Club Penguin Island - Members Only

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Club Penguin Island the game that Club Penguin as we knew it died for when the initial trailer dropped for this game I along with many others was like yeah yeah I mean look at this well you got hey you got sand with penguins I don't know something about this makes me uncomfortable then you got the new character models which I mean they're not bad but there's something about the original models that was just so charming I don't know maybe I prefer my penguins short and fat and then you got a new penguin emojis which quite frankly aren't the worst thing to happen with emojis this year so moving on Club Penguin Island coming 2017 to mobile weight mobile so you mean to tell me they closed down Club Penguin a primarily desktop experience in order to make room for their new mobile application wait a minute what are mobile games most well-known for is it their impressive graphics their immersive gameplay and storytelling no no that's not it that's not it something tells me is something much more insidious so realistically this game never stood a chance and from the moment it was released it got critically panned with reviews from the likes of Mac Cockburn a comment is his name Mac who writes who expects is a six year old kid - no he is her mommy email also 3d sucks and hashtag bring back Club Penguin so you know not the most constructive with you there's also Michael Blevins who writes boring bring back the old Club Penguin back Disney responds hi Michael we appreciate your feedback Club Penguin Island is a game that grows with each update and our teams working to bring even more content your way I mean fair enough response although one would hope that the game would launch with enough content - not to be boring but I wanted to check this game out for myself maybe it's not so bad you know people don't like new things and a lot of people are still salty about the original Club Penguin down so the reviews might not truly represent how good the game is itself then I was presented with a problem Club Penguin Island is a mobile game which meant I needed to find a way to record my mobile screen so I tried a few different applications some just straight-up didn't work others worth what the hell how am I supposed to work with this the quality is so bad and as a giant watermark right in the middle of the screen what is this some sort of Instagram meme i eventually settled on an opt-out record in high quality the only drawback being that i couldn't a sound which is alright I guess I'll just overlay some classic penguin tunes so if recording sorted I downloaded Club Penguin Ireland started it up I was promptly informed about how I could purchase their membership subscriptions literally the first thing I see upon opening the app already a fantastic start I tried to create a Disney account but the username time ago 24/7 for was already taken which I mean I'm not annoyed it's only the most obscure here's the name on the planet I then went to choose my penguin name and well same thing whoever did this to me just know I do not appreciate it I then tried to call myself hard-boiled 24/7 for but it wasn't allowed and I'm not really sure why was it word hard was it the boiled wait is it is it cuz oil I don't know then they sent me an email and said my parent or guardian must activate it highlighting the fact that I am NOT the target demographic for this game I approved my account who logged into the game membership I have a feeling this uh this whole membership thing is gonna be a bit of a theme in this video they offered me a 7-day free trial which was nice but I wanted to see what the game was like for non-members first so at long last I was finally in the game and first of all let me just say these graphics decent as greeted by Captain Walker who seems to have gotten a bit of an upgrade he welcomed me to the island and I will add there is voice acting here which I was quite impressed by of course you can't hear it because the app I was using doesn't record sound listen listen it was either no sound or this is this what you want I didn't think so during his speech massive leaks started to burst open on the ship so I was shot out of a cannon to safety you know standard procedure I then swam to shore and came across Antarctic who seems to have ditched a beanie in exchange for hair and clothes which I mean fair enough she didn't wanted me to choose my penguin colour I chose orange trust me it could have been a whole lot worse then I was given a quest to gather wood so he could fix the ship and I was sent on my merry way and it did not take but 30 seconds for me to realize that this was not going to work the game was running at like 6 frames per second on my Motorola RAZR clearly they had more powerful devices in mind when they were making this game the framerate combined with the complete lack of sound made it look like I was playing a power playing presentation how am I supposed to work with this I'd rather have the giant watermark to be honest at this point I had legitimately given up hope of according this video and resorted to just throwing snowballs around like good old times I'm so happy they have Club Penguin Island with computer now what really yeah I'm gonna check that out you so it turns out Club Penguin Island was recently released on PC and Mac someone tagged me in the announcement tweet saying it's calling me and then the official Twitter account for Club Penguin actually responded I basically just got hit up by Club Penguin so I can't not make this video now I downloaded the game installed it logged in and was given a bunch of free items for the holiday season how nice of them of course they all have padlocks in the King that I can't actually used them as a non-member but really it's the thought that counts the thought that for as little as $4.99 a month I could put a what is that a Santa Claus beard yeah I could I could put that on my penguin hmm neat I also got 500 coins and a shirt that I think I can actually u.s. so that's nice at least oh this is already way better than the movie our version they should have just launched it like this from the start I mean you also play a game like this in portrait mode where the controls take up half of the screen I gathered the wood and headed over to captain wok offered to fix the ship he then gave me a jackhammer and I was quickly informed that only members can use jackhammers meaning that I would only be able to use it in the context of the quest and never anytime else come on even the old Club Penguin that non-members use jackhammers is this game gonna let me do anything I patched up the holes and when I returned to Antarctic to claim my reward she gave me some blueprints which I could use to design my own clothes so I did barely most of the accessories are for Members Only anyway and even if you make clothes using the starter pack accessories to give you for free you still have to be a member in order to wear them so what is actually the point of making me spend my coins on an item that I can't even use it was painfully clear by this point that the game really does expect everyone who plays it to buy a membership but considering that there was a fair amount on offer for non-members in the original game I wanted to see the limits of what you can do as a non-member on Club Penguin Island before entering bank details one thing you can do is take part in and watch dance battles I don't know why you'd want to do that but hey to each their own I suppose this one clearly has no idea what she's doing it seems like all mini games have been locked off I went to Gary's lab and tried to start the thing that was there but it was members only so really I'm just assuming it was a mini game it wouldn't let me find out I was quite surprised that a game actually lets you buy a decent amount of furniture without being a member so I created my igloo put a sofa in there because it's too big that's all right then this random person came into my igloo how did she even get in here I initially created this two minutes ago apparently people find this game so boring they keep themselves busy by performing home invasions I went to the sea caves to see what that was about there's an area where you can go deep-sea diving and collect treasure you have to keep an eye on your oxygen though and make sure you refill your bubble when your orange goes well you have to keep an eye on your oxygen though and make sure you refill when your bubble goes orange or red they're also creatures which can lower your oxygen if they attack you so you have to watch out for them too all in all this little section was probably the most fun I had playing this because it was the closest thing to a video game up until this point everything's just felt like a ploy to get me to buy a membership or at least start my seven-day free trial which still requires me to enter my bank details in the hopes that I'll forget about it and they can stop automatically charging my account without telling me but the sea caves weren't so bad it had a goal collecting the treasure it had obstacles exploration a bit of time pleasure with the bubble it was good and what do you get at the end you get to sit on the giant throne neat I wasn't done with the island just yet I still had a couple more quests to do one involved helping Rockhopper find buried treasure by fishing for a map in a bottle and putting the pieces together then I go awarded with even more items I can't use the SS convenience Wow all these food items and not a single one is available to non-members couldn't even make a free item like a slice of bread like a singular slice of plain untoasted bread you couldn't do that come on Disney I know you can afford it the cannon is the fastest way down [Music] the cannon is the fastest way every year Club Penguin hold this in-game charity event called coins for change which would allow players to donate their coins so that real money would be donated to charities it was a really nice thing to do so I'm glad they brought it over to Club Penguin Island I for one donated a hundred and fifty coins the highest denomination available so that's my good deed of 2017 out of the way what have you done this year Dhoni more No thank you I finished the last available quest got even more locked items and was then left looking around with a deep feeling of emptiness wondering what I should do next the game lets you do three quests one for Antarctic one for walk hopper and one for rookie the cannon is the fastest way down once you've done those quests if you want to do another one membership this game doesn't even let you do sled races without membership would you sled races were my favorite I continue to walk around for a good 20 minutes just looking for something to do though these different materials scattered all around the islands which you can collect such as shells gems whatever this is I know it's Maltesers cloth you can then exchange them for coins which you use to donate I guess it's not that as much else to do with them [Music] Disney certainly didn't skip out on making their presence in this game known you've got Mickey Mouse lamps a bust of Mickey Mouse's head surrounded by diamonds apparently subtlety isn't Disney's strong suit penguin style get that garbage out of here that is so last season it's all about the Disney shop now you ever heard of a little movie called big hero 6 you're ever you're ever heard of for rows and you ever heard of descendants - wait what I actually haven't heard of descendants - I didn't even know there was a descendants 1 as expected everything in the shop requires a membership I can't be surprised at this point I just wish they did a bit more for non-members like why not have some clothes that aren't Disney branded and are available to everyone like a red t-shirt a yellow t-shirt a green tee at least they gave me this t-shirt so I'm not completely naked I'm only naked where it counts you know at least the game is self-aware there's an inbuilt mobile phone for when you inevitably get bored on there you can see events taking place on the island as well as available Quest's you can also check out the news I personally prefer to catch up on penguin events in a more traditional style but this will do for now there's a section for reading comments and articles and almost always they eventually devolve into bring back the old cup penguin I'll get over it already it's been nearly a year don't be ungrateful and great ungrateful what there's nothing here there's literally nothing to be grateful about but or not let's take a moment to talk about bots Oh believe me I I know about BOTS all too well but look like penguins but there's one major difference there's no human controlling the account instead they stand in one place and might say pre-made messages over and over lame actually it was pretty funny sometimes the lesson here is to ignore BOTS especially when they're telling you to visit a website meanwhile the team is working on others ways look this just in club penguin island corrupting the youth by teaching them incorrect grammar whoa thanks for the tips I think the funniest thing about this is that the comments have to get approved before they're shown which means the moderators are constantly reading comments telling them their game sucks and they're approving them the phone also allows you to switch servers although I don't think they need this many at the moment like no one is playing this game they're also coloring pages which I mean can you print these out like why are these in here so that's it that's everything you can do in Club Penguin Island as a non-member I gotta say the game is pretty well made it looks really nice the voice acting is good like it seems like the team behind this game genuinely cares about giving a good experience I've a feeling it's mostly the supreme overlord Walt Disney that's forcing all of the membership only stuff like they're expecting that 50 billion dollar investment to be funded solely from Club Penguin revenue I decided it was finally about time for me to start my 7 day free trial and unlock the full potential of the island unfortunately every time I tried it would say the service is unavailable please try again later so I guess I'll try again later in another video I'll get a membership do more quests pimp out my penguin play some minigames and win some damn sled races or two braces as they call them now until next time thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video where you you have to be a member to sign out and this is just getting ridiculous [Music] you
Channel: tamago2474
Views: 2,614,313
Rating: 4.9128923 out of 5
Keywords: tamago, tamago2474, 2474, funny, comedy, gameshow, game, show, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Island, CP, CPI, Members, Membership, Only, Review, Rewritten, Ruined, PC, nostalgia, nostalgic
Id: tjwvQeJLSBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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