Mutant Creeper in Among Us

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so today and among us we have the mutant creepers versus minecraft steve in the end there's an epic battle to the death so dude stick around till the end to see if i win and also if you've ever played minecraft before hit the like button down below the video make it turn blue hit the subscribe button let's do this guys i'm a mutant creeper i'm not wait are you guys muting we're creepers little creepers okay boys listen listen as you guys know there is a creeper and there is a bad imposter creeper in our midst we have to work together and then kill steve don't drink elmer's glue what's wrong with you he's good for you is it oh let me drink some elmer's glue oh god oh it's elmer's milk ew oh gosh okay so how this mod works check this out i am a creeper i have an exp bar look i'm a little bitty creeper right if i hop into this barrel of gunpowder check this out oh look oh look i get experience and as we get more experience we start to level up and then we get bigger and then we become electrified and then we become a mutant dead creeper once i become big enough right and my experience bar is full i've gotta take out steve after look at this list everybody is on my list since i'm the imposter i have to go up to everyone and light everyone with a redstone torch and then they get that taken off my list i also have a bunch of abilities to help me level up and to slow them down from becoming the final form as well because once they become the final form they can uh work together and kill me i gotta be careful so here are all my abilities check this i can go invisible and look at this boy look at this map we're playing minecraft okay there's zod i'm gonna go i'm gonna go stick sun in a cobweb i'm gonna slow him i missed i gotta stick him in a cop whip okay why who's there out yourself now he's stuck in a goblin and i have a bunch of abilities that unlock the more i get people off my list the more i unlock them oh i'm gonna go white nico on fire all right so my lighter goes on a long cooldown but check this out since i lit nico up he is now off the list once i uh light up two more p or two more people off my list i unlock another ability listen i can't help you zod i don't think you're worth saving all right acid spit oh well all right you know what i'm i'm going to easy nose oh my god he just he just used detonate so whenever you're stuck in a cobweb you can self-detonate because we're creepers and that took away some of my experience dang it you know what you know what you know what so i have i have a fishing rod right that you saw me use right here in the bottom left if i use that i steal some of their car or some of their gunpowder watch i had a not fun situation what just happened now look i leveled up because that okay here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna throw a slow potion at zod now he's slow i'm gonna uninvision go up there hey guys guys hey hey guys i just saw a splash potion go by my head down there ah so just drink some elmer's glue what's wrong with you drink some milk he needs some milk there you go okay good job you did good hey what are you guys up to anybody dying lately what you see that like my model is actually taller than yours isn't that crazy i'm actually a little bit taller oh no cheating i'm actually actually a little bit taller so i need to level up the more i level up the more abilities i get as well i need to get somebody else off my lift who am i going to get off my list let me get back i'm going to do lighter on patches pat's off my list once i take off one more person with the lighter ability then i get another ability as well but i need to level up some point i'm going to throw a slowness potion down there i need to keep them down okay let's go up here and i need to keep leveling up i'm at three bars of experience jump in here yay and this is the final battle arena where i'm gonna fight steve you're going down steve i'm gonna eat your lunch and then crap it out look look look look look i can look i'm so small i can hide behind here no one can see me i'm literally honest you know what can you see me be honest he thinks he's hiding i'm in a lighter mitt okay i got you oh i just couldn't hear you wait are you looking are you okay that wasn't me that wasn't me that wasn't me it's you and me only it's literally you man no it's hey [Laughter] oh wait i forgot since i got zone off my list i have a new ability we have tnt information i have information i have information i have information one of the troops is myths i think i'm not certain but okay maybe it's not myths okay hold on i'm going to steal some exp from here the imposter's over here over here over here i'm gonna steal some exp from gary jerry i'm tiny no he's just so tiny oh i'm gonna white hole i need to light up you i need to light up look them look them [Music] let's go over here let's do a potion at oh i missed oh no gosh what was that all right trying to kill me stay calm it's gonna be okay i promise wait okay okay i know how that looks i know i knew it was you yeah whenever somebody gets stuck in a cobweb another uh yeah creeper can vomit on them to get rid of the cobweb okay so my next ability you saw the ability that i just unlocked i thought i literally launched tnt i need to level up though i'm going to steal some from yeah let's steal some from nico i mean i'm gonna i'm gonna use the uh yeah let's use it on nico the let's use the fishing rod on niko there we go okay so i just leveled up again i think did i get anything i get it okay so check me out look i'm a i'm an electrified creeper hey guys look i'm an electrified creeper look at me wait how are you electrifying but there's no lightning i am gonna i have an electrifying personality oh that wasn't good was it that wasn't a good note cheers to that cheers drink the glue okay let's go back into business i need to keep leveling up like i said once i level up a little bit more i become a mutant creeper it's pretty intense let me see what else i need uh mitts where's mids mitts is down here okay let's go i'm invisible what happened kate i just use the fishing rod okay look at me now oh dude i look awesome okay and i got another ability rocket blast and then i the final ability i get is whenever i level up my bar and then the final final ability i get whenever i unlock all of this it's insane okay let's use rocket blast hey hey guys you guys are looking kind of small rocket blasted wait why are you guys so confused why are you guys literally not wait why do you think it's done why do you think it's uh we were alone i watched him blow somebody up and then he put me to come with me report him to steve reporting to steve reporting to steve let's go i'll go first i'll go first blast past them they get confused and they can't really walk steve steve we think it's zod we're pretty sure it's zod steve yes how sure are you guys that it's uh 100 like i'm here sorry i need to level up to my final form wait i need to get more people uh gary neville kate oh let's get hello i am where's hello i am hello i am [Applause] and i got my next ability the summon zombie okay i'm gonna put this right here it's a good day to be me guys [Music] it's probably here invisible right do you see guys no it's sun's down there that's perfect let's put a cobweb oh wait this is where everybody respawns when they die because this is a spawner i'm gonna put cobwebs all over here cobwebs all over here now everyone knows oh he's stuck in a cobwebs i'm gonna go vomit i'm gonna give them give me a clear i'll go vomit on them hey guys hey hey i'll vomit on you can i vomit on you yeah you may okay i had i had cabbage though oh oh you did it did you like it was it we are thick boys look at us we're very thick boys i like it that's what i'm talking about okay that's a good alibi let me go invis i need to become my final form though i'm gonna have to take some from sigils he's getting too big wait who do i need to hit sizzle find you i'm gonna die i'm gonna lighter okay i'm gonna go up here and i'm gonna use the fishing rod on gary since he's getting too big where is he there's gary i'm almost there piffle what oh oh what gary biffle you did this i didn't do it i didn't i i heard you on my name and then i did this what am i doing zombie time is that oh no gary oh okay let's put another cowboy whenever they respawn right there look him is getting bigger okay first time's getting bigger and they're both together i'm gonna go light gary i'm gonna let gary oh but i'm the final form okay let's go on invis i have the ultra explosion which i can use on steve i need all these ability for steve hey hey you man whoa i am i'm a big boy look at me hi look hi listen we're the same zod i don't trust you look i am an electrified mutant creeper you are an electrified little video creeper you're teeny yeah we're pretty small yeah okay biffle listen listen i have something to tell you it is very important okay tell me i'll tell you in a little bit okay let's go invis i need to go i need to go get this i need to get biffle wait i need to do the ultra explosion i'll do the elf exposure right here here we go that is a great observation huh wait that's what i'm saying oh my gosh i'm going to use that on steve steve you're going down look i am knocking on right there could only be one and there it is there it is boys we have my final ability once i light biffle hey hold on let me go on invis there we go okay i'm gonna tell biffle now i know you're the imposter i know you're the impossible hey guys guys guys guys i gotta biffle i gotta tell you something it's very important remember i told you i was gonna tell you later i do remember that okay come here right here no wait what wait that boy boys we should play rock everybody is off of my list where are you gonna go please tell me where you're gonna go even if you are sp hey hey zod go ahead you can run hey look hims go ahead you can run go ahead go ahead go ahead run guys i have the kaboom you thought the explosion was big with the tnt you thought the summon zombie explosion was big you maybe thought the ultra explosion was big now it's time for the kaboom oh no oh no you want to see the kaboom you get the kaboom it's counting down [Music] that just killed everyone on the map and it's automatically off cooldown so as soon as they respawn hey guys i'm back run run run run again daddy's just [Laughter] all right i'm gonna go i'm gonna go over to steve let's go over to steve yeah they're all responding throw some tnt adam there we go there goes biffle steve i heard you've been talking crap you want to do a you want to do a fight boy winner gets to live loser gets to die you know what i'm going to show you what i'm made of bring it steve okay so i have six lives he has six lives he's shooting arrows oh no oh no okay what do i have i can use ultra explosion throw tnt drink milk why do i drink milk he's putting cobwebs down and i could do the rocket blast okay okay i'm gonna throw tnt at him oh that's why i need milk he's throwing slowness potions oh we hit those i'm gonna throw my slowness potion at them stop it we hit those rocket blasts hey losers what are you losers doing on the sideline losers oh sure explosion how much damage does this do oh getting lit steve you're not hitting me at all do you even do damage let's see oh he's not messing around he does do damage okay be careful be careful no no you can't hit me boy you can't hit me boy you can't hit me dodge i'm too quick for you boy and rock it to the face easy and explosion no no no no i'm stuck here i can't move oh get out okay let's dash that's right hey hey boys he has one life left how do you want him to die do you want him to get hit with a tnt how about how about i give him a creeper hook oh crappy hit me let me drink this milk he needs some milk you know what i'm gonna go hug him since i still have four lives left and i'm just gonna explode here we go come here steve come here come here hit the like button hit the subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 6,290,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8fKHDdLW7_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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