Discord is getting a New Look!

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Discord is getting a whole new look with new themes and new app icons but there are also some interesting experimental features which some people have right now that change how Discord looks and feels but first let's take a look at discord's refresh which comes out sometime in the future I don't have an ETA I'm sorry now if you're not some sort of loser like myself that gives Discord money you can make Discord look one of two ways flashbang white or just normal gray and if you do buy Discord you have all of these themes which I've never used because I I just like the original Discord but ladies and gentlemen it's 2024 which means absolutely nothing but Discord now has four themes that you can choose from for free unless Discord changes something between the time of recording this and when it comes out but I digress but instead of having flashbang white and normal gray you now have darker which I don't know looks are subjective you could like this you could hate it I'm more of a fan of the midnight color I can use Discord late at night as if I didn't already do that already but now it'll be a lot more comfortable now to be honest like it's kind of hard to tell how big of a difference this is until you go back to the normal theme and I mean these themes were already on mobile they had midnight before as an Easter egg but after 5 years 3 months and 25 days Discord has decided to yes put these themes on the stinking desktop but if you give Discord money you're not just stuck with darker and midnight in fact I'm going to need a drum roll whatever stock sound effect I use is probably the most garbage drum roll on the planet but we have a new theme called blurple Twilight which looks worse than the free themes that we get and there's blur Twilight feature looks exactly like midnight blurple I'm switching between them and like there's a very little difference very little difference and if you're slightly color blind there's no difference at all it looks basically the same oh but gee Good Golly that's not all with this new refresh in fact it goes all downhill from here with this new Discord app refresh you have I know a whole new app icon if I had socks on right now they'd be knocked clean off to expose my beautiful toes with foot fungus I don't know how to take care of myself and with this refresh there's also a new background when you log in on the mobile app like I told you things were going downhill eh actually I just lied to you it turns out Discord did a little bit of a sneaky update and this background will be available on the desktop and we have photos of it and to be honest it looks really nice but another thing that Discord is working on that might not have a unanimous praise is the fact that they're making new Pride Day app icons and like I said people are going to be upset about this for one of two reasons one apparently rainbows hurt people's feelings or something or the second reason is that these icons are Nitro only so you need to pay Discord to be gay that was discord's refresh but you should really refresh your rooms decor with this video sponsored displate so I never go outside I'm in my room all day long which has nothing on the walls it's devoid of character because my landlord would hire a hitman if I hammered something into the walls and I'm scared that if by some modern-day miracle I bring someone home they're going to think I'm a serial killer and call the cops and that's where displate comes in displates are metal posters that you hang up using magnets you just slap the included protective Leaf sticker onto a clean wall you stick the magnet on and you put on your shiny new displate now displates come in different finishes you have matte which looks really good for monochrome displates you have gloss to make colors pop but like Hannah Montana said you can get the best of both worlds with displates new texture finish you get matte you get Gloss and you get this 3D texture to make your displate stand out now if you don't like my cat displate I am deeply offended but displate has over 2 million designs on their website and you're bound to find something you like from officially licensed design designs like Star Wars and Elden ring to Independent Artists with some hidden gems all quickly delivered to your basement dungeon from the EU in fortify business days check out displate by using my link displate.com notext or use code notext for up to 42% off your order and I think now it's time to go back to discord's experimental features and the first experimental feature I'm going to talk about is simplified profile experiment so you know when you click on someone's profile and there's so much stuff that it blasts you away and it's hard for your skibby toy let swiss cheese brain to comprehend uh it's just me I guess well that's what this experiment is trying to solve now originally profiles look like this but if you enable the experiment profiles look actually really good it's minimal it's clean you're not being blasted Away by 500 pieces of information but of course of course when I'm happy other people aren't happy and people complained about this like no tomorrow because change is always bad life was peaceful and good but the second we invented taxes everything went downhill and that's why with this experiment there are multiple options you have only the Basics and then you have more user details and since people are complaining about the super minimal look which looks good in my opinion instead when we go through people's profiles I'm going to be using the more user details experiment just so we get a good idea on how this will look when it comes out so when you click on someone's profile it is no longer something that is longer than my Bath and Body Works receipt it's now condensed and actually fits on the screen longer is not always better and you can see with this new profile feature a lot of things are moved around for statuses it's not just something that thrown on your profile it's this little thought bubble that kind of reminds me of Skype oh my age is showing but as we move down there are three really big changes that I like and the first big change is that that big notes thing that appears on someone's profile at the bottom that's gone now it's just this little icon where you can hover over it and see someone's notes and you can click on it and edit their notes just like normal you have your good old display name username pronouns and our Discord badges have moved from the top right down to the bottom and why did Discord do this I literally just thought of this I feel like a genius but there are people that change their Discord banners to have badges in them and that's been used for scamming so I think Discord moving it away from the top right in the banner and down into someone's profile will probably help people from not being scammed now in their profile you can easily see how many mutual friends and mutual servers you have just from a glance but the second biggest feature is that you don't have to see everyone's whole bio when you click on their profile instead it gets cropped off and you can click on view full bio honestly it seems really small but this turns your big laundry list list profile into something that's a lot shorter now activities look a little bit different which in my opinion look a lot better and more modern but the third and final big feature is That You Don't See everyone's roles on their profile you know if you go on those eirl hangout Discord servers which by the way worst mistake of my life if you click on someone's profile they have 500 roles why because you got to feel special and I think discord's realizing that people should grow up and now what they've done is they made it where if people have a whole bunch of roles it gets shoved into this overflow menu where you can click on it and it takes you to the full profile where you can see everyone's roles but this is the whole Discord profile you can see that a lot of Design Elements remain but the main thing is that all this crap didn't show up in the profile I don't mean that in a mean way I just mean that in terms of I've already read it and I have a memory that lasts longer than 5 Seconds oh what was I saying again now when you aren't frequently stalking your friends profiles and disguising it as a YouTube video to show off a Discord experiment what are you doing instead you're hitting the Discord gym you're doing a 100 hardcore reps of checking your Discord servers to see if people online and ready to talk to you and if that's you and not just me well you're in luck because Discord has the experiment change the guild tool tip whatever that means but if you enable this bad boy you have a couple options I don't know what either of them do but when you enable it and you go back to your Discord when you hover over a profile says no one's in the voice chat yet voice channels are for hanging out when you're ready to talk just hop in just encourage you and your friends to actually hang out with you and with this popup you can actually directly join a voice Channel but if you're in a Discord server that is bumping you can see that there are a couple things that pop up first you can see people in a voice call and you can join it directly and see what games they're playing and you can also see events and if you're doing a little bit of Discord mod duties and viewing the server as a role it'll also tell you in the popup and if you're on a Discord server that has invites paused it will also show up in this menu now I'm going to be honest with this experiment it does the exact opposite of what the simplifi profiles experimented profiles were long with a whole bunch of information and they got shrunk before this experiment uh servers looked completely normal but now they have even more information and it's actually worse in like bigger Discord servers like this is excessive man and it turns out visual clutter is still on the menu because Discord has their final experiment I want to talk about Discord wants to add in your members list an activity section where you can see what your friends or people on the server are doing and again it's more clutter but things don't seem too bad because you can just you know collapse the menu so with discord's visual overhaul there are going to be some wins and there are going to be some losses assuming Discord continues with what they're going here today any who gamer that's what discord's been cooking up in the studio and again thank you displate for sponsoring the video and thank you yes you listening to my voice right now for watching I love you bye-bye m
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 352,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new discord layout, new discord look, discord, discord update, discord new ui, discord new profile, discord profile, discord profiles, discord theme, discord dark theme, discord new themes, discord custom themes, discord beta, discord experiment, discord ntts, ntts discord, discord no text to speech, no text to speech, notexttospeech, ntts, discord server, discord news, discord themes, discord refresh, discord is getting a new look, discord experiments
Id: VleFAF1Qav0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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