The BEST Battle Royale Game - TABG (GameShow #12)

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Before this episode of GameShow begins I want to quickly say that I had actually Recorded a full hour and a half of what I thought was a pretty damn funny gameplay session However, upon checking the footage. I found that there was one glaring issue. I didn't record any of the audio and trust me This is a game where you're gonna want to hear what's going on. So whilst I felt like doing this I Opted not to mainly because well my laptop really had nothing to do with it So instead I decided just to record another session But I'll still use some clips from the original one and just like dub over it. Pew-pew! Pow! So without further ado, let's get into the GameShow. And today's episode is sponsored by technical difficulties. Let's go Totally Accurate Battlegrounds, this is quite possibly the best battle royale game out there. I'm not even joking PUBG? salty boys Call of Duty blackout desperate boys fortnite? minecraft boy Oh I might need to redact my statement totally accurate Battlegrounds is a first-person Battle royale game where everyone plays as ragdoll figures up to 50 players are shut out of the floating convoy of trucks and must gather Weapons armor and other resources in order to fight and outlive enemy players. There's also a constantly shrinking safe zone You have to make sure to stay within and the last player left alive wins the game Now upon loading up the game you shown a menu screen with your playable character along with options for customizing their look I played around With it for a little while and after creating a character's somewhat resembling of Tom Hanks from castaway I decided to see what I could get from clicking the randomize button. Nope Naked Hmm there was something about the look of the hood and shirt that gave me inspiration and after tinkering about for a couple of minutes I had it all figured out I present to you the new menace of totally accurate battlegrounds the Green Goblin No, no copyright infringement intended. It's fair to say my first game That was an absolute shambles off the bullying the sky and the lobby for a few minutes We were loaded onto the flying trucks and I injected myself into a field of wheat my first objective Find a weapon I enter the house find a weapon objective completed second objective pick up the weapon I had to go into the controls menu just to figure out how to do that And then I changed the key binding to e because that's the control scheme a fortnight Am I dumb? Why am I missing all my shots? I picked up a crossbow and a sword and decided it would be a good idea to hang around the house for a little bit Completely ignoring the ring progress status at the top, right? Well, that was Underwhelming so I had failed to pay any attention to the safe zone whatsoever In fact, I'm not even sure at this point. I was aware that even was a safe zone whatever that was Only the first game this time. I was gonna get it right as soon as the next game started The first thing I did was check the map to make sure I was ejecting Well within the ring I landed in the grass with another player who managed to make it into the nearby barn first Luckily for me. They didn't seem to find a weapon So he began a race to the nearest two houses as whoever could find a weapon first would have a massive advantage over the other They chose the house on the right. So I chose the one on the left when? Are you serious? I switched over to the EU server Hoping this would lead to a more stable connection in my next game I X it into toll castle grabbed myself an assault rifle and searched around for my first victim a shot was fired in my direction I aimed upwards found the enemy in my sights and fired but liked like no bullets were coming out of my gun I was just taking damage I had to run away It turns out totally accurate battlegrounds is a lot more accurate than I had anticipated because unlike most other shooters None of the weapons in this game come pre-loaded I was low in health, but I finally had my gun ready and was now on the hunt I found him in my sights again and started firing shots, but little did I know player 3 had just entered the game Okay, so far not a great start for the Green Goblin was waiting for the next game to begin I encountered a friendly blue gentleman who apparently just wanted a chat We exchanged pleasantries and he went over to another player asking if he could add them as a friend on Steam What's your name on Steam? He asked the chicken man responded eats my dick 5 5 - something tells me this was not his actual Username once the next game has started I picked up a crowbar and began chasing a dude dressed as a bunny rabbit It proved to be pointless though as he proceeded to parkour his way up to the right and make a swift escape Not a problem though as I soon had my target set on someone else A player in a pink tunic running with a Taser while they were occupied with shooting at two other players I came in with my crowbar to ruin their day I couldn't celebrate too long though as I still had another player to take out I tried to pick up the weapons my victim had left behind, but I just couldn't for some reason. I didn't know what was happening Are you - what this was unacceptable? How are people supposed to fear the Green Goblin if he keeps disconnecting from the server? So I decided to switch servers once again this time to EU - and let me tell you this This was a mistake upon entering the weight Lobby. I encountered a member of the Ku Klux Klan I've had to blow out some of the more sensitive language But as you can see, it really was a hostile environment and we didn't even have any weapons yet, man The EU - server is wild the next game had begun I landed in a glassy area with many trees but no weapons in sight I heard footsteps behind me target acquired we fought I won I attempted to initiate a Disrespectful teabagging a windows pop-up appeared I ran away I managed to find a small machine gun as well as a pair of boxing gloves before I encountered my next enemy I forgot that the guns don't come pre-loaded in this game And once I got that figured out proceeded to miss near enough every shot I took until I had emptied the clip and they had stabbed me with a sword I knew then that there was only one thing left to do I was going to have to box this sword wielding chicken to death. I Had yet to get the hang of the teabagging thing, it looks more like I'm doing me exercises I had two kills under my belt both carried out with my fists. I was feeling pretty good about this one I made my way through the map making sure to remain in the safe zone. So the doors wouldn't close on me again I spotted someone moving around in one of the houses I was approaching surely with my fully automatic rifle there would be no match for the Green Goblin They make a quick escape through the door. I come around on the left catching them by surprise and successfully take them out I walked up to their corpse to discover. I just killed the Ku Klux Klan member form the lobby I made sure to execute the tea bag incorrectly for this one to my surprise I had made it into the last 10 remaining players But I had to be careful as someone could run up on me at any more Where I was killed by pedobear Man, the EU tô server is wild. Hello and welcome to dattaji comedy corner. Give a warm Welcome to tonight's guest comedian the tracksuit Terrorizer Hey, I'm back for my launching spoon Oh Top tier comedy right there Thanks for tuning in to the tab G comedy corner back to the program Whilst waiting in the lobby for the next game to start I came across two players who seem to be having a staring contest Another player ran up and attempted to break up the contest but to no avail then came yet another player who ran directly up to me and performed what I can only describe as Unnecessarily aggressive fellatio to my surprise though. It was successful in breaking up the staring contest however I was now beginning to think that the white-haired man was actually just afk since he had not moved throughout this entire Encounter he was taking an unusually long while for the lobby to fill up So to pass the time I punched this guy in the face. He just ran away Yeah chicken What a guy thanks for tuning in to the tab G comedy corner back to the program the white head man Still had not moved an inch since I first encountered the staring contest over three minutes ago But a few seconds later he turned So he was alive the three of us then proceeded to have a rave to the sound of our own Beatboxing which came to a swift and unexpected end when the white-haired man turned to me and said I am a rapier. Wait what? Oh my god. What the fuck ha ha wait. Is he still? Oh my god, man The EU 2 server is wild ok this time I meant business you ever seen a revolver with laser sight wait a minute is that Okay, no this time this time I meant business do you see how big my gun is These fools won't stand a chance What happened the game crashed are you kidding me? Why is this game so broken? Oh Okay this time for sure I meant business I spotted a player in the distance with a riot shield on their back I charged forward wishing they would just stand still so I could land a damn shot But they kept moving and attempted to take me out with the pistol when it was clear that that wasn't working out for them They decided to charge at me head-on with the riot shield, and I was like what No sit down boy There were ten players left alive and off to a swift teabagging session I would encounter my next opponent who apparently also had a riot shield Did these guys WOB a SWAT team or something my low health alongside my evident inability to aim a gun properly put me in a vulnerable position But luckily for me a third player had merged an assault which scared off the riot shield guy I was on the chase He fled to a large walk before turning around to shoot at me once again But I was calm I was ready and most of all I was the Green Goblin Just how I like it only five people Remained and I had equip myself with the revolver a shotgun and had a riot shield on my back. I went to investigate gunshots I heard in the distance Someone had just been taken out I approached a large stone structure found my opponent and then followed Probably the biggest disgrace to the concept of accuracy. The world has ever seen Damnit boiled by Big Poppa Pump Wait a minute the Green Goblin, but how can this be stop him? He is an impostor the next game begins. I drop down into a circle of houses and make a dash for the nearest one I managed to grab a knife and take out one of the two players who entered the house with me But the other one made a run for it and thus began the longest chase sequence in tab G history Along the way I found a gun but no I had already invested too much the running man would have to die by my blade Let this be a lesson you cannot escape the Green goblin I decided to stick with my knife as I had already managed to kill two other players with it maybe it could carry me to victory but alas the knife was no match for the ak-47 What another Green Goblin I will have you know, that is a trademarked property sir, okay 100% This time I meant business I launched myself onto a bridge and made a run for the nearest weapons I could find which funnily enough where a knife and an Ak-47, I spotted a player running towards me on the bridge It seemed they weren't able to find a weapon making them an easy first kill I hopped on a bike and journeyed along the hill route less than 30 players remained alive But it soon became clear that the path I was taking would carry me out of the safe zone So I had to make a detour Gunshots someone was nearby so I ditched the bike and located my next target Despite missing an embarrassing number of shots and managed to come out on top only 23 players remained I healed myself of some bandages and picked up the LMG my victim had left behind With a loadout like this there would be no stopping me things got quiet 15 other players but not a single one to be seen I then heard a motorbike which Sounded like it was much closer than it actually turned out to be 13 players remained alive as the zone continued to shrink Closing us further in and then I saw them a player on a bike riding straight for me with a knife in the hand I did what had to be done I continued on my travels and came across a pile of supplies on top of a mound probably left behind by another fallen player I geared up and headed towards the center of the zone after a rally of not so distant gunshots less than ten players remained Things were getting tense But I had full health and a powerful loadout if I ever had a chance of winning a game This would be the one I passed by a floating motorcycle and made my way out into the open checking once more that the floating Motorcycle was in fact a motorcycle and not an enemy in disguise I could hear gunshots, but was unsure if I was the intended target I was the intended target in a panic I ran for cover and Retaliated the fire of my own but they were too far my only hope was for them to push forward to me Was to healed myself with bandages a few moments had passed. My opponent was smart and kept their distance while the zone Continued to get even smaller the pressure was on and right as I was ready to risk it all another player had entered the fight Distracting my opponent and giving me a chance to escape from the dangerous situation only five of us remained The zone was the smallest. I'd ever seen it yet there was nobody to be found and then it began the zone started closing in even further there would be nowhere to hide and Nowhere to run this was the endgame. I maneuvered around making sure to stay alert to avoid a surprise attack I heard gunshots from the left four players remained gunshot straight ahead Three players remained only two other people stood between me and ultimate victory and with the walls closing in on us I'll be sure to meet them in due time. And then I spotted him he had no clue I was there giving me the perfect opportunity to line up my shot and unload my bullets But there would be no time for the customary tea bagging today There was one other player left and I had to be on full form. I approached a corner turn. Nope It was just a floating motorcycle. It was like a maze rocks and hiding spots everywhere. I could be picked off at any moment Target acquired Of course on top of the walks I'd seen them but I was also sure they had seen me but this was no time for hesitation. It was Now or Never And Just like that I had won the game 44 players entered five were killed by my hand and one was left alive, and that one's name The Green Goblin again. No copyright infringement intended. So that's totally accurate Battlegrounds it's a really fun time. If you're looking for a more laid-back fat soil game that doesn't take yourself too seriously, or Seriously at all really and this game is definitely worth checking out now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna keep this win streak going That's yeah, yeah, that's that that's just perfect
Channel: tamago2474
Views: 710,637
Rating: 4.9358015 out of 5
Keywords: tamago, tamago2474, 2474, funny, comedy, gameshow, game, show, totally accurate battlegrounds, tabg gameplay, totally accurate battle grounds gameplay, totally accurate battle grounds, games like fortnite, stick fight, review, battle royale, funny moments
Id: G_Js3GUgxG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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