100 Doors in Among Us

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boys welcome to the doors this is my hotel room I have bought this hotel and we will go through all the doors listen ask the owner I demand you clean up these cobwebs right now thank you boys welcome to the doors we have to go through every single door and try to survive do me a favor if you've ever closed the door before hit the like button right boys yeah yeah and if you have closed the door hit the Subscribe button too what am I saying don't say this hi boys this is the first door that we have to go through you can see in the top left this is the hotel progress we must go through all the doors to escape but there is a killer amongst us grab the key grabbing the key I'm scared has opened boy knock on first did you hear the knocking you see the bar up top Center if that starts to fill the killer can activate their kills let's go I'm going first I'm a real I'm a real not scared remember we can also look in these chest thingies and search it and try to find oh I found a teddy bear why do I get a battery wait no the teddy bear lowers our scare meter why did we do that oh yeah you can see our battery in the top left too all right boys you ready let's Ascend Into the Depths come on let's go first I'm not going first all right let's open this I got a battery oh you can see the top left our battery depletes as we use it right so don't use it too often are you guys ready let's go ready okay you go first okay everything's fine everything's good in here since I'm the Imposter I can start setting off traps check this out flicker lights you guys saw that filled up the red bar right I need a bear yeah hug the bear hug the bear love the bear I'm hugging the bear hug the bear I also have night vision I'll show you that in a little bit and the more doors we open the more abilities I get and check this out stick around they're there okay let's go I'm scared I don't want to go inside oh check for batteries I got nothing okay fun what do we do here oh god oh my god oh boys you remember this right oh not again who's knocking the ice cream man I don't want to be here I don't want to be here why are we scared I don't want to be okay boys we got to pick up these paintings this painting here let me pick it up look I got sizzles and Gary wannabes right here with all the hair no no no no I'm leaving I'm leaving your hotel this hotel stinks no this hotel is the best hotel ever okay so we gotta take this painting and put this painting down here on this there we go guys somebody grab the route Penny grab the round painting I got it I got I gotta get it okay I'm gonna get that I'll get the I'll get this one look at this looks like a triangle come on I'm gonna flick our lights I never learned shapes does anybody have a teddy bear oh a door has been open let me check this guys we gotta check all the chests for our Buffs I got some chocolate like this we're saying hey girl hey [Applause] look at my look at my little Pier bar right I have no more fear I am not afraid of anything guys the next door opened oh no all right okay oh it is completely dark guys turn off your lights be careful we don't want to lose all our batteries oh yeah turn off your batteries good serve batteries okay one person at a time I just got another ability summon Timothy I'm gonna do night vision and then I'm gonna put Timothy on Zod they don't have their flashlights out they can't see anything I'm gonna wait till they're separate oh there's a generator okay I'm gonna turn into this guy hello I don't know what to do I don't know what to be I don't know where I'm going I don't know what I'm doing what is that now here's the next door right watch this right there I just put a blood trap right there if somebody hits it they die hey sigils wait how did you die I I said this is like tall scary thing came and set me on fire and I died what do we do oh a generator boys get the generator get the generator got it hey doors open okay who's gonna go first there he goes monster okay oh oh Gary yeah I feel bad now I feel bad why didn't you go first song I'm gonna put it I'm gonna put a spider right here what was that what was that sound did you hear that sound I don't know I don't want to be here no no no no we gotta wait for Gary we gotta wait for Gary Gary Gary hey get off me get up oh no I got it hey Gary Gary what happened to you do you know well I told you guys I saw monster bottom right and then I got Zod you are absolutely terrified right now I'm so scared guys we gotta go over here guys we got another we got another thing look at the top left we are a quarter way through my hotel wait where's Gary I'm right here screaming don't come I'm not going first let's go when do I unlock my next thingy I gotta look we got screwed I'm not going first do you see how scared I am it wasn't here oh they're knocking again okay it's not as dark anymore oh no oh Boys Follow Me follow me come on come on come on come on come on come on you guys remember this area right you remember this right over here is the keypad we have to type in a code no you remember this we have to go up to all these bookshelves right go up to the bookshelves and read the books and yep toss it away read the books very interesting and it'll start to give us a code and we have to decipher it hold on here oh I got a number a letter oh checking I got it I got an oh there's another one over there on the other one go over to the right go to the right there's another one there [Applause] [Music] guys we gotta split up find this code I haven't oh there's another one here I figured it out I figured out it's money it has to be o-m Mom Mommy it's Gary find the letters I'm currently hidden let's transformed so we have pool we have fire whip we have summon figure thank you ah what is he doing I know in the game this thing's blind the door's right here let's put a trap right there oh that is broken oh I forgot to mention as I use these abilities it uses the the fear meter so I have to I have to use these strategically because they all have four lives and my job is to try to kill them in my hotel so I can be the only one to escape I gotta scare Essentials where is he should I do the fire whip on them bear it's the freaking code man I can't find the uh um oh no I missed a fire whip oh no oh no oh no I gotta fire with him wait I'm gonna do the one two punch my face go up here then I'm gonna untransform oh I can give myself less lives I gotta do that to make it seem less suspicious hello have you found any more levels wait how do you only have two lives left I just got married sigils if you hit the like button right now you'll get an extra life okay I'm hitting it I'm hitting it I'm hitting it did it work I lied thank you I have um I have o m oh I have another letter I need threes I found a teddy bear that's not a battery is that are you okay no no I got you I'm scared and I hate it oh night vision time I need to find these letters it's om I gotta get out of here before these idiots do I gotta Gary do you have a letter I have three letters m-o-b m-o-b bomb bomb is it bomb what's your information wait I have OMB over here over here oh [Music] yeah that's pretty bad you're pretty bad all right hold on all right hold on t-o-m-b get us out of here get us out of here the door was open boys we shouldn't be celebrating that that's a really bad door it was open boys oh no let's go okay let's check this there we go I keep we have three lives left boys come on wait I gotta check yeah Essentials here sizzles does anybody have a battery I only have one battery I only have one and a half oh I found another battery I just got just got some in a rush Gary Gary you're frantic Gary hold it together Gary hold it together Gary Mommy oh no Gary are you okay Gary are you okay I think I pooped I need a new diaper okay you're good you're good you're not franticated hug my teddy bear I'm hugging my teddy bear there we go I'm a little jealous I can touch these though a little too late now yeah okay what's in here oh wait Gary this is the room we all have to find the electrical panel so we can open the door okay my flashlight's made of electricity you know what they say they the best thing to do ever split up I've never heard that that is it must be new okay deal with you go that way I'll go this way oh here's my electrical panel okay I'll open that in a minute I'm gonna be the last one to open this because I want to torment that my bar is full so we have summon Rush okay he's blind he's currently blind I got my wires I did my wires I can't see anything better should I do I'm Gonna Save sigils I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm Gonna Hurt both of them I'm gonna do summon figure right here who's he gonna go after why it's going that way who's it hey idiot hey there's scary right there hey go after he's going after surgery no Essentials but he's going after Gary now what is it doing it's so stupid why is it so stupid yeah [Music] okay um where's that I'm gonna go burn set up now nothing okay stop no no no okay they have two lives sigils has one I'm Gonna Save sigils because I don't want to make myself too sussed out okay I have three lives let's get myself two perfect I don't want to stress myself out not until the end uh do night vision hi Gary Gary you died too dude where I was looking for you I don't have the worst day ever what the everybody we all have two lives okay we're fine we're fine we're fine Essentials are you good friends does everybody found their their wires yet I gotta go find my wires all right this should open the door they're right where I want them they didn't open the door somebody didn't find their wires who didn't find their wires Gary Gary they were wires oh let's go get me out of here let's get out of here give me a battery it's so dark green night vision is broken I'm nervous guys calm down calm down we need to work together here oh a generator please activate the generator oh I found a teddy bear batteries anymore batteries I've been looking for batteries this event here there's an event here Gary Come on Gary let's go Danny invented Gary and he invented no I didn't vent okay he's got a spider on his head no no no no no no no no no no no no no he's got a spider on his head I gotta hug my teddy I gotta hug my teddy yeah I'm gonna hug my teddy too I'm gonna eat some chocolate actually gosh you go first because you have one like I'm eating chocolate oh generator generator generator generator the door has an open Voice look in the top left we are about two-thirds of the way done with my hotel and then we can leave my hotel and give it a really good review on Yelp yup what are you a boomer what are you not yeah I gotta post a tick tock travel Vlog about it oh okay what's in here can these lights turn on please I found a teddy bear I need a battery oh elevators escalators Cowboys escalators not an escalator a door has opened a dishwasher oh the lights are on in here but no one's home right sizzles that's your motto what what you know what I'm gonna eat some chocolate I'm gonna hug my teddy bear that's what we're supposed to be doing here okay boys here's the deal come over here follow me this right here is the keypad we have to look through all of these boxes find the code and break the code box key code card code Keys code what did you just say you just have a mile to medium is that why you escape no I don't like it oh okay okay let me look in here nope nothing all right nothing in that box what's in here fine I got the code I got the code I got the code you saw the information yeah that wasn't the code guys keep looking code in here no please please Essentials is dead okay the code is six five nine five try putting it in it says oh we're in boys wait uh has anybody seen sigils we found the code oh oh is he dead behind this box yeah that's him what an idiot he tripped over the box and died it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine oh gosh I got a teddy bear the bright side guys look in the top left we are like 80 90 done with this hotel Gary you need to be our lights you need to be our lights I got two stars oh no guys yeah but that's the experience you know that's like extra protein I found some more chocolate I need a battery Gary what's your battery life batteries right [Music] come on this is the final area I gotta stop them I gotta stop them this is the final area right here let's put a trap right there I'm gonna stand back here assistant can't really see guys wow where are you guys going this is my hotel Gary you thought you could come into my hotel and give me a bad review Gary I thought it was an amount of batteries go into the door Gary going to the door they're knocking for you Gary go go [Music] go Gary way of death my final unlock oh my gosh what the heck now they have to run through this obstacle without dying and they both have one life hey Zach you have one life left the exit is right over there all you have to do is beat this obstacle course son okay if I make it to the end will you let me escape yeah of course come on come on come on oh come on oh oh [Music] I'll leave you alone I'll leave you alone okay okay it was scary I don't know what did you do oh can you make it can you make it oh here's the last one son what you gonna do [Music] zud made it all the way to the end so he made it all the way to the end he's he's escaping right now he's waiting on us if I make it to the end you'll let me escape too yeah just like sud just just like okay does he do it oh just kidding Gary He's not died too all right well that was fun but now that everyone's dead it's time to leave this hotel and give it an eight star review boys hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 8,026,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XnE-6G6eT2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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