Most INSANE PIER Fishing In Florida! Catch & Cook

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hello beach homes and welcome back to the channel if you're new here my name is Matthew Isbell I post a lot of surf fishing videos consider subscribing but today we are at Okaloosa Island Pier here in Fort Walton Beach Florida and it's pretty windy today we do have some storm systems that are north of us conditions are conducive possibly for some king mackerel so we're going to see if we can hook up on one of those early this morning we're looking for those big fish today hopefully can hook into a king mackerel maybe see some Jacks I've got a few different things rigged up I'll go over it with you throughout the day as I use what I've got ready but I'm excited water conditions look pretty good hopefully the south wind has got some Kings chewing let's get to fishing uh there's something right here big dark spot I don't know if it's bait or uh fish I don't know might be some jacks let's see oh it's Jax they are not interested in the Cobia jig you got some Jacks huh I see them giant pot of jacks that's the biggest school of jacks I think I've ever seen come on not eating the Cobia jig come on come on see if we can get them on the x-rap that's a huge School of jacks I lost them I don't know [Music] I don't know if it's never not out there well that was uh crazy start in the morning as soon as I walked on big giant School of jacks there were ton of them as you can see I was throwing the Cobia jig jigging it and they were not the least bit interested oh oh oh man thanks okay yep pop yeah popped off I get my first hookup of the day oh my goodness what an eat unfortunately I don't have any audio because for whatever reason my GoPro decided not to record the audio from this one clip so I am going to take this opportunity to talk about this catch um while I'm catching fish I'm always so amped up and fired up I really forget to kind of talk through some of the technicalities of it so I wanted to use that opportunity here didn't take much of a run I did have my my drag down pretty tight I wanted to make sure I was going to not uh let this fish just run around I wanted to get him to the pier as quickly as possible not always the best practice but you know I don't like uh I don't like taking too long just gives you a better chance to lose that fish but as you can see I just moved past some people and this is an important point you do want to follow your fish if you're new to Pure fishing don't have a ton of experience if you're fighting a big fish you want to make sure you're staying with your fish as I'm doing here going down the rail for a couple of reasons number one if that fish gets sideways you're going to probably tangle up some other lines if people are fishing around you uh they're not going to like that also you're taking up less space on the rail if you do stay with that fish like I'm only taking up the space that I'm at right now whereas if it were sideways if I was letting that fish run around and not staying in front of it I'm taking up more space on the rail not allowing other people to fish plus if that fish gets sideways and I don't follow it does give it an opportunity to easily get around a piling shoot the pier you just want to make sure you can control that fish so you have a better shot of Landing it so being in front of it not giving it that angle definitely gives you that chance but I quickly got this fish to the pier and we did get the gap down to it and fortunately had some help and we got this fish gaffed and we do get it over the rail and I'm pretty stoked about it probably somewhere in the ballpark 10 to 15 pound King Nothing gigantic but I was pretty stoked about it but I do have audio for the rest of the video coming at you now got the king this morning that's what I was hoping for Target species pretty sweet incredible Fighters are so fast hit the X rats still got it in the spout but we'll get back to fish and see if we can hook up on anything else got another one on right here we've had a few hits this morning I think three or four have been caught oh nice that was sick okay oh golly did you see that Holy Smokes golly oh my goodness that dude freaking Scott on it oh my gosh that was insane that was a crazy eat I don't know if you saw that on the GoPro but this dude freaking jumped out of the water for it [Music] good gracious kings are going nuts today oh okay yeah King [Music] all right appreciate you [Music] yep [Music] [Music] oh there we go nice you know somebody that wants this one you want them yeah it's all you man you sure yeah I already took half of that other one that's all I needed to you thank you did you see that one eat yeah pretty sick man thank you for your help really appreciate it second king of the morning pretty sick on the X wrap this one jumped completely out of the water to get it he's still uh still got some wipe in them but we're gonna give this one away already got plenty of meat but what an awesome one these fish are going nuts today I've been using the ninja dagger eight foot six ride with the 4500 pin Slammer four I've got 20 pound braid and I just had wire leader down to my X wrap I've caught two kept two that's the limit so we're gonna stop King fishing and uh start looking to see if we can see anything else going on while we're here oh we got a fish oh Spanish on the uh four carbon leaders on the pop jig here we go there we go nice I honestly was not expecting that I was just really screwing around I threw my lure out and uh I got this new setup that I wanted to try out careful dude and I made a cast that was kind of weird so I was trying to fix it and just working the lure back hook this guy 17 pound leader that's always uh nerve-wracking but nice little Spanish let's go with the King here I just moved down to this end of the pier uh kind of seeing if there might be any Pompano around but I was just testing out this new setup I've got a Shimano terramore XX and this is a 13 fishing reel that I'm trying out it's pretty cool uh it's a 3 a 3.0 size 3000 size reel um don't really know much about it axle but we're thinking about maybe carrying it in the shop so we're just trying it out today I've got 10 pound braid 17 pound leader just down to a Pompano jig which I do have tied on doubt you can see it in the GoPro but it is a loop knot I've got a teaser and the Pompano jig and really was just screwing around trying to get my bearing straight and caught that Spanish but this uh setup casts amazing this Rod is pretty sweet this one's kind of expensive um I just wanted to try it out but they do have different like levels of it basically different models that are less expensive but these uh Shimano terramars are pretty sweet rods heading off the pier had a great morning hanging out with a couple of peach bumps here I saw you caught a Spanish anything else just the Spanish well maybe I'll get some more but I got some cool cats here they're gonna catch some more fish don't catch them all now save something for everybody else okay all right and I've got a hunk of king mackerel here I gave most of it away and I used my bait knife that I had on the pier to get to this point so I did the best that I could with what I had and uh gave away most of the meat just because I did not need a lot of it but we are going to cook some of it up tonight I'm excited about it gonna try something a little unique and different but this is a big hunk of one of those two king mackerel that we caught and I'm just removing the bloodline there and I'm going to cube this up basically I'm going to try to get these pieces to be similar in size this is a lot of meat these little steaks might get some thinner ones this first few pieces were kind of thick this is going to be more than enough for what I'm trying to do today and this is definitely not even the the best filet job just because I was kind of making do what I got this is like less than half of a fish and there's like plenty of meat here then I've got my little Spanish mackerel that I feel like I caught by accident okay and one way you can tell that this is a Spanish it does have the black fin at the top these yellow spots can be on Kings as well and King's lateral line drops down way more drastically whereas this lateral line does drop down but it's not that much the king kind of drops way down very drastic and they have a gray Top Fin up here this this front fin anyway Spanish mackerel not a baby king but we're going to do something with you too buddy I was excited to catch it because I know you're going to be delicious [Music] for what we've got coming up just bring that right off the side of the fish I did Bleed It still a little bit of blood in here but I just popped the gills right after I caught it pull that rib cage out they have very soft skin so I'm trying to work real smooth and slow trying to leave a little bit of that meat on the skin just like that nice little Spanish fillet we'll set him to the side got a plan for you gonna be delicious we're in the kitchen and I'm going to be doing two different types of sushi Courtney has already prepared the Spanish mackerel sushi sushi which is in the refrigerator it's ready to go I'll go over what the ingredients are but I'm not going to show you us making that it's pretty simple pretty basic what are you doing playing I'm drinking some coffee it's been a long day I I got up at four o'clock this morning I've been going and uh what time was that six so I've been going going hard trying to get this meal prepared but we're using the king mackerel to make king mackerel balls and it's kind of like bacon Sushi or we could call it like pure Sushi comment below let us know and check it out we do have our merch if you haven't picked any up make sure you go check it out Peach get jalapenos cream cheese the bacon and then the fish we're gonna wrap it up and cook it on the skillet I've done this before on the grill we're gonna see how it goes I'm cooking the bacon a little bit before I wrap it up in the fish because the bacon is going to take a little bit longer than the fish to cook once it is wrapped up so that's kind of the plan one of you guys actually suggested that the last time we did this on the grill I've been marinating the king in Italian dressing I'm gonna also put some Zatarain's on it before we wrap it up we're wrapping them up got our fish bacon overcooked some of it so it's kind of giving me a hard time wrapping it but we're just taking a piece of fish kind of messy jalapeno cream cheese wrapping it up in the bacon oh no oh no I think we got it right in there I'm just taking a toothpick in it we go we'll cook it up I'm the chef and my Bacon's falling apart a little bit it it's looking pretty good I did some without the jalapeno and cream cheese I think it's gonna taste pretty good so we've got our regular Sushi which very nice job on the sushi rolling Courtney you're like a pronoun and what are the ingredients um cream cheese orange and yellow bell peppers and cucumbers we normally put avocado but the avocados were not at the right stage and then we've got our redneck Sushi or pure Sushi boom sushi bacon Sushi however you want to call it it's kind of thrown together jalapeno cream cheese fish bacon this one just has bacon and then a little piece of fish cooked in bacon fat you want to dive in yes I don't I've never cooked fish in bacon fat so might be weird it's good pretty good yeah it doesn't taste weird does it taste like bacon no no okay they're good you like it a little king mackerel you may not want to go all in on the jalapeno there just yeah not really ladylike all ingredients going down is it spicy well it's got the jalapeno it's good yeah I'm doing the video it's really good together oh yeah no no no no just the bacon it's really good you gotta have it all together I think I think all right here's a really messy bite of fish cream cheese jalapeno love them that's really good it's definitely the way to go is that a good chicken nugget thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed that video if you did give it a big thumbs up and as always you stay by me
Channel: Bama Beach Bum
Views: 72,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FFj_W3_P3uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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