How much I spend in 1 Day living in TOKYO πŸ’Έ

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Tokyo is considered one of the world's most expensive cities and I want to show you how much it actually costs to live here so join me for one day of spending here in Tokyo in the morning I hit my budget gym it is literally the cheapest it gets at 3,000 yen per month and headed back home to prepare my breakfast which is just some local bread from a bakery with some cream cheese and a coffee not super cheap but not super expensive either I had plans so I got ready to go out and take the train usually the trains aren't too expensive here it depends where you're going but this is only about 40 minutes for me so it's about $2 to $3 One Way often come to a family mod or a convenience store to pick up a drink while I'm out because there's not a lot of places to refill so I'll probably get a hot one cuz it's a little chilly and my go-tos are usually hych but I saw again mych so I think I'll grab that today and that's about 130 Yen so about a dollar often on the go I'll also get cheese or a snack as breakfast or lunch in between but today I ate it home so I'm all good getting these hot drinks from the convenience store is kind of like a comfort thing for me I love doing it there's something about it and I can't do it back home so as long as I'm living in Japan I'm going to keep buying this I love that Japan has so many teas they're so healthy these also double up as like a hand warmer in the really cold Seasons cuz you can buy hand warmer separately this is like a 2 in one on my way to my physio appointment and it's a bit of a travel for me to get out here so that costs money as well as time appointment itself is quite pricey so let's go spend a lot of money to get healthy just finished my physio session and this is what it looks like it's a very modern one some of the Japanese places aren't as nice but it's a really good environment and all English friendly was headed to a cafe and spotted an Oni shop on my way and it's super affordable it's only about2 again for a freshly made onti so I've ordered my favorite plain salted Rice Bowl literally nothing inside just how I like it and they're making it fresh on the spot so I'm very excited this place just opened it's brand new here is my beautiful salted ony bowl and it's still fresh and hot I've never had an onii where it's actually warm so m this might be one of the best Oni gear I've ever had like the rice is just the perfect consistency it's fluffy but it's still firm and it's well salted and just the fact that it's warm I hate cold onig gidy but this is amazing I love this so much I love that it's fresh this is so rare usually you get onigiri from the convenience store about the same price actually and they're cold and they've already been like producing a factory so 180 Yen for this is pretty reasonable I love this because it's on the go so low key tempted to get another one but I think I'll try and find something else to eat but pretty happy so far so let's keep [Music] going taking a walk through some neighborhood streets I've never had the chance to walk through before and I came across a really interestingly designed house like look at that shape looks so tight and narrow Japanese architecture is amazing so of the household buildings are just like so small that's why I like taking a walk down these smaller streets cuz you'll see some really interesting things I also saw a car with like a really creepy doll inside it but I ran away fast from that the cafe I wanted to check out had a line so I registered my name and it's about 30 minute wait surprisingly even for one person and there's a shrine right nearby so I figured why not do some praying it's only going to cost me Z Yen as well actually 5 yen a lot of stairs here so getting in some free exercise as well it's quite quiet this is really nice it's a little hidden Shrine in the neighborhoods of eisu definitely a local [Music] spot [Music] I love that Japanese shres here are not like a big deal people just come here in their daily life literally to just come and pray quickly and this particular Shrine seems to be like a commuter path so they're people entering from one side and going through the other and not even stopping so it's just a track that they're going through to probably catch a train or go to work or something the guy right after me who prayed was literally in and out within seconds and you don't even always have to throw money he didn't throw any money so nice part of daily life here which I don't get to do very often I think I'd come to a shrine like probably once a month and maybe Pray by the way I threw in 10 Yen you're supposed to throw in five but I didn't have a 5 Yen coins so 10 is still okay as well the most I think I've ever thrown in is a 50 Yen if that yeah you definitely wouldn't throw in 100 yen but if you have let me know I'm very curious five is the the one to go with one other thing I found really interesting is there's literally a house right next to the shrine I guess it's part of the shrine and I saw a young boy leave so he was running off somewhere but people literally live inside shrines here in Japan and a lot of them can be associated with the shrine but I'm not sure if this particular house is it's kind of cool though imagine being like yeah my home is at The Shrine you definitely wouldn't have an excuse if you weren't praying every day or every other day still had a bit of time to kill till my number was called so I just sat down and relax for a [Music] bit come to a local cafe called Woodberry coffee for lunch as well as coffee and it's a space where I can do some work turns out they didn't have Wi-Fi so I will have to tether but it's a bit of a pricey Cafe it's not going to be super cheap but I feel like I need to feel motivated to work today it's beginning of the week [Music] so I'm the type of person who likes working at cafes but not all the time so I'll probably go like once a week or once every 2 weeks cuz I prefer to work at home it's like easier to just concentrate um and CA here aren't that cheap you're going to be paying 6 to 700 y for a coffee so it's a lot more than Sydney which is like $34 specialty coffee in Tokyo can be really pricey because they're really proud about the way they make their coffee and anything that is healthy or vegan friendly you're also going to be paying a lot but sometimes it's a special treat and I thought why not um out here in shabuya so it was actually delicious highly recommend the coffee here is so good oh my goodness it's so smooth at home I've been making coffee with my machine as I did this morning but I can't get the milk to FL and steam well so this is my inspiration and my goals I've actually bought the beans from here before but now I'm buying beans from another place solid work SSH now it's time to grab groceries for dinner have to try not to buy too much cuz I'm going to carry it all the way home tonight will be a soup because it's chilly time to hit up the supermarket and do some dinner shopping depending on the supermarket you go to the prices vary a lot but I swear every one that I go to is just as expensive I've never made pumpkin soup before and for like a little size like this is about 160 y so I don't know how many I should pick up all the recipes I read online are like one entire pumpkin and I'm like I don't know how much that is oh my God someone sneezing it is the chil time here so people are getting sick maybe I'll just get four of these it's not that cheap that's like already 800 Yen as it is in the rest of the world it's really important to buy food seasonally because the prices changed so much especially in Japan tomatoes are just unaffordable now they're like 600 500 y for just like a small pet so things in season right now are like sweet potatoes Cy MAA I don't know what else is in Autumn food I feel like Australia doesn't really have Autumn culture so I'm just kind of learning as I go next I've got to get some cream I usually don't put cream in my soups but feel like I do want a warm creamy pumpkin soup this time uh and cream is going to be extremely expensive because dairy products are ridiculously priced in Japan so let's see how this goes I'm expecting like 400 y for a tiny little bit of cream cream cream cream this time of year it's really pppy to make NA and I'm seeing a lot of these like readymade packs where you just Chuck in all the ingredients in the pot and then you add the na packet which is like one of these and I definitely want to make these because they're really time friendly they're really cheap they're not my favorite but they taste all right and they're kind of balanced except the soup is kind of high in sodium but they're pretty cheap as well cuz you can keep the broth and the leftovers for the next day for lunch or dinner my favorite section in all the super market here is this like discounted area and I picked up an avocado oil as well as this German dressing so that was a good find they're really reduced another vending machine drink for the train ride home cooking in Japan is always hit or miss it can either cost more or less but I like that I know that it's always fresh ingredients and considerably healthy when I make it myself just finished making a pumpkin soup this is my first time ever making it and it's a spiced pumpkin soup it's got like Curry and all these nice aromatic flavors and I'm ready to dig [Music] in that's pretty good I don't know how to make a soup if anything it's a little bit too spicy I want to make a classic one without the spice next time but this is also a great alternative I personally feel when I cook in Japan it's not necessarily cheaper I'm either paying the same amount or sometimes more which is crazy because you think you'd be cooking to save money but honestly this soup was over 1,000 yen yeah so sometimes eating out at a budget restaurant like gon or like yay or any of these like kind of family restaurants sometimes I don't cook for the budget reasons it's mainly just cuz I prefer to cook at home [Music] I am watching Netflix so I suppose you can say that's about 1,000 yen a month and I'm into spy family every Sunday it comes out here and I'm always looking forward to watching it I also wanted to show you guys these snacks I bought at the convenience store today these cost 250 y they're like Ana peanut caramel it's literally in the shape of a peanut I'm kind of a sucker for those limited edition convenience store collabs it's like caramel on the outside and then like peanut in the middle not too bad actually by the way I want to show you guys my Shi which I just got it looks great check it out I can see the holes and I'm going to make more now you might be wondering why I'm do that I am going to reform it and have it in my bedroom so it kind kind of hides all this mess behind here that I'm not going to show anyone and I don't want to see it either and it's also going to be a cool backdrop so when I film I have it I also got this for free recently but someone was going to throw it out and I was like I'll take it cuz I tried to DIY and that failed miserably and I wasted money so anyway so that was my day in Tokyo I spent more than usual because I had physio as well as going to a fancy cafe let me know what you think and if I should continue this series cuz I had a lot of fun and it's important for me to look back at how much I spent so I don't keep track of it oops all right bye guys
Channel: seerasan
Views: 146,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tokyo, japan, cost of living in japan, japan life, seerasan, jvlog, japanese food, tokyo life
Id: DrWaYiPnvKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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