BREAKFAST at H-MART Food Court vs. Seiwa JAPANESE MARKET | Market FOOD REVIEW in Houston Texas

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what's your story what's your sign it's like with twin flames in a different life deep connection light's a spark it's like you know me in the depths of my heart houston is so humid [Music] i've done a lot of chinese food vietnamese food here in houston i haven't really explored the japanese food scene so i was looking up where i could get some japanese food and this keep coming up well not the fresh sushi or the ramen bar ichi but but this this market saiwa market let's see what's inside [Music] [Music] very organized little japanese market here's the stuff fresh sashimi premium grade uni wow look at this sushi combos some yakisoba shrimp tempora eel oh egg sandwiches it's a big sandwich what is this cream puff heck yeah baby seaweed salad with wafu dressing i'm mainly getting that for the waffle dressing not even a salad boiled io unagi nakisoba i love yakisoba oh more more more stuff there's white rice tonkatsu pork heck yeah what we got here vegetable croquette sure this place just opened so a lot of this stuff is not set up yet so i'm going to wander around and then see what else they put over there i think this is going to be my favorite area of the store what is this this looks like pieces of a choco pie oh this looks good too grape matcha crackers cracker sandwiches and this side bento boxes salmon banto chicken teriyaki bento onigiri's here seasoned pollock roll beef and chicken one of the popular number one tuna male cinnamon onigiri beef and chicken taco fried chicken bento pork curry a super dog this is uh getting to be a hefty breakfast already yodo sure oh my goodness i just want everything look at these little mini cream puffs orange strawberry wait why does it say orange but it's strawberry i'll figure it out later wow matcha milk tea sure ah i was just gonna come here and get a few things can't help myself oh look at this baked goods too melon bread that's number four most popular that's not good enough jumbled cheese curry bread number one most popular baked curry bread oh look at this spicy pork sausage i really want this miyazaki ramen this to die for ramen thing i just asked somebody they said it's not today so that's a shame i guess i won't die today oh this is the biggest bag of shrimp chips i have ever seen in my life i'm so excited about supermarket food if i lived in houston i'd be there pretty much every day just grabbing stuff i'm gonna hit up with another supermarket because uh hmm i feel like are a little different depending on what city you go to because there's always different stuff in the food court so i'm gonna go check this one out [Music] wow this whole plaza is just a collection of asian restaurants and tea shops so much stuff happy lemon sugar tea there's like six boba shops here in guangzhou ll hawaiian barbecue i had that in california it's amazing there's melting pot looks like a couple hot pop places over there and here we go this is a very very nice h-mart so this is what i'm talking about so hmar always has food course and it's always different so this place has donkey yaki it's a sushi place a chinese place korean tofu taco burgers mooncakes this mooncake festival soon oh mangosteen all right this place is ginormous and here's the uh food section i don't think it's really open yet curry fried rice wow this food section looks awesome sushi place donkey yaki this looks really good while that's cooking let's check out the rest of the store the kimchi aisle i'm very familiar with this oh kim pop goku spicy sauce bulgogi spicy crab tuna mayo let's take a spicy crab i seem to have any other prepared foods usually there will be a section in the h-mart that has prepared food foods well this whole section is all barbecued meats okay here we go there's chicken leg smoked duck wow this is all for barbecue you just come here and get all your barbecue needs marinated bulgogi chicken thigh pork belly smoked boneless i'll try it i think this is the biggest fish market i've seen inside of h1 look at this it's mackerel squid everything looks awesome here's all shrimp salmon here you got all the sushi here's all the sashimi this is definitely a very clean very big h mark i'm surprised it doesn't have as big of a prepared food area being the size that it is yeah this is it right here so this little section and right here this is all their prepared foods still looks good but way smaller than some of the age marks i've been to gotta rush home before my katsu turns on crispy is that a word uncrispy uncrisp this is a pretty amazing plaza doll yes everything in this one plaza seriously you got your korean bbq you got your hot pot all right got all my food and before we start eating a huge shout out and thank you to a new sponsor morning brew if you guys don't know what morning brew is it's a free newsletter delivered to you from monday to sunday basically every single day as you guys know any sponsor want to come on my show i test them extensively to make sure i love the product and what morning brew will do is that it will keep you up to date on business finance tech in about five minutes and i know we all get a ton of emails already but if you're a news junkie like me like every day i go through about four or five apps just scrolling i'm on facebook scrolling trying to keep up to date on what's happening in the world but morning brew super concise no opinions just news i've been getting this newsletter for over a week now and i knew i liked it because i started to look forward to getting this in my mailbox every single morning so they usually give you an overlook of the market but what's different is that morningfor actually give you an explanation about why the market is what it is that day for example i just learned that build a barrel workshop just turned 25. god i feel old also what i like about morning brew the articles are not tried they're not boring they're not really hard to comprehend i mean honestly i'm i'm not that smart so when i'm looking at an article that's really businessy or very financial focused that's difficult for me morningbrew is able to break it down for you also do it in a very witty way so it's actually fun reading these articles like i said it's completely free it takes about 15 seconds to subscribe so if you want to give it a try go to my link down below and subscribe today all right let's get to eating this is the katsu i just got from h-mart [Music] nicely fried that's delicious it's been about 30 minutes from hmr to here still retains a nice crunch the meat is tender but what i love most about this is the curry hmm slightly sweet savory with a kick this thing goes so absolutely perfect with rice also i think with some chemistry too i need a little bit of acid in this just a little bit of acid makes this perfect [Music] i'm so happy that was my first bite of food this morning i know i got a lot of other foods to try somehow can't let go of this oh that took willpower microwave the yakishoba let's try the smoked duck last time i remembered trying something like this it was in south korea i think it was a 7011 or gs25 or something and the smoked duck came in a plastic pouch and it was amazing so i miss about south korea or asia in general you know how hard it is to find a good tasting duck even at a restaurant but south korea you can find that in a convenience store in a plastic bag look how beautiful this is wonderfully smoked layer of fat and skin on top i'm going to wager and say this is going to taste amazing i got a couple things to say about this first of all this is delicious the more you chew the more the fat breaks down that smoke flavor just fills your mouth with so much happiness layer of fat renders almost immediately on your tongue trace that with a little kimchi you kind of balance out the fattiness so that's the first thing it's absolutely delicious the other thing i want to say about this is though it's not as good as the plastic bag one from the convenience store in south korea i mean this is really really good that one was mind-blowing if this was terminator that would be terminator 2. anyway you get my point watch my video i forgot where i got that i know that's so weird to say but get the smoke dug from the convenience store blow your mind [Music] i think the yakisoba is good not great one thing i love about yakisoba i love tasting that worcestershire sauce and i love tasting that heat flavor from the tapan don't really give much of that here it's still flavorful noodles i feel like it's missing that unique flavor that good yakisoba's all have this naggy looks so good as the kids now will say is busan this is another one of those foods that it just gets better as you chew um right away when you bite up you taste the sweet glaze on top of the yield then after you chew more and more that amazing smoky flavor comes out and just starts pummeling you everywhere dasher tastes really good with the yakisoba and remember kids even if you don't have a japanese store near you you should still always have unagi next let's try the gildum gildo and the vegetable croquette yodong thin fatty slices of beef looks good sliced ginger on top onions scallions caramelized onions only thing i'm concerned about this is that i don't know if it has enough sauce to soak through the rest of the rice [Music] delicious like i said i feel like a little more sauce would have been better to kind of just give this rice a nice soak but the meat is so fatty and delicious caramelized onions cooked perfectly little sweet melts with the meat and rice and this is like my concern with every dildo i want enough sauce to soak through to the bottom of the rice this one looks like the rice on the bottom is not going to have much flavor because it doesn't look like the sauce is penetrated through so you're gonna have to give this a nice mix basically have every grain of rice touch this meat and onion and kind of rub that delicious sauce onto it that's gonna have to be how you eat this dish but like what's up more sauce wouldn't have to do that was the best thing i had today and i had a delicious katsu this is unbelievably good this was definitely one of the underdogs of the dishes i got today i mean vegetable croquette has the word vegetable in it that's already striped one from me this thing not only looks pretty it tastes even better subtle crunch on the outside this thing has been about hours since i got back from the store it still retains that subtle crunch on the outside even after i microwaved it on the inside it's like the most delicious of mashed potatoes with a little bit of corn and peas add some katsu sauce for a little extra smoke and sweetness oh no i love that so much like it's sitting on my gill dome among all this fatty delicious meat and the only thing i want is this out of this world 100 percent musket let's see if we can go two for two on vegetables seaweed salad with waffu dressing i got this because i didn't really know what waffu dressing is and i'm curious it just sounds so cool so it's a seaweed salad and the waffu dressing oh different kinds of seaweed on this too that is some delicious dressing that's like a power punch of flavor wow i definitely taste sesame maybe a little bit of mustard oh that's great creamy with a little bit of citrusy cooked tonkatsu with an omelette and uh sorboro don't you guys don't know what a saborio donut is it's a a rice bowl with ground chicken honestly this doesn't look like chicken it looks like beef if you guys don't know what a saboro donut is it's basically a rice bowl with ground meat delicious ground beef on top splash of red ginger sitting on strips of yellow legs and what looks like the most perfect poached egg in the middle let's wake it up shall we oh that is so pretty it's good but a little sweet the meat is really flavorful the egg of course scrumptiously creamy and perfect the only thing i don't like is that extra sweetness it's still delicious and also it's a preference of taste i don't like my dishes too sweet everything else about this the texture the egg the ingredients spot on lessen the sweetness this will be perfect one final thing from the microwave this katsu with an omelette has something similar to this in las vegas that i absolutely loved that's why when i saw this i had to pick it up at this one you're not expecting the the outside braiding of the castle to be crunchy it's supposed to soak up all the sauce all this great sauce i love this i will say again though i think it's overly sweet i think they decreased the sweetness by about 50 perfection first of all the omelet is just the most tender thing my favorite thing about this is the meat again the outside soaked in sauce the texture of the pork is so delicious again as you chew more and more flavor just release it's one of those foods that as you're chewing you just kind of help her feel happier so this one is a classic japanese egg sandwich just from the looks of it stuffed with eggs the crust is still on and that's kind of what makes a japanese sandwich really unique is the delicate nature of it which usually will not include the crust so and that is why i am stupid because this is amazing bread is shy just tastes like what i get from a 7-eleven bread aside this flavor is pretty much what i get when i get a 7-eleven sandwich in japan i think there's a little more egg whites in here again that whole delicate nature of the sandwich is not there but the flavor is amazing so creamy and flavorful a little bit of pepper go get yourself a sandwich forgot about this cooked and smoked berkshire pork spicy sausage [Music] it's good but not really spicy very snappy though maybe i'll put it inside my egg sandwich and let my egg help it taste better this is the number one bun at the japanese supermarket baked curry bun [Music] i love this first of all the bun itself it's such a nice chew it doesn't melt in your mouth but it has a great shoe like a good loaf of bread and the curry is sweet it's aromatic there's so much flavor i think if you put this in the oven make it nice and crispy again on the outside and when you open the oven door you're gonna hear angels saying yes strawberry cream puffs i think you're just supposed to pop these in your mouth well that was just like eating a piece of air please get yourself some of these if you want to know what a strawberry cloud tastes like this i mean it's not crunchy on the outside it's kind of you know soggy and soft pop this whole thing in your mouth dissolves in seconds this thing does better disappearing accident david copperfield and trust me much more worth it to experience homemade cream puff oh this one is more like a traditional cream puff [Music] the custard is delicious this is still the best these little ones oh my god how good is this totally forgot about this i got one onigiri from the japanese market one from hmart the h bar one is 2.99 this one's 1.99 tuna male [Music] good amount of tuna rice is delicious seaweed's nice and crispy that is really good the spicy crab from hmart hands down the japanese market one is better from the seaweed to the rush to the meat this thing wins hands down rice is so much more scrumptious and delicious i feel like the hmr onigiri the rice is stale overall just really good hmr one social card plus you save a dollar if you want to stock up on onigiri go to the japanese supermarket just a few things left look at this this is so fun look at a little slice of cake that thing is drier than my love life oh wait now she's in a relationship now so it's tried in my love life a while ago oh a little tea cookie anybody love such a strong matcha flavor i think it's it's just a safe rule of thumb that whenever you're eating japanese cookies eat it with some tea one it helps wash it down and two it just makes the whole tasting experience better these are the best chocolates chocolate with matcha and a mochi in the middle i mean this is the real m ms matcha and mochi come on i forgot about this i bought a giant pack of shrimp crackers oh that makes more sense i thought they were just like all in there like this these are just regular crackers with curry they look like the the chinese shrimp crackers that's why i was confused still good some of the best things i had today smoked duck the vegetable croquette the tonkatsu gildon was good egg sandwich was delicious these things are bomb seriously guess someone just throw these little strawberry fluff bombs in your mouth and trust me one pack not enough also oh my gosh this is good now for my favorite part of the day turning on a tv series anybody else watching loki right now i'm on episode two anyway for the rest of the day this is gonna have my drama plan let me stuff in my face i don't know how you spend your sundays but this is how i like to spend money i forgot about this milk tea milk tea from italian little too much milk no tea flavor it should just be called milk well i wasn't going to go out at all but because i'm going to have to make a bubble tea run or something anyway that's my review of the japanese market in the h-mart here in houston hope you guys found this useful on your next food shopping adventure as always thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 664,285
Rating: 4.9350414 out of 5
Keywords: hmart, hmart houston, houston hmart, hmart texas, texas hmart, japanese market, japanese food, korean food, korean, japanese, eats, grocery store, market, store, food court, eating, houston texas, houston, texas, cook, cooking, kitchen, food, breakfast, brunch, groceries, grocery, eel, sushi, sashimi, noodles
Id: uMMNN0P03fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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