My 100% IMPOSSIBLE Dropper In Minecraft!

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me and my friends playing to win the biggest amount of diamonds ever in minecraft and the game is the dropper four players take on insane dropper levels to see who can survive the most but some of these droppers come with pranks who will become the champion of the dropper already guys guys come here come here come here to the middle of the server what's the coolest thing to show you guys look at this look at this okay so you guys i'm gonna give this to one person all right just one person that's really nice i appreciate it so much here let me just start doing things steal it all right you can steal it if you win my game all right okay game's gonna be fun all right uh what are we playing you know this no no no no no no no we're playing no we're playing dress no we're playing quattro because we're all going to compete for all of my diamonds all of my emeralds all of my gold are useless as it is uh we're going to compete for all of that in a dropper all right a few of them actually i know all right i feel my fear of heights kicking in it's okay don't worry there's some water down there and also on top of that if you manage to beat the dropper all right if you manage to beat the droppers all of them then you can win all of this right here plus pierce's house wait what don't worry pierce you'll get your house back you just gotta win okay all right come on come on come on come on come on come on i already have my house on go okay i'm good we're all gonna jump into the things this feels illegal it's okay you guys ready guys ready here we go three two one go my body is ready it's some hard water all right the first dropper was a prank but don't worry the rest of the droppers aren't and actually you will win all of this stuff okay all right let's go let's go to the real droppers follow me this way guys follow me this way follow me okay this is the dropper you guys ready oh oh oh absolutely not so we're going everywhere where are we whoa what with the water oh god oh god oh here we go good luck what's happening all right give us a shot this is very easy yeah exactly we just stay here this seems really nice and brassy no no no no no no no no if you guys want to die oh oh oh oh oh oh object let's get out oh what happened okay see see that right there that's the personal best record is 12. 12. all right the goal is that we all get cursed and we gotta fall down okay and you gotta make it inside the water so good luck the curse is gonna make you go left and right and looks like push you i'm gonna [Applause] you got this you got this you got this down here come on you got this are you taunting me pierce no i'm trying to be genuine but it's so sarcastic i'm sorry guys we might be able to catch him we might be able to catch him the blue fighter leaves me alone oh i know i'm so cursed i tried to catch him i tried oh wait he couldn't fight this like a blue fire no i got this i got this i got doug there we go all right all right that was that was just the first level all right so remember you can't get texts currently you're the lead second and that's about 11. right still very easy very easy guys all right you got to jump before the curse gets you oh that's how this one works oh my god i did it oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no there's a ladder over here oh nice man oh wait you even the ladder what are you doing at the ladder there's a chest up here i just want to see first years that's not a good idea what's in the chest uh money money let me see oh is there money hold on let me try to get that you can just fall down you know over here no i don't i don't believe i can i don't want to fall down i'll catch your peers if i don't then that just means i get an extra point here one money for everyone oh is this a little two months oh this is not this looks like a dorito but it's actually uh i don't get any money well maybe you should drop first and then you'll get the mun easy moving up to easy that's not good oh oh oh oh oh we got to be careful can you do it with the car spray go let's find out okay oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh yeah what the hell this is the word oh my god oh my god no no no no no no no no no no no and oh i'm doing it i'm doing it oh my god i did it yeah you did it my body isn't my god i have control over it we did it no we haven't can't turns out fear and death is a good motivator for doing well at fit games i i didn't like dying you do i do it a lot but i just mean i enjoy it nice to make it down here trying to trying to i'm saying i gotta do this for my house noy if you could just die about ten more times for me i'd appreciate it yeah my house how about how much i wanna buy my house back from you i guess how much money would i have to give you for to get my house back uh three monies and i have three monies like one two three got my money uh well how about if i give you two more money [Music] five monies that's a lot of money that isn't going to be doing five money all right come on hey welcome back hey guys uh next level just took a little tip all right we're going oh all right here we go normal normal level all right okay oh oh oh that's normal this this is not normal it's okay we're getting there don't worry the curse has been lifted now that we're off the easy levels oh i am gonna actually see the water yet yeah i have seen it i've seen water you pushed me he pushed me i feel it you pushed me that's nice oh it got so close oh my god okay i got something you get for pushing this is called push okay [Music] oh you're one more if you if you die one more time we're tied i'm gonna be like two more times i don't like that come on come on come on no i can't believe i'm losing i want my house back i will take good care of your house no you're like turning purple and stuff but i don't want that i got it so nice and blue you got a problem with this purple it is nice all right all right since two people made it down we get to leave i did it i did i'm so proud of you here i'll carry you out victory [Applause] level five unlocked let's go all right that last round wasn't just so good for me but i'm gonna make this back all right i promise i'm at him too would you look at that oh no this reminds me of my sonic games now here we go come on come on i see it i see it i see oh it's so hard to see it's a hard squeeze it's a hard squeeze you got to be oaking me right now oh my goodness [Laughter] you made it she made it nice did you squeeze through all the little squeezy parts um bad skills i know i i mean i just saw one one square called to me and it was the one all right all right you guys got a few more chances and then we're leaving no no no no no no no no he made it everyone but pierce has made it oh my god guys this is the quote this is the part where we all point and laugh ready guys we may we may have to wipe our tears with our money and leave him cry all the way to the bank we'll leave we'll leave you alone don't worry the grass is greener on the other side level 6 unlocked guys that's not that's not good yeah that's lava i do not recommend well then how are we supposed to get through oh so you gotta go through one of them i bet you one of them is good let me try this one yeah oh no okay i think i found which one nope let's see oh this is hard this is really hard this is very hard at least i'm on 38 and not like 67. at least i'm not on 79 is there is there like a method in minecraft to move around that i'm not necessarily aware of i swear it's called get good son okay the same can be said to you you know well at least but i didn't say anything because i need you to have more time wow is it to just suddenly claim someone else's hope for yourself oh you did that on perfect you can't prove it that's a new thought what if i i just need to i just need to get momentum going that way if i could just oh i got you i got you i got you in that direction no no no no no no not like that not like you gotta go ready someone mentioned smell like that no i'm not you know oh [Music] okay okay okay i may i may be breaking the level just a little bit i'm taking the [Applause] [Music] let's get out of here let's go what's going on why nother i loved you oh oh i'm done with another whoa well this does this looks nice and blue i like i like the color scheme nice you know he's cheating yeah i agree he said i'm in my element true facts there's an octopus there's an octopus i want to see that yeah you would know if you were good at this game wow excuse me sir yeah you got 95. i got 74. all right this is like golf where's the water oh the other side oh it's literally rude i almost made it yeah i saw i saw the octopus too i'm good at this game yeah that's fine octopus at least i played piers he punched me [Music] here stop pushing people i'm not pushing people i don't care did he make it down no no questions i told you it doesn't count because i said if you're just the first one to get down there he's cheating yeah he's probably cheating terrain i've done it see it jumps i'm going to mickey d's no he's one of mcdonald's guys how are we going to go before he gets there some chicken nuggies while you're there only if you make it [Laughter] chicken down are for winners yup i'm gonna walk you to the portal i'm gonna do it all right hello price here you know what since you made it there passed all my money wow hey i'm i'm gonna take yeah i'm a victory carry because you did it you did it you did it congratulations [Applause] come on ender dragon has oh not the end level uh this is very hard guys i'm gonna analyze this i'm analyzing you gotta analyze things huh have fun almost i got past oh look at you go over there all right here we go here we go who's gonna hit 200 first okay uh probably me it's a race it's a race i'm waiting so whose house is whose house is up for grabs for the person who gets 200. oh uh let's put uh no he's got a farm so let's put noise yeah it's in the farm it's looking pretty nice these days come in for that food it's not just your splash i made it i made it i made it i made it you made it i know how dare she oh wow sorry i wasn't sure that being good was very polite wow sorry wait a minute so you're winning here's his house and kauai chan's probably gonna win my house i mean so we're both homeless bud let's just move in together oh that's so nice look at you oh i found the money oh look crochet congratulations you made 200. oh nice i'm watching you guys you ready no don't worry i'll save you don't worry i'll save you guys i'll save you here we go i'm saving you can i get can i kill you what a save what is save all right what i saved you all don't worry you're so good i got you i'm here i got you guys a present i got you guys a present here you go here you go what'd you get us here's your present here's [Music] [Music] oh my god guys you know this is literally insane yeah yeah that's what i said on the box what did you do there was an ice one of these wasn't ice oh look at this momentum i don't know if this will work oh oh it kind of is working hey i think i seen times call for insane than measures i'm gonna drop faster than you is it a race to the bottom it's a race though wait quite chad's winning i thought a lot just a little bit but it's okay because i'm waiting y'all stole my trolley victor my my prank victory for me never prosper it's the cheaters off the cheaters that win wow you guys are super cheaters go for that money i'm going for that money you can't stop me i'm going for the money i've got for the money i got the money oh no we just stole the money sorry about that wow you guys stole the buddy and my little cheatsy way of getting our wow [Music] oh my god look i'm the one that always goes look around you you win all this treasure if you can win i say i can just start digging into this wall right now just have it i can just have it all yeah it's probably cursed give it to me it's insane levels of i don't even insanity the bottom i have not seen the bottom once yet you just started oh my god yeah i want instant gratification though oh i see the water oh wow see someone did i missed the other one i liked the other one better [Applause] we're going to work together all right okay i'm gonna trust you i trust you push it i'm gonna get that get down get down get down get down that way you can now you can take your chance too there you go there you go there you go all right i'm gonna take a chance right here come on daddy needs a new pair of shoes no okay yeah guys guys did you make it that tickles you that's pickles you made it guys i can't believe you made it it was wow oh i made it i can't wait to read hey that's my head look at that look we did it congratulations we can leave my key the keys guys guys guys guys guys guys we all did it all right to the power of magic and friendship congratulations oh my god we're dead you did it hey hey big hug big hug guys big group hug group group hugs you can have it i'm just going to go live in a ditch yeah i think we're going to take y chance house look at 258 okay wait no bye
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 18,159,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aphmau minecraft dropper, aphmau, minecraft, dropper, minecraft aphmau, minecraft dropper, minecraft dropper pranks, minecraft prank, minecraft dropper prank, dropper prank, funny minecraft moments, funny moments, aphmau baby dropper, minecraft challenge, we played minecraft dropper, no swears, easy minecraft pranks, secret minecraft dropper, aphmau secret dropper, hardest minecraft dropper, easiest minecraft dropper, minecraft maps
Id: K4AhZkUhbow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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