Adopted by ELEMENTALS in Minecraft!

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hey Casey do you wanna hey don't forget to like And subscribe this Sad Little Orphan is adopted by Elementals now she enters their world with parents of fire and water but they don't know that she has a secret of her own will she be able to help her parents of opposite elements get along oh I know I shouldn't have gone far from my little Hut um huh what's that oh huh what the wait what's going on what wait what's good my why am I on fire on fire let's see what my little gas cloud got up dude what what well what do we have here did someone get lit on fire oh nothing it's just you're really interesting get back here wait wait am I smoking ah no get back here kid let's get over here maybe we can hide up here I've got you now hey all right freak get lost leave it alone is he kidding doesn't that fire kid like you have a fireplace to go sit in or something I don't know I don't know what's happened well anyway whatever the case it's dangerous out here okay but I can't make it faster well you gotta get out of the rain somehow uh my house is pretty close um okay I can make it run for it oh yeah actually hang on before you do that stop it there we go that's so cool I can see through you yeah it's so cool you know even though it's not raining you should come into my house if you want really oh come on [Music] careful I don't want to fall in that wow this is your place [Music] ah I I guess so uh anyway are you all by yourself um yeah I I'm an orphan wow that's sad uh huh my bad oh I mean uh Hey what if uh I adopt you oh really really yeah yeah sure it'll be great I got all this space you know oh okay oh it's a lot of fire oh I can take care of this oh I wasn't like this before but um I'm so sorry no no no don't worry about it you're still a kid but you know I know someone who can help you control your elements really yeah she uh oh she uh kind of hates me though why whoa don't worry about it come on let's go yeah thanks new dad new Dad I'm sure the fire will put itself out okay we're getting close kid whoa whoa I don't get hurt wow that's great oh you can run into fire huh yeah I don't think I can burn anything down oh my God no no you can around here that's a lot of fire you're running into oh are you okay you look all boiling you know I think everything's fine let's let's just talk to Casey see what's going on okay oh that's a hot door oh okay I you'll never occur well listen listen I know you don't like people but I got something for you look um hi my name is you're just like Like Me Oh yay so adorable little Amber Amber with a water creature like that oh he saved me and then he adopted me you're my new Dad yeah and I brought her to you cause you're a fire too you know um fire with fire they're both very well of course we'll take her in because clearly a fire element should adopt a fire element and Ian can stay too right yeah okay we need to work well together five people don't work well with anyone you know it's nothing personal kid uh fire amounts are just meant to be with each other you know but but I'm not well anyway I'll see you around this I'm sure yay all right then be safe and I really missed Ian I gotta get back to him somehow it's just not the same [Music] uh yes some stupid stuff soup I mean sure it'll take me a while though um how about you hang out on your own while I make it yeah I'll go play outside see you later okay be careful oh okay now I can go back to Ian uh let's see because he was my adopted dad and I guess she's my adopted mom but they don't get along oh it's okay um I I can just go find him and huh wait what what happened wait I'm a human again what oh well well well if it is a little Sparky oh what happened to your flame it couldn't take the heat you're the one who did that to me you know where are we you know what come here I'm so sorry I can't put it sorry sorry what's this little fire kid doing out here don't you have some charcoal to burn or something okay oh come on leave her alone Sage she's just a little one who no those [Music] wait a minute maybe I wish I paid attention when I came here but maybe somebody has a map to get back to Ian they're like they're on the outskirts I don't know where anything is okay let me just come up to this house okay maybe if I go in here I can try to borrow a map that might help me find Ian um oh a chest uh let's see raw Church perfect oh oh this will be great I can wait a minute oh um I just wanted to borrow a map downstairs no are you serious what is happening here I'm so sorry don't worry don't worry uh I'll take care of this Ian he's putting it up little bit of water I got a team wait this week [Music] what are you doing here oh you're pretty warm I missed you too what are you doing in here uh hey Zane oh what's going on you know this awful fire child yay kid yeah you got a problem with that your kid you're seriously taking care of a fire Elemental that's hilarious oh that explains things you know what I'm gonna go [Music] Ian was there to save me oh yeah you know I guess uh she really needs both of us huh [Music] a minute can you guys I'd love to have a family well I'm sure fired water Elementals can get along yeah well we can adopt her together [Applause] okay well uh first things first we're gonna have to do something about this heat wait [Music] wait you turn it off this is Tim [Music] no no do something smart with it you know uh what about a pool for you would that help oh yeah cool that's fun okay yeah this will do let me uh just put it right here do some of this find some space just like this oh oh I think it evaporated okay you know uh I'll just uh dig a little farther it's fine it's fine we'll have to get going oh there's lava there's lava down there oh okay oh so that's uh based on that that's not gonna work too well yeah I knew this wouldn't work what about oh what if I just take over to half the house and turn that into water then we can't live in that house but then we can meet in the middle right yeah so I build my own house uh and you're in between yeah that could work yeah well let's do it let's give it a good old try yeah and there we go this is so perfect [Music] it's actually pretty comfortable for me over there oh well you know what we should have some dinner aphmau you never got to eat the soup that you asked me to make oh that's right um let's see but what side do we eat it on do we eat in the middle are we on the water side on the Fireside if we have meals together we just stay here in the middle yeah because they're a family oh my gosh um hello oh who's here oh hi Zane hi hi yeah I just wanted to uh check out check in with you and see if that little fire Elemental went home and well I see you've redecorated the place yeah we redecorated together oh you're here too what's going on I said some tension nothing sweetie I was just leaving no no no no I want to see how Ian is settling in seeing as how you and I weren't able to make it works [Music] like did you need something or were you just here to judge our design choices I don't need anything but I think you need to hear something and the kid does too fire Elementals are different than us that's why Casey lives out here on her own because she can't get along with others Fire and Water they could never live together you'll just end up hurting each other and this little kid too all right I think it's time for you to leave dude is so cool [Music] cool wait wait what what just because stupid Zane said so but that's not fair yeah you're only go and we did all this work and now you're just gonna give up it's not giving up and we barely even started okay great you know what this is just great your ex shows up and suddenly everything is different I can't handle this but oh oh no oh great now I'm steam I've evaporated maybe now you'll actually go I mean I kind of have to what about me oh okay honey you'll just have to spend time with both of us separately I can't believe I got to walk to my dad's house by myself yay yay kiddo how you doing whoa did you make your house bigger while I was gone well no it probably just feels smaller because you know if we're all alone now okay um are you all right it's fine it's fine I like being alone I mean plus you of course yeah this house just has room for one fire person I know that you might be upset but maybe we should play a game I can set fires outside and you can put them out with your water power no like this see yeah I mean how do can we not talk about your mother right now she gave me some magma blocks and then she gave me some lava bucket oh and she taught me how to smell it I really don't want to keep talking about this but she's so pretty isn't she oh and um yeah please stop I'm gonna go inside to make sure my house is empty like I like it um I think he's okay [Applause] [Music] alone I'm just filling up the sink with my teeth are you crying or no this is a bathtub my bad precipitating that's what it is okay um I'm gonna go check on Mom now oh I hope Casey's okay and not like Ian Casey I'm just saying that water guy was no good you gotta get back with me all right I don't even want to be alone right now right now but no you don't understand the Elementals that I don't understand sometimes you just get so spicy and can't think straight oh Oh I thought you liked spicy for a little bit I don't like him running out running out running out man if only there was a way to get them back together why does that guy have to be in Fall why does he like Casey in the first place did somebody save Magic [Laughter] it's okay it's okay okay I get it don't don't scare kids got it oh hey I I couldn't help but you know overhear what's going on and I want to help you kid you do yeah want to help these two get together they look like a lot of fun and hey you know what I understand adults a lot better than you do so I can help you get your parents back together really but wait a minute why are you gonna help me because I love nature and as a part of nature literally I'm a part of Asia we look at me it's you know the idea of Fire and Water working together that's what I think I think they're the best because they're so opposite they can probably get along if they just try but they don't want to try I know I know so how can I help you know uh we're gonna set that fire girl and water boy up on a date and watch the Sparks Fly okay I didn't mean that literally come yeah [Laughter] [Music] oh um okay [Applause] you know what all right and then you just pray not to evaporate me again [Music] I'm gonna take it I'm gonna I'm gonna I don't even care that I have left I'm gonna keep yelling because I'm upset oh this is so stupid I just wanted everyone to get along and now it's worse huh wait what why did I transform back weird I'm just so angry that I just I don't know well well water in a well if it isn't it the little dumb orphan and no one else knows that you're an ugly little hit leave me alone listen I think we just got off to a stinky but we could still play wouldn't want your family finding out about your little secret you jerk I don't you wanted to transfer me into an elemental but you know what I'm getting out of here let's get back here no this is bad [Music] wait a minute wait a minute anytime I get emotional I turn back I turn back back I have an idea what if I use this okay I think I got him off my shelter right now uh let's see I'm back here you little things [Music] it's my parents who adopted me oh my gosh I give again you better give that's right on home I thought it was a cloud but I guess he's a gas station okay interesting are you okay thank you for saving me what happened are you okay sweetie you should not put out oh no wait oh you can light it up I wasn't originally a fire element something happened and I was a human first and now I'm then I was a fire element like like this I don't understand it well hey a kid you know of course that doesn't matter to us we still want to adopt you if that's okay whether you're a human or a little plane really really oh my gosh ah come here kiddo Bring It On in oh and you know what you guys actually shoot together right I I guess we do yeah yeah actually we're so bad together after all not when we were we were together or something you know yeah yeah maybe like raising a kid you know you know like me no it'll be a lot of work though you know and you'll have to stop being so bossy all the time oh no what the very little yeah yeah thank you guys I think that's gonna work out just fine you're so cute come on
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 3,854,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau adopted by elementals, aphmau elementals, pixar elementals, elementals parody, elementals spinoff, adopted by fire, adopted by water, fire and water mod, aphmau is an elemental, elementals mod, aphmau adopted, aphmau pixar movie
Id: C63moDmemSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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