Club Penguin Hackers Stole My Snapchat Account

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no the title is not clickbait Club Penguin hackers actually stole my snapchat account so last month I was just chilling on my computer when I got a call from my friend Salman aka purple pimp I'll link his channel in the description I pick up and I'm like yo what's up he says hey bro I think your snapchat account might have been hacked wait what first of all you sent a message in the group chat and I knew something was up because he never message in the group chat he's right I never message in the glue chat so I say yeah that's weird I didn't send anything what did it say he's like well yeah so the message said volume gentleman dick pic yeah I'm like 90% sure I didn't send that so I go on my phone open up snapchat I've been locked out I try to log back in I can't log in I go check my email three emails in a row from team snapchat first one says there was a login attempt from an iPhone X I do not have an iPhone X second one says my password was changed by who third one says the login authentication app was enabled so at this point I'm like okay I have been poned I go over to this court to see if any of my friends online so I can tell them what's happened and I noticed I received a few messages from Mitch one of the moderators of my discord server in the messages he's telling me to make sure I have access to my snapchat account which surprised me because I never promote my snapchat anywhere I never used it so I was surprised that he would know about it so I respond telling him that has been hacked and I can't login and he replies back saying yeah CP PS or whatever Anthony I think what now for anyone who is included in a CP PS is a Club Penguin private server and back in March I made a video all about these servers that were designed to keep the spirit of the original Club Penguin alive and in that video I talked about one fabled individual who seemed dead set on sabotaging other Club Penguin private servers so that his one would supreme and that individual was called Antony so immediately I'm like there is no way and ask Mitch I say you're joking right and he responds back no so I head over to my disco server and see that the culprits of the snapchat invasion had actually been messaging in the chat in my chat the audacity that's like if you were to warp someone's house and then just stay the night like no you can't you can't stay here so there were three suppose the people involved in the incident one of them called Jacko posted a couple of screenshots to show that they were indeed logged into my snapchat account while another one the one who claims to be Antony although his name on discord was Reilly wrote that he had created evidence of me asking fans for explicit images and that he had sent this evidence to keemstar why is trouble our nation of your host killer keemstar now the third dude was full Jacob and he was kind of just there I don't know why he came to be honest you had one dude sending dick pics to my friends another guy fabricating evidence for keemstar meanwhile you have the third dude talking about the Nintendo switch now Aaron another motivator on my discord server ask them why they hacked my account and Wiley who again is supposedly the real Antony posted my video talking about Club Penguin private service so this was apparently a revenge hacking which I don't think was justified because in that video I wasn't even making fun of anybody I was moreso just laughing at the fact that there was drama in the Club Penguin community to begin with well before that video I didn't even know there was a club penguin community now they eventually stopped talking in my server but not before plugging their own see PPS and Jaco ended it by writing gotta go nice meeting you what in tarnation's this is the moe amicable cyberattack I've ever seen so obviously I'm looking at all of this and I'm like okay this is ridiculous let me get my snapchat account back so I go to snapchat support send a ticket to let him know what's happened and I didn't get a response for like three days which I mean for a situation like this I would hope they'd be able to respond quicker but I never used snapchat anyway so I wasn't too fussed I opened the email and it says thanks for reaching out sorry for the delay we promised we weren't ghosting you so at this point understandably I had lost all hope we hope that the issue you wrote in about has been resolved and that you are happily snapping what do you mean you hope the issue has been resolved that's like if a car landed on my leg I it was in the sky I don't know but it landed on my leg and just completely wrapped that thing I go to the hospital the doctors like ok be right back two hours later the doctor comes back and is like yo you're like good now what do you mean you haven't done anything so I respond back I say hello the issue has not been resolved the hackers still have access to my account and have locked me out by changing the password and verified email the next day snapchat responds saying that they've reset my password and they gave me a link so that I could create a new one great so I created a new password but I still couldn't log in because the hackers had enabled the authentication app meaning that even with the password changed they would still receive the verification code that I needed to verify the login so I was still locked out I notify snapchat about this and they're like damn yeah that sucks bro what they tell me that the only thing that can be done is for me to request that they delete the account but this means that the username will not be available in the future so I can't create a new account called time ago 24/7 for so I accepted defeat and requested they delete the account so now it's gone and now nobody can use it which is a bit annoying but I never really used it anyway so I guess I'm not gonna miss it too much now I wanted to round off this video with a bit of a public service announcement firstly if a website you're signed up to gives an option to enable two-factor authentication you should probably enable it and secondly be really careful about the websites you sign up to I'm not sure but I have an inkling that the way these guys were able to get my password was by looking at the registered user details for one of the Club Penguin private servers I signed up to in the past remember that these private servers are run by ordinary people usually quite young people who don't have the resources to invest in the level of security that a company like Disney would with the original Club Penguin and Club Penguin Island I mean we know the fate of both of those games now but my point still stands so you know watch out don't sign up to just any website and try not to use the same password for multiple accounts we're passed one to invest in peace anyway that's gonna be it for this video shoutout to my friend Salman for letting me about it first I've linked his channel down below and shout out to my discord mods Mitch and Aaron for handling the situation if you want to join our discord server it's called time ago town I'll leave a link to that below too alright I hope you enjoyed thanks for watching stay safe out there and expect to see me on drama alert real soon okay and I assume the next video peace you
Channel: tamago2474
Views: 672,892
Rating: 4.9537983 out of 5
Keywords: tamago, tamago2474, 2474, funny, comedy, gameshow, game, show, club penguin, club penguin island, hackers, hacked, hacking, private, server, cpps, rewritten, online, snapchat, snap, discord, story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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