My Account Was Hacked (The Neopets Experience #6)

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Ooh, didn’t expect reddit to be the way I find out he uploaded a new Neopets video. It’s actually his videos that got me back to Neopets this time, it’s refreshing to see someone’s experience with Neopets before all the min/maxing, market manipulation, and cynicism gets to them.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/IncandescentCapybara 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

He got his money back plus his pet is painted. I would call it a win

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SilentHillFiend 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh the saga continues! These videos are hilarious!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/LostAtSeaDontBtherMe 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys Tama go here and welcome back to the Neopets experience now following the last episode where I revealed my newfound riches I received a lot of comments expressing concern that I was leaving all my funds exposed and not secured in a neo peon bank account apparently a random event could occur in game which would result in me losing a significant amount of my fortune similar to the time that I show randomly gave me a rotten egg sandwich so the plan was this episode I would open a bank account and keep my neo points safe but I guess you could say I got B into the punch because as you read in the title my account was hacked so let's rewind back to February I received a tweet from @x peace love meow asking if I had been hacked or if it was me who made my neo pet naked now you remember in the last episode we left bright legs looking fresh AF in his brand new superhero getup so it suddenly wasn't me who would have left him in the nude I head over to the website and luckily I'm still logged in but things are noticeably different for starters yes bright legs did have all his clothes removed and while he wasn't quite naked the perpetrator committed what I consider to be an even worse offence they put him back in the potato sack my feelings towards which have been clearly documented they also changed his colour from his signature yellow literally the reason why he's called bright legs to this story theme and while I admit he looks quite nice I was not prepared for such a drastic change to his identity bright legs how could they do this to you on top of this the hacker had also either spent or stolen over 2 million neo points all the months of saving my Trudy surprise winnings gone side note if you're wondering why the background on the website is different than usual that wasn't the hackers doing it was just my birthday Thank You Neopets I felt very special so obviously the first course of action was to secure my account I updated the password change the pin and checked every single box so that no action whatsoever could be taken on my account without entering the code I'm sure if I didn't already have the boxes for Neo pet transfer and account the activation checked from before this whole situation would have been a lot worse this would have turned from the Neopets experience to taken real quick and then emailed near pet support to see if they could help out and apparently they couldn't because I did not hear back from them for over a week ten days to be exact and on that tough day I decided to tag the official Neopets account on Twitter since apparently that's the only way to actually get them to read your support tickets luckily that did work because they responded the next day saying that they were looking into the issue and would get back to me I later received an email from Tony PE at Neopets support asking for some verification details which I provided and after a few days Tony let me know that the neo points had been returned to my account which was great but my pet is still out here looking like the night sky so what exactly is going on here anyway I was very grateful and thanked Tony for his help but I also saw this as an opportunity to shoot my shot and see if the Neopets team had any interest in this series perhaps they'd want to get involved so I asked if they'd be up for a collab and proceeded to never hear from Tony or any member of the Neo pest team ever again hmm maybe I should send him another tweet now that I had my neo points back my top priority was to open a bank account so I got one with an 11% yearly interest rate I wish and I deposited almost every new point I had into it with this account I can come back every day to claim the daily interest how the rich get richer I wish you would automatically just add the interest to my account but I guess they can't make it too easy now can they you might remember in the previous episode bright Lex had a surprising aversion to the pear flavored jelly like he was not having it at all well a few of you brought to my attention that new pets apparently don't like eating foods with names that have the same number of characters as their name and if you count the space then both pear jelly and bright legs have ten characters an oddly specific reason not to like a food especially when you consider I'm pretty sure he ate the rotten egg sandwich but whatever I won't judge now I was also informed that you can actually bypass this by changing the language of the website so I scroll down and changed it from English to French because as some of you will know I dabble in a little bit of before say myself you know what I'm saying and as soon as I did that the page refreshed and a random event occurred turns out there was a bank error in my favor see I told you I could read French and I received over 2,000 new points now that's the kind of random in-game event I could get behind I selected the pear jelly now called Juliana [ __ ] Thank You Google I fed it to bright legs and as far as I could tell he quite liked it in fact there's a translate button right here so let's see what he had to say bright legs chokes and says I think I swallowed it wrong ah all right then now jelly is one of those foods that has multiple servings so after feeding it to bright legs the first time there was still half of it left and this got me thinking now that this was no longer pear jelly and was instead half of a pear jelly would he now be fine with eating it in English well there's only one way to find out so I switched the website language back to normal gave it two bright legs and what would you know he ate it just fine you picky son of a all right so here's the deal bright legs is now blue and starry how did this happen well in your pets you can buy paint brushes which change your pets colour and in some cases change their look entirely so whoever hacked my account used the starry paintbrush on bright legs and while I didn't ask for or appreciate this being done without my consent frankly it could have been a lot worse I considered buying a yellow paintbrush to change dry legs back to his original color but in the end I decided to just go with it and fitted him out with a classy looking bow tie and glosses complete with a nighttime backdrop to complement his news with that all sorted out it was time to check out a game that I was originally going to disqualify in the last episode but I decided I would give another chance food club in this game you place a bet on the pirate you think has the best chances of winning a food eating competition there were multiple rounds held every day each with a different set of four pirates and you're given information on what foods are being served who's competing and contestant profiles which break down the strengths and weaknesses of each pirate I checked out the shipwreck round and compared all the foods being served to each pirates favorites and allergies to determine who would have the best chances of winning after my very detailed statistical analysis yes I actually wrote this down I decided to place a bet on Federer smoked over leo I wouldn't find out if he had actually won until the next day though and so in that fashion we will return to food club later in the video to see if I was on the money next game I looked at was gem heist in this one you play as a Sandin and your job is to collect as many gems as possible by throwing a stone at the baskets to note the gems out and catching them as they fall you also have to be careful to catch the stone as well though because if you run out of them it's game over this was a nice bit of fun with some challenge to it too since there's a quota that needs to be reached before the timer runs out to progress to the next level I really like the style of this game it has good art and sound effects and the music wasn't too bad either I'm giving gem heist a 7 out of 10 after that I tried to play Geo's but this was another multiplayer Lobby game and with no one else hosting a game I sure as hell wasn't gonna do it myself disqualified next I played ghost Papa this is a whack-a-mole style game where you use the keys on your number pad to whack the ghost pet pets and stop them from escaping their graves each pet pet species has a set number of times they need to be hit in order to be eliminated and some items such as skulls shouldn't be hit at all otherwise you lose a life now you might be thinking 10 lives isn't that a lot and I thought so too until I realized that you lose a life every time Wacken empty grave let it go stow scape or whack an on ghost pet head add on to that the fact that the game rotates the control scheme every couple of levels and this thing quickly becomes a nightmare I was literally turning my keyboard upside down just to keep up ghost popper was I guess a 5 out of 10 after that was go-go-go and i'ma keep it real of you guys this was just another HTML card game I wasn't into it and I don't particularly want to go into the walls because there's quite a lot to it and none of it is interesting just like the previous card games we've looked at you play against AI opponents and honestly I got so bored while playing this I just forfeited the game go go go gets a no from me it's a 2 out of 10 after that was godori another HTML card game listen it's the same thing over again I read the rules I played I got bored I didn't even click the forfeit button this time I just left one thing that was kind of cool about this game is that it has you play against your own neo pet which is a nice touch but it doesn't make much of a difference godori gets a 2 out of 10 go provoke oh well go Haruko go paruko whatever this is a puzzle game where you rotate sets of blocks to match colors in 2x2 combinations there are also blocks which give bonuses or have special properties and to progress through each level you have to reach a certain score before the timer runs out this was a pretty standard Neopets block based puzzle game we've seen quite a lot of these at this point and this one fits nicely in the collection Gopal Rocko gets a 6 out of 10 next up was gone ball this game has a 20 neo point entry fee and you have to select a character to back I chose our gold the cool grand oh you can tell he's cool because of his sunglasses but I mean who's to say now in this game a gone ball is passed around the group and each player chooses how long they'll hold it for before passing it on the longer you hold it the more points you get but if the ball explodes whilst you're holding it you're eliminated it's like an extreme game of past apostle where instead of winning a present you die I chose to take the Yolo route and hold on to the ball we fall five seconds and it paid off since I received ten points and the ball didn't explode on me instead it got Brian so I figured hey what's the first time right when the ball made his way around to me again I held it for another five seconds and was not as lucky this time oh wow you know what they say go big or go home right well I guess I'm going home gone ball gets off four out of ten up next was gourmet Club bowls but this was a shockwave game so instead I played grandtheft I'm a gene in this one your objective is to steal all the fruits in each level without getting caught by the gods the gods move faster than you but are also short-sighted so they lose you easily this game felt kind of unfinished there were hardly any sound effects no music the AI on the gods seemed off and overall it just I mean it just wasn't that fun you know plus it had this amazing which I absolutely despised the Gardiners revenge you glue hedges for revenge I was not a fan grand theft auto gene gets a three out of ten after that was growl keno in this game there were 80 eggs and you have to select up to ten that you think will hatch when the growl wars you also wager a certain amount of neo points and the amount you win back depends on how many of the eggs you selected actually hatch I chose 10 eggs at random bet 750 neo points the GWAR award and three of the eggs I chose actually hatched meaning I won nothing so it went pretty much as well as I expected this dude do be roaring though volcano is just another purely chance based betting game and so it's disqualified next game was mutant graveyard of doom 2 it opens with these kids being read a bedtime story about their Uncle Albert who ventured into the haunted woods got trapped by the esophagus was turned into a mutant and was then forced to collect food for his new master Jesus Christ what kind of bedtime story is this trying to give them nightmares or what anyway in this game you play as Uncle Albert and are tasked with collecting all the food items in each level before your candle burns there were also other creatures lurking around the graveyard that you have to avoid this game was okay but whilst playing I found myself wishing I had some sort of attack move so I could do more than just wait for the enemies to move out of the way upon losing it said the kids were now too scared to go to sleep as though it's my fault I'm not the one who chose to read them the obituaries before bed whatever I'm giving mutant gravy out of doom a 5 out of 10 next game was grumpy old king and hey I remember this dude unfortunately he was out for lunch so we're gonna have to return to this one another time following up was guest a card in this one you select one of 6 cards and if your pet correctly guesses the card you chose you in 15 ear points now I'd say bright legs and I have a pretty strong connection so he'll know what I'm going for which is close like that I selected the square he guessed the wavy lines okay so not quite right but you know what it's no problem we're just warming up I give it another try select the square again and he guessed the wavy lines dude what is it with you and these waves were okay whatever one more time I select the square he guesses circle man are you even trying one more one more time I select the square he goes for the plus sign bright legs what is this come on I mean eventually we have to get it right I select the square he guesses the circle again why why would you guess it again square sq you a re square I selected the square he guesses the square we win 15 air points I mean what did I tell you we just have that special connection it can't be faked guess the card not really much of a game now is it it's qualified after that was guess - wait oh boy we're doing a lot of guessing today only this one is simple you have a giant marrow it weighs between 200 and 800 pounds and if you correctly guess the weight you win a prize I guessed 468 pounds that's 212 point 3 kilograms for my metric brothers and sisters out there and I was wrong disqualified following that was attack of the gummy dice and I must say the title makes this game seem far more action-packed than it really is this a 3d puzzle game where you need to connect five or more dice of the same color in order to eliminate them and clear the board if any Tower of dice gets too high it's game over I like this game and for the isometric style added a nice twist to the block puzzle format my only real complaint is that the music didn't suit the game that well and it got old quickly apart from that though it's a pretty solid game I'm giving this one a 7 out of 10 and I suppose now would be a good time to check back in with food club to see if I made the right bet if you remember I bet on Federer smoke over Leo to win the round and it turns out he did in fact win netting me an extra 750 new points I was originally going to disqualify food club in episode 5 for being just another chance based betting game but I decided to give it a proper go this time to see exactly how it worked it turns out it's not completely randomized and there is some thinking required such as considering the factors that can affect each contestants performance this makes it more involved than a game like growl keno for example so I decided I won't disqualify food club but with that said it was still pretty damn basic I'm giving it a 2 out of 10 and that concludes the games for this episode who knew the road to discovering everything this website has to offer would be so treacherous and honestly I just want to know will my account ever truly be secure will Bratz legs adjust to his new life as a star in MO and last but not least will the Neopets team ever respond to my email find out next time on the Neopets experience [Music] you
Channel: tamago2474
Views: 376,206
Rating: 4.9522505 out of 5
Keywords: tamago, tamago2474, 2474, gameshow, game, show
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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