Fishing Ponce Inlet | Daytona Beach

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all right finally about here by the water come out here I punch in it it's freaking blowing out here it's probably like 25 mile per hour winds but I'm gonna be on the internet side stay away from it a little bit see if we can get on any fish down here I think right now it's uh outgoing tide it's almost the end about going tide so hopefully we can eat on sheep's head or something like that a couple doesn't like shrimp shout out to Donald's Bait and Tackle that's where I get all my bait from always hooking it up nice people there if you're out here in Daytona area swing by there and get some baits all right we're gonna start off with uh I think I got a half ounce bottom sweeper looking right behind the tail just like that send them out there that's how it looks like it's ripping so I might have to switch to something a little heavier getting ready to get him to bite you're a buyer I'm getting something so make sure you bring some extra rigs because you're definitely going to lose them out here with all these rocks probably shouldn't do this because I'll probably break the tip but let me see if I can get it out well I don't even have to swing it in there something definitely better though stream number two if you live in Florida you know this past week it's been crazy weather it's been cold in the beginning of the week it got hot again this weekend dropped back down to 60 right now so hopefully we can go down to fish because it's been crazy weather hoping I can take a sheep's head home or something because I haven't been fishing in in a while and I haven't brought something home so that's definitely the goal is something to take home thank you oh flounder nice it's gonna be way too small but had me all up in there nice little flounder switched uh something a little heavier I think it might be like an ounce bottle super jig one ounce keep it keep it from going on the current but caught that nice well got the best for these but he was too small anyways all right that's what we're looking for something finally got it all right let's see if we can find some more fish I think they changed the regulations to 14 inches on flounder definitely have to catch something big to take home all right that's a start there's some manatees down there I think it was a pair of slimming down try my best not to lose this one because I don't have that many heavy ones I think this is my only one everything else is like a half ounce beginning a few buys bro I haven't been able to up on any of them I don't know if they're small or they get me in the rocks or what this is my third leader I've tied on so I gotta get on some fish like I said you guys got to come prepared if you guys if you come to punch Inlet it's a lot of rocks out here just broke off the whole leader again I think I'm gonna just try to free line the shrimp see if we can find them like that that was glowing on this side crazy [Music] it's got to be a little fish but I just met them in half a few people out here making use of the wind kite boarding or whatever they call that [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] might be a flounder because it's hugging the bottom oh it's a huge seat oh yeah I think she said there we go yes sir this is what we are after I'm not even gonna measure them because I know he's a keeper look at that on a shrimp I'm gonna hook them out here out of the water I don't want to lose them I'll get a measurement them just to see how big he really is [Music] all right like 15 16 inches let's see right now so he is 16 inches so he's definitely coming home now we're getting somewhere because then we can do it again [Music] all right came out to a different spot wasn't having any more luck at once Inlet see where we can get out here by under this bridge let's see if we can find a fish hopefully the wind ain't too bad either because it's blowing right here I'm gonna be battling the current and the wind the current's going one way and the wind's going the other [Music] get something it's trash thank you oh there we go I wonder what this is oh it got me around the thing oh he broke me up dang it it's probably a snook or something I guess you wrapped me around the piling because I lost my whole leader then as soon as I hit the water they got me well trying to re-tie and see if we can find something else [Music] oh yeah I do have a fish no flounder [Music] I reeling it up and I didn't even realize I had a fish might not be a keeper thank you nice little flounder I don't think he's gonna be 14. he might be this is 13. 14 because this is 13. I'm gonna take a measurement in the truck [Music] foreign ER it's going in the coolers too [Music] I lost that big fish but they paid off catching this one that's two fish in the cooler [Music]
Channel: Fl Weekend Angler
Views: 3,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iAqNS87kYPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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