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Shady today we're playing floor is lava and Frank's here Frank ah do I really have to be here bro yes Frank you have to be here wait what are we doing here why is the floor about to become lava it looks like a bridge come on let's go oh okay everyone hey I'm getting stopped no one's letting me climb up come on get to the bridge cash I'm trying to I'm trying to all right I'm gonna stand right here this guy's kind of moving me off holy smokes the floor no I just got hit off by someone what I think I might be dead guys I think this is the end yeah he bumped me off too no fair can I stay up here maybe I'll survive if I just stay right here I think it might be too late oh gosh that some girl just jumped onto my head what the heck what's going on oh let's get up come on the try cook go Shady go jump on this guy's head I'm up oh come on I don't think I'll be able to oh no God wait what's what's going on I'm on some sort of platform we made it I have no idea what's going on wait wait but the love is coming Shady wait wait you can swim in the lava just swim in it maybe we'll die oh we we survived holy smokes oh my gosh Frank did you die yeah I died what the heck and what is this floating ball that's going around everywhere he's a cheater I know he's knocking everybody off uh guys we're in some sort of maze now how do we get out oh gosh we gotta go find a high place oh okay okay I think I saw a ladder on this side over here I see one too oh I see a ladder right here I'm going to the top come on go three two one let's go I'm on top of the maze but this guy with the ball is hitting him and off there's people knocking us up oh oh shady I see you getting hit by that guy we gotta weave him yeah you gotta watch out that guy is super annoying oh he almost got me he almost just got me too I'm just making it away from him oh gosh he's still trying to hit me dude go away this guy's being super annoying right now he's just on top of my head I know we're gonna have to buy some items to get him oh my gosh he's picking me up stop go away dude come on we gotta just survive for 15 more seconds I could easily do that I think oh he's like picking me up that's so weird just keep dodging him haha he can't get me three two one let's go and I survived that guy wasn't able to get me I know and he died too oh we're the only ones that survived let's go wait you know you could buy a lava Shield right here Shady should I buy it do it okay it's 200 Robux I'm getting it let's go look what I bought what what did you buy a jet pack what I want a jet pack okay I'll buy that after first I want to see what the lava Shield does though I know that probably is super sick it probably is and you know there's other places here we could do power-ups oh this is what the other guy had what oh but now we gotta focus on this game okay all right let's go we gotta get on top of the water tower Shady that's probably the highest point we can get to go go go how do I activate my lava Shield though it's not on me I don't know mine spawned in my inventory no way maybe whenever I touch the lava it'll activate the jetpack is kind of stinky though it doesn't even go up it just lets you hover oh what the heck well good thing there's nobody trying to push us off this time that was super annoying I know I'm glad he's gone yeah and I'm glad you can also survive in the lava for a little bit so you don't die instantly true all right but this round's super easy I think this is probably the easiest round we've played oh I just fell into the lava why did I do that what oh my goodness and my lava Shield didn't even activate of course it's here now oh that stinks that was so dumb no fair all right you know what while you guys are over there I think I'm just gonna buy more power-ups let's see jump in speed boost I think I'll definitely buy that I want to be faster than everyone else in the game and I'm gonna make it to the top first so no one else will beat me it better give it to me this time too and wait there's something behind this VIP wall it gives you so many Opie things I think I'll buy that in one second but first let's do this round yeah let's go oh and good thing I have the lava shield now but I don't have my jump and speed boost what the heck ah this mansion looks amazing I might move here oh me too it does look pretty awesome but how expensive do you guys think it is uh probably like a million dollars or something I was gonna say a million Robux what probably yeah or maybe even more okay Frank let's get to the top of this I don't know how to get to the roof wait cash I just got a diamond in the Attic a diamond wait I want a diamond well it's kind of gone now I used it what are you serious can only one person get it yeah but I think we should get to the attic anyway I'm getting stuck yeah okay there we go we're on the attic is there no way to get on top of the roof though I don't think so so we might have to just chill in here oh my goodness all right you know what I'm going down to check oh gosh wait the lava's here no I do not want to die in here with you freaks my lava Shield didn't even do anything I just died what the heck that's not even fair you know what I'm going to buy the VIP thing now do it I'm just gonna buy a bunch of pets and a ton of cool stuff give me this thing come on I want to be the most OP boom there we go now unlock for me come on unlock hey what the heck it's not letting me through guys I think I'm getting scammed by the game what no way this is so not fair I know come on we have to get to this Tower though this kind of reminds me of natural disaster survival oh it does remind me of that too but there's only one disaster and that's lava look there's a diamond I'm beating Frank to it wait what oh I see it I see it let's go give me the diamond what I missed Shady you fell oh oh you almost pushed me off there whoa I got the diamond oh my gosh you're lucky you have a jet pack I know this thing is pretty all right all I have is this stupid lava shield and it's not even doing anything uh Shady did you just fall in the lava yeah oh gosh I think that jetpack didn't help you at all there this time I'm not dying I die the past two rounds and it was so bad hey Frank oh oh Frank you're gonna die oh oh my gosh and this guy's trying to push me off dude get away from me he's standing on my head go away and Frank just died oh man gosh oh my goodness um guys the lava's getting really close I don't think I'm gonna survive this oh oh Jesus right there whoa oh never mind I survived let's go okay I got my speed and jump coin now so now I should be able to get on top of everyone else and look how fast I'm going with this the Spider-Man thing launches me in the air look what how are you so far from me I want to go over there what wait wait no no I'm landing I'm landing somewhere bad okay I'm gonna just stay right here you know what and wait I have a glider oh my gosh look at this Shady I'm literally flying that's literally a fortnight glider it is look what if I jump all the way up here and then I use the glider to get to you oh gosh uh I think the roof is gonna sink in oh gosh oh I think you're right all right you know what I'm just gonna wait for it to come up here and then jump and glider and now it cannot even touch me oh you think you're gonna win this watch this dude of course I'm gonna win this Shady look oh oh Shady what happened to you no I died at the very end you just got turned into bits and pieces I know dang it oh my goodness was that the web Slinger that you used at the end yeah I think I'm gonna buy that too that looked really fun I know it's awesome but you know what else I want to buy the freeze rake give it to me 250 Robux and I can free somebody that's gonna be so fun okay now I have the freeze ray okay I'm gonna freeze someone real quick boom take that oh I think I missed oops I'm gonna have to freeze someone else let's freeze this guy boom Oh I froze him nobody else is making the parkour except me anyway is there a diamond at the Top This Time hey Frank you better get away from my diamond dude Frank I just got the star dang it I was trying to get that oh I just took damage from the red bar that would have been really bad all right I'm on my way up guys can you wait for me yeah we're waiting wait I could just stand right here and I could use the jump coil I forgot I'm just gonna keep slinging to the ceiling oh yeah well what if I use this freeze rayon Frank take that oh I just froze Frank oh gosh jeez just keep that stuff in Minecraft please I think it just froze him for a second wait what if I do it again sorry Frank you're burning me sorry my bad oh gosh I'm gonna die he's getting really low okay I think I'm gonna stop freezing him now I'm gonna use the jump coin whoa whoa I don't even know how I survived that one to be honest oh wait a gravity gun I'm gonna try and buy that I wonder if that's op or not I just bought a gravity gun what does that do oh I just shot a ball out am I supposed to be worried uh probably okay you know what I'm gonna shoot it into this house boom take that I wonder if that did anything uh cash we need to get to the top of the house quick oh okay I'm on my way up let's go I don't think this gravity gun is doing anything I keep shooting it but it's not really working no wait why am I inside the house guys uh you might want to come upstairs I I'm in the attic right now and I'm gonna use the freeze ray on this lady boom oh gosh I think I froze everyone up here but wait where are you guys I don't see you in here look we're on the roof you gotta come up don't well I can't the lava's rising already oh gosh oh gosh oh oh geez wait I survived never mind what does the deluxe grapple do I don't know I want to try that out I wonder if it's like a web Slinger all right let's test it out Deluxe hook take me up high oh uh I think I missed oh it's pulling me up let's go whoa I see you and now I made it onto the roof but is it as good as my web Slinger probably look I'm gonna hook onto you oh oh wait I just pulled your bang gun what the heck how was that web Slinger so good I don't know but I never fall wait Shady Shady I'm getting to the ceiling whoa oh um wait that's kind of op what if I just shoot this straight up and then I use my glider all right here we go that's what I'm doing right now let's go up here and glider oh wait that's not the glider oh geez guys guys I'm stuck no I switched to the wrong thing uh-oh did you lose your items no I didn't and how come I can't go in here yet oh wait never mind I can go in here give me the plus 50 speed let's go I'm so much faster now and plus 50 Health thank you very much and I can get all these pets what guys I think I have a narwhal pet and a really cool glider but you know what I think I'm gonna buy the web shooter now because you've convinced me Shady give me 65 Robux this thing's probably op we're both Spider-Man can I use it in the lobby oh wait I think I can let's go all right website to the top let's go oh my gosh and no I missed the Ruby you missed the Ruby and I'm gonna get it now no I'm gonna get it bro what Frank just stole it what the heck Frank seriously wait the floor is about to become lava I didn't even realize oh you better get up here quick yeah I need to go fast all right now let's try and grapple again grapple to the top just like that and now I need to make sure to press the right button for the glider okay let's go up up up up up and glider oh now look I'm all the way up here and nobody can even hurt me what can I fly over the spawn Island I wonder if that's even possible oh nope the walls are stopping me I just knocked off Frank what you did yeah what the heck Shady that is so not cool I'm above all of you right now though look oh I'm dying no Shady oh you just disintegrated in front of me dang it I feel so bad I'm just up here with my gliders completely safe and sound this game is so easy when you have Robux wait electric Tower let's see if I can web sling to the top come on take me up there oh but there's no Ruby up here what the heck yeah there is I see it where I don't see it anywhere at your mama's house hey what the heck uh why is everyone crabbing on here oh gosh oh get back up here quick okay I'll try I'm gonna use this to just jump on top I have the jump coil so it's kind of op let me stand on someone's head thank you very much Dan come on just give me up what the heck it's not working the whole thing is gonna collapse Frank let me use your head come on no oh whoa I'm alive I'm alive holy smokes that was so bad I know I can't believe I almost died right there if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye
Channel: CashBlox
Views: 990,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Roblox FLOOR IS LAVA!
Id: aqPQdlbUT9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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