100% PERFECT Place For Your TREASURE In Minecraft

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someone on the server is a traitor Thanks is stealing all of my amazing treasure but they're disguising themselves as everyone else we can't tell who they really are so we decided to lure them into seeker faces and try to capture them will I be able to quarter them and have them confess to their crimes alright guys I just got back from mining a ton of diamonds take a look at this 15 diamonds right here right in my hand count himself blacksmith we don't actually need to do that these are very valuable I need to pick these up something that you're probably wondering is where am I putting all these diamonds and I'm gonna let you guys in on a little secret I have a super secret area right here in this house you can't even see it you don't even know where it is no normal person would put their diamonds here in this chest safe isn't very smart and I just did that just ignore that you saw that alright I have 17 diamonds I've done seven diamonds but look look look what if I come over here take a look at that secret door alright seek your door I hide all my diamonds almost hold right here there's a ton of them down here okay but wait a minute wait a minute oh wait wait wait wait oh wait wait wait dirt and okay wait no wait a minute someone has been in here what happened what happened wait okay alright someone's been inside someone's been inside of my base and this was not here before I promise you it was literally made of all obsidian so nobody could break in but it looks like okay someone did someone broke into my place huh wait ladder oh yes oh my god oh my god someone broke into my base here and they took all my diamonds are you kidding me okay alright so someone broke into my obsidian base with their diamonds and took my stuff okay so all of my diamonds are gone I'm gonna find out who did this we're gonna catch a thief today let's go ahead and do that I got a plan alright so I've had a long time to think about this and I've actually set up quite a bit nicely so what I'm going to do first I'm going to make a block of diamonds just part one of the plan right part one the plan means I get a block of diamond and I'm going to put it right out here now everyone's gonna see this and of course it's going to lose him in they'll do one of two things one the return to me or - they'll go through all of my stuff that's how we're gonna find out who is doing this I have to leave in that diamond out there I'm going to leave the doors open and I'm also going to leave this door open all right so that when they come and they can go down and in here you'll see that I've left my diamonds in here all of my diamonds but I've also set up a trap that'll catch them back they'll catch them and I can push lava on them I gotta put a lever up this that would activate in the meantime don't what I'm also going to do is I'm going to be a cat see so that way they won't suspect me and I can follow them if I need to so let's go ahead and lie and wait for our prey about you out here anybody got two bad super cozy check-in what's go I hear you know some fun stuff just terrible just go grab a little bit some some alright magical kitten you tell me where to go I'll follow you Oh what are you what what's what's next Hector the magical kitten what do I do next are you talking to a cat he's crazy okay Hector the magical cat please tell me what should I do next bark bark twice if I should steal everything in this room I'm gonna take there's two barks and I'm a cowboy [Music] you know what they all say because all right admit admit that you took all of my diamonds I if you have a block of time it plus six times I am taking all your diamonds either the past five minutes is the extent of my favorite so did you take any diamonds any other time before now I mean back when I was fifteen I did someone's been stealing my stuff and I'm going to find them so if you don't fess up on out okay I did not but what if I helped you catch the person huh I believe in mind I could help I could put it to work for you just don't kill me you know what that's a cool stuff really I promise you know what I caught you on my own so you know what yeah how about you help me make someone someone pay for their crimes all right sure right all right just don't kill me all right so turn around and put my diamonds back in there all right okay okay okay I put the Diamonds back you're gonna help me yes absolutely a hundred percent I got some secret stuff you don't even know about and then I will walk that's what yeah I just want to get my diamonds back very fashionably all right okay but why would I help you now huh cuz I come over then explode your kid all right now that I've exploded you tell me what your secrets are why because I need them okay fine all right so show me where you have this secret of yours and it better be good or else oh it's good it's super good but I need one promise out of you yeah was it promised it was a pot you can't blow it up no it works very hard on this one okay coolest thing I've ever done in Minecraft I wanna make sure I keep it safe for good fine fine okay where's the TNT drop the TNT get rid of it fine here I just have a few explosive arrows it's all I have all right take me to your secret secret base it better be good all right yeah I think you're gonna be impressed do you know what I think this is the this is definitely the coolest thing ab it's justjust over it's right here we're we're here we've made it I don't know where is it could it be maybe under this secret pause the video be sure to leave a like maybe something find out who this is welcome to my little base of operations I think it was Kevin neighborhood watch it oh my god I got my so I got it for you right there you got it please same over here saying right there yeah yeah there you go i watch ya watch you too that Joker always getting into trouble I didn't see my camp yeah I didn't notice it Wow yep forgot noise over here little joke still a price to look at look at all these basic cows too bad nothing too crazy I haven't got errands over here nope no just kidding ah yeah yeah you know some day they're just pretty happy about my questions here I'm pressing tab where the hall that was on the server she's not over this okay wait a minute she's not anywhere she's not on our chat anything she's gone dang you're right yeah there's nothing there okay this is a little spooky uh I'm pretty sure she's the one taking me my dad was like a thousand percent sure it's the ghost no I minecraft though he did something she did something so we gotta do what we gotta do is we gotta set up a little trap of the way the way I got you all right I know Jim knows I now have a smarter trap for her all right [Laughter] finishing touch here all right it's all good all right crazy some traps and stuff and them criminals and whatnots we're gonna catch her right in the act okay okay so we have this all set up right down here and eat there dude okay it'll be kauai chance absolute doom she feels so bad she decided to do for me and and you I guess you know she's yeah yeah of course you know I'm here to hi how are you alright so so so we got it all set up here alright so sorry sorry sorry sorry alright so we talked about this you know the drill what you're gonna do is when they go over they're going to flip the switch and I say pull the lever you're gonna pull lever alright however way you save all over got it we go so watch this watch this watch this watch also making the nachos no because the beat the beat oh yeah yeah [Music] oh no problem Pratt keep saying God that's okay wow he just all right uh worries I have have the perfect place to hide them I took that okay that should be enough that should be enough yeah absolutely have fun with those done thank you for telling me thank you for taking your diamonds by the way wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you have to wait exactly she stole the diamonds all right oh there she is there she is all right she's probably what's she like she died with my diamonds in her head oh no yeah you really think that one through did you you know what quiet you dying without my diamonds okay fished him out of the lava afterwards it's okay I have nine diamonds left I have nine of them left okay what's this button over here this big red one what is like red buttons Oh Oh trust me trust me we'll figure it out soon [Laughter] [Laughter] at the end anyway this is gonna be so hard oh my god oh my god oh my god what okay so that was quite an right but then it was named yeah mr. gotelli yeah maybe they're working together maybe maybe she like hid away well he right away okay all right all right you know what that was a terrible attempt so what we're gonna do okay again next time got this all right all right where do we go we have been your place how about your place can you please don't think you fit me I don't like the sound of this what do you mean don't worry about I got cigars alright alright so we set this up all right this is not gonna fail at the end your house yes all right all right all right no oh my god stop we have you cornered in stop who are you tell me tell me oh my god oh my god all that lets you turn around okay okay okay all right wait did you did you actually put all right all right oh like you get through why are you stealing from us in you tell oh my god I'd say thank you for backup thanks for back all right you know you know I got you okay all right I [Music] okay all right I made the ending for this one okay so all we have to do is make sure that they come here with some width of the little bait you know some more diamonds and then all you have to do is make sure you don't make the ending what you did it and I know for sure that I have made a great ending to this and that they won't escape okay fantastic great idea wonderful but you know what we have done in this now we used up all the time in for bait now he has all the diamonds so what do we do now ah you're right actually um all right well I'm glad you asked because we have to improvise and adapt okay so I figured this out watch yes I got it what see this right here see this right here what block is a wood block but I want you to watch this okay watch my artistic skill in play okay BAM okay I think I'm going crazy I won't man I'm super excited about these cartoon diamond blocks with again look here's something that this is some criminal mastermind who either is to spar with everybody else or it can wear masks and they can also simultaneously be confused by this all right unless you and you're not telling me something this is gonna work okay I've got this all right that would be a that would be like Twitter Dyke you play I don't think I got that many cues all right so put the Ghost Box down I'm gonna put it over there let's do this all right five minutes late ale maybe we should talk in the chat or something but a while well the diamond you think you think they'd fall for it again I mean these are some really intriguing lutein diamonds even if like I knew they were fake I would still look at them just to see what they were they look weird haha okay we go you made him wait oh who's that handsome boy what's going on I know it's not you put okay something is wrong come on oh look they're so they've taken the bait they've taken the bait oh they're gonna go for it all right so it's obvious it's pretty obvious that something is going on someone has done something to the server whoever this is has done something to the server not getting in discord literally playing with our emotions left and right oh my god right that's how this works no that's not how this works trust me I thought about this who are you oh my god I knew it I knew it they would come hi guys I know thank playing live from anywhere can't believe it guys that was you this whole time oh yeah that was me I can't believe I can't believe you're able to do all that when I joined the server big attach you guys played so many pranks on me such a fun time I thought I'd return the favor greatest house on the server you know what peers pull the lever yeah hello ever ever Pierce oh you mean this lever over here thank you okay yeah sure absolutely that's right oh and you too because you tricked me Carnot nope I kept W don't you feel so betrayed every day of my life oh my god oh my god
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 13,037,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: eSoSr_OZqiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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