Finally HOOKED the Dream Fish I was Chasing!

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you spend all this time preparing for a trip like this you research fish species you buy brand new gear and you have conversation after conversation about how you're going to approach this trip of a lifetime your brain starts to formulate this false image of how the trip is actually going to pan out you start to believe because you're in an exotic location and because you've invested all this time and energy into the trip that when you actually get on location the fishing is going to be easy and it doesn't take long when you finally get there for you to realize that fishing is fishing no matter the location what originally was a mind picture of holding up that giant trophy fish morse into a dream of just a chance a daydream of just one opportunity at that big fish of a lifetime welcome to video number two day three we're gonna follow the drone or follow the truck with the drone to the beach this is like this makes it feel like a very authentic experience you know loading up all the gear in the back of the truck that's because it is a very authentic experience strapping the rods in i mean you were saying you've been on a lot of trips like this like this is one of the easier trips like logistically you know one one flight from miami to here and then you just hop in a car they send a driver for you and it's like a five hour ride to the lodge in the car and then you're here fishing like you really don't have to worry about much once you get here like yeah they're very [Music] and it's just gorgeous out here all right going down a heck of a ramp here onto the beach oh a little slippage there just driving the driving the truck on the beach we've got all the little pangas here we're gonna ride out into the pangas into the main boat and then we're going fishing not really sure what the plan is today i don't know what it is to catch big fish exactly precisely uh but the specific fish that we're targeting and how we're targeting them we're leaving that up to our captain um and see what he thinks today because we might want to go to fishing we might want to go chase some big hubers and rooster fish on top waters yeah i mean it's like literally it looks like satan's belly over there like i like that yeah we got pierre pulling up in the panga right here this is the first real sun that we've seen on the third day it was cloudy and rainy which is good for you know our fair skin [Music] okay so we are up here day three first cast throwing poppers and a big stick bait uh yeah the sun literally gave us a nice little hello this morning for like 30 minutes and now we're back to that panamanian rain i'm joining you up on the deck you fish you fish such tight drag with this that the minute that something big eats that popper we're making sure we're recording and we're hopping down from this casting deck because bad things can happen when you're under this much tension and you want to have a good strong base guys lose the rod guys get literally ripped across the boat yeah i straight up fell into the deck yesterday while you were fighting your fish oh no well when that one bite happened yeah it just happens so fast this looks fishy yeah i just have a feeling so did yesterday in the room everything looks fishy but i got a feeling i think the reason that they'll eat it after it's been going so long is it's just like it's a constant stream of bubbles right and it's constant sound so you're just maximizing your time in the water so something hears it from far away they come looking and they come looking and they come looking and they're eventually able to find it it was like yesterday when we got into the little roosters um they kept ending up like right next to the boat but then they'd be gone and like i casted far he's like good make long cast wildcats yeah exactly because they have to hear it and then they have to find it by sight what i find really interesting is how long some of these fish are sitting behind it yeah like oh don't know what this is jack maybe grande popper see i'm gonna flip him in wow got my definite personal best sierra mackerel on the big big popper thing's nice that's the biggest one i've seen holy smokes it really is like a king fish that's a big bait for him to eat yeah i know he smoked it on top though don't be afraid to throw big baits seriously fish will eat them fish will definitely eat them does that make you guys think that in florida kingfish would eat that yeah absolutely yeah could we probably pop for them but you know what else would eat it the shark would eat the kingfish attached to the popper yes my personal best sierra mackerel probably like a six seven pound sierra on the big popper big big setup you know i'm fishing like probably 25 pounds of drag on this big setup and this fish was still able to pull it for a second you know definitely overpowered them it's meant for 50 pound class kubera snapper but still cool good start to the morning we're gonna throw this guy in the box because they are delicious and uh yeah we're gonna catch some more fish you know started out nice and sunny but this is i smells and tastes like uber out here is it the rumbling thunder or nothing in life comes easy especially trying to catch a cabera and panama nothing worth doing high quality fun dude precisely you want me to do oh i literally paused it to turn the gopro on and i got boiled on [Applause] we got something on the medium-sized popper maybe another sierra yeah something like that but it's action definitely take action keeps the morale high in the rain you know what i'm saying can i come underneath you vic sierra [Music] fishing really tight drag with these guys because you never know when a giant kubera rooster fish is going to come up some monster fish but this is another stud sierra watch out vic is that even bigger dude it's big it might be wow grande sierra dude that one's bigger just another absolute monster sierra this i think this one might be bigger than the last one and on the poppers too dude just absolutely sick fish not as big as our kingfish but much bigger than our spanish mackerel so super sick we're gonna put this guy in the box and uh on the dinner table tonight we got a nice bait school i'm getting right in there nice bait school something just popped i'm throwing my medium popper in there come on now i'm getting them in for ya this has rooster fish ran all over oh yeah [Music] wow big hit big hit that sucks a little bit yeah wow so just uh hooked up something maybe could have been like a bluefin trivally maybe could have been like a a rooster or something that went down when i hooked it but it was big it ripped some drag and unfortunately came off kind of heartbreaking i haven't gotten a big bite today until that one but i'm gonna change that hook real quick and uh get back out there nice jackerville on the popper keeping the day going you can castro oh jack oh man oh oh my god that thing fired that was sick spanish just jumped like five feet in the air good jumping that's my oh man nice double header vic nice dude right i was jigging it as fast as i could to get in the camera yeah and he smoked it in this clip we had a small mahi-mahi or dorado or dolphin whatever you want to call it swim up next to the boat and it really was just kind of acting a little bit weird we tried throwing at it and this is what happened pretty cool a mile for sure no kidding ah just hold on the circuit yeah it's like a little 10 pounder yeah good edition for sure there he is again i think yeah that's the needle i think it might be a big houndfish just hook sideways i think it is tillakubera eats them on the way down [Music] smaller one now yeah smaller than yours you film on the big camera vic what is it yeah medium one right here giant for the uh yeah okay one of these oh man yeah not small so that is my first giant pacific clownfish i'm going to pick them up for you guys these are definitely similar to what we have in the united states but not exactly the same look at the color of the teeth they are like an iridescent blue which is super super cool we've been seeing these guys jump everywhere apparently victor and scott got cut off by him a lot last trip um but they're absolutely all over the place and i think big kuberas and other stuff like that feed on them just a super super cool fish why do you think they feed on them you can see i don't know dude they just sit on the top i mean that's probably they probably have grown to feed on these things and that's why we catch them on poppers literally i said as because i snagged this fish and it went down and as it's going down i'm like i bet you cubara eats it and water's like oh sometimes like legitimately but super super cool fish i'm gonna snap a pic and then i'm gonna let him go so much of this trip we keep seeing what we think is bait a lot of the time and a lot of the time it's lis it's a bunch of spade fish and other fish that you know i guess you could call bait but they're always on top of the water doing this until we throw a popper and then they get spooked but you could just see how much activity we got either i'm pretty sure right here there's like a sunken boat so it's gonna hold a whole bunch of fish we're in like 80 feet of water and eduardo recommended that we jigged and i'm being a bad client and just popping because i kind of want to pop right now but i'm gonna see if i can raise a rooster a kibera something crazy what the heck this is oh my god there they are again oh mine came off right there out see yeah you're good you're getting good work work work oh my god that was epic fish i had came off saw another blow up out the back cast it back out there hooked up again oh my god that was epic you got hammered just on a straight crank dude that somehow didn't get hurt oh my god it's crazy this is crazy dude oh staying down oh my gosh even just fighting that jack on the lock drag that we fish on these rods and reels that'll get you because you know you're fishing an eight-foot rod to get some casting distance that's pretty standard for any popping rod but uh that jack was hooked in the head so it fought even extra hard and uh yeah i mean i'm i'm excited to see what a giant cubera could do um see if my body can hold up here we go we just pulled up to the last spot of the day we are at what's called iguana island covered up in frigate birds victor caught a massive rooster fish here yesterday and we raised a bunch of small ones so we're throwing the medium rods right now seeing if we can raise them we got like 45 minutes for a buzzer beater this is scott's last day here vic and i got one more day see what we can do ice popper for a nice mackerel big barracuda it's okay it's okay yeah it's a nice barracuda it's they're different than the ones we have in the states he looks significantly different oh he's big yeah see i'm gonna come this way that is a big one they don't get that big normally holy smokes look at the eyeballs i'm not kidding that's like a record barracuda wow this thing is angry yeah it does camera person beautiful he's not releasing it no definitely not no he gaffed it right in the face on purpose his eyeball is much bigger than our beard yeah right let's get a six shot of this one yeah absolutely dude you can talk whatever you want i'm just filming slow beautiful so we just put this bad boy in the boat eduardo absolutely is stoked on it so that tells me this is he said it's the biggest barracuda that he's seen on this boat and that's just awesome because this guy's been fishing here for a really long time wow man on a popper massive barracuda he's coming home so we're going to get a weight on him and we'll uh we'll talk to everyone else and see but that's a special fish in a special place with a special crew no complaints on that at all just an awesome yeah that's what it looks like yes it does the stripes are just like a wahoo normally barracuda here three kilo four kilo normal popping come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on there we go big jack i think big guys i saw the brown oh my god that was cool though that was cool how much they chased it and chased it and chased it finally got it oh my gosh that was cool very very cool [Music] grande very very cool munch the popper a bunch of them were chasing it for like a couple minutes it was a very very cool retrieve and they finally got it very very cool to see stoked on that [Music] again welcome back to the lodge killer day three we got one more day to catch an absolutely massive fish fishful lifetime so i want to give you guys an idea of the rods and reels that we use here pretty much everyone here is using three main setups and i'll give you guys an idea so the first setup and probably my favorite is going to be a heavy popping setups so something like this rod right here ocean's legacy wrap this very very heavy popping setup rated set rated for pe eight so like 80 pound braid 100 to 180 gram jig or um poppers something like this right here hero i think hero is the name of the brand kubera 125 very effective popper pink is a very effective color here it's the favorite color for big poppers by our guide eduardo our second setup has caught the most fish of the trip that's the medium popping setup and i say medium very lightly because this is pretty heavy most places in the world right here i have a daiwa saltiga 10 000 50 pound braid 80 pound leader same setup with a swivel and a snap and then we're fishing medium poppers this is made by fcl very very effective popper that can be worked fast works slow and raises a bunch of fish honestly our guide told us that this is his favorite he likes throwing the medium poppers a lot more because you just catch so many different fish very very effective and white and blue have been the best colors that we've seen so far our last setup is a slow pitch jigging combo right now i'm fishing an osha 2001 i prefer mine on the left hand just a personal preference thing revision 30 pound spider wire um ultra cast on there very thin braid but very very strong i honestly think the braking strength for this 30 pound is like 45 to 50 pounds fg knot to like 12 meter or 12 feet of 50 pound fluorocarbon leader and then a little ball bearing swivel and a split ring and you can just add in your slow pitch jigs there [Music] so here at hannah fishing lodge pretty sweet deal you know everything's pretty set up for you and the logistics are super super easy after you get done fishing for the day you can hang out wait for dinner to be cooked a bunch of the fish that you caught during the day not a bunch some of the fish that you caught during the day are going to be cooked up and while you're hanging out waiting waiting for dinner you can hang in the pool have a drink at the bar just enjoy the scenery here just a very beautiful place a lot of the time this time of year when we're here it's um we're here in june late june early july you're starting the rainy season so a lot of the time it's going to be pretty freaking rainy but ruins while you have days like today where the sun comes out and you get to see how green and beautiful this place really is and you know the reason that it's so green and beautiful is because of all the rain you get so you gotta appreciate that but absolutely bring rain gear if you're coming here [Music] so right now jose is whipping up a amazing recipe we had this last night it is a amberjack or what we would call omlico in the states in a carpaccio which is absolutely delicious probably i would say one of the best raw fish preparations i've ever had that oregano that you're finishing it off with what oregano oregano yeah we're doing oregano and now we have cabarrus garlic copper and now we have the formula super excited this was delicious last night probably the best honestly like i said one of the best raw fish preparations i've ever had you guys know victor is like a big time cook he loves thanks ryan but i don't know man we don't know about i i think we my man jose we don't know about that yeah you got to try it first bite everyone knows the rules one bite everyone knows the rules i took one look at that thing i knew it was going to be so good so amazing we're gonna dig in we will see you guys on the water tomorrow or not [Laughter] ready we are off and ready on the boat captain eduardo it's the last day right now my main man vic no scott unfortunately he had to leave uh early on he only got three days of fishing this is our fourth but today i have a feeling it's gonna be the day of the giant let's get after it that's what we need we got the rooster fish yeah everybody comes here for two things big rooster fish the kubera ryan's gonna get to cabaret today i hope so i hope someone does all right guys big sierra i this is like one of those moments where why you keep popping because it was so close to the boat i was almost done with my castle you know we weren't doing that when we started the trip right we kept reeling in too fast we didn't pop it all the way to the boat nope these fish followed all the way to the boat all right he's right here crush the popper grande en la cabeza wow look at that this fish charged it like 10 feet off of the battle and just see back home that's a trophy spanish mackerel but over here they call these sierra mackerel very similar to our spanish mackerel almost identical but these just get much bigger and your overall average size is just much bigger on the uh pelagic warrior mongol 60 gram white eduardo said this is his favorite color for overall fish he says it's the number one color for kuberas for sierras for rooster fish and he really likes it when it's overcast like this every single morning we've been fishing it's been kind of overcast and rainy and uh i'll tell you something listen to your captain no matter where you are in the world listen to your captains they know what's up there we go there we go victor gopro nice oh my god that's crazy what a start to the day man on the topwaters on the topwaters so intense oh my god the past couple days the starts have been slow and the afternoons have had most of our bites but this is a quick start to the day man oh my god dude definitely not as big as the rooster but we'll see when he gets close to the boat he's probably gonna rip oh my god come on man come on up tight drag situations even if the fish can't pull that tight drag beat you up a little bit and a nice jack a lot of the times on these trips some bad things will happen like you'll i literally hit the t top with my uh with my rotten reel you hook fish they bend up the hooks the tips get rolled and things like that so you constantly need to have extra hooks and to be changing your hooks and checking them that's why it's massively important to have something like a pair of split ring pliers on you at all times this pair of danko the stainless steels have been some of my favorite for these big popping and jigging outfits these guys absolutely been working wonders for us the whole trip they cut braid no problem and they cut or cut mono and fluorocarbon no problem you guys can save with my code ryanmore10 and uh save 10 percent off of all denko products so huge shout out to the danko fam they are a big sponsor of the channel so if you guys need suppliers go check them out [Music] tight on the bottom oh come on now come on now now i think it's some jack species charging the surface come on up buddy oh snapper so this is a very very cool snapper species i asked eduardo what it was called he said lunar so moon snapper if you will very very pretty he also said the gill plates are very sharp so i'm being very careful ate that one 150 gram jig gorgeous little fish and uh it's gonna make a gorgeous dinner guys check it out that's my first ever cabrilla grouper i don't know if i'm butchering that but that's what eduardo told us he ate the mustad stagger bod basically the only jig we fished this trip eduardo looked in our bag and he picked out the colors he liked he knows vick's favorite staggerbot jig the one man dude this is the african pompano slayer gag grouper just look at how beautiful this fish is right here he's got stripes he's got speckles real cool looking and um stomach's pretty blown up so this guy's coming home for the dinner table beautiful let's have a quick pick and then there's something going on that word was casting it must be good yeah they were kind of the right and but they're going down too oh oh oh oh my god giant needle fish oh my god this thing is freaking out easy buddy i just don't want you to cut me off come on oh my god giant pacific needle fish right we're new leader goofin that uh pacific hallon fish completely doomed my leader they can actually cut you off which is you know kind of crazy it was all my leader was all wrapped in his teeth cut that off all rigged up got a solid start to the morning plenty of action hopefully we can raise a true monster here now to the right do you remember vicar victor is left is right good fish oh that was sick what a sick eat oh my god that was sick oh my god came off yep oh eight again eight again on the real end are you kidding me rooster rooster gotta stay tight with him oh my god dude oh my god dude that was so sick oh my god that was so sick crazy man pulled hook on one fish which was ripping some drag oh my god this rooster and he came up and he jumped crazy fish man crazy fish dude crazy fish dude amazing buddy you got to think there was more than one fish the first fish i hooked could have been a jack could have been a rooster then came off hooks ripped out and uh literally i'm reeling back all disappointed and as i'm reeling back this rooster just crushed it so sick man these fish you know i'm fishing pretty darn tight drag they are strong this is not as big as the first fish or the my first rooster which i caught the other day these fish definitely a game fish no doubt no doubt a game fish very erratic too honestly they have their own style of oh my fighting listen to that saltego man that is sick very very erratic style you gotta definitely pay attention to what they're doing this is a nice fish man yep so sick oh my gosh one hook one hook getting barely hooked hey those fish no no no no no no no the furious attack is rooster fishy see the rooster fish very fast combat in the boat [Music] let's go such a sick fish awesome this is what you come to panama for man like amazing rooster fish on top water plugs big huberas on top water plugs nowhere like it literally nowhere like it just an absolutely beautiful fish no fish like them on earth look at that rooster comes up on top crushes a popper rushes back at you fast rips some drag awesome fish man gracias eduardo is the man he literally has told me where to cast as soon as i cast there pop a fish ground by the tail work them back and forth hard fight on this fish we want to make sure that we respect it and we get it going back and forth so eduardo just said we're going to get him back and forth get him revived and when he gets revived we have to shoot him in because these fish have a kind of a weird structure they're very top-heavy their head is very very heavy so sometimes when you release them and they're not properly revived they struggle to flip themselves back over so we shoot them back in once they get revived properly obviously i've learned a lot in a couple days fishing here this is all new to me and i'm just you know re-explaining what eduardo has taught us but a very very cool fish man very very cool so i'm just waiting for him to start kicking for me and we're going to shoot him back in the end very very good let's go gracias eduardo muy bien that is an epic end to an epic send four days of fishing with the boys in panama my first time in central america in over a decade after this experience y'all i know i'm going to be back thank you all so much for watching today's video i need you all to do me a huge favor check out this video right here especially if you like some top water strikes because i had some of the most epic top water blows of my life in this video i'll see you all over there
Channel: Ryan Morie
Views: 169,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, saltwater fishing, best fishing video, juno ryan, deep sea fishing, pier fish, pier fishing in florida, ryan morie pier fishing, fishing from a pier, fishing from shore, florida pier fishing, surf fishing, Huge Pier Fish, 48 Hours Casting Remote Islands, Utterly Speechless, Fishing in Panama, Panafishing Lodge, Panafishing, Giant Popper fishing, giant topwater fishing, fishing for roosterfish, poppers for roosterfish, massive roosterfish on popper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 51sec (2451 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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