Addicted To Cheese | FULL EPISODE | Freaky Eaters

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[Music] Manchester's home to Kate silk a regular northern laughs the loving husband and two lovely daughters her life seems perfect but behind the smiles is an embarrassing secret hates addicted to cheese walnuts put it in my mouth if it isn't cheese it's quick it's easy its tasty and I know I like you Kate isn't the only freaky eater in the family both her daughters are following in her dietary footsteps Kate's desperate to change but new foods drive her to despair no discount but help is at hand clinical psychologist Steven Breyer a nutritionist monthly Savona will try to help Kate please her addictions Natalie's job is to encourage Kate to embrace new foods just need to get way of a non-factor occurs while Steven will push her to deck the demons that drive her hatred of healthy food perhaps fewer early school experience wasn't that happier I used to get really really hungry they've got just four weeks to reverse a lifetime of bad eating habits oh great Oh somebody could wave a magic wand or hypnotize me and then I could eat everything that would be perfect [Music] 37 year old teaching assistant Kate silk lives in Manchester with husband Jeff he stepped out to her two daughters 14 year old Megan and 12 year old Georgia Kate's a devoted mom who loves to spend time with her family but behind closed kitchen doors life is no walk in the park because Kate's diet is almost exclusively cheese alley cheese sandwiches cheese and crackers I have a jacket potato with cheese every day at work for my dinner okay yes thank you and I usually come home our cheese and crackers every night for say it's my favorite food eating mostly cheese every day for the last 30 years as Jen patient is something of a connoisseur this Alton Vinnie who's that zingy so it goes great with the taste of Lancashire there are chickens more of a savory flavor so that goes well with cheddar and the digestives and then the smoky bacon goes really well with the other crackers and the soft cheese I think the reason I stick with cheese is because I have that memory of eating it from being a little girly so safe so I know it's I can tolerate it and eats it and it won't make me sick or it won't make me feel uncomfortable caters one other safe food and it's the only home cooked meal she'll eat her mum's roast dinner but only it was cooked by her mum and only she eats it it goes against everything else that say usually eats because I have a full roast dinner with loads of gravy on it but I can remember having that every Sunday from being a little girls I mean cooking the same Sunday lunch for even more than 25 years so ever since she was a child it's a lovely mom thank you mum gene never gets the opportunity to experiment with her cooking the menu has to be the same every week so there at the menu she wouldn't eat it so it's useless preparing something that she's not going to eat it upsets her it gets me all het up but I know that the same it's very boring and darling but really but I know that she'll eat it this week a roast it's cheese all the way find it very difficult taste anything that's sloppy whether it's a stew or a quarry or anything that has sauce on the top of it sadly for a husband Jeff Kate's fear of anything hot and saucy means his home-cooked specialities are her worst nightmare if Jack's cooking something he'll say when it's done you're going to taste it and then as it gets mirror I can feel myself getting really really anxious so then when it actually comes to the point where I have to taste it I'm leaving usually before I've even put it in my mouth [Music] and I always cook for myself only because she won't have light on a meeting neither will the girls and that does make me start don't Jeff is accustomed to her strange behavior he's seriously worried about the impact it's having on their children especially twelve-year-old Georgia they breaded chicken potato processed but I don't eat pasta I don't eat fish I do eat the occasional burger got something well I am now on the crisp and chocolate from the family's biggest passion is exotic travel the finding food to please everyone is a recipe for a disaster when we go on holiday it can be the nightmare there are even occasions where I got into an establishment and eaten on my own sometimes with Kate legals who are eating nothing and just having dreams I like time of eating cheese is finally taking its toll on Kate's patience onboard of food and eating so repetitive and even if you change from Lancashire to cheddar cheese it's still the same texture it's still the same crackers it's got to the point now where somebody could wave a magic wand or hypnotize me and then I could eat everything that would be perfect it's day one of Kate's month-long a dietary makeover and she's been summoned to London for her first meeting with psychologist Steven a nutritionist Natalie so what feelings are uppermost in here at this moment just wanting to know what you're going to do and what you're going to say to me really today we've got something that we want to show you that we think will help kick start this whole process changing what you eat before they begin their work Natalie and Stephen have a surprise for Kate which they hope will focus her mind okay I think you're aware already that the next few weeks are going to be quite difficult at times what we've got here today is something that we hope will be a bit of a motivational tool for you Natalie I know I going to leave you to watch it and we'll be over there and then we're going to come back and talk to you afterwards okay the eating problem that you have Kate obviously impacts on us on a daily basis one of the things that really concerns me is how the girls are following your eating habits I don't think it's been easier living in the same house as someone with such a limited diet it makes me feel about set because it hasn't helped yie and what charger is I get really concerned about my health because I'm not being able to eat everything all my friends at school eat and be able to go out and have an ordinary meal George is almost frightened of going on holiday she hates the thought that she's gonna have to almost are for self how does it meant to be a happy time and I really enjoy them but when you don't eat you get stressed and then we all get upset because we know that it's a problem it's as limiting for us and it says meaning that we can't go to places that we would really like to I am so so proud of you of what you're trying to do to redress your eating habit but if you could possibly I'm sorry I can't carry on I'm sorry sweetheart [Music] [Applause] [Music] so how was it watching that and obviously my mom got very upset I didn't realize that she was this concerned as she is now I don't want to make anybody else's life unhappy because of something that I'm doing what about the impact of what you're doing on Georgia had you really really thought about how dramatic the connection is between your diet and hers yes and and because of my issues with food I didn't feel in a position to tackle her when she stopped seizing food because I thought if I make a big scene I wouldn't like somebody to do that to me and as far as the holidays are concerned our passion as a family is to travel we love going on holiday and the last thing after you've had a really good day out is to then cause loads of anxiety and spend that was traipsing around trying to find somewhere where everybody elite so lots of good reasons there to change your eating habits what we need to do now is going to have a look at what you actually are eating okay Natalie and Steven hope to shock globe-trotting Kate into action with the help of a little excess baggage right what do you think these represent holidays that's right today we want to see what it is you are eating on a day to day basis so I'd like you to go and grab one of those suitcases for me please okay and then unzip it and then tip out the contents what do you think that represents our watch cheese ate in what sort of time frame a year well you'd be mistaken all right go over to maybe that Kate's behind you are you in shock yet yes well I'm afraid you're not quite done yet I can't believe I hate that wall cheese you know what cake is still not done six suitcases worth of cheese is how much you're eating in the year I'm stunned it just looks horrible the thing is that you're having about that much in a day so 300 grams of cheese 365 days a year works out as a hundred and forty kilos of cheese that you're having in a year and the thing is that there's no harm in having a little bit of cheese it's got some great nutrients in it's got calcium it's got protein but you're missing out on a whole range of other vitamins minerals and fiber so let's magic fast-forward to four weeks from now and what would you like to achieve by then I'd love to be able to go into a restaurant and order a meal without having to tamper with what it says on the menu that'd be great and what about in terms of your travels it would mean that we could go to places that at the moment we've not been able to go to because of the food issue so our challenge to you is at the end of four weeks you will be able to be going on holiday with your family and choosing something in a restaurant and having a really fun delicious harmonious family meal I do want to change what the thoughts of the reality of that is the frightening bit Kate's obviously really up for change but what's also obvious is that actually the prospect of changing makes her really really anxious it's hard for someone who doesn't have these problems to understand just what a frightening prospect this all is for her and these are very long established habits versus been eating like this for over 30 years we're expecting to change that in just a few weeks it's quite a tall order for her and for us [Music] Kate's family have already booked their next holiday a European Odyssey ending in Venice it's determined to spend the next 4 weeks getting up to speed so she can chow down Italian style eating me a while I'm on holiday this summer would be fantastic the thing that really worries me is the process of until that point and I know that that's going to push me really outside my comfort zone [Music] before she can tackle the deficiencies in Kate's cheesy diet Nathalie must first understand the extent of her problem with other foods if someone's been living on cheese and cold cheese for 30 years their palate is going to be really confronted by other sorts of foods so I'm curious to find out where Kate stands in terms of other textures other tastes hot food cold food where will she go with other foods ok the purpose of today is for me to really try to get a handle on your food problem so what is it that you will eat that you won't eat and why what's going on around all of your food so I thought the best place for me to start having had a look at your food diary is to start on familiar territory for you that's not like the normal roast dinner and eat that carrot looks like baby more she's disgusting and the crave is completely their own color when I'm at my mom's it always looks the same smells the same so you don't eat your mum's I've tasted things all of the moons and I've not liked them so now I just stick to my mum's because I know I like that and it's safe to eat so it's a familiarity that gives you a safety around what you eat and would you even try any of that no the thought of putting that in my mouth it's real fairies and their thoughts of doing it really upsets me I'm not gonna not gonna get you to eat that but so so what what's what's around what what's upsetting what I honestly don't know but the thought of and this is also said there the getting the food from the plates in my mouth it's the hardest thing you've mentioned that you will eat some fruit bananas now when you slice a banana it's all slimy just do that for me if you were I thought see it sticks is slimy I mean could you even bite into that I couldn't it by its intimate I could maybe cuts a little bits off it and try that thank you I'm sure nothing else enough are you right yeah I suspect that none of this is a pleasant experience and your palates been used to having very very particular foods for over thirty years and so anything that confronts that familiarity is going to be I suspect for you unpleasant that's water I think the hardest thing for Kate today was to actually show how dramatically she can react to certain foods on a very deep gut level bursting into tears at the sight of an unfamiliar roast dinner is odd it really brought something up for her we don't know what that is and it's not only Natalie who's left questioning Kate's overwhelming reaction to unfamiliar food I don't know why I couldn't put that food in my mouth all I knew was there every part of my body was screaming at me no don't do it and I couldn't physically bring myself to do it and that's how I feel when I'm presented with the courrier and the Sun there are any meal that most other people would normally eat I'm having to realize this evening that kind of doing this I'm going to have to face that more often [Music] day three for cash begins with a special delivery Natalie sent her a hamper packed with challenges designed to expand the range and quantity of foods that she eats the worst nightmares bananas and tomorrow's I'm not sure what she's worse along with the nutritious goodies natalie has enclosed some written instructions go through your kitchen cupboards and throw out all the cheese crackers and crisps no eating them away from the house there now EX food I can't see myself replacing cheese with this lot I think it's a bit extreme once husband Jeff arrives home a reluctant case ropes him into the proceedings within the next week's one of the biggest nutritional benefits of cheese is zinc essential in maintaining a healthy immune system now Kate's given cheese the chop she can keep up her daily intake of zinc by eating four slices of roast beef a big bag of Brazil nuts Oh 75 ounces of baked beans that's five cans worth to you and me [Music] Kate may well have given cheese the Chop Natalie still has concerns over the effects its had on her body as the staple part of her diet for over 30 years she's arranged for Kate's blood to be tested by dr. Pixy McKenna a GP with a special interest in eating problems this morning Natalie's brought Kate to hear the findings the first thing that showed up near blood test was that you have very high levels of cholesterol the other thing is because you're taking in all of this processed cheese you're not actually taking in enough roughage in your diet so your high fat and your lack of roughage are going to lead to digestive problems laughing at me have you had yeah I do get constipation quite a lot right with Kate havin fessed up Pixy wants to show her the internal affect of her stodgy diet she's got 10 meters of tubing half what's inside the average person could have up to 25 meters of though so it's quite a lot isn't it she's prepared two liquids one represents fiber rich food and the other Kate's cheesy diet I want to get you to transport the fiber-rich food right through the intestine for me now what you notice about that makes running down quite quickly now we have an exam can I get you to do the same thing with the cheesy stuff oh there it's actually painful to watch that but to get that to the end you're just gonna have to keep pushing pushing and pushing and that's what you're doing every single day of your life instead of clogging up her bowels with processed cheesecake could get the recommended daily amount of fiber from 8 ounces of cooked peas or keep herself regular with 5 pairs and if neither of those appeals 18 poppadoms contain roughly the same amount of fiber I suppose the other worry is that you know with constipation you end up getting things like piles which are backups pains your bottom end whichever you're smiling at me again are they is that something that you've had I've had them operated on twice and I'm - so going again surprise it sound because they've just come back again leads to a recurrent offender yes yeah it's a very very sore operation as well isn't it it's these extremely painful yes so Kate had you really really made the link between your terrible diet and the piles I think I had brought it's very easy to blame it on something else it seems to me that you've had all this information but you've put your head in the sand yeah because to fix it I'd have to do something that's what didn't want to do I mean for me the most concerning thing about your diet is the fact that a diet high fat and low fiber increases your risk of bowel cancer and if I was told I'd be frightened the most shocking thing was the increased risk of bowel cancer I think it's something that was always at the back of my mind but I like to fool myself in thinking that I was doing things to reduce the risk of that well in reality I'm not I think we've got a problem here in as much as Kate's quite familiar with the things that we were talking about today with pixie but that familiarity knowing that hasn't been enough of an incentive in the past to make her change so I'm thinking well is it really going to make a great deal of difference now there's something blocking her from having that information knowing the danger she's in and making the changes as Kate's first week draws to a close life without cheese is still a struggle Natalie's asked her to try one new piece of fruit or veg each day today she tackles her slimy Asda bursary [Music] that is absolutely disgusting for the next few weeks I'll try but I think that when this is over this is the one thing I will never ever eat again today Kate has a first session with clinical psychologist Steven Byers it's a chance for him to probe Kate's earliest memories of her eating problem all right okay start off with do you want to just tell me a little bit about the eating problem that you have and how it affects you the mainly sure have these foods that sound familiar to me whenever I'm in a situation where I have to eat them my body kind of goes on shutdown that's when I start to feel sick and start to retch at the thought of it all right so these familiar foods these foods that you can eat are there any common characteristics to them the majority of them are dry and crunchy foods are foods that I remember eating from being a child Norm's roast dinner we've had we had every week growing up so that was safe but it's a lonely my mom's roast dinner so really only those foods that became safe within the context of the home have really remained safe okay so when did these problems begin I can never remember eating normally but I think school was the start of it all hmm I can remember the slop book it's at the end of the table that you scrape the leftover food in it looked different it smelled different so when I first started school although my mom thought I was having a school dinner I wasn't actually eating any of it because it was different okay it is clear that for you foods that are mixed or are sloppy have certain associations in the back of your mind you know I need to go away from here and think about how we're going to get you past those mental hurdles so you start to have experiences which if not positive or at least more neutral hate evidently has quite a complex relationship with food she's got this range of familiar foods for her which feels safe and then outside of that any food that's unfamiliar obviously feels really unsafe for her she tells me that her issues with food began in primary school so I think the task ahead is to do some digging around what may be some quite painful memories for her as kate begins her second week on a new diet it's time for Nathalie and Steven to catch up and discuss plans to push her forward from my point of view I think the priority is to try and explore this whole idea of not only the places that were safe for Kay but maybe the places that were less safe so I'm gonna try and find out a little bit more about Kate's background and particularly those early years at school which I think may hold the key to the evolution of some of the problems that she's got today the other thing that I'm concerned about is Meghan and Georgia and I just think that you know their diets are in such trouble themselves but I think I need to get them all really looking at changing their diet so it's a family effort and they're all working together determined to give Kate the best possible chance of success Utley heads to Manchester for a rendezvous and good Kate's family [Music] Kate's diet might have been to carry the cheese Freezone but Natalie's got quite the opposite in mind for the rest of the family so I have gathered you here today in order to ask you a big favor to help Kate in what she's going through for the next few weeks now what I would like you to do is eat the exact same diet that Kate has been eating most of her life for a week I don't believe this efficient to keep me going I mean the reason I'm asking you to do it he's not random I thought if you had an idea of how Kate must be feeling then it would be easier for you to empathize with her as she's going along through these ups and downs I'd probably find it somewhat boring but I'm willing to try it it'll help take that's right I can't cope with the amounts of cheese at 115 that she comes with that are the same thing okay now Georgia I've got something different for you and Megan to take on because you two already have a diet that's astonishingly similar to your mother's what I'd like you to be doing is to work with her and be trying all the new things that she is because really part of her changing her diet is also helping you to change yours so you think you can take that on but after it so you'll do it few months and what about doing it for yourself I do it for me as well the next day Jack and Jean prepared to savor one of their daughters specialities here we go when I think that this is what eats most of the time it would become very blunt and very boring every meal I'm gagging on this because it's so dry tomato or chutney or a little bit of salad with it would really help the Patil and baked potato and cheese yeah [Music] whilst her parents are starting to lose their enthusiasm don't think I don't want to see Jack potato and cheese again go for occasion the girls there's not even a sniff of cheddar in the air even with the new we've got three new foods at least three times a day some banana and some tomato salad for lunch Plus raw green beans red yellow and green peppers I don't like any of them that's all let's think positive ladies [Music] it tastes there anything tasting in how much do you want [Music] oh wow I'm gonna be brave [Music] he tastes me too it tastes disgusting applause it tastes of filled that plastic stuff that you can toys ok wait it is tea time [Music] mmm it's once it's just I struggle to get through there's nothing why Bernie took a bit but I if we are a bit cheese [Music] as week two comes to an end Natalie's challenges turn up the heat on Kate and the girls so far the only hot meals that eat our roast dinners were at Kate's mum's house now they must try eating some of their own [Music] despite struggling herself eat anything cook skate does her best to rally the girls ja ja vas carrots yo I carrots I know it's carrot suppose disgusting thing I've ever seen and tasted oh she got more nice Oh st. does it matter neither of you eaten it by the end of week 2 and with hot food still a no-go they're surviving on salad and breads and cakes patience is wearing thin I just don't know what's worth so a you know I'm just constantly hungry I've got no cheese and crackers in the only thing I can snack on his revenge and Sullivan free unless I find something I like so I'm bored I'm hungry with Kate struggling to embrace through a new diet Stevens keen to understand why her mum's home-cooked food was safe and familiar as a child the school dinners gave her so many issues hello thanks for coming along you ready for a trip down memory lane okay [Music] okay so here we are in the hall what is this gym room changed much since you're here no not really it was always similar system we used to have our lunch in here as well on little tables coming here today what's that producing for you I think it's made me realize this it's not the building it was the people in the building that didn't make my life pleasurable really I didn't send joy it well your intriguing me that's far okay so we can go somewhere where we can sit down and you can tell me a little bit more about that okay okay I'm getting the impression from you perhaps your early school experience wasn't that happier time just tell me a bit more about it when I was at school I never felt so I ever achieved anything it was either very good academic achievements or very good sporting achievements the Gatti credits while you were at school and because I didn't excel in either of those I always felt as though I wasn't valued while I was at school and I think teachers had the favourites and that wasn't fair just give me a few adjectives to describe the nature of school frustrating straighting annoying mm-hmm I used to get really really hungry with it it was unpleasant mm-hmm they're all negative hmm and very strong feeling strong negative feelings yeah what about mealtimes do you have any memories used to stick little tables and they'd give the cups and stuff out and they used to have the bucket at the end of the tables all the slots went in so and I can remember being repulsed by that and I can remember sitting at the dinner table and just not eating hits there was no way they were going to make me and rejecting those foods those foods associated with school in effect you're also rejecting everything that that school had come to stand for in your head which sounds quite powerful actually you know you talk about it I mean the tone of it seems really quite quite strong and I can understand in the light of what you've been telling me why you might choose not to take into your body and make part of yourself anything that this place was serving up good feelings are all organized around the foods that are familiar for you and are associated with the comfort comes from home foods at school perhaps become symbolic for you in some way of a whole bunch of really quite powerful negative feelings I'm really quite intrigued by the anger and the frustration that Kate's just revealed it seems that there are times in her childhood where she really felt quite miserable and quite left out and that in combination with her reaction to the smell of school dinners seems to have resulted in her rejecting anything she ate away from home her perspective now is really quite skewed and I think my first challenge is to try and get Kate to recognize just how distorted her perceptions have become having shed some clarity on the emotional roots of a problem takes in a defiant mood I think that it definitely stands back it's a primary school like if at my age I've still got these really strong feelings that I hate it then it must have have come from from there and I don't want primary school to get the better of me and you know if that's where the root cause of this issue it lies then I'm more determined to get over it the next day and with renewed vigor kate attacks Natalie's next challenge you need to learn that fruit you enjoy whole can also taste nice in different form such enthusiasm ladies so we're going to go for stood a pause right garden to the recipe four to five minutes and that's done it's just making feel or look of it even the smell it's stupid I like cinnamon I like north leg but the smells making me feel sick needles seem so stupid the kids are in there give me a go and I just can't I'm just repulsed my enemies ship it and I know it says but I just can't do it once the girls have had their fill of stewed apples cake gives the slop another go it just looks like someone's throwing up in the bowl I can't I can't even get close to it it's absolutely vile I can't put it in my mouth and why does a bowl of food do that to me it's ridiculous it doesn't make sense it's pathetic with cage having hit an emotional brick wall Stephens next session could not consider aware that her childhood feelings have been sliding high at Lake he wants cake to see the bigger picture when it comes to food [Music] he's arranged to meet her at the local flea market what hate tends to focus in on when she approaches a new food is its moisture content and she will ignore every other bit of information about the food concerned I wanted to understand that what she's perceiving is not what's there but what she's interpreting Stephens devised a special activity to illustrate his theory don't try these on for size right now I'm aware that your vision is pretty restricted now okay what I'm going to do is I'm going to take you around a few of the stores here we're going to examine certain objects okay I'm gonna see how much you can tell me about them with the limited information you have that's going into your brain I just want you to just just stand there [Music] describe what I'm holding I'm gonna let you touch part of the object got any idea what this might be it looks like a feather when you object in my hand bring it first tell me when you can see I've got something it's a big long boring yellow thing huh tell me more about it it looks tubular like a candle or something Lana I let you touch it one finger what do you think it is now it could be a washing line oh all right what made you think it could be a washing line because it the feel of it all right so you've got a lot more information and that totally shifted your perception of the object away from being a candle potentially to something very different like a washing line yeah okay take the glasses off and see how far you get hanging your clothes up just with the information that came to you through touching it suddenly in your head it became potentially a very different object didn't it so some kind of transformation took place do you see how that might apply when I see food I'm not getting the full picture I'm just seeing it and having that response to it however when I cook food I've made some stewed apples with the girls I knew exactly what was going in it and I could see the point of it to like the taste of Apple yes I couldn't bring myself to taste it at the end even though I was well aware of what I'd puts into the pan this is partly a matter of practice and really continuing to talk yourself through so that those unconscious perceptions which are very powerful don't kick in you've got to ground it all the time in observation in your knowledge of the facts about what's that and I believe you could I guess it's a question of how long that would take for you and I guess that's something that you need to keep working at within a few hours Stephens theories about Kate's negative perception of unfamiliar food seem to have struck a chord at the time I thought was all right thoughts I didn't think it would make any huge impacts but then after the session and you know a thought about it and he's absolutely right and the pieces of the jigsaw all kind of fitting into place and heat I was all starting to make sense and since since then my attitude towards the food I've got to try as been far more positive kate is now into a third week with the experts raw fruit and veg are going down a treat but while she does her best to try hot and sloppy dishes every meal is a struggle for her she has faced a lot of difficulties because she knows that she doesn't like certain things and certain textures but she's been doing trying and trying but I think she's been doing really well and she's not cheating despite her hard work Cates chances of eating a restaurant meal looks slimmer than spaghetti aware that the Venetian holiday is only ten days away Natalie and Stephen meet up to plan a new strategy an interesting time with Kate at the marketplace we did an exercise which I think really did start to bring home the point for her that the way she currently sees food you know is quite distorted I think it helped her and I think it will start to kind of you know change her relationship with food but my concern is that it's too little too late she's got this final challenge coming up really soon that I think that's the thing there is a danger that Kate will get to Venice and she won't really have a great deal of success and that will knock her confidence and then she won't take any of this forward really I need to be building on what you've been doing and actually be helping her very consciously in the direction of the challenge and therefore have her building towards being able to succeed at a meal out in Venice [Music] so battle II heads to Manchester and persuades Kate to visit a well-known Italian restaurant she wants to join out some of Stephens techniques to demystify unfamiliar foods okay so you can see where we are what's that nervous grin I think food right we yeah involved really the thing is that your goal is to be able to go on holiday to Italy and choose something from the menu and enjoy a meal and the purpose of today is for you to get a bit more of a feel about Italian food getting a bit excited about it so why don't we just go and meet the chef then okay head chef Steve Hildebrand has been lined up by Natalie to demonstrate to Kate that the pasta she's terrified of actually made up of ingredients she's already conquered you're gonna incorporate all the flour into the eggs this is you making your own food what we're gonna do now is gonna feed this through the pasta machine this is God and then all I do is feed it through the other side of the machine you made custom that was good fun so I think there's only one thing left to do with that up until now Kate's never managed to swallow anything that involves a tomato-based sauce it doesn't very up there's no disrespect to me it doesn't want very appetizing why cuz it's all sloppy why don't you try just little bit of it so how about a piece of pancetta and a piece of person fairly decent the past fantasy come on not one cubic millimeter how about that what a bit of Manchester on it let's taste the hand taste pancetta my mouth is tingling now and it is quite pleasant it's a really nice feeling I've gotten about that about I'd suspect that that's the largest combination of flavors and ingredients you've ever tasted in one go thank you Wow I think Kate has reached a whole other level with food so working on her interest with food and getting her really inspired by the ingredients what's going into it making it herself especially the pasta making has completely changed her perspective in one afternoon just like that she can really see that she could start to get excited about making and eating food back at home Kate's feeling just as optimistic when I first walked in and realized it was an Italian restaurant my hands were sweating but once I saw the ingredients and I recognized them all on their own they weren't scary and it meant the dish wasn't as frightening at the end and I think that that has motivated me at home and to get the girls more involved because if I can get them making a dish with ingredients that they're comfortable with then hopefully they'll be more prepared to have a go at the end products as well [Music] natalie has asked Kate and the girls to try making food fun by cooking their own Italian recipes every day leading up to their holiday challenge not everyone's feeling inspired it looks mingun now it smells minging I'm not trying it before and didn't ever want to he's supposed to be enjoying this this is supposed to be having fun with food girls having fun making it where the gas masks there we've got one going brave girls any peppers anybody yeah that's all y'all having on yours Georgia I need to put my cheese voter decontaminated that mines gorgeous just think how much flavor mine's going to have I could go on living Nathan's making pizzas like that Georgia's [Music] are you reaching the last one so we'll try precipitation if you like tomato ketchup up in Minden it's not meeting it's just different I mean differently minging a few weeks ago there's no way I'd have eaten a piece of its matter on whereas now it was strange but it didn't make me feel sick because I was thinking positively about it which is great so do you think if we went away you'd be able to ask for a piece with a little bit of tomato on well done work what about you on holiday I just think you're gonna be doing I think I'd still ask for it without sorry mom okay you've to apologize flower you tried your best I'll it [Music] today Kate on her family are jetting off to Italy as her final challenge of a pasta meal looms hate puts on a brave face I'm feeling really excited about going on holiday I can't wait and I'm just trying not to think about the food bit so look at that because I've got so much else to think about while I'm packing don't got time to panic about anything else [Music] [Music] the floating city of Venice is home to some of Italy's finest restaurants as well as its famous canals and gondolas when we came out I was feeling really confident about the meals while we were out here but then of course when you arrive and the strange smells and the look of everything so now I'm not quite as confident as I was when we flew out yesterday it's the evening of the big meal and Kate and a family have chosen a canalside restaurant safe in the knowledge there's pizza on the menu I do think that I will try new things because I promised mom if she did than I want but I'm just hoping it's not too strange because the places would go in the food can be a bit hectic tonight kake hopes to set a good example by ordering pasta a million miles away from cheese for her palate I'm really really struggling with everyone looking for edible dishes the waiter brings bad news pizzas off the menu sorry sweetheart chicken and chips I've tried every type of chicken on every holiday we've been on it slinging it's your choice aren't people be always oh alright I see this stuff on okay you know just going sell some cheap suit all right darling can I have the spaghetti with meat sauce thank you didn't have spaghetti bolognaise with a meat sauce french fries how about chips it's the only thing I'll leave boy forget chicken up probably dips and sweeter like bears [Music] [Music] well don't sweets out [Music] even though I've only had about three mouthfuls of it I'm really proud of herself because they retched on the first mouthful but kept on going so to keep on going through that these are real a real bonus feared [Music] how are your chips treats at the nice but they've got that foreigner taste you know that [Music] Natalie and Steven may have had more than three mouthfuls in mind when they set the challenge but tonight it's Casey's setting the goals in the past spaghetti bolognaise has completely repulsed me and even though the first column out for now I was retching out kept thinking positive and I managed a couple more because some people having maybe several mouthfuls of a meal wouldn't be that great but I think that the fact that she's even been able to do that is extra we're all a bit happier now because we know that mum will try things on future holidays it's going to take some time to get used to but hopefully in another 12 months maybe 18 months then all of crafting one month later and the experts are back to find out how the travelers have fared the uttermost pasture and will be delighted anymore and will be over the moon and you can slightly boys to negate a quick tour of the kitchen gives Nathalie concrete proof of change onion strawberries grapes and anything that yeah what the nice around the vine and off as well a few weeks ago you wouldn't have even touched a tomato physically with your hands and now now you're going oh yes I have mine I'm being all pot see about your Tomatoes which is great I reckon that is success kate's diet has now expanded to include soups fish and a wide variety of fruit and vegetable even spicy chicken fajitas are on the menu at Kate's place you enjoy news Papa it's quite nice it's spicy it's burning my mouth my lips are tingling away it does sound like there's been a real shift in the culture around food in the family and much more open-mindedness now and much more determination to succeed and I really hope they do stick with it cuz I think if they do they really can get to a place where everybody's going to be comfortable with a far wider range of foods I said at the beginning of this the biggest challenge for me would be to put food in my mouth and that's what I'm able to do now for me making that progress in such a short time is phenomenal [Music] [Applause] you [Applause]
Channel: Freaky Eaters
Views: 738,236
Rating: 4.8358917 out of 5
Keywords: Freaky Eaters, Freaky Eaters USA, Freaky Eaters Full Episodes, Full Episodes, Addiction Eaters, Food Addiction, Eating Disorder, Eating Show, Food, Eating, Mukbang, Only Human, Betty, BBC, Natalie Savona, Stephen Briers, Benjamin Fry, Felix Economakis, Charlotte Watts, cheese, dairy, cheese addiction, addicted to cheese, addicted to dairy, dairy intolerant
Id: Xk8Wxlqc_7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 37sec (3337 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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