My Addiction To Chaos! (Florida Pier Catch Clean & Cook)

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the funny thing about youth is that when you're young you can't wait to grow up you want the freedom the money and the adventure but as you age you start to realize what you had when you were young was special too the free time the lack of expectations and most of all the ability to have fun for Fun's sake [Music] personally I feel blessed to have lived out my version of my teens and my 20s but now sitting at 29 I'd be lying to you if I said that every once in a while I don't miss the simpler days the days where my dad would drop me off at the pier and I had absolutely no clue what was going to happen out there was a giant school of fish gonna come through was I gonna have a shot at catching something new maybe there was going to be some cool people out there to just have a nice conversation with getting older is funny man in the past year I've had the privilege of traveling to some amazing places and I've had the opportunity to catch some incredible fish here I find myself walking out onto the same old Pier to do the same thing that my 14 year old self took completely for granted [Music] hey what's going on guys it has been a while and not for a lack of me trying to film videos for you guys but man I've just had some trips that just haven't been panning out but today I have an awesome video for you out on the pier and I fish it for a couple days now to put together quite the awesome video for you we're catching tons of different fish let's get after it when I walk out onto the pier this time of year I'm looking to primarily do one thing I want to sight fish something big that's going to pull drag so whether that's a jack Ravel or a Cobia or whatever it is I want to be able to see something present Allure to it and have it eat so that's kind of what I go to or that's kind of what I walk out onto the pier with in mind so I bring an assortment of rods swimming plugs heavy lures Jigs and I kind of prepare myself to put myself in the best situation so that when something big swims by I'm able to to capitalize on the situation when something like this big school of Jack Carvel swim by the pier it can get insanely chaotic especially when there's a bunch of Anglers on the pier so multiple people hooked up at once you have to be ready for chaos you have to be ready to communicate so I always try and come as prepared as I can first day that I came out to the pier I expected there to be at least something coming through there's a lot of wind conditions look decent and there just didn't the conditions didn't match what I thought it was going to be okay so we got a big school of Jack revelle out in front of me let's see if they come in maybe we can get one to eat this big old hunk of metal the pier Fisherman's curse is constantly seeing fish that are just Out Of Reach so on this day in particular there's a color change about I want to say 500 to a thousand feet away from the end of the pier these big Jack schools love to cruise right down that color change every once in a while they'll give you a little bit of Hope and they'll come in just a little bit closer and make you think that you'll be able to reach them right here me and my buddy Cliff were able to get just on the edge of the school they didn't react to my Allure but they did react to his unfortunately it didn't pan out the way we wanted because he got bit but he didn't stay buttoned at this point all right everybody jump in line jumping live I came out here kind of set on what I wanted to do and that led to me not catching all that much but I did see a couple blue fish caught did see some Pompano caught and there definitely was at least something to catch oh my God that's the best fish on the pier right there oh yeah rabbit fish came up and hammered it one's a big chicken song I think chicken we're gonna Feed The Village Victor you ready boy right here my man cliff is hooked up to a silver puffer fish better known locally as a rabbit fish they swim around the pier and honestly will eat a little bit of everything I've even seen them trying to eat a bear hook before some people like him so he caught one for his buddy that was going to take it home and eat it or we got something tiny on the x-trap now oh you're my hero oh my gosh oh yeah Margaret oh my gosh oh yeah you want it yeah okay a few days went by and I got a call that there finally had been some Jacks coming through that's kind of what I wanted to catch I wanted to sight fish some big fish that were actually gonna pull some drag on heavier attack so I packed my stuff up headed out for day two get out to the end and the water looks terrible exactly not what I wanted to see I want to see like green or blue water water was just straight Brown was not it we are hooked up on the motherload of seaweed let's see if we get it in hmm oh this is a healthy patch oh yeah oh look at that little seaweed living shrimp just popped out there's tons of these in there and that guy tons of little life maybe sarcasm shrimp oh Shake It Out yep there's a couple more there's some micro ones oh come here that's like that pretty cool I was watching this color change and there was this nice blue water that just seemed to be getting closer and closer to the pier as the tide got higher seemed like in an instant once that blue water got within range of my vision I was seeing schools of Jack's coming cruising down and I was able to cast at them so I've been here for like I don't know three hours or so and there hasn't been much the water's been like a really dirty Brown the water is starting to change colors right now and we're starting to get this nice blue or siltier water and within 15 minutes there's nicer water coming in we've been seeing schools of Jax just saw our best school probably like 20 fish I didn't make a perfect cast um I made an okay cast but they didn't react to it they kind of they were kind of spooky and uh I think the reason that they're kind of spooky is three seconds later we just saw a hammer head on top so this thing's really getting followed by a hammerhead hopefully we get a school to come in and we get them to commit just chucking this giant slingshot like a diamond jig but it's the surface iron so it kind of swims on top made by Ocean's Legacy let's see if we can get one yeah that's definitely all you come on come on come on come on yeah but it seemed like it was actually going to start happening because we saw three schools of Jackson like 15 minutes once that blue water came in and then no more jacks just stop seeing them we had the conditions that exactly like I wanted and it just goes to show sometimes exactly what you want the fish still might not show up so I just saw a shark and I casted oh oh the shark's on the blues look at him yeah the shark was after the blues so when I cast it at the shark the blues came up and ate it unfortunately the blue that ate it pulled a hook Ricky what the heck did you just hook my friend oh my God this is aggressive ah perfect that's the bait we need that is exactly what I asked for if you wouldn't mind holding them once you get the hook out if you can slimy sob okay turn them front hook here you didn't like that cook bam yeah I would say so thank you swim them out see if we can find a kingfish well if he wants to swim now swimming out a live Bluefish like I'm doing here has been one of the most productive methods that I've seen for catching giant Kings off the pier a whole live Bluefish Believe It or Not Kingfish just can't resist them believe it or not my biggest king off of the pier came on a live Bluefish and the King actually swam out from underneath the pier and smoked it within it being in the water for maybe three seconds like I cast it out and boom it got inhaled so you never really know what's going to be out there a lot better before thank you we're on we are on oh no clue what we got y'all freaked out on top this thing ate and then just started ripping back towards me took me forever to get tight with it keeps changing directions like crazy oh there he is oh black tip shark he broke off now yeah well that's what the Sharks do to your wire y'all they just kick it off but we'll re-rag do it again hopefully Ricky can catch me another blue fish that thing was in the Bahamas when I got eight afternoon went on I hung out talked to some friends my buddy Ricky was able to pop a cup of Pompano there were some blue fish around so it was all in all a fun afternoon oh Rick got the right kind oh yeah did it dude I haven't seen one of those in a long time caught on a jig I'm good look at that thing Ricky you're this is why you're like just the Juno appear champ right here take some time and just blind cast when I'm standing here waiting for a fish to come by because you really never know what's going to show up and a lot of fish will just eat these on uh on a blind cast my buddy Alec a couple years ago caught like a 30 pound King in the middle of the day about this time of year we're just blind casting just seeing what was around so always casting replace these trebs with uh 100 BKK Raptor x's and uh these are super super sharp hooks so let's see if we can get something foreign you can do so many different retrieves you can work it fast like this back and forth slow roll it honestly Slow Rolling is like what I do the most because I always seems like that's when you get the bite the fish just come up and just absolutely demolish it so I was just blind casting and a bunch of jacks just popped up crushed the x-rap school not Giants but pretty cool right behind me Rick throw in front of where I am there they are coming you're always way excuse me watch out foreign cast has the school come up out of nowhere knew there were some around those bkks got them good so we came here looking for 30 Pounders and we're catching like eight Pounders but something is the first like thing that I've had pulled drag all day long take this guy we're gonna let him go less than ideal release but those are Hardy fish so they'll swim off and go make more Jacks that brings us to today day three didn't want to come out today didn't have any plans of coming out today but I got a call from two separate people both saying that yesterday was incredible there was tons of fish coming through the wind was ripping and there was just lots of fish just migrating down the coast so I said screw it packed my stuff up came out this morning when I first saw the watercolor I was very unimpressed I honestly thought that this was going to be a total bust of the day because the water looked terrible but the minute I walked out onto the tee my buddy Blair says Ryan get ready they're here one of the things that makes this so darn fun is the anticipation you see this big school of jacks well out of casting range and they're just creeping closer and closer to the pier until it's finally time to take your shot at them on your left on your left oh we off ered oh [Music] Boy Over Me Blair oh my God way off I'm off he came off so after hooking a few and losing a few I was just getting ready to just catch one I just needed to get one on the deck finally a big school came through and I had the longest ride with the heaviest lure so I was able to put the perfect shot on this cool and hook up to a giant oh I got them get him Ryan get him for Aaron they on me they on me they on me come on there we go way on way on I'm underneath it brother the metal just a hunk of metal flying through the air just keep reeling in guys I don't know where the anyone is now this video isn't a great example of it but when these big Jacks are coming through the hardest part isn't actually hooking them it's actually not that hard to hook them the hardest part is landing them because not only do you have to worry about the fish you know doing what it does Breaking you off you know breaking your line going underneath the pier you also have to deal with all the other Anglers so you have to deal with the tangles you have to deal with getting around people going over people's stuff going under over under over as the fish goes up and down the pier so what you need to do when you're fighting these bigger fish is keep it directly in front of you you can't plant your feet and just fight it from one position you have to keep that fish directly in front of you and follow it where it goes while still fighting it and putting a good amount of tension on them these days there's a bunch of bull sharks that also follow these fish so that's even an added challenge Factor because you never know when a bull shark's gonna come up and try and eat it so as you see here I have a good group of guys that are helping to clear the pier for me to keep people out of my way and I'm able to get this fish in an area that we can safely get a gaff down [Music] ski you okay there you go hold on it's angle with that thick rope no damn it oh we got a whole rig in there yeah highlighter if it was rig in there this one we're gonna Harvest today y'all so he is getting gaffed maybe maybe not in the head excellent gas shot hey Ryan I heard all about you I don't know what I wear it was probably not good things either it's the Mahi from Japan dude hell yeah hey thanks man welcome back hey thanks for the call too Blair called me up yesterday and said hey man your favorite fish is on the pier I said covia he said no Jax no these things actually pull drag Cobia just swim to the pier and then freak out when you get them cardio that's it so that is what I've been after for a little bit now a lot of people call these things trash but they fight so hard one of my favorites we're gonna use this guy uh for some bait today so he's coming home but just a awesome fish to see him cruising on top cast out a plug or cast out a diamond jig we'll watch it absolutely crush it on top after like a I don't know a 15 second Chase awesome man like it's essentially like America's version of the GT and GTs are popular all over the world so just super stoked and there's a lot coming through today so I hope we catch a lot more the sun's been absolutely brutal today and after a long winter I've been getting pretty pale I literally had to use some of the pure sunscreen they have like a little sunscreen dispensers put some on my face because I just felt myself getting fried but that's why I am super stoked to have novelist apparel be a sponsor of the channel they make these bamboo hoodies which are super comfortable I like how simple they are are and they're you know just very comfortable to wear and they keep me out of the sun they keep my ears my neck and everything protected so you guys use my code flashing on the screen right now save you a little bit of money will help support me and support an awesome company after getting that first Big Jack on the deck what ensued was some of the most fun and some of the most action that I've seen on the pier in a couple years this Drone footage that you're currently seeing was actually filmed on another day when the water was a little bit clearer but I think it's a great representation of how incredible these fish are especially when they're schooled up just imagine this swimming straight towards you lure in your hand and the anticipation and excitement that you're gonna feel absolute chaos absolute chaos welcome to Juno Pierre girl one let's go in on the GoPro ofing you guys hear that he got he got nervous dude look how munchy choked that thing down you gonna need pliers to get that one how many pliers Jake's looks tiny you're out angling him crazy we gonna have to run Buddies [Applause] [Music] so Cliff you've hooked like three today and you haven't taken more than 10 cranks on any of the fish I am a man of the people yeah it just hooks them and hands off the rod to any anywhere it is called L5 oh my God watch it Rod go ahead watch the cow star go ahead oh they see it they see it they're chasing it oh they're on me yeah ours were right next to each other oh that was awesome that fish was so fired up on it come on oh my God oh nothing hammered it on top that was as cool as it looks when they Crush those things oh I don't like when they come in this fast I think I'm gonna run out a little bit more these things are supposed to hang strong oh he might be tail wrapped he seems all messed up this rod and reel combo that I'm using was pretty much outcasting everyone else on the pier on this day I'm using a van Stahl the sx2 for real this is a size 250 with 40 pound braid on it the rod is a 10-foot Ocean's Legacy specialist these rods I've been using for about a year now and they work extremely well I will say that 10 foot is a little bit tougher to fight fish on because the longer the rod you get the less leverage you get I I honestly like fighting fish on a nine more but the advantage that I had over everyone else on the pier this day was I was able to Outcast them so I was able to reach the fish that not a lot of people could reach yeah I'm over this one I'll just come over both it looked big when it came up all right I'm coming around you oh watch out I'm sorry come on over your head sir foreign just reel it up please oh this big one I might not have back for that somebody standing on the Rope highlighter oh my God in the back you're right dude oh my God threw out his back on that gas shot number two gorgeous one a little bit bigger probably 25 pound class fish just gorgeous so I'm giving this one to uh someone that really wanted one to take home and eat so he's going home this fish will not be wasted definitely appreciated they're so much fun to catch they eat on this fish was so sick he came up in absolutely annihilated the slingshot just on top of the water so he's going home let's try and get another one as afternoon wore on there actually ended up being less Jax coming through but the Pompano started chewing and apparently this morning there was a really good Pompano bite before I got here I even caught a Pompano on a jig and honestly five six ten years I don't really know it's been a really long time but I pulled out a jig out of my box it hadn't been used in a long time Ricky gave me a quill and I tied on a bompano jig to just try and catch one or two so the school of Pomp and I was like swimming all around the pier so it doesn't like necessarily matter where you're jigging right now just matters that you are jigging if you're trying to catch them so basically letting this guy sink down to the bottom pop it up and then it flutters back down pop it up the flutters back down looks like a sand flea or a shrimp and Pompano love it what's nice right now is we're catching a lot of Pompano and not a lot of junk so no Bluefish or mackerel around so hopefully it stays that way and I get another one or two in the Box thanks man bag on it oh oh we on we on we on the pier wow that's a stud bro I don't know if you guys realize that's the first one I've caught on a jig in like a long time like I'm talking like eight years Ricky double bring them on bring them on bring them on legendary clip oh Ricky double header son Ricky Charters you checked in let's go son I'm gonna bag about five bag of ice all right check it out y'all that is my first keeper Pompano off the pier in quite a long time ate the jig I don't really fish these for with bait much because it's just kind of boring for me but that guy ate the little jig a little um green quill and uh it's great it's gonna make great dinner we're gonna clean this guy up later and cook him later so while the big Jacks that we were catching in the beginning of the video may be considered one of the hardest fighting or the strongest fish on the pier these Pompano would probably be considered one of the most expensive fish you can catch on the pier you can find Pompano for like 35 for one whole fish absolutely ridiculous prices people love eating these things super fun afternoon I'm gonna see you guys back at the filet table oh what's going on guys welcome to the flay table we got our little Pompano here and um I'm gonna try something that I've never tried before I saw shout out to read the fishmonger on Instagram Pompano with this technique it's been years since I've laid a Pompano so we're gonna go ahead and try what he did so he started with his knife by the way we're using The Deco Pro Series you guys use my code it's flashing on the screen take our knife and we wrap our way around the head right behind the PEC fence and then turn it back around out like that so you literally just take the head off a little head nugget there but we're not really missing any meat or anything like that now we just have the rest of the carcass we're going to take our knife we're going to work our way down the fillet just one more cut here pop over to the other side of the backbone [Music] bam foreign and then we have our filet there take off this little piece of stunning lining here and then we are doing a skin on recipe so we're leaving the skin on but I'm just going to take the pin bones out so right here just kind of like a v-cut down towards the skin and we have our little pin bones out we have our pop it up away [Music] man so one of my things when I'm filling fish is I definitely try and pop up over the rib cage I'm not always successful but it does make just for easier cleanup [Applause] separate it down there and then I have that that looks pretty good you can almost see the light coming through it so we didn't leave very much meat on this carcass at all it's a pretty darn cool method we're gonna get these guys prepped for the grill see you guys in the kitchen okay so I was put in charge of doing the sides so we're doing sweet potato fries um that are going to be oven baked and we are going to do some zucchinis on the grill we basically took three sweet potatoes sliced them up into like french fry shapes and we're going to boil in salt pepper and garlic powder on them and put them in the oven so they're crispy so we're pouring in oil by the way y'all this is my lovely girlfriend Christina if you don't know who this is all right so we're just brushing on all these sweet potatoes and I just want not too much obviously you don't want it soggy but just enough to coat it so that they can cook well so it's on the wire rack because whenever I made these before they got they just got a little bit too soggy because they just kind of sit in their own you know like the juice that they expend they sit in it so leaving it on the wire rack allowed them to get a little bit crispier they're going to be nowhere near as crispy as if you deep fried them but I like this presentation a lot I'm just gonna go back over with um I'm gonna put some in my hand actually garlic powder yeah garlic powder okay so there's just a little bit more garlic powder we don't want two garlic either they're sweet potatoes pepper and then we'll do some salt so they are going in the oven for the first 15 minutes and then we're going to turn them and we're cooking them at 400 degrees for 15 minutes so all we did was paper towel these guys off we didn't rinse them off we just paper towel them off we don't lose all that flavor get a little bit of olive oil because these guys are going to be going on the grill we don't want them to stick too bad a little bit scared it's been a long time since I grilled some fish so we're gonna see how this turns out just a little bit of olive oil on these fillets because we're gonna go meat side down first and we were going super simple with these things because we really want this fish to feature we really want this fish to speak for itself because Pompano is a fish that has a ton of flavor haven't eaten in a really long time so I just kind of want to see what it's all about it's been a couple years since I've uh I'd probably have eaten one in a restaurant but not eaten one that I caught myself in a good while what are you doing just a little salt and pepper now I don't know if you guys can tell one of these fish was bled and one of them was not so go ahead and comment down below which one you think was bled and which one you think was not even know what I'm talking about no all right so we're gonna try this we'll see how this turns out I'm gonna go skin side or meat side down first [Music] [Music] threw some lemons on the grill too these guys um Christina just really wanted some grilled lemons so the fish looked incredible on the plate so we're doing that getting some Char marks on there flip this first one a little bit too early but the fish is coming together I'm going to close it give it another minute or two it's really total cook time is probably going to be right around sevenish minutes I want to say all right we're gonna try and get these guys off in one piece skin is definitely helping me out there that is one beautiful Pompano fillet foreign [Music] Christina season these guys with Italian seasoning salt pepper and a little bit of olive oil [Music] okay so we just flipped all the fries um they're soft they're cooked all the way through but they're like soft so we just seasoned the back side of them and we're gonna stick them in the oven and broil them so we get that nice crust flavor or crisp texture I guess okay my dear what do we got going on um well first of all these are great second of all we're gonna start plating our food who's gonna have the better plate for sure me what do you need everyone foodie everyone said in the comment section last video that my plate was better so we'll see there's no way these plate looks better on this one okay anyways so I'm just gonna take a piece of fish oh that looks good put it there we're gonna take oh look at these zucchinis they're amazing um I had to choose the best ones for my purse oh well you get the first round draft pick so I'll play with the scrubs still win this whole charred one oh Char action and then I'm gonna grab some french fries I love sweet potato fries they are the best I'm just gonna lay them on there like that and then I'm gonna take some lemon that's where I was hoping you'd forget about the lemon no I'm just gonna make my secret weapon the lemons make everything look better um but like you stole all of them come on look pretty good I'm so excited to eat these everyone knows the phone eats before the human yeah admire your work so we have Ryan's plate look the same and Christina's place oh you forgot your um whose looks better you guys gotta comment down below oh we got a taste test nice cup give me an honest out of 10 on that meal um he said that I would be able to tell the difference like it had a distinct taste need the Pompano you mean yeah um honestly it's flavorful but it tastes like every white fish I've ever had personally I don't know if it was just the way it was prepared seasoned or what but um it was good I thought it was good um Gotta Give me an out of ten uh for the meal as a whole oh probably like a seven out of ten seven um we the fries were amazing uh zucchini were amazing I think that the fish needed a little bit more and he said you wanted to go simple but I think it needs more I'll give the Pompano a six and a half and the whole meal a seven overall great but I think you guys could try another recipe if you wanted to try something great it's something a little bit different this was a special video for me get back out on the pier film a video and have a wonderful meal with my beautiful girlfriend if you've liked this video up to this point and you made it this far do me a huge favor check out another one it's gonna be linked right here we'll see you guys over there bye
Channel: Ryan Morie
Views: 219,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, saltwater fishing, juno ryan, florida pier fishing, pier fishing in florida, florida fishing, pier fishing for pompano, florida pompano catch and cook, florida pompano fishing, Chasing The Strongest & Most Expensive Pier Fish, Catch Clean & Cook, jack crevalle pier fishing, jack crevalle fishing, jack fishing from pier, sightfishing from pier, juno pier fishing, pier fishing in south florida, cobia fishing from pier
Id: N8G4p7PT9Hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 28sec (2548 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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