MYTH 1: Godot's GDScript & The Performance Argument

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GD script myth 1 the performance argument GD script is slow and you'll end up with bad performance the trouble with performance is how often it's discussed and evaluated outside the context of practical application if you run a benchmark test to measure the speed of an interpreted language like GD script versus a compiled one like C or C++ the interpreted one will be hundreds of times slower but in practice in game code gript is only used as the glue that calls engine features coded in C++ so it amounts to a relatively small fraction of the code that powers the game many other factors can impact performance like assets data structures project architecture engine or Hardware rendering so it's important to know where the bottleneck is for example if you're having an issue with physics you should likely look at your scenes if the issue is rendering or Graphics related there again switching languages won't help now on the off your game requires a huge Loop over hundreds of thousands of items per second then you can consider writing those tasks in a low-level language since in gdo you can mix and match
Channel: GDQuest
Views: 41,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W1wKrUm8uCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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