle and i was just like yay so i i an irony is that i name most of my plants but this one i haven't named oh it's just random well that gem is also a nice cultivar name i think for a plant too yeah it's legislation it's kind of named itself yeah i like that and it's like it's it's a little centerpiece here is it because the shape is so interesting the way that it grows just kind of like does this so i was excited to find like this kind of semi-flat plant yeah this is peaches she was one of my very very first plants also so like my first couple of plants were like all sucked into like three succulents yeah it was like that which i didn't know was an aloe when i bought it yeah and then i got this jade plant and she just chills out like they're just easy they don't ask for much yeah um but outside of that like even this aloe here is like a bit of a rehab aloe so you can see it's all like strung up great but look at all the look at all the pops yeah i got this plant it looks i mean it still looks like a little scraggly but when i first got it it was a tiny scraggly thing and i got it at the supermarket and i haggled it for like seven bucks oh my gosh at the supermarket you were able to handle it yeah cause it looked like cruddy and i was just like oh how much is this like how much for this so he was like 12 i was like really 12. yeah like look at it though you're 12. and we kind of went back and forth and i got it for seven and she's just been like growing and pushing out pups so as the pups get a little bit bigger toward the spring i'll start like separating them off and putting them in like their printers oh good and that's so nice and then obviously then you you did you switch this out into this yeah yeah because the planter that it initially came with you know how aloes get like top heavy it was just like tipping over the whole thing yeah so i needed something a little more sturdy so i potted it up in this and then you have another little crassula down here like an another type of different cultivar of that so nice yeah i have a little a little a tiny tiny one of the same one in my bedroom on the windowsill there and i'll take you in there in a bit okay because i have a handful of plants in my parchment i love this one this is a crassula folkata the little airplane here's the thing yeah this is a south facing window yeah and so in my mind i'm like oh yeah south facing window succulents should be great here but i feel like they all kind of they do this thing where they elongate yeah which suggests that they're not getting enough light and i just don't know what to do i think it's like i i i get the sense i mean we just went to wave hill in a greenhouse and their succulents are doing the same thing and they're in a green house you know so they just start them all over again that's what they do some people tell me they say just imagine at the top yeah i imagine if he was having a top down light and not just something coming from the side yeah but like but theirs was doing the same thing and it's just like i feel like some you know genera and species just will do that no matter what and they always have to kind of start them over again okay so i i don't know i know i'm not doing anything wrong yeah i don't think i don't think like you know because they they sell them to us in the in the greenhouse like or in the plant shop yeah as like the perfect cute little tight succulents and things girl i don't know but it's like throwing this stretch yeah the same thing with like this donkey tail like it's all leggy and i'm like i don't know why it's so leggy but it's still i i still think it looks really i love how it looks lovely it's kind of like funky yeah and that's like so angled it's kind of like crawling yeah so i'm like it doesn't look like other people's but yeah it's it's okay it's doing all right but it's nice you have your curtains here then right yes yes so it's like and that's a lot i think too a lot of my friends who are into plants they don't have curtains like i don't do curtains i have plants i like to have curtains yeah so my trick i tell folks i'm like i set my curtain rod outside the window a little bit yeah so that that way the curtains don't like obstruct the light they're just like there for decoration on the side of the window absolutely so let's see what else you have you have a little dracina behind here yes so this is fun i'll pull this out this is i don't know they're calling it an aqua plant there's nothing in here about water yeah my mom gifted me this um on my birthday it says aqua botanicals or whatever it literally has nothing in here it's just water if you can like see yeah and what i do is i keep it here underneath this aloe when i water the aloe it drains down into here fascinating when it's watering just come straight through like food yeah so it's just it's a really nice setup you've really created a wonderful sanctuary for yourself it just has a nice sensibility to it yeah i try to kind of give a little up down and i move my plants around all the time oh this is something i feel is worth mentioning so wishlist plant acquired okay so somebody gave you a cutting yes so we talk about how amazing the plant community is so i met someone his name is tiara apartment jungle on instagram and he was like i'm gonna come over i'm gonna drop off some stuff to you and i was like okay and then it was just like is that what i think it is and he works at the hospital so he does props in these little beakers so he gave me a beaker too which i thought was so exciting so i'm just like i've had my eye on this plant for so long a monster uh yes i mean it's just like so every time i look at it just makes me so happy and i'm like grow a little root grow what is it about the plant that you really love i love the texture of the leaves like yeah it's like like bullet and like heavily i love that that's one of the reasons why i think i like hoyas as well because like the leaves are just different they have so much character to them so yeah i love this little cutting and as soon as like it looks like it's ready i'm gonna prop it up with a whole moss pole and everything it's like you could you put a moss ball to that tiny cutting yes i did yes i think i'm almost filtered and then you have this like beautiful euphorbia oh yeah it's a full-on leaf too yeah and it's funny because so i am just really getting into like succulents and cacti and stuff and my first euphorbia i didn't realize what a euphorbia was or that it was technically a succulent i thought it was a cactus and i was like hey everyone i got my first cactus and you got to love the online play community they were like that's a lot of characters and i was like what is it oh and they were like it's a euphorbia and i was like oh okay um but i i fell in love with like this the reddish color to it i think it's yeah is what it was marked as when i purchased it yeah um and it's a african milk plant and it doesn't necessarily need super light really truly i have a lot of friends that keep them more in the interior of their apartments but i realize that when i move it out the window it starts to lose the color and it starts to turn green so yeah yeah i wanted to say that right yeah you want to bring the reddish out and probably the same with your ficus it probably will maintain some more of that coloration having it there yeah that's that's rizzo but yeah i mean i think almost every plant in here has a little bit of a story because like even this like string of pearls that's hanging on for dear life yeah oh my god that thing has been trying to die like since the day i got it but a friend of mine gifted it to me and i'm like you know i just can't give up on it yeah i can't because it starts to sprout like you see it having a lot of new ones yeah right so i'm like it's it's like dying and growing at the same time well let's be let's be fair we're here during the winter months and it's a little challenging for plants during the winter months i mean every time in the spring and summer you have so much new growth like on plants and then in the winter it's a little like yeah sad sometimes so i i uh i give you uh i give you a free pass okay it's the season i don't i i don't know if that's what it is but we'll say that that's what it is but um yeah i could you're gonna have to cut me off because i could talk about like probably oh no i love it i love like tell me about these guys okay this looks like very fabulous yes this is my ponytail pull this down below and it has all this like bright green new girlfriend yeah when i first got it i wasn't sure if i had enough light to keep it happy but yeah it's growing and it seems to be content so i love it and it's funny because i never really had an interest in ponytail palms but then i saw this one and i was just like oh it's got a really nice shape below yeah yeah so what do they call this the cottage and i think that's what you thought yeah and it's like it's really bulbous because sometimes they're they're not as wide and that's that's a very nice yeah i love i love it i absolutely adore it and i got it for super cheap at um whole foods yeah it was like 15 bucks or something like that because you know whole foods they'll have all the plants oh absolutely and i'm like how do they sell them for that price but you didn't try to negotiate on that no not that not this one no and then this is my burley mark yeah that's nice it's nice and full it just grows yeah i have nothing i water it every so often and it just sits here and it just pushes out new leaves like constantly this one is named burlesque because burleigh marks reminds me of like burlesque yeah um and the story with this plant was i saw it at the nursery and i wanted it but then i was like i don't know i don't need any more plants so i didn't get it and then i left and then i was like dreaming about this plant i was just like oh my god i want it i have to go back for it so i went back i was like please still be there please don't be there because you know how that goes yeah yeah and then i got there and there she was waiting for me like i knew you'd be back and i was just like thank you for waiting for me so yeah so i always said i went back for her and she was waiting for me it's good if you like give yourself a day and then you're still thinking about it then you know you probably should go get it yeah yeah so i was just happy that it was still there because you know plan shops sometimes is hit or miss it's not like going to the supermarket and they just like have everything yeah they'll have a few and then when they're gone it's like yeah although sometimes i go to whole foods and they have like plants like right now they had like all patera aquaticas yeah but sometimes like you'd be surprised like within a couple days there's only like one or two left you know and you're like oh man i missed out on that so they'll just like scoop them up now are some of these like cuttings or did you get like small ones and you just replanted it so okay so some are but mostly like so like this one right here is all part of like a set that my so i just talked about this plant community this i can't start naming people like i don't want to like leave anyone out but um i will point out his name is zimbalist his username is plants and stones okay um and he has his own potting medium that he makes called these herbs and spices so if you kind of look at it this is something that he put together himself it's like a combination of like lava rocks and like charcoal and some other stuff is in there yeah so he sent me a sample of that he sent the cup and he sent the plants oh so i'm wonderful yep and we did it live on ig where he like walked me through like potting it up because i was just really fascinated at this idea of planting plants without drainage on the bottom yeah because i'm like no drainage i don't know i don't know about that but for like succulents and cacti you really can't get away with um planting them without drainage and it's really about having the proper medium and he's the one that taught me that like all rocks are not created equal just like pebbles from the dollar store so yeah it's just about having a medium that allows it to breathe so that the water actually kind of like evaporates out right i always like try to just water it not to the point where i'm like just watering it enough that it goes down but it's it's trying to find that you need that balance because even the plant that i got you in the little tea in the in the tea container people always ask me if i put drainage in the bottom of it or like a hole in the bottom of it and i said no i don't but it is a longer container and i feel like if i water it it's like it might seep down but you're only watering it like two thirds of the way right all the way down so it's one of those things where it's like finding the right kind of balance i i feel but you get a sense of that with your own plants yeah so i mean so with those like a lot of those little ones they were like gifted as like cutting from someone else's larger planner or something like that well i i actually don't want to uh move away from the zz plan oh i feel like it you know it's it was stuck in the corner there this is lady ziandra lady deandra yeah so that's so glorious i love so it's so fun with these easies because they're hailed as like low-light plants yeah and um before i got the grow light over there i used to keep her in that corner and i was like my zzz plant doesn't grow it doesn't grow and everyone's like where do you have it yeah and i was like oh it's in the shadowy corner and they're like that's why but you have some new growth coming out yeah which is just moving it from like that corner to being next to the window yeah was all it needed and it's just like that little bit of extra light just like pushed out all this new growth i water her sparingly and she's just like super happy and totally content um and if we're gonna talk about zinzi's oh my god my oh yeah my latest is easy is that the zenzi this is and they have like a little bit more like curly like leaves like scents i was so excited because every time i would see it they'd be like priced really high yeah and then when i found it it was like the only lonely zenzie in a sea of regular zz plants and i was just like does anyone else see this and it was priced just as the regular's easy so i was like maybe it's okay let me just pick this up so yeah so this is um my newest is to my zz kind of like bunch i have a raven in my bedroom oh no which i'll show you later but yeah that's my sensei and you got your snake plants oh yeah there's stick plants everywhere you can in my opinion you can never have too many snakes yeah i just got another one and so i'm not like so so crazy about snake plants but they they're they make it so simple and some of them are so elegant and beautiful yes so you could never have too many yeah never have too many so yeah i like them like them a lot and then now now we have to move into this yeah like the sea of green like we can really go piece by piece yeah but um let me see which plants have stories so this plant has this head plant has so many stories so this poor poor poor poor um mascara deliciosa has been through everything you can name last season i mean she had thrips she had mealies she had root rot like and i was just like i'm not giving up on your girl you know so i repotted her i staked her up i gave her a grow light i checked on her constantly and then she just started pushing out some new leaves and even though some of them were a little bit damaged like as the new ones come in they just get fresher and i just keep cutting her back and i have all faith that like as she grows new leaves and i cut back old leaves like she'll be a brand new plant by the time yeah there's so many metaphors and plants aren't there so many lessons so yeah so that you have your flair to the left of her yeah it's nice and shiny yeah i wiped her down with some neem oil um just because i like this particular plant to look extra shiny yeah i just love the shiny leaves my friend um had one and i was like i must have this plant so that i found one it was one of the first house plants that i grew up with in my house that my mom had and she has it still it's like probably 50 years old because they got it as a i don't know like probably a wedding gift or whatever yeah so it's it's one of those plants that i think could go on and on for a long time and get to be a big tree like you're at my school yeah they have a big tree yeah it's like it literally is up to the ceiling yeah somewhere it's so dusty every time i go like you gotta get this i just wanna like i just wanna clean the plant i'm like i know i don't work here but yeah so yeah they have like this huge tree as soon as you walk in but yeah i mean if that one grows like that that would be amazing i do want to point out this little straggler only because yeah so this is my life did you get it during christmas yes and i'm like you know what let's see how long because i think that's another type of euphorbia yeah it's not like before we had a poinsettia and people typically just toss them yeah holiday but i'm like i'm just gonna keep watering it and like all this kind of like bright green this is all new yeah nice and i'm just like let's see how long that could also respond very well to clipping you know you know what i think people cut them back but i i'm just kind this is all experimental yeah right now good on you i've actually never kept one i actually i don't think i've ever bought one myself but but uh it would be it'll be interesting to see you know if you could keep it going it probably won't look as lush as when you first get it but like it might just take out a new form we'll see what it does because even with so these are um this is a bromeliad and when i got the initial clever that you put it in there oh yeah i like this teacups and everything i love it um when i first got this it was just one and it had like the bright yellow center and then my son who i think was well he's five now i think he was about three at the time decided he wanted to cut it and just started like cutting off leaves and i was like oh my goodness there was like little pieces of plants all over the floor and i was so upset i thought the plant wouldn't recover but then it spat out these two pups on the side yeah and i was like oh okay so these are the two pups from the original mama plant which has since died off and it's just gone yeah and it's just like all right well there you go like so i i don't really give up on my plants that easy yeah well that's good look look at that it's just pushed through your son might have spurred new growth who knows who knows right maybe maybe you know but but yeah so i just kind of like keep pushing with them and i think that like even with like some of these fiddles on the window they struggle yeah but i yeah yep yep i just i just i don't let him go i just keep pushing through and i'm just like i i feel like a lot of times folks they see one brown leaf or they see one yellow leaf or the plant just doesn't look happy for like a second and they're ready just like oh my plan is dying i'm like there's there's some folks who i think um and it's just how i think people roll and whenever they want to roll like some are like i want it to be a show piece and certain plants are not always show pieces i mean and i i have plants that go completely dormant in the winter months and they're just like a little cottage or a little tuber or whatever and um sometimes you forget about them too if you like have them in the plant planter but you know it i guess it depends on where it is but what's nice about it is even if they're like struggling a little bit or maybe not as full as you want them you have fullness in the combination of plants yeah so that you don't realize how shockingly they are you just kind of cluster them again and and they rap it off for us it's looking beautiful this plant is very giving prolific plants ever um i actually just repotted her because so she you know she needed a moss pole and she was like growing and like tipping she was in this little pot and it was just like all right this is emergency because as she was growing the weight tipped and started to like uproot so i was like all right moss pole today so i gave her a nice heavy pot put the moss poll tied her up and she's just been very very happy ever since you could be definitely taking some cuttings of her and giving oh yeah friends absolutely she's like she's they're so giving i love i love i love this whole stem i love taking them to plant swaps and things because they come right back they bounce right back and people love them too the shape of the leaf you know it's just unique and it's little mini monstera as i like to call them so i think that it's for a plant that grows so quickly and looks so unique it almost kind of like looks rare yeah yeah people like that and then you have some is this a crimson queen it is it's actually a it's actually a little bit of a mix i think there's like just like some regular carnosa yeah going on in here too but you can like see the crazy oh yeah yeah a lot more yeah that was inside over here yep so this is very full and it's spitting out some a lot of new growth even here even with your yeah i love the way hoya is growing like this vining it just feels like you're in like the secret garden um so yeah that's the that's the crimson queen there this is a jade hoya this there's baylex yes yeah i was calling it something else and a friend was like that's not what that is and i was like okay mine has not bloomed yet i'm so waiting for it because they have some really beautiful purple blooms and i haven't seen mine do that yet so have you tried orchid fertilizer i haven't people have been spraying their hoyas yeah fertilizer and apparently that makes hoyas blue spraying or actually like spraying like they have like fascinating they just like they just like mist yeah the hoyas and apparently that like pushes blooms i might try it i might try it and i turn some of my orchid fertilizer into us and put it into a spray bottle yes people just a shot yup that's what they've been doing and everyone's like that's the trick and i'm like oh wow let's try it speaking of ficus this one yeah actually quite full that's francesca that is francesca she's she's chilling i remember when i got her the thing about it was i told my mom i wanted a fiddly fig and i had all got all these other little ones but this has always been like the dream um so when i find out like this is the plant that i've been dreaming of all this time and i know exactly where she's going to go it was always this vision of her being in the corner so i have the rubia over there but most of my ficus are here so yeah loretta lorata lassica taniki and then i have my lorata there so this is i don't know they like this east light that comes and i think that because she's kind of like here even though this is east yeah the building kind of it's like a weird thing where it's not a true east it's almost like a southeast yeah and so it gets like this south light kind of coming this way these plants get this self light over here in the corner well she also has like a really dark leaf compared to some of these and i just wonder if like the ones in the window get a little bit more light and it starts to you know maybe bleach them a little bit i wonder i know mine and my south window will like really try to press itself up and it starts to bleach its own leaves because it's like up against that intense light but you never know maybe that's like it i never thought i just thought it was because it was more mature but maybe it could be that it's not as close to the window yeah all these things and this is another cute little setup you have over here too your pots are so adorable oh thank you thank you nice medley and collection yeah so this is um this is annie right i got i love this plant so much did you paint that plant a lot i wish i could say i did i um i purchased it from a friend um her handle is hermana de plantas yeah and she does like custom planters and i said i was like can you do one with like a head wrap and like red lipstick and let me get like some big bronsted earrings yeah okay because from i had this plant i knew i wanted a planter with a face yeah um but i really wanted something that had an aesthetic that was reminding me of myself like it's hard to find you know like features that look more like afrocentric or like planters and things so getting a custom one made was really the go and it looks like hair right it just kind of like looks like hair i love it and it was funny because when i got this plant i think it just had like i think this is this is the new one like this whole shoot just like spit out last season and i love how her hair is like on one side too yeah yeah she's fabulous well she's really popular she's so fabulous yes that's annie and then like i tell you and i talk about like not giving up on plants this um this little allocation here i was like you just heard i was having company decided to act up this week just went yellow it started yellowing yesterday i woke up this morning i was like this is what you want to do this is what you want to do today of all days you're going to embarrass me in front of company i was like fine just fine just be yellow but i'm not good i didn't want to cut it because i just i don't know i kind of like the yellow contrast um against the green so i just leave it there yeah no it's good and also i think with the yellow leaf sometimes it's pushing out nutrients to the green leaf so i always tell people like if it's yellow let it mellow seriously okay i've got you i've not heard that in terms of plants before but i like it for plants a lot better yeah usually it's a bathroom discussion yeah i know so i'm like well for plants i like that better yeah so i just like leave it i'm like it's okay yeah it'll be golden you know it's all good and then you have your little ludicia did this come as a cutting or how many no i literally just bought this it's so nice if this has been a wishlist plant ever since i saw it online i was just like oh black cells are pretty i was like i need this in my life and i've i've never seen it like in a plant shop so when i finally saw i i literally didn't where do you go for plants because i see that you've gone like home depot somewhere yeah everywhere so there's plant shops around here you're also next to the new york botanic gardens right here and then also has but um so this i actually got at mossy fern oh that's okay that's up isn't it yeah yeah so because i'm like at the top of the bronx i am quick to like dip up yeah and you also get like much better prices when you leave this oh i would imagine so yeah so this was purchased at a plant shop called the mossy fern um in hastings and most of my plants came from a store called atoms ferric or farms which is kind of like a whole foods but for the mid hudson valley area um they have a few locations one in poughkeepsie wappingers falls and newburgh and i think there's a fourth one that i'm forgetting but i typically just go to the one in poughkeepsie yeah and the one in newburgh is my mom lives in poughkeepsie oh that's nice yeah so i go up to poughkeepsie pretty frequently and my mom is like my favorite plant shopping buddy that's perfect and we go and we just like we pick up plants so like most of those plants i got from there like i got this from there audrey yes it is and it was funny when i saw it in the store i like freaked out like i was there with my mom and her friend i was like oh i gasped and they were just like yeah she's doing her i get like super excited but um but yeah so i got this from there as well i got this orbitfolia from there and it's like you know i just i just like to go there because the customer service is phenomenal like they're super duper nice when you buy your plants they wrap them for you like you know how um when you get uh like flowers or wrap flowers yeah same thing like they wrap them especially now when it's cold cold yeah yeah you go to home depot they're like all right here's your plant good luck and then you're like oh no i'm gonna go walk up to the exactly the ice it's like wilted by the time you get back to the car and then they'll order plants for you too like if you really have like your heart set on a particular type of plant they'll put in orders for you so i love it yeah this is the yeah this is oh let me tell you this is like probably the easiest of like prayer plants to ever have if anybody wants one like it's like the others struggle but this one just like lives i had i've tried to like prop it up because it gets heavy and it's supposed to like yeah so this is this is this is the interesting cause that's how it propagates it actually sticks these long stems out and then says it'll fall onto the soil and i'll be like oh i'm going to propagate from here so this is where they actually propagate so when it starts to get a little stummy it's actually it's and when they start to lean over they're just looking for soil to propagate in so uh that's that's great because you can actually take a lot of propagations or stick them back in and get that nice and compact again but yeah it's doing what it does yeah yeah i'm gonna i'll probably try and prop it soon i'm not sure if it was during your 365 days of plans yeah it was just another video but i watched you do a video on like propping these you made it look so simple you were like oh you just cut it here yeah little rooting hormone and boop that's yeah and i'm like oh she makes that look oh my god my mine's still like a little tiny like where i uh propagated it i have i have like two now you know from doing that yeah yeah and these on aruba rufa barba that's so so they just feel nice fluffy oh my goodness this one has this flowered for you yet no it hasn't oh i'm just trying to keep it alive i feel like flowers are like i don't know that's another level like an extra perfect extra park i'm like just stay alive for me yeah because even that other poinsettias like alive like just stay alive some of them are more challenging stay alive so this is these are the living room plans gorgeous should we move into the bedroom we can pop into the bedroom yeah sure come on over this is my humble bedroom and i have a handful of plants here because this is still a south facing window yeah um and i have like another ponytail there and like a variegated jade that's very pretty and it has like the pink stripes in it with like with your pink bedroom see i'm seeing yeah i see how it is i see how it is yeah that's that was the intention with having that yeah i see you got like the beautiful colors like you grouped in the your age cananthus and everything it's beautiful so that is like and so the the string of hearts has flowered for me quite a bit yeah is it in flower now because mine's in flower actually no not right the second one it's hard it's hard to see yeah i like a ton come up off of it and i normally actually have it i kind of hung it there more so for you guys because normally i have that one hooked yeah onto the other one and kind of facing that way because i really have it only growing one side yeah um but i thought it'd be more aesthetic for you guys if i turned it around and that is that a tradition of vicularis it's like it is a succulent one yeah it's beautiful as a hanging basket plant when it grows out huh i actually um got that also from my instagram friend she was moving back to italy and was doing a purge yeah so um a friend of mine she was in can't take your place in italy yeah well she brought some she bought some but she had like a lot so she couldn't and it was like this whole hold your breath moment because she like packed them in her suitcase and it was like moment of truth um but yes she was like selling all these plants and i wanted it so bad and my friend who lives in bay ridge i was like can you go pick up these plants for me because i didn't have a car at the time so i was just like how am i going to get to these players she goes i'm only doing pickup and i was like talia go get the plans for me she goes okay yeah sure no problem i've loved it ever since like it doesn't require much she gets a little crunchy sometimes but i don't want to over water her so i just kind of do her own thing and i see i've seen them grow a lot tighter but i like the way that's growing yeah it's actually quite nice as a hanging basket they usually do see them like kind of small and tiny but that's how you always find plants in the nursery and then this one i know gets those like red pom-pom flowers yes i think it's that one has pushed out quite a few of the pinkish things i can't think of it's like a miso plant plant yeah it's uh i'm trying to think of a scientific name it's not a common house plant but it's nice to see it you know here sometimes people plant them in container baskets like out on their porches yeah i've seen them outside doing very very well and when i got it i was like this is cute yeah i didn't know what it was like this is cute and then you have a snake plant in the corner so that is actually real that is that's fake i was like no no i have some fake plants girl i do i do i have some plastic ones in the darkest corners of my house let me tell you my son loves to point out that that that plant is fake he's like and that one is fake that's the fake plant mom and you know what else is fake and there's like another fake one by the door because there's like no light there or whatever let's just what about this one oh so this one is a fun story so um this plant has some kind of thing going on with it where is it so you see these like spots here oh yeah yeah and i thought it was like dying so it was in the living room so this is kind of like somewhat isolation kind of taking it out the living room with the rest of them and it just i thought it was i don't know but this is the plant i saw by theory yeah at least what i think and how it was labeled is a raphael for decreasiva oh decrecible that's how they labeled it but sometimes that's not right but anyway i wonder what those brown dots are something that's a little like bacterial or yeah i think that's what i thought or fungal i wasn't 100 bacterial possibly because it is round so it probably is some fungal or bacterial well thankfully it hasn't spread to any other plants yeah that's that's good i would keep it like i would keep it yeah that's my kind of heavy here and it has a little grow light but so i have actually have a cutting from this plant in the window in the living room yeah i cut it from here because i was like this plant is going to die yeah let me just cut it real quick um but then it didn't do anything for months and then it just spit this out this is brand new oh so good i'm like oh well look at you good on you striving to survive so yeah so this plan is i don't know i was like i have to update the community let them know how it's going because everyone's like oh just cut off the ones that have the brown spots i'm like that's like the whole plant i know i know it's always a struggle i had one with a viral infection and i was just like i had one or two leaves and i was like i can't do it the whole plant is the that you're going to only have a stock so it's you have to make those decisions your black zzz up here i love that you have some cuttings is this something is that a trigona or leftian do you know no i do not know but what happened with this was that it actually had started to rot yeah i didn't know what to do and my friend was just like just cut it and then let it dry out yeah so because i didn't want my kids to get to that's why i have it up here on the shelf so it's just kind of like drying out my friend said if you just leave it it'll start to spit roots i don't want it yeah that's good i think that's a really good advice like what is happening it looks like it's calloused over already yeah so it's been sitting this way for a couple of days yeah um so i i don't know they said that if i just leave it alone it'll give me roots yeah i think so and maybe even during the spring time because it is coming up it will be spring soon yes amen to that because lord knows i'm ready do you have another little zenzi here i do it's so funny because you're like oh the other zensey and then you have another one yeah this is my little baby one um also sent to me as a gift through the mail by a friend so i just potted that up and then more snake plants and then my little air plant yeah i love that i was just saying how i love how it's just like interspersed in between your little sculptures and things like that you just have a really nice sense of uh of togetherness with your your your surroundings you see a little bit of pink yeah i love it i love it i see it i see it girl you don't have to show it i don't know i'm on on the same wavelength yeah so i'm just like i kind of and i for me with the air plants having them stuck here reminds me that they need water yeah if i put them anywhere else i'll forget about them and then i think that's the biggest challenge i think with air plants sometimes they're on a completely different schedule than your other plants yeah yeah it's it's a challenge i i'm on this like two week schedule now and every two weeks i'm dunking mine so it's like and and because i'm traveling back and forth now and i'm like oh i'm back home that means i dunk my air plants and they just yeah and when they need water they just look a little ashy yeah like all these look ashy yeah look a little dry but how can you tell oh my god i don't know i just can tell well this is amazing i love how you created this little personal sanctuary for yourself and you have like you know an incredible personal journey yourself about how you had to go through this complexity in your life that you were able to overcome and i think that is just such uh just hopefully gives people strength in their own challenges in their own life that's the goal i think like when i hit my version of rock bottom and i was like going through it i felt like this is going to help someone at some point i know i'm not going to stay here and if i can get through this then i know that it'll help someone else so that they can get through too good on you to be able to talk about it too because i think people need to to be able to say these things more to hear it from someone else as well because i think we're all mirrors and sometimes we just need to see a reflection of ourselves through someone else and if they can see that through you and find that strength and that's going to be all the more power so good good on you thank you thank you so much for the tour thank you for coming and being interested in my humble little thing yeah it's fantastic plants are powerful healers particularly as we start to garden and build in a routine with them if you'd like to read stories from the community of self-care through plant care then check out my latest book how to make a plant love you cultivate green space in your home and heart it's available worldwide in seven different languages and you could also pick it up as an audiobook on and if you're seeking greater understanding and tactical skills when it comes to plants visit and check out our suite of courses from houseplant basics to the houseplant master class we've also partnered with espoma to provide need-based scholarships to the houseplant master class so you can find out more information about how to apply at and
Channel: Summer Rayne Oakes
Views: 178,942
Rating: 4.9567733 out of 5
Keywords: Summer Rayne Oakes, Homestead Brooklyn, Plant One On Me, plants, houseplants, indoor plants, garden, gardening, house plants, houseplant care, houseplant home tour, apartment tour, houseplant tour, houseplant apartment tour, Bronx houseplant tour, best houseplant tours, black girls with plants, BIPOC plant tour, houseplant apt tour, houseplants for small apartments, easy to care for houseplants, houseplants for the homes, black girls gardening, indoor garden, city houseplants
Id: Y-Tksy0g9gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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