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oh kevin's gonna be mad that you got that dave hall [Music] all right here's why we're here you got your bags packed yep zach's got his bags packed i got my bags back it's wednesday today around 2 30 i got contacted by a guy who's got a 62 jaguar xke fixed head coupe which last year we rescued 15 of them but we haven't rescued one that early yet yeah obviously they made it with 61 as well which have not found one of those but pretty excited about finding 62. now the reason we got to get the truck and go is because his grandfather called him and said he's owned the car since 1970 wow it's been in his garage since 1970 and they wanted out of the garage this weekend and he was going to post it tomorrow and start making phone calls i said don't do that i'll be there at nine in the morning he's like well how are you going to do that i said we're going to drive into wichita kansas tonight and then he's in a small town it's like 50 or 60 miles from there so we'll get a hotel we'll get up early we'll meet you he's like seriously absolutely yeah so here we go get your cup of joy follow us [Music] so [Music] and we're in wichita it's cold again about 30 degrees and 2 30 in the morning why do we do this because we love it back up we're going to leave here at 8 00 am should be on site where the car is about 10 hopefully get it bought get it loaded get back to dallas and be home hopefully six so we'll see you in the morning at 8am five hours later good morning morning did you sleep a little bit a little bit i actually did pretty good where's your coffee how'd you crack it well i got up early this morning and met with the grandpa the guy we're going to see who actually had the car not since 1970 but since 83 and we went over the paperwork and now we've got to drive two hours and that's the reason we stayed here yeah i think he said it was one well he's in wichita and the car is in madison okay so now we're going to madison to see the car if everything matches up the paperwork we'll pay for the car there and get it loaded it is cold i don't know why we left texas when the weather finally got decent i've got a really nice 186 laredo located in spain let's go get that all right you up for driving yep [Music] [Applause] good morning well you win for the middle of nowhere award i told you is this for real yeah wow pretty cool good to meet you yeah you too sir dennis collins phil under nice to meet you this is alex bali hi alex nice to meet you zach gorgas on the camera hi zach all right let's see it yeah so how many miles is the dirt road coming to your house like two uh four i believe four miles yeah yeah there's a lot of twists and turns it is looks like fun i can't imagine that in the snow yeah yeah like they all melted i said it was definitely jeep territory and there you go i love it there's a little bit of any type jack in the middle of nowhere sir yep you win and i notice you got does your is that a skid steer or a forklift yeah that's what we're going to load up the motor you're going to make this easy on this doing my best wow all right so check a few numbers okay so this is one of the i think we rescued about 15 of them last year 15. yeah and i saw four on youtube and alex and i have been i've been teaching all the differences in all the xpe's this is 62 hoping it was a 61 it's not it's a 62. i was i was hoping for that too yeah so flat four yeah so it does not have flat floors alex so this is a dead giveaway that it's not a 61. but also if you look inside this i will show you something inside this bonnet let's turn that bottom around you want me to back up the car a little bit uh yes roll [Music] you got your flashlight look at the louvers see those louvers are not welded in all right if we if you were out chasing one i wasn't with you and the louvers were welded in there that would be a nice find okay looks like it hadn't been hit in the front of it hasn't it's not hard bonnet mounts are here craig number's here let's check that over there should be 885 970. yep okay so i have the i believe that's the bonnet mount right uh sway bar uh these are the buckets for the lights yeah do you have the uh the covered glass for the headlights okay that's all that came with it and i mean there's a whole bunch of parts there too um in 80 he had gone to the jaguar club in illinois i believe okay and they had sold him that mark 10 motor i don't know why why they sold him the mark 10 motor instead of the e-type but probably didn't have an earlier one these mark 10 mugs are cheap too you buy a whole mark 10 really next to nothing well and you then you can pick up the intake because that's the only thing that's different right the carbs in the intake yeah and you can ride you can run about this because it's still the three point hey it's still 3.8 how about the gearbox you know if it's the original gearbox i don't believe it is it doesn't appear to be the original gearbox but it looks like it is a correct style gearbox uh so they had some person before had planned to put a small block chevy in it so they saw them outside i believe this is another one okay we actually have several of those in that whole pile of front picture frames that we have uh over the years of buying all these cars we've ended up with quite a bit of you know extra parts as you can imagine so this so he never this car never ran while he owned it then okay and he's he's had it since i believe 1980 okay and he buys it from this area uh illinois i believe okay well i think it's what you described is not any better any worse i i tried to do my best this is great because when you strap that down on the back of the truck i have the parts for the the door here i yeah all those parts right here the gas tank is rusted well at this point in time just about every series one that is left is going to get built now whether this is built into a race car or a resto mod style or back to original some it'll get built well it's exactly what you said so i'm not gonna argue with you on the price all right i'll just pay you what we agree to you on the phone okay uh i brought cash if that's okay okay sure all right and you'll help us load yeah oh yeah that'll be cool um wow what a neat place how many acres do you have eight and a half here eight and a half yep the drive up is just absolutely amazing so do you have any ferrari sitting around here uh not close by i have two jeeps do you have two jeeps i got this old one i just pulled home the other day if it was a cg i'd be in i know love the cj's i like the cherokees for some reason all right i'll actually skid after this is going to take a while pretty cool it's a 62. we'll find a sustainable one that's still a good car for somebody you know good car to build yeah i don't know how secure that motor is on there so you might just kind of walk by it while i go over there incredibly lucky that he's got this machine out here to help us do this now it's not that i'm pointing the finger having alex do all the work i don't want any sympathy at all but i got a full muscle so i can't lift anything but i feel bad [Music] working smart not hard that's awesome we never know how hard it is to move something like this thanks for making it easy yeah a lot of times sometimes it'll take us literally hours to get hours on end to get them off we hear all the books and uh i don't know i don't think any of these books are original maybe i don't this is nice i don't have this i have a ton of jaguar books i do not have this one check this out alex that's pretty nice i've never seen that very cool thank you yeah i will definitely use this one always find the su carburetors aren't we all right i'll stack these in the truck i'll get you your cash my house is loading that's pretty neat so it doesn't damage the knockoff these originally came with a lead hammer when you hit them with it so the lead doesn't damage it but wood works just as well i'm gonna damage it either just don't have as much driving force it's cool fun i'm happy with it i think from start to finish load this on the trailer so i'm hopefully not going to take more in about 30 minutes [Music] [Music] yes so you have to open it from there so looks like we need to go up look at that i guess he figured it out all right what's the plant robert you're gonna steer i'll push okay uh i guess i'll just back it here you'll turn the train around all right team it's a big project yeah you got to keep the flag though right flag's cool it really is nice buddies drilling all over this thing well so this is a this is a lot of work i mean if you tackle that you'd be on it oh yeah for a long time are you going to build that one over there so just like parts so originally i wanted the stock radio for my jeep so you bought a whole jeep just get the radio well i called the guy and i was like hey do you have a radio in there he's like i don't know he's like would you be willing to buy the whole thing i was like well maybe he said 300 bucks and i said sold that is really cheap we had to load it on with one wheel and it didn't even have the radio in it no way that's what you needed tell you what i'll give you 100 bucks for the horn button and the air cleaner sure all right uh you can get that i'll tell you what i'll get the hormone if you get the air cleaner how's that all right you paid me i guess let me just pop that off tan laredo style horn button it's very cool look it's only missing one lug i'm going to come up with that the reason i want the air cleaner because you know who told me we didn't have one last week yeah well now we do love it doing all the crap on top too that's up to alex no oh yeah i do want the lid the lid's always rubbed for some reason yeah the lid's the hardest part to find a little dimmer oh that's some nice stuff there it's frozen that's frozen on there awesome i'll give you a clean part okay i'll take it all right love it so these two parts will actually get used next week is that a cj or what are you doing though yeah even though yeah this they're both going cj restaurants [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh all righty far so good that blue thing in the back right corner yeah that's that that what that is okay i always like to ask what's in the bar and there's a phone booth back there in the corner you might find i don't think i would have anticipated that i'll buy these three pieces too this this and this if you don't mind taking them off or alex will take them off sure what are you thinking on those we have 40 40 bucks for these three pieces does that work sure they're rare well the reason i want this piece is if we have reproduction tilt levers which are good they work right but there's not any what they call these they call these big ends or fat ends okay so this lever and this is 1980 which 80's a lot is is there's some specific stuff that year on cj's too but this is a big end instead of a small rubber tip and these are usually cracked and broken okay so this would be nice for restoration and the other piece that's commonly broken is this indicator right here that you know that goes behind the prindle yeah this right here almost very commonly broken so if we're rebuilding a steering column i can always use this piece and this piece so that's that's why i wanted them no i think you'd be surprised with the brain i got one side out i haven't taken one off in a while i thought you take these off often right there there's a spring clip that goes through the clear that's higher right there see that spring clip yeah i can't see i don't know what i'm doing watch the master junior that piece has got to get shoved in there money boom now watch me lose one of these put in the glove box believe it or not i'm gonna say it that's a holy grail g part is it not yeah the spring clip's really hard to find and what's called the prindle you never know what you're going to find me out hunting oh kevin's going to be mad that you got that dave hall i saw that sitting over there it's a super duty very cool it's from my desk now i've had that since 1996 and i have two little brothers and it's somehow made it through them so that's really cool i got a i have a we've had quite a few super duties i'm a big fan of them but one of my phone calls i like to tell is kind of neat was my daughter drove one of my super duty trans ams to high school okay and one of the dads called said is that a real super duty that kelsey's trying to discuss yeah he goes why would you do that i said well why wouldn't i you don't let your kids drive your car she's like not a super duty transam i said well there's nothing that she could do that car that we can't fix but that is neat that's i did see that i did see that over there have you found that guy on instagram he built one just real wide body yep he was on uh the hoonigan channel and everything maybe yeah oh man i just let's wash up real quick go get some lunch so one of the things we always like to ask is what else you have which is how we found the two-door cherokee back there what's in the barn there was a phone booth we didn't get and alex bought a super duty trans am model but i always like to ask is there a famous or local or really good restaurant that's worth eating at in your town he said yes there's one called opie's chicken like opie on mayberry rfd so we're gonna go check out opie's chicken [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] we found opie we came here the locals from around here come from 10 20 30 as much as 50 miles to eat at the chicken house world famous chicken place is fantastic and this small town has 542 people and we picked up that jaguar in a small town that had 710 they're still out there in the middle of nowhere chicken house sweet a little chilly all right so i misunderstood you a little bit i thought you said opie like on mayberry rfd yeah sorry but we're an old p with an l with an l population 542. yep and i think madison is 710. it's tiny all right let's go have some chicken what's the specialty chicken okay so we're at the world famous chicken house in op o-l-p-e not opp not opie we got all the appetizers they're fantastic this place has won a ton of awards so we've got fried cauliflower cheese curds mushrooms okra alex is hogging all the onion rings i'm not sure what that is i ate that i don't know what it is but it's good it looks like a zucchini stick to me let me try that texas toothpick texas toothpick jalapeno poppers what do you got there alex uh mac and cheese balls back of cheese balls and gizzards and alex is fixing to try his first gizzard ever i'll do it if you do it come on i'll give you 20 bucks and eat one a hundred 100 bucks me one no okay i am obviously paying alex way too much money we're going to discuss that next week i didn't offer you 100 because i'm pretty sure you'll eat i'll do anything for money [Laughter] smart man got rid of my one of my lifelong toys for money today it's not bad you should have done it the hundreds off the table now we're back down to 20. well so far all nine appetizers are really good highly recommend it hash browns cream gravy chicken breast a leg a catfish i'm gonna put myself in a food coma that was good the chicken house in opia is a definite must when you're in kansas right yes that's opie oil oilp so i think we had uh just about everything on the menu it was all great alex did not try the gizzards though and he should have will not he's just still young but he's gonna get there one eternity later and we're back almost exactly 24 hours i can't make this stuff up we rescued another e-type jag a 62 series one we ate some great food met some really nice people it was a killer run please like tag share and follow we'll see you next time on the next [Applause] rescue you
Channel: Dennis Collins
Views: 238,915
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Keywords: jaguar, jaguar xke, car buy, classic car, sports car, british sports car, dennis collins, coffee walk, car world, dennis collins car world, denis collins
Id: IqwKwtjz9fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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