Most EXPENSIVE Fish EVER Caught off Pier! Catch Clean Cook (Juno Pier Fishing)

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good morning everybody Victor here we're gonna do a little pier fishing today for those of you guys who don't know Florida's got hit with a really bad hurricane my heart goes out to all the people on the west coast I'm I'm really sorry for everyone who got affected by this but as bad as hurricanes are they create some of the best fishing opportunities for fishermen especially land-based Anglers so after we get a big storm a bunch of species will start to migrate down the coast which coincides with the Muller run as well as a lot of fish from offshore like mutton snapper get pushed in and it creates an extremely rare and unique opportunity to Target fish like mutton snapper from Piers which we're adjun up here right now so let's jump right into today's video all right guys first debate you see any Snapper yet no I saw someone pull one up that guy down there thank you come on I mean something's eating it but it's on charge and the pier oh yeah yep no he's he's probably like 14 13. we're gonna be 18. yeah they gotta be 18 inches make it look too easy cast the bait on bottom I swear it's that easy this dirty water has them real stupid all right guys first Martin Let It Go it's way too small so everybody's fishing the tea but I'm gonna be down here and try over here we got some sardines for bait some squid standard bottom rig you guys see us fishing the keys circle hook there's a mountain bike he's chewing on it gonna let him eat it a little bit and just like that circle hook got him come on baby be a bigger one oh actually pulling drag this could be a good fish the other one pulled no drag they pull a little bit and then they start to charge the pier oh man second Martin the second one yeah second one dude this one's full drag come in at this one uh no that looks cheaper it does look cheaper flip or die right that might be a keeper that looks good dude yeah I'm telling you I think they're everywhere you don't have to fish the teeth I'm about to go with you he's keeper dude 20 inches heck yeah 20 years much all right guys first keeper Martin for Vic got one short so far everybody's out there at the tee I came back here where there's pretty much no one fishing no competition so I think that's what I'm gonna do mustache circle hook two for two right now just throwing out these dead sardines look at that look at that donk beautiful keep your mind to start the morning off of here good job dude thank you see it's as easy as that good job everybody out there on the team no need for it there's like five recipes in your head right now oh yeah dude you know it you want to be in the video say what's up what's your name what's up my name is Jacob big follower of Vic and Brooke nice to meet you man thank you all for all the videos you do you got us through that pandemic real nice man thank you me and my kids all right let's feed them some calamari calamari I'm telling you dude it's the secret bait for Snapper dude see how the squid performs compared to the Sardine all right guys I'm getting a bite and anytime I get a bite from a mountain I'll let him eat it I don't reel on him until he's pulling away from me not at those little nibbles he's got to be running away for that circle hook to work too well let's see we got little nibs but nothing committed to it still good we'll send it back out wow this guy's taking his mind home in the Publix bag he got the groceries good job man nice two two big mines huh oh fish on yeah there we go that feels like a good one too that one was just sitting on the bait right there I don't know yet I don't think so I think it's gonna be undersized coming straight to the pier yeah this one will probably be undersized yep 15 inch mutton probably slaying them on the squid guys you see that look two more three months so far it's the first one that swallowed the circle hook pugs out oh here we go here we go come on oh it looks that dude yeah okay my number four coming in hot yeah mutton number four oh boy I got someone's line yeah dude welcome to be today you need to catch up your tangle numbers you know what it's not that bad though all right so I'm gonna make your life really sorry okay we'll unhook this mutton and get this guy back in the game oh my hammered yeah dude right underneath the pier it's a runner though that'd be a fresh Mountain bait right there yeah Runner action yeah on about time you catch one that sounds definitely a small fish oh they like to charge the pier though I definitely like to charge the beer come on what did that man do to you foreign that's the fun thing about the gotcha you never know what you're gonna get literally every Pier fish eats these things foreign dude yeah that's sick mutton snapper on the gotcha did he spit up a bunch of stuff every time you go fishing the rag is a big deal so I worked this gotcha and I go side to side every time I lift that Rod up kind of zigzag drives fish crazy oh right next to the pier the mackerel are lurking right here in the shadow line dude well there's another one every single cast dude they do not stay glued say that again oh yeah closer to the bottom they seem to be dude I literally you're you're cursing me I got rubber hooks that's the fourth mackerel I've lost oh my gosh dude they're solid if I could just keep this oh it's a Lady Fish right here I gotta check it out my number two on the gotcha the majority of the muttons we're catching are pretty small around this size maybe 16 inches I mean there's probably like 10 undersized mines for every single keeper cop but still fun I mean you never get to do this especially as a land-based peer guy catching them on gotchas and just bottom rods and I mean the entire Pier everybody's catching mine so there's probably hundreds if not thousands of them out there foreign we got ourselves some mind bait trying to catch that for years that's the eighth eighth one I hooked I think oh oh gosh look they're right there oh huge School of jacks how did you get a blue runner in all those jacks oh high stake Nation that's the perfect outcome I don't have to deal with unhooking them no way yeah on a gotcha what what permit huh no it is yeah wow look at that nice but I gotcha that's incredible all the gotcha came out right there too oh there we go spinner so everyone's fishing their bottom rods but why not double my chances I threw out the spinner oh that's not a mutton I think it might be a blue fish I like those it is a blue fish isn't it don't you start the first blue of the day all right as we transition from Summer to fall in Florida Bluefish are a species that come from the north to the South I don't even know how the heck this guy it's like lasso yeah so yeah Bluefish coming down the coast for all my New Yorkers out there what are they uh snap of Blues coming soon as we transition from summer as we transition from Summer to fall you're going to see a lot more species like Bluefish ladyfish mackerel that's our fall run it like coincides with the Mullet Run and all these fish are just headed south in all this dirty water there's probably just hordes of Bluefish and mackerel out here running at the pier running at the pier he's a little I'm over the month s well guys this is probably ow I just got sliced this is probably like mutton number 10 for me caught him on gotchas caught them on the bottom baits on the spinner lots of these little guys around as the day went on the mountain bike really slowed down but all day long we've just seen hordes and hordes of mullet coming down the beach coming from the north we got a really strong Northeast wind pushing all these mullet down actually all the way from the Carolinas so you got all these fish falling from the north you got mackerel Blue Fish Jacks ladyfish all these things migrating down and these fish are intercepting those mullet it's actually feels like the first day of fall here in Florida it's really that the water's stirred up we got a huge swell it's just a really special time for peer fishermen and for fishermen in South Florida you guys can see that the water is super murky you got a real big swell um there's still mullet hanging around the pier so you guys saw us freaking out over these mountains today and there's a reason for it so we just had hurricane Ian combine and anytime you get a really big system in like late summer early fall for some reason I don't know why I don't know if it's a pressure change I don't know if it's the swell but muttons any land-based Spa pretty much in South Florida from Sebastian Inlet all the way south to Miami is loaded with mutants they're catching them in Palm Beach they're catching them in Jupiter they're catching them everywhere they're catching them in Pompano it's extremely special to be able to catch them from up here a keeper Mountain from a pier and all I did super simple rig this is your typical pure bottom rig got a six ounce Bank sliding so that way when that mutton picks it up this weight is here and it slides on my main line so that mine can take this bait and it'll just that way it'll stay there and he's not going to feel that tension muns are super spooky you don't want them to feel any tension and you know I got my mustache 60 circle hook some tough line fluorocarbon leader I'll have that stuff linked below for you guys and you guys can actually save 20 off all must add and tough Line Products which is my code Landshark link below a foot Star Rod if you ever fished a pier you're probably synonymous or familiar with an aphid Star Rod we got the thorium if you guys ever fished Piers pretty much anywhere from Texas to the North Carolina coast you guys know what this is right here a little gotcha lure you could literally catch everything on this Pompano mackerel ladyfish Bluefish Jack revell's Kingfish I think I've caught every single species we caught muttons on this today this guy is just so effective it's heavy and it like darts from side to side and fish go crazy over this thing so yeah that's pretty much all we did today was just cast this guy throw baits on bottom we're gonna go head over the inlet now but I wanted to show you guys what we were working with today if you guys like him going over all your stuff be sure to thumbs up the video you guys definitely are liking the video so just thumbs up the video thank you Ryan I always forget to say it and it actually it actually does help like if you guys appreciate the videos in any way shape or form just something as simple as thumbs up in the video is going to help spread it to more people this is what we would get we would get these mutton snapper or mangrove snapper to come by the pier and they always stayed like I don't know I want to say like two to three days max we actually just got done fishing offshore on Brooke's boat and we tried to find the mines but we couldn't find them um I don't know why they come in I'm assuming it's because of the swell and the pressure difference in that dirty water but man these guys are so plentiful after a tropical storm or hurricane this guy up with an eight inch deck stream and the cool thing about this knife you guys see I was actually using the back of the blade right here it's got a serrated edge so it's perfect for all your really scaly fish or any fish that you need to get through the bones or any tough exterior of so now I'm using the other side of the blade to do my Precision work we're gonna break through the mutton's pin bones right there go on the other side of the uh spine just like that and on top of the rib cage and you see easy peasy just like that look at that so pretty just like that so there's our mutton all filleted out if you guys want to check out this knife this is the only knife that Dexter does not have a code for normally you guys can save 20 off all Dexter knife if you use my code Landshark which is going to be linked below which is like this guy right here the soft grip but unfortunately the deck streamlining knives since they still are kind of new they haven't implemented a code for them yet but you guys can check it out linked below I'll catch you in the kitchen we are making mutton snapper on the half shell it's exactly one week since I've caught this fish you guys always hear me talk about how some fish do so much better than others in terms of a shelf life this month's Snapper looks just like it did the day I caught and it's not deteriorating at all that bloodline's not getting brown or or um just foul if you smell this fish it smells just as fresh as the day I caught it and that's why so many people like them on Snapper and the perfect thing to do with the Snapper this size is either on the half shell so I actually left the skin and scales attached to the fish that's why it's called the half shell and we're going to put this directly on the grill grates garlic powder and before I seasoned it up I did put olive oil on this just on the flesh side right here some branch and Vine olive oil now we're going in with some onion powder foreign coriander and I want to season it pretty heavy since we're not seasoning the other side and this is one reason I do like to cook this fish on the half shell when it's a smaller mutton because the fillets aren't that thick so when you do only season one side you're not lacking on flavor on the other because it's not that thick to begin with since uh it's just me and Berkey I'm gonna go ahead and put red pepper on mine I know she's not the biggest fan of red pepper but I like a little spice in my life and then we're just gonna finish it off with salt and pepper foreign and we're cooking outside it's actually a beautiful day it feels like fall in Florida it's not that hot out right now on the Camp Chef woodwind pellet grill and we're gonna Grill this guy up and I can just smell that wood fire flavor coming out of this grill right on the grill grates right there is my grace around backwards a little too hot to fix right now so we're gonna make a quick little sauce salsa topping for our fish I don't really know what to call it but out here on the sidekick this is why I like this Grill so much I can grill right there and then I got a little propane side burner on the side I'm gonna go in with some butter go on in with some finely minced onions I don't know if there's a better smell than onions and butter coming together now we're going to add in a little bit of garlic wake that up for about 30 seconds I'm gonna go in with some diced grape tomatoes take a look at our fish [Music] I'm just gonna add a little bit of sugar to our tomatoes and then we're going to add fresh lemon juice [Music] cilantro right now as well as in a little bit so the fish has been on for about 15 minutes and it is done [Music] look at that right there on the plate [Music] and now we're gonna just spoon this warm tomato salsa just right on top of our fish right here [Music] foreign so check it out we got mutton snapper on the half shell and then just a simple little warm tomato salsa I'd put cilantro on but you could put basil or parsley whatever you want I think it looks really beautiful and let's see how it tastes and see how that flake is on this mod snapper right here burn my shoulder piece oh yeah baby that's tender and the nice thing about eating this with the half shell the Snapper provides its own little plate just sitting on the scales like that mm-hmm that is tender super flavorful [Music] a tomato salsa on there the little crushed red pepper it all balances perfectly you get that Smoky flavor from the grill I mean look at that that is some tender tender fish and there's something really special about cooking it on the half shell I don't know if it's in my head but the fish just it almost looks like it has a different flavor it's almost like you know what we're gonna let you taste even better because you respected me and you cooked me with my skin and scales on first of all this is absolutely delicious I love eating mutton snapper on the half shell but just check this out if you're wondering like how it comes off the skin watch look at that it just slides right off and you get every single little bit of meat off that skin foreign it's delicious and moist and delicious so I want to thank you guys so much for watching this like I said was a super special video to be able to share this meal with Brookie even though she wasn't on the pier catching them with me at least I got to share this with her and for all my land-based guys out there I want to do more land-based stuff definitely in the fall and winter get back to my roots definitely some keys Bridge videos coming up I want to thank you guys so much for watching check out that Camp Chef Grill linked below and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Landshark Outdoors
Views: 439,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pier fishing, mutton snapper, catch clean cook, catch clean cook snapper, mutton snapper catch clean cook, catch and cook, catch and cook snapper, juno pier fishing, south florida pier fishing, snapper fishing florida, snapper fishing pier, snapper catch clean cook, south florida fishing
Id: tCmi3UNxXX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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