My Audi RS7 was Taken From me By its Delivery Driver! Here's how I got it back...

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hey guys I'm Sam crack I'm in the wreck Doris Evans just trying to figure out how some of these things work there's a bunch of failure things popping up on the screen but hopefully we'll get all those taken care of pretty soon now a little while ago I released a video and it was about how this car was on its way to me to be delivered I saw the car about with the delivery driver and then he just took off I didn't give a lot more detail at that time because well I didn't have possession of the car and I wanted to get it in my possession obviously I've got the car it's mine and a lot of you guys are wondering what happened so today I'm gonna give you that entire story now fair warning the story is somewhat lengthy and if you could care less about this story then go ahead just hit the mute button put on the push a tee Daytona album and enjoy that while you watch me throw all the headlights in the front of this car which were ungodly expensive they didn't come with this car and I had to buy them I'm gonna tell you how much I paid for those headlights probably in the next episode but anyway without further ado let's jump right into this story one of the first things you got to do after you want to car auction and pay for the car you got a scheduled shipping out of the auction yard or you got to schedule your own transport out of the auction yard that's because they'll actually charge you storage fees if you leave the car in their yard too long now I have pretty much all my cars and I deal with the shipping broker who will go out and find a transport company a guy with a truck and a trailer to come and pick the car from the auction deliver it to wherever I wanted to deliver it to in this case I put the delivery address to my local body shop that I use now this Audi was listed as a non running or driving car so you have to treat it like that when you're giving the information to your broker to book the shipment now if a car doesn't run and drive it's generally not the end of the world it's whether it rolls or steers in the case the Audi clearly you can see four wheels on the ground it doesn't look like any of the suspension components are sagging so we can assume that it rolls in steers and that's how this job was posted I've transported several cars that don't run and drive but just roll in steer my fiesta my Corvette the first DXP car my Ford Focus RS there's a couple more of them that I don't remember but usually these trucks have wench and I have a truck in a chain or something I can use to assist the truck driver in rolling the car off the trailer if they didn't put it on the end spot which they always have and it basically just rolls off the car when they stick it in neutral and take their foot off the brake now in the case of a cart that wouldn't roll or steer which would be my second DXP car I called before and spoke with the truck driver asked him if he would meet me at a Copart location local to my area where they would forklift the car off the trailer for me it's called a Co part 2 Co power transfer some locations might charge a little bit of money to do it some don't and this worked out flawlessly had no issues with this at all even though the driver was given the information that this car rolled and steered I generally like to make contact with every single driver just to kind of find out when I'm expecting them for obvious reasons and also I like to ask them do you need any assistance getting the car off the truck I usually bring a second person with me whether we need to push whether I just need a little bit extra manpower for something but I like to ask the truck driver since they physically seen the car they've had it loaded onto their truck do you see anything that would cause us to not be able to push this car off of your truck and pretty much every instance I've ever dealt with in the past every delivery driver has been pretty positive and they're like don't worry about it we got a winch this thing's gonna come off our trailer no problem it's fine in the case of the rs7 when I reached out to make contact with this specific delivery driver first time I called he did answer the phone I introduced myself was the guy that you're delivering the Audi to and I just wanted to know whether or not you think we're gonna need any extra assistance taking this car off the trailer he immediately said that he was busy and he would talk to me later he couldn't talk or not I said that's totally fine these guys are picking up and dropping off cars all the time I completely understand now it only takes you know anywhere from two to maybe five days at the most to deliver a car this car was coming from Austin Texas being delivered in Tampa Florida the next day I gave him a call didn't hear anything back the next day I send him a text message said hey just want to touch base with you you know make sure everything's fine he wrote back I'm in the middle of a delivery I'll talk to you later at this point I figure he doesn't want to be bothered and I still understand that because sometimes these delivery drivers are almost treated like UPS people want to know where's my package where's my package or where's my car and they don't have a tracking system like a UPS or FedEx does and find these delivery drivers taking their time I don't really need a vehicle rush ship and I definitely do like to game plan because if they come and there's no way of getting the car off the truck then you're both stuck there for a long amount of time and it's just unnecessary on both ends the day of the delivery is now here and I haven't had any sort of conversation with the driver he calls me first thing he says I'm bringing your car in a couple hours how are you gonna get it off my truck and that's when I asked him well is it on your truck on all four wheels and tires you kind of bypasses my questions and just says well do you have a forklift and I said well I don't have a forklift but what's the issue can we push it off your truck and things started becoming somewhat confrontational when they really didn't need to be at that point I feel pretty confident because I've got several cars that don't run or drive off of trailers in the past so just show up we'll get the car off your trailer I'll pay and you'll see you later driver shows up to the body shop with this truck in a five car hauler as I remember here's a picture of the rs7 on the car hauler the delivery driver got out of his truck I introduced myself and I started walking towards the rs7 when he told me step away from the truck let me remove the vehicle that's on the rear of the car first then we'll try and get the Audi off and I said that's totally fine so I stepped away and waited for him to remove the car that was located behind my car off the trailer now the thousand I went back to the trailer and he told me again step away from the trailer and he got in the front seat of the Audi when he opened the door I noticed the dashboard didn't light up I immediately knew the battery was dead so he went and grabbed a battery jumper box which didn't work at all if you watched my previous video there was a component missing from the battery connection in the trunk that prohibited power from getting to the entire car when that didn't work I knew that our only other option was to find the park override switch which is in most modern cars that is a button you can usually press it's generally hidden around the transmission shifter selector push the button put the car in a neutral and then it should roll freely now when I tried to again get to the front seat of my car which was still on this gentleman's trailer he was sitting there and he's gone how are you gonna get it off and I'm going well can I get into the cabin and look for you know some way to get the car in a neutral and he said I own an Audi I know how it works at this point he repeated that phrase about two or three times I own an Audi and I know how it works and him prohibiting me from getting into the driver's seat of the car to figure out how it worked was frustrating me I looked at him and said well if you know how it works why isn't this car off your trailer already then I asked where are the keys because you know sometimes you got to be in proximity of the car this is the first time I've ever dealt with an RS 7 although I figured that things would light up and things would work without the keys I just want to go stir around my neck he refused to hand me the keys to get in the car mess around with stuff finally stepped away from the car I jumped in the driver's seat whether he liked it or not and I didn't see any apparent switch right off the bat to put the car into neutral all while this is going on my help from the body shop is underneath the car looking for transmission linkage to undo and again put the car in neutral unfortunately I think they pretty well hide this sort of stuff on modern Audi's we literally had about three to four minutes with the car myself in the driver's seat my buddy from the body shop underneath the car where he said that's it I don't have any more time I got to go make another delivery in Tampa and I'll be back later again I'm trying to be rational I want the car off his trailer I find it strange that he would leave with the car still honest trailer but he says he's coming right back he's got to make a stop maybe he's got to meet a deadline with somebody else whereas with me it's more of a looser delivery time so I wasn't worried about it I was on the phone at that point with the Audi dealer I said look I'm gonna find out where the park override switches on this thing the second I find out is the second this thing comes off your truck so if you want to wait another few minutes we're gonna get it figured out if not go ahead and make your delivery and then I'll see in a few hours I take a minute go online do a bunch of research I call a few Audi dealerships and one of them was very helpful I got the whole entire diagram showing exactly where the park release switch was in the rs7 it's right here in the front console and it's just a tiny little door that pops open there you go you can roll the car into neutral using that switch armed with this information shortly after the delivery driver left I waited a little longer to hear back from them and a couple hours later I started calling him going hey when are you coming back here don't you want to you know get this car off your trailer I received no response from him period I'm looking at my text logs now so I can just give you a time frame but an hour and I have after my initial text told me he couldn't talk per the Department of Transportation or d-o-t and he attempted but I wasn't prepared so he doesn't really have to come back so went from I'll be back a little later to I'm not coming back and I don't have to come back when I replied saying that you didn't communicate with me period beforehand about the drop off even though I had tried to he basically said you better have other plans or else we're gonna have to make other plans whatever the heck that means in between all of our text conversations by the way he continually texts me saying sorry I can't talk due to Department of Transportation do T now I think it's very strange that he's not able to talk on a phone due to the d-o-t rules but the d-o-t rules would allow texting while driving a big truck and in all sincerity I have no clue what the d-o-t rules are and I would imagine they probably do prohibit the use of a cell phone while driving a truck so I'm not making fun of that but I was receiving text message while he was apparently making deliveries whatever that means the messages will just go back and forth at this point there's no clear answer as to when I can expect him back and the final message of the day was also I'm gonna charge you another two hundred dollars on top because you weren't prepared at this point I'm in one of the most frustrated states I think I've ever been in period and I called my shipping broker explained him the situation say hey I don't mean to bother you but this is what's going on and I need help I do want to thank the shipping broker who called up basically said you can't charge them any more based on the contract that's nonsense the shipping broker called me back and said hey unfortunately they're not gonna bring you your car today now somewhere in between all this or after this I got a call from the delivery drivers business partner even though she was really Pleasant it was like a good cop bad cop scenario saying things like we're sorry you weren't prepared for delivery after several more calls between my broker and the delivery drivers business partner I was pretty much told that this car wouldn't show back up until the weekend that would be like three or four days after the initial date that they were supposed to deliver the car they again blamed that on d-o-t rules and regulations that the driver was on their last day before they need to take a couple day break and all this other stuff again I don't know if these rules are real or not real besides just finding out how to pop this car in a neutral in the case that something was locked up it is an all-wheel drive car and the car wouldn't roll I'd done a ton of other research I figured that I could crawl into the back of the compartment of the car hook up the battery like I did in the last video that you saw go through that whole entire thing to try and get power to the car because again in the auction photo a did show power to the dashboard so I figured at one point another this car has to come off of his trailer now one of the main suggestions when I uploaded the video was why don't you call local law enforcement see if there's anything they can do with you report your car stolen now I knew that I did have some sort of contract with this individual to pick up my car so that wouldn't go very far but I had to know what the contract stated so one of the things that I figured out was that the contract is within two days of the expected delivery date I don't remember exactly if it was Monday or Tuesday but let's say it was Monday the delivery date was expected out Monday and that's when they told me then they'd have till Wednesday to deliver the vehicle but they were talking again about the weekend I let them know that they would be in breach of contract if that was the case that didn't seem to faze the delivery driver nor their partner at all so now the delivery day shows up at Saturday and I'm awaiting a phone call from them which I get the phone call I immediately start telling the delivery driver I know how we're gonna get the car off the truck I've got a back-up plan if that fails so let's get to it I'll meet you at the same place in which he replies that he doesn't want to meet me there at the same place because if it doesn't get off the trailer then he's gonna leave again that he could meet me at an iaa location and I could pay their forklift driver to take it off the truck and put it in their yard which makes no sense right I got to get this thing back with me which I'm in the middle of shooting a video I remember exactly when he called me and I had to stop everything I was doing basically I said look I know how to get this car off the truck just come back to the body shop he's like oh I would feel much better if we went to the iaa and did it so I had to stop everything I was doing I then had to go and borrow the black truck that you see me towing cars around in my videos from a family member of mine so all simply to accommodate him drive 20 minutes out of the way to then drive another hour out of the way to the iaa location in between I had to rent a u-haul trailer that's about 60 to 70 dollars by itself because I don't own my own a lot of you guys ask why I don't own my own trailer and the truth is space yes I could get a trailer for a couple thousand dollars but keeping it around is a hassle and I'd rather just pay 70 bucks every few months to borrow a trailer from the u-haul I know it sounds crazy but maybe one day if I get a little bit more storage in a big garage I will definitely get a trailer and park it there now one of the other things I told the delivery driver was look I'm going to be there but it's gonna take me an hour and a half to two hours because I have to stop I have to pick up a truck then I have to stop and pick up a trailer and then this ia is not right down the street from me it's a good distance away will you still be there he said if I have to wait a few minutes it's fine but if I have to wait so many minutes like I don't know like half hours when he goes I'm gonna leave so again just again with the threatening of that I'm gonna leave I'm gonna leave nonsense I'm frustrated all I want is my car this is the most amount of money I've ever spent on a car sitting on this guy's trailer with thousands of dollars worth the parts in the trunk I get to the iaa location an hour and a half exactly what after I told him I'd be there in an hour and a half he is not there until over an hour later all right we're now 2530 minutes later now it's hanging out the iaa what I like to do on days that I have other stuff to do and between this I called that ia to make sure that we would in fact be able to use their loader the rs7 came from an ia in Texas and at this specific ia that I went to they wanted like an extra $30 for the forklift to grab it off of his truck and move it on to my truck so calculate up the fees here guys have to go borrow a truck obviously I put gas in that truck for that family member because I'm not gonna return it after using it like that I have to then go and I have to rent the u-haul that's a 60 bucks it's another 30 bucks or at least a hundred and fifteen hundred and twenty bucks into this now and we're just getting started so after that our waiting shows up comes and just pulls in again he's got a car parked behind my car I'm really wondering what this guy is doing when I had told him when I had met him there and said that I called him found out instructions said hey next time you do this don't call IA you're likely just confusing them his tonality through the entire process was really really disrespectful and rude in my opinion finally the forklift shows up after a little bit of time and waiting and he looks at the guy and goes how am I gonna get this out of your truck the cars parked in the belly of the trailer he pulls up to the trailer he's hitting the rear trailer bars you know the rear structure of the trailer with his front loader tires now the forks are reaching what I would say is the back third of the Audi right underneath the rear axle now I know what you guys are thinking why isn't this part captured on video it's really unfortunate but I put my phone on the window sill of the truck and left on record to try and capture all this footage the phone was hot and there was an error message and said cameras stopped to prevent overheating but anyway the forklift driver grabbed the rear of the Audi rolled it back with the rear two tires in the air and the front two tire still on the belly of the truck and was pulling it back ever so slightly when the delivery driver walked up to me goes hey do you want to try and throw it into neutral now and I'll help you push it a little bit so he can get it off the rest of the way at this point I was done with this guy now after all of this planning he's nervous that the guy can't get the car off of his trailer and I had I paid for the forklift I paid for the thing I'm not gonna go and push the car now off of his trailer anyway after about three or four times back and forth with the loader going and grabbing the rear of the car rolling it back a little bit doing it again rolling it back a little bit more putting it down he got it off the trailer completely I am so mentally relieved at this point because now the rs7 is off of his trailer and it's on mine until I go and look at where the forklift driver put the car and he's got the car angled ever so slightly that one wheel on each side the front driver and the rear passenger is rubbing up against the edge of the trailer now a lot of you guys noticed the HRE wheels on this car which retail right around almost $3,000 a piece I think they're between twenty-five hundred and three grand apiece and now I noticed that two of them are rub so I go up to the loader I say hey you're gonna have to pick this up and realign it the wheels are touching he goes he realized it again and now one of the other wheels is touching the edge of the trailer third time he goes and he gets it and now it's somewhat centered and three curbed HRE wheels later forget the hundred hundred and twenty bucks that cost me to go and retrieve the car and half a day lost does anybody out there have a good wheel finishing guy that can repair powder-coated HRE wheels with a custom color to him have you made it this far and didn't fall asleep good job thanks so much I really appreciate you guys watching if you're wondering why I didn't say the name of the delivery driver while I'm about to tell you right now I'm not gonna give you his name but I'll tell you the name of the company but I have to tell you one thing and that is do not try and make any contact with this company or an individual in this company please do not try and call text do anything the only thing it could do is make matters worse everything is over with at this point but I want you to take this as my negative yelp review or negative google review for this company if you hire a broker you can hire them and say hey just make sure I don't get this company or if they assign you this company which is a possibility depending on the route that your car will be running just make sure you look at the name of the company and you could say hey I'd to get a different driver and they can go and find you somebody else the name of the company I've listed it in the description box below again please do not try and make matters worse so I'm trusting you guys with a good amount of responsibility here guys I thank you so much for watching I hope that this video taught you something if it did be sure to hit that like button if you hated it tell me in the comment section below I assure you in the upcoming rebuild videos for the RS 7 we're gonna get a ton more work done thanks so much for watching I'll catch you very soon [Music]
Channel: Samcrac
Views: 2,605,518
Rating: 4.4950714 out of 5
Keywords: Volkswagen, VW, Audi, Jetta, GTI, GLI, Fast, Car, Automotive, Race, Broken, Junk, Salvage, Rebuild, Rebuilder, Money, Spend, Spending, Cash, Ferrari, German, Auto, Mechanic, mechanical, Repair, Fix, Lamborghini, Build, Building, Drift, Drifting, BMW, Mercedes, Benz, Fiat, Ford, Vehicle, Rich, MK6, Turbo, Turbocharged, Nitrous, Junk Yard, Scrap, resell, dealer, deal, wheel, wheels, work, import, tesla, Dominos, Domino's, Pizza, DXP, Chevy, Chevrolet, Spark, Corvette, C6, Jaguar, Focus, RS, RS7, MK3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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