How to Propagate a Monstera | The RIGHT Way to Cut Your Monstera Leaves and Grow Roots in Water

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yeah okay so we're gonna do this for one second and i'm gonna have you i'll just tell you sprite hello so today i'm going to show you how to propagate a monstera [Music] honestly monsters are probably in my opinion the easiest plants to propagate because you really just find the node you clip it and you leave it in water set it and forget it once it grows roots you can easily put it back in soil and it grows super easily i have this huge monstera in my bedroom that i've been growing for about four and a half years and if you check out this other video you can see how i staked it to get it up and looking out at you i've actually propagated the mama monster plant countless times i've let friends come over and cut their own leads to grow in their own homes i've cropped them and i've given them as gifts for people so once you get the hang of it it's super simple and easy it's the gift that keeps on giving one question that i get a lot is can you propagate a monster a leaf that you buy at the store so for example if you're going to a flower shop and you check out one of those flower shops that has those beautiful split leaf giant monstera leaves and they're usually in water you can buy them bring them home put them in a vase unfortunately those are decorative and they because they don't have the node they won't be able to grow in soil if you plant them but if you do it right then you will be able to take a leaf from your own monstera or from a friend and put it in water until it grows roots then plant it in the soil and you'll have a whole new plant so here's a monster that i've actually grown from the mama monster in our bedroom he has been growing for a really long time i'm not giving him the right environment to grow and thrive so he's gotten a little leggy you can see that we've got some leaves aren't doing so hot there have been some issues that is a bite that louie took out of it whoops so what we're going to do today is we're going to take this monstera and we're going to propagate a bunch of its leaves and then over time once we've grown roots i'm going to plant them back into the soil so it's a bushier plant i'm going to give it a better environment with more light and hopefully we'll kind of start from scratch and we'll start growing up again and make it really full and really pretty so let's get started this is what we need you're going to want to start with a really good pair of propagating tools and you want to get something that is going to snip it with a clean cut and also you want to make sure that you wash it so there's no bacteria that you leave behind a jar for your water propagation and lately i've been putting a little bit of this super thrive in to my water just so it's a little bit more nutrient rich this is something that i just started doing this summer um it's actually worked really well but i'm not sure if it's just one of those placebo effects where you put a little dollop in and then you feel like it's growing but i personally like to do it just because it makes me feel like it helps grow a little bit faster than it would you can see how leggy this is getting so the original leaf if you can even tell was this one here and i planted it right in the center of this pot but over time when it started to grow we got a bunch of other stalks and a bunch of other leaves and you'll see a lot of them are doing so hot i haven't had it by a window and monsieur is really like bright indirect light you can see how phototropic it is here where the leaves are reaching towards the sun but i didn't have it in a good place so it wasn't even getting very good sun we got a couple of leaves that we might even just throw out like this is probably not going to be long for this world so the first thing that you want to do is make sure that you find the nodes so this is what the node looks like you're going to want to propagate it by cutting it right directly underneath this node so that this brown piece is attached to the stem inside the water if you're not sure what these brown things are they're called ariel roots a monstera is a vining plant when you see them on instagram and even if you look at mine it looks like it's a tree but it's actually on a tree it's a vine and in the wild when it's growing up on trees it literally work its way up a tree using these roots sort of as bungee cords to essentially grab onto the tree so it can continue climbing up sort of like ivy usually i'll leave the aerial roots on just because it's nature i don't want to mess with it some people cut them off because they think that they don't look very nice but i personally leave them on um but we're going to want to make sure that underneath all of these aerial roots is where we're cutting so first we're going to take our clippers and we're going to go find the first node and so i have this um i obviously if you follow me on instagram you know that i'm obsessed with velcro so i have this gardening velcro that has it staked all the way up so one by one we're just going to pull the gardening velcro off then we're going to snip it until all of the leaves are separate and we're going to put them in water all right so we're going to get started with our first victim so you can see this is the node here as i mentioned before we want to get right under the node so we're actually going to go all the way down here and that is our first clip we're gonna put that over here for now [Music] all right now we're gonna get down to our second one our second velcro and we'll take a look at this guy so this guy this note is here so we're going to clip right here so you can see this here is where the new roots are going to grow out of and again this is the ariel root so this whole thing is going to go in water let's get our next guy here oh my gosh look how cool this is okay so if you look here the ariel root actually has grown down and around and has wedged itself in this below this aerial route belongs to this guy up here if you come and take a look around here you can see that he's literally worked his way into this other piece of the plant let's pull this out let's see if we can get this that is so cool and he's all smushed down because that's how he's he's grown i think that is fascinating all right we're gonna put him here we're gonna just work our way all the way down this plant because i think he's pretty ugly and i'm sorry to say that i don't want him to feel bad [Music] now we're down to the last little nubs and these are all guys who are in the soil so i'm just going to leave these guys in and let's take a look at our loot this is what the bottom one looks like okay and this is what our propagation station's gonna look like so i would just do literally a tiny tiny splash of the super thrive into like you know a jar full of warm water i like to propagate in lukewarm water and keep this right next to a windowsill they like the light it will help grow a lot faster and healthier if you leave it in direct sunlight i have an east facing window so the direct sunlight that we get is morning light and it's really happy in morning light sometimes if you have south facing windows you get really strong light you can actually sunburn the leaves and that won't be good for propagation so just make sure that you check out what your light direction is if you don't know which direction your home or your windows face i would just take a look at your compass app most iphones will have your compass app and you can just open it and take a look at the window and see what direction it's facing and that will help you understand how close or far away you want to put your plants to the window these guys will go right up in the windowsill because i have so many i'm gonna do two jars and after a few months i would probably say six weeks or so is the minimum that you want to have roots for this it'll start looking like this check out these roots this one actually i've had propagated for two years before i planted it but i had been a little bit of a renegade and i'd left the water in for too long so it started to rot so i had to clip back the root rot usually it doesn't have to take two years but it'll look a little something like this and then you will just place the roots into soil cover it with soil and you've got one new plant that's all i have for you today it's my favorite easiest propagation tactic and it's one of my favorite plants so the more the merrier let me know in the comments below if you have any other questions or if there are other ways that you've tried it that have worked for you molly are you happy that i'm finally getting rid of this so happy he's pretty gross huh i hate him
Channel: The Jungle Upstairs
Views: 116,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: water propagation, monstera deliciosa, monstera deliciosa propagation, monstera propagation, monstera deliciosa care, plant propagation, propagate monstera, monstera deliciosa care tips, house plants, how to propagate monstera, monstera deliciosa planterina, propagate houseplants, monstera propagation from leaf, monstera care tips, easy propagation, easy propagating plants, propagation made easy, easiest plants to propagate, how to propagate a plant, what is propagation
Id: daVmm0QrWI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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