Mustang Fastback + Toyota Dually Truck: Dead AND Alive BARN FINDS!!

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we've once again managed to find something that  i hate to keep using this term but i feel like   we're in the middle of nowhere it's incredible  ashley illinois beautiful countryside though we're at dallas low fields about seven o'clock at  night we're jumping a flight to st louis missouri   then we're going to get a rental car drive down  to bloomsdale missouri and buy a mustang not   going to tell you what it is but it's definitely  worth the flight then after that we're going to   drive due east to ashley illinois and rescue what  i believe is one of the rarest and most desirable   toyota trucks now alex is on the road right now  to meet us up there so we will have the rig there   and we will load them so you guys can see that on  camera and then we're all gonna jump in the truck   and head back so think about that seven o'clock at  night finding st louis driving down to bloomsdale   so that'll probably be midnight ish we'll get  up early in the morning go do the first bye   drive from bloomsdale to ashley illinois  and drive back home which is about 800 miles   my goal is to be back home tomorrow  night by two in the morning here we go enjoy the rest of your week welcome to saint louis it's now 10 o'clock we're in st louis i'm gonna  go in on riddle car how are you sir see what all   those minivans are minivans i'm directing  you yes sir i'm listening all right okay   we got the f-150 and then we just got this bad boy  in our brand new red dodge ram well i'll tell you   what for me it's mopar or no car so we're taking  that for sure taking the enemy for sure absolutely   well my my rhythm and rhyme is keys inside and  enjoy your ride outstanding how about that have   a great night don't forget to do your survey  all right all right your winner i'm trying to be   so it's a good surprise kelsey hooked us up  with a ram truck with a hemi in it with a   rebel package which in itself is very difficult  to get these days these are really in demand   all right it's about 11 10 we're at the red  river casino this we're going to be staying   tonight we're gonna go in and get something to  eat get some shut eye get up early and go to   the first rescue the next day good morning well we  got more sleep than normal it's 9 30. leaving kind   of late we're on our way to bloomsdale to rescue  a mustang here we go good morning dennis collins   oh good i'm lost uh we're a  couple miles up state route dd   let's see some cool countryside though just think  we would have never seen that tree right there how are you sir great thanks for meeting us here  today how's everything doing just fine   great day to be alive you got that right  so it's been sitting there for 20 years   20 years wow can you get a big  trailer back here i guess you can   um we've got my whole lawn to turn around on  if we need to okay we may have to use that   i didn't know what trailer you were bringing well  we're heading after this we're going to go by uh   old toyota truck in uh illinois actually in  ashley yeah it's about 90 miles from here so   we got a pretty big trailer it'll hold two now  a lot of times while we're traveling into buying   something else we'll actually hold three right  right if we really gotta push comes to shove so did it was it driven in  here it was drove in really all right that's what i was told through  the previous owners of the property so we got a 65 289 i could tell when we  pulled up it says 65 hope caves on it   c code it's nice that the numbers are on  the inner fender shock towers aren't rusty   so c code's a 289 two barrel but somebody's  converted it to a four barrel kind of cool door tags on it that's nice   63a is fastback color g that's that's neat  that's honey gold that's a one year only color trim 28 is golden gold interior so  you have a honey gold car which kind   of has a green tint to it with  gold interior that's really neat manual trans too that's cool  this car's probably pretty quick all right we're going to get out of here but mess with that all right hopefully alex will  show up and uh we'll see if the tires are air   up and we'll try to get this thing on our big  rig all i gotta do is make a deal a little rusty well if this doesn't prove we'll buy them dead  or alive i don't know what does this one's dead   but it's passed back still  worth saving it'll get built sears diehard battery that's cool and you  can also tell it's a later 65's it's got   an alternator on it versus an early one  64 and a half but it'd have a generator pretty good option car well hopefully  it's a four speed not a three speed   i'll check that code in a minute let me  go talk to the owner see what i can do let's see if it's a three  speed manual or four speed well unfortunately it's a one so it's a  three speed manual ds063 that's not st   louis i believe that's memphis so let's say this  car started life in memphis tennessee it's got the   numbers on it shock towers aren't rusty hadn't  been hit in the front door warning tags here   this will still be a good car to build in a one  year only color and a neat combo honey gold on   gold they'll be a stunning car how far is the  closest record if we have to go that route   i have no idea it's kind of funny my place is down that outer road is there  oh yeah there's pippin towing yeah we're gonna give it a try yes i got i got a  tractor well we'll we'll try to have the tires and   that we may just pull with the tractor morning  alex how is that 600 miles of diesel therapy   easy yeah good you know try to get back  here or no okay um he's got a tractor   so let's grab some straps and  air tanks and we'll drag it   i think we'll just use a rental truck all right  yeah so i'm gonna go out there and grab some air   tanks out of our rig and some straps from alex and  we'll be back in a minute and start pulling that's   this is alex bowling oh it's like he said it  seems like i know you i've seen you in every video we've had our big trailers in some really tight  areas and alex generally isn't shy about trying it   but he's probably right not to pull it back here  so this is going to turn into the nothing's easy   but we got to get this thing out of here  in the next hour so because we got another   place we got to be by two o'clock which is  90 miles from here this is gonna take a while two air tanks that'll be  enough for four flat tires this truck is well used this truck's got 49 000 rental miles on it it's  high usually you don't see me that many miles   love these j hooks chuck  them under the rear end and pull so a huge thanks to kelsey she saw where  we were going got a four wheel drive truck   because they didn't have any wranglers  which would have been great we had a   jeep wrangler to pull it out of there no  problem i'm sure this ram will do the deal it's coming up i love it so i said it's been sitting here for 20 years alex that was full you like on that side alex yeah excellent  that one's going to be a little tough outstanding come on get lucky we need  one of these rears to come look at up you've been working out lately no i  haven't i stopped why because i work out   at work you should pay me for working pretty  impressive ripping that hubcap off like that you didn't even break it we're probably gonna end up messing up the rear  valance which is a drag but they're not expensive okay so i say we go that way with it alex  so that way we're pulling out four i love it when a pram works out that's the hardest part right there so alex's jacket the other side up take pressure  off of it see if we get the tire to seat this has got a leak but  it'll hold for a little bit look at the holes that thing was in the dirt you ready alex example yeah what are we gonna do with it  i'll pull forward i'll pull forward that's how you just pull the trailer  over get it flat we'll load it here well so far it's going to plan now  we're going to do is get it on that so so good all right that was actually pretty quick i   don't think the car thinks we're  very funny but we we got it out that was a little bit of a problem i didn't  know that was back there alex yeah how brave   are you today to get under it that wants  to stand on this hood i'll gladly do that i wasn't sure what his hatred was to be that not gonna hurt it okay okay outstanding i'm gonna have to say  overall that went swimmingly it fought   us when we got it on there all right let's  go uh ask jim what the best food in town is   i imagine we're hungry well how was that sir  nothing like fruit nothing like brute force   huh nope love it when a well-thought plan  comes together six four four-wheel drive ram   did his job yeah our eight thousand pound wins  well thanks for all your time it's a pleasure   to meet you i think you still get some stuff  down here i would dewey okay let's i will i'll   bring the truck down there see there but last  question sure what is your favorite restaurant   well down here would be uh cozy's kitchen which  is about six miles away outstanding well you're   welcome to me to sarah i'll buy a meal if not  we're gonna head there and eat we're gonna   after that we're heading to ashland illinois  okay now i'm gonna gotta get back to st louis   all right i'll pull this truck over here and get  it right back down there okay great all right so um does the meatloaf come with gravy on it uh yes  can you put it on the side yeah okay and then the   mashed potatoes are like cream gravy if you have  it white greeting yes ma'am and then a side salad   to start off with no that'll be enough charge  is that okay absolutely with blue cheese all   righty and for you i'll get the chicken fried  steak with uh barbecue beans and mac and cheese a little bit of a crunchy fat steak wow yeah   all righty and we put the gravy for both on  the side oh my god it's huge too all right   and i'm gonna be back with more coffee some  ketchup extra napkins i'm a fanatic when it   comes to napkins okay anything else i can  grab for us hot sauce something like that   no it sounds great all good yep yep and all  right i'll be right back thank you you're welcome that looks like that was a  heck of a good choice alex yeah a lot of meat it's really good now i see why i'm so proud  of it pulled up mr frame said this is the   best food in town and that's really good  let's see what alex thinks but it's hot really good mine was great but i couldn't eat it  all that's a massive portion yeah mine was huge   you did pretty good but neither of us finished it  great home cooking cozy and bloomsdale the food   was fantastic portions were i highly recommend  it if you're in the middle of nowhere yeah here we go to ashland we've once again managed  to find something that i hate to keep using this   term but i feel like we're in the middle  of nowhere it's incredible ashley illinois   beautiful countryside all right  another interesting find for sure   look at this there's no way anybody would  have found this car or truck rather to own   a truck hope you guys are as excited as  i am because it's a rare one very unusual hello hello i don't know if you're in there i was trying  to be careful you were taught you're dealing   with my boy joe okay okay okay well you sound just  like him i thought it was joe well he would have   been he's working nights okay he's got damn he  wanted you out here with his kids he's got two   little kids oh maybe we'll come back how  many miles are on the pontiac in there   i don't know we have to look okay tony well let's  look at our let's look at the toyota okay see if   we can get that deal done and maybe we'll look  at that this is alex bowling hi nice to meet   you zach gorgeous on camera how's it going well  this is just beautiful out here we used to farm   we dad and i quit farming in 91 and uh  anyway he had this toyota i bought it for him for a while okay i noticed one of the pictures  that looked like it had a tow bar yeah tow bars   with it's in the back how old is your dad 91 91  wow so but anyway okay so it's been sitting since   well it's been sitting a long time my teammates  but it does run it will run you hear that out   if you put a battery in it and put gas in the  car bridge starts riding like a sewing machine   but i'm a retired union guy you know you have to  be careful when i say this too okay that's good   stuff you know what i mean the 20-yard motor  is really really reliable the machinist machine   work when they built the motors oh they're crazy  reliable right so the mirrors are off the doors   down there there's one door in the trunk that's  good in the back okay keys in it that's a plus and   seven only got one key and seventy eight thousand  miles that's right yeah yeah and a lot of us a lot   of us tow mod cause if you look on the title it  should tell you when he bought a lot of tow miles that's two things it's good news alex  but the book is in the and we have a key   the book is in there yeah tony looked  at that today that's cool that is neat   78 owner's manual very cool i just can't  believe this i wish them little boys right here   me too yeah i would have show you  the bag and help us push it out there's the door it's a good  door and there's the tow bar fart   for beating this area it's solid isn't it it  ain't bad you know it can be fixed well you   you know what can be done more than i do so you  ever seen one of these it's pretty cool isn't it   yeah well my dad told joey he says there's only  a couple of the united states i believe that   toyota the united states wouldn't let toyota  bring him in or something this guy was he got   it from was in the service okay and he brought it  back so that's how i got it in how you got it here   well the few that i've seen in the past you  guys put small block chevys in them because   of because you had the dually wheels in the  back already yeah and then you know they're   like golden yeah back with many trucks were a big  thing but i have not seen one of these in forever one of the most reliable engines ever built  but it started before gasoline started up like   sewing machine that's neat i've seen this with  300 000 miles on know it ain't got that on it so 84 inspection stickers  78 000 miles runs has a key is that what she was expecting  i i like it all right   what do you think alex you think  it's cool i think it's cool from ls that seems to be the latest things it's a 1990  registration i mean many trucks used to be a   big big fad first of all you got a deal okay  i'm not gonna argue about the price okay all   right we're gonna pull our rental ram in here  okay and just hook a strap to it pull it out   of the trailer i can get it outside we get outside  with this polarity okay do that i'm good with that let's find this a little bit but it  has been sitting there since 1984 so this pj trailer is crazy nice we're  getting two difficult to load cars we   have two 8 000 pound black mountain  winches killer fairly here and inside okay 1984 also yeah yeah we just uh got so  afraid to use it with the tires and stuff but i make sure i keep it right i'd give it another shot oh no i i  hear i heard it right i believe you   it even sounded crisp yeah  it's good you know runs good   first year go about four miles an hour wrapped  up true true truck graded gear mm-hmm but uh joey said something he said i think we're taking  the makeover i think it looks cool like that just   leave it like this absolutely it earned all those  bumps and bruises oh yeah people like patina and   the grill's really nice still no i'm gonna do that  okay like it is okay that's an 846 chevrolet steak   bud i'm getting some good advice today charlie  free good advice well thanks for telling me   such a good caretaker thank you very much thank  your dad for us well maybe i'll come down and   see you next spring you're always welcome anytime  you're in town all right well we've got to go back   to dallas tonight so we got 12 hours of driving  so we're out of here nice meeting thank you sir so and we're back that was a long day  we started this morning at 9 30 in st   louis we drove from there to blues dale  missouri and rescued the 1965 mustang fastback   which may get restored back to its original  former glory honey gold with gold it's a rare   color combination if not we always buy them  because people build them as resto mods or   shelby clones and one of the most unique trucks  we've rescued in years if we always buy trucks   because we love them 1978 toyota  extended cab dually with a camper shell   it's something we didn't hit on earlier it's got  the water special equipment rear bumper on it   with the steel end caps this is pre-dated like  on a scrambler yeah yeah they had the rubber   end caps 78 000 miles guys dad was 91 years old  this one's been in the barn since 1984. now these   were both literally in the middle of nowhere  small towns bloomsdale had a population of 561   actually had a population of 550. wow it's  been a long trip way to go a lot of driving   we ran 800 miles today to rescue these two for  you guys and for us and for the world so please   like tag share and follow and remember subscribe  to our youtube channel we'll see you next week
Channel: Dennis Collins
Views: 499,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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