My 4 Favorite New Features Coming in Godot 4

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gru4 is a deep rewrite of the goodit engine to improve its performance and flexibility massively it will likely come out in 2022 with an astounding number of improvements and new features everyone knows about the incredible new 3d engine and deep rewrite to improve the architecture and performance in many places here i want to share my four favorite features and improvements they're the features i think will improve our productivity the most working with godot every day keep in mind that everything you will see is still subject to change as good 4 is still in a pre-alpha state at the time of writing there is still a lot of work to polish the program and fix many bugs before its release my four favorite features are gd script 2.0 which addresses every single issue i've had with the language the new tween animation system that is so much faster to use the vastly improved physics which should be faster more stable and more reliable and the new tile set and tile map editors which are the most powerful i've seen built into a game engine gt script 2.0 google comes with a language designed by game developers and four game developers called gdscript compared to general purpose languages like python or c-sharp it's simpler to use and leads to shorter code it's already pleasant to work with but has some limitations for good at four developers took all the key issues the community had to redesign the language gd script 2 supports some basic functional programming tools like map and filter functions are now first class meaning you can reference them inside variables and so much more a key improvement is that the type system is much more robust you can type arrays and have the compiler catch code mistakes for you there are no more of these painful cyclic reference errors when two scripts use each other it's a much welcome update because it'll increase everyone's daily productivity there are many more improvements that i can cover here actually there are a few improvements on the performance side too if you use the type hints i just showcased it's still not c-sharp level performance but there are plans for more improvements in the future through compilation the new tween system guru 4 comes with a completely revamped tween animation system by developer koberi tweens are animations calculated by the computer at runtime we use them in every game four buttons menu elements to move things around the screen and much more in good three you create tween nodes everywhere in your project to animate things the new system is both more intuitive and efficient to use you create tweens from anywhere with the create twin function and queue animations by calling tween property and that's it no more nodes or need to manually start the animation you can combine that with functions to loop animations add delays loop intervals and make animations run in parallel by chaining simple function calls the greatly improved physics guru 3 has two physics back-ends the open source bullet engine and good of physics the developers added bullet because it was more mature than their engine and offered more features at the time in guru 4 good of physics got all the features missing from bullet vastly improved performance multi-threading and a more reliable behavior it now provides everything you need with more intuitive features for the developers the rewrite also makes the physics code simpler to improve moving forward on top of all the above pull a ketchup did a lot of work simplifying how you create scenes and use physics notes the physics layers and masks now work intuitively lots of things got renamed to make more sense too here is a demo fabric ci made to showcase his work on making collisions a ton more robust it also gives the new character body node careful default so you can just make it move and it will behave great the new tile set and tarmap editors gudo3 got a revamped interface to edit tile maps right in the engine with support for auto tiles to draw levels quickly that was a substantial improvement except the interface is not intuitive it also lacks many features to save time in particular setting up tile sets is slow and tedious guru 4 has an entirely new tile set in time map editor honestly it's the most powerful i've seen built into a game engine by far developer jill spent a whole year working full time on this taking inspiration from both tiled and rbg maker he built a complete level design solution for 2d games setting up tile sets is now a breeze with lots of tools that automate the process you can use selections to add collisions or data to many tiles at once there's a new powerful terrain system to draw large areas fast although it still has a couple bugs right now this terrain auto tile is not exposed to the api yet however as many of you asked him jill told me he was looking into a solution to make the algorithm more reliable it would allow everyone to use it from their code on the level editing side you can finally draw many tiles at once you can just create big tiles for houses trees and other large sprites to draw them conveniently they will automatically draw in the correct z order you can see the parts behind the trees look darker now it's thanks to the new layer system which highlights the active layer i'll wrap up with a feature we all wanted the ability to place any scene like an npc right on your tile map with that you can design entire game world without leaving the editor and all of that will synchronize with your running game thanks to goodu's hut reload feature that's perfect for fast iterations those are only four personal favorites but i genuinely appreciate the work everyone's doing on performance animation physics networking navigation rendering web and so much more what surprised me most was how the developers improved so many areas while still keeping things familiar for existing users grow 4 is incredibly promising to me it's a big step up for the project what's the feature you are most excited about please tell us in the comments below well on kickstarter right now to find a unique course to learn code and game development from xero most courses out there mostly show you steps but never quite explain why they do this or that or doubling down on teaching you to think like a programmer a fundamental skill you need to become a game developer while also making an app that will run in your browser to help you build that essential coding muscle memory if you struggle to learn to program already check out the campaign because this might just be the course you need be creative have fun and i hope to see you in the next video tomorrow
Channel: GDQuest
Views: 76,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8ltOGcKeMcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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