5 Awesome FREEZE FRAME TRANSITIONS! ( Playboi Carti / A$AP Rocky)

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[Music] go on my friends back again today with another awesome tutorial you guys have been asking about a lot today I'm gonna be showing you guys five awesome freeze frame effects now this is probably one of the most common effect that you see in a lot of music videos so I'm gonna show you guys some ways that you can spice this up make this really awesome really creative put your own personal touch to this you guys have might have seen this effect around a lot of the aw GE videos playboy cardi ASAP rocky I've talked about them in a lot of different videos and real quick before we do start this tutorial guys if you guys are new here consider subscribing joining the community we have regular tutorials we have music videos videos it's gonna help take you guys to the next level also I do what I mentioned before this tutorial we have three new packs on the website media monopoly Co link down in the description you guys have been asking me a lot recently about pricing about contracts but I did is I made a bunch of awesome contracts templates info for you guys I put them all into one pack business essentials pack there's also a deluxe version which includes my new creator pack which is the creator gold pack it gives you guys five Luntz seven awesome presets so if you guys are looking for some new effects or if you guys are just starting out check it out creator preset bundle it's gonna give you guys a bunch of stuff you can throw into premiere here to start out anyways guys let's get right into this tutorial so we're gonna start out and I'm going to show you guys how to just create the basic freeze frame transition so to do this we're gonna start out on this clip that we want to transition into we're gonna go ahead and start at the very beginning go ahead and click ctrl alt just to zoom in a bit now click over one frame so to do this just click on your right arrow key once just like that and then we're gonna go ahead and click ctrl K so we just cut one frame out of that next clip I'm gonna hold down alt on my keyboard now and I'm going to drag up as I'm holding alt just like that so we made a duplication of one frame of the next clip that we are going to transition into so pretty simple guys now all you need to do is just right click on that duplication and we're gonna go to add frame hold just like that now once you've done that just take the edge and just drag it out like this and if you go ahead and play this you're gonna see that this is a frozen frame so you can scrub through here and it's frozen in time just like that so you can adjust it however you want now what we're gonna do is we're going to take that freeze frame that we just kind of dragged out like that and we're just going to move it so that the end of it starts at the beginning of the clip we're transitioning into so it should look like this play it stops and then plays just like that now all we need to do guys is just cut away the background and it's gonna look really cool once it's all done so very simple like I said you guys can always adjust how long you want the freeze-frame to take place let's click on a duplicate a freeze-frame right there and then we're gonna click on this arrow right there and just go to effects you guys are working in the effects tab it might be over here somewhere and we're just going to search up for a simple for a simple little crop effect so search for crop and then take that effect and place it on your freeze ramp just like that alright so now let's click on effect controls and then we're gonna go down and find that crop that we just placed right there so pretty simple like I said now we're gonna click this little free draw Bezier tool and we're just going to click on our person like that and then we're going to click the squiggly key on our keyboard just to make this full screen so it's a little bit easier to crop so click the squiggly key it's to the left of the one key on your keyboard it does that just make sure your clicked on this window and then full screen it like that and now we're just gonna make a rough little outline around our character that we want this transition to happen and you don't have to do this with just people you can do this with objects in your scene so there's a lot of flexibility you have with this and it doesn't have to be the most perfect cut out because we are gonna change some settings just to make this a little bit more interesting now like I said this is just a simple basic freeze frame transition I've talked about this before if you guys already know how to do this just skip ahead in the video to where I talked about the more creative stuff so let's click off that and we're gonna go back into our effect controls over here on the left and what we're gonna do is we're gonna click this box that says inverted and we're going to make left 100% so what we did is we actually just cut away all of the background and we just have this left in now you can click on that clip and you can click this button here that says mask 1 to highlight the mask again and you could always just go in and just make some an easy little adjustments and then what we're gonna do just to blend this in better is click on that freeze-frame go up to your effect control options and then we're going to just bump up this mask feather a tiny bit and what that it's gonna do is just kind of blend the edges a little bit just like that you're gonna see it's a little bit more blurry a little bit more blended instead of that rough edge that it looks like it was really cut out so that's gonna make it blend a bit and then we're gonna go ahead and we're just going to adjust a little bit more let's go ahead and reshow our bottom layer and then play that out and that's what it looks like now this is a little bit too cloudy so I'm just gonna bump down the feather a tiny bit some people might want a little bit longer some people might want only a few frames kind of like that where just pops in just a cool little thing instead of just ruffcut it really just draws the attention of the viewers to the spot that you want the attention to be just like that so that's the simple freeze-frame guys like I said super easy now we're gonna go ahead and show you some creative stuff that we can do with this so let's go ahead and make another freeze-frame if you guys were having trouble catching on the first time we're gonna go ahead and do it this time again so click right arrow once to move one frame and then control K now hold down alt drag that frame up to duplicate it and then we're going to right click the frame and then go to add frame hold and then drag that out now scrub along here see if it see if it worked and it did so we're all good to go now let's just drag that back there alright so we have the next freeze frame set up just like this now let's go ahead and do the same thing let's go ahead and drag the crop over and then let's go ahead and just draw that mask alright so we got this part masked out let's go ahead and unfold screen that come back over to our effect controls again we're gonna click that inverted button again and then we're just gonna make left 100 so we got the next freeze frame ready a little rough around the edges so let's go back into our options and our fit controls and just pump up that mask feather a little bit like that and another little trick you guys can use is if it's still kind of bright around the edges you could just drop down the mask expansion just like that and that's perfect we got the next freeze frame all ready to go so now here's the first little tip I'm gonna give you guys this one is the glow flicker freeze frame transition so pretty simple what I'm gonna do is just add a glow effect on here and just make it flicker and now instead of having you just draw the attention it's really gonna snap the attention there it's really gonna blink it's really gonna pop out and it's a cool thing to add onto the freeze frame if you guys do want the glow and flicker effects there's a few ways you can go about it you can either buy some plugins from either red giant sapphire stuff like that usually pretty expensive if you guys do want a cheaper option check out my packs like I said a FedEx pack to point O has a glow effect in there it also has a flicker effect in there made by me as do have that Max Novack 2.0 pack all you need to do is just do the same thing hold down alt duplicate that freeze-frame and then just drag that glow effect onto the duplication just like that now what you guys can do is come over to your basic correction just bump up the exposure just like that so you have a nice little glow so let's put the flicker there and we got some nice little glow and flickering going on there so that's how you can do the glow flicker one you can also couple that in with a sound effect pretty simple I have a freestyle x-pac on my website meeting monopoly let's keep moving on the street you guys some more cool stuff ok guys so the last one was pretty simple just adding the glow and the flicker on there let me show you guys some stuff you can do with the actual freeze frame itself moving around some key frames have it move around slide around add some key frames so let me show you how we can get it to slide into position or grow into position so this is pretty simple just take the freeze frame that you do have we're gonna click on it and then we're going to do everything within our FET controls in this kind of motion tab right here so what we can do is just drag to the very end where it's about to snap into the next scene and we can just key frame the position in the scale just like that and once you click these little stopwatches here you can just take those key frames drag them to the drag them to the end just like that and then we can go to the beginning of this clip and we can move this around however we want and the reason why we keyframed at the end is because at the end of this we want it to return to its original position so let's go ahead and make some adjustments and you guys are gonna see that it changes wherever we put it it's going to change at the end of this clip back to where it normally was so just like that you can move any of these settings and with that keyframe it's always gonna pop back in a place like that so go ahead and experiment with other thing you guys could do is you can play with the scale a little bit so let's say we want the scale to be a little bit smaller let's say we make it small like that and we'll just kind of drop it down like that let's play that out grows bigger grows into place just like that and of course like I said before you guys could always play with how long you want these to play out one of the coolest thing about this is there's so much customization you have with this so something like that guys pretty cool just grows in let's create some more crazy stuff going on in the scene that's gonna spice this up a little bit more so let's hold down alt and let's just duplicate this two more times so now we have three freeze-frame duplications all in the same exact spot just like that but go to the very end and I'm just going to keyframe position and scale on my second duplication drag those keyframes just to the end like that now let's go to the beginning a little bit and let's just move this over a tiny bit so it looks like they're kind of like stacked up cards something like that and then let's go to the top one and we're gonna do the same thing so let's go to the end let's keyframe drag those keyframes to the ends drag to the very beginning and then we're going to drag this one over even more just like this so now what we have guys is we have three duplications all popping in like that and they're all gonna sink back into normal closer together and then start the next transition so some really cool stuff if you guys want you can flip this do the opposite you could have it kind of going out and then maybe back in so many different things you could do with this just keyframing these duplications you guys can even add different effects onto each one for example so let's just drag some effects from my effects packs and like I said we can have some different stuff going on in each of these different clones so we can really customize this to our full ability you can honestly do anything with get with this guys like I said that will actually turned out pretty cool so that's just using some of the effects from the Creator preset bundle like I said the brand-new one that comes with the Lutz now here's another simple trick you guys can do to add on to this just within premiere and this is having them kind of pop in one after the other so what we're gonna do guys is we're going to rearrange these duplications so they kind of look like cell phone service bars so just drag one of these back and then drag one of these back kind of make it so that it goes one then the second then the third just like that it's gonna pop in you can change around the durations if you want you guys can even right-click these edges add a little cross dissolve so just right click add default transitions and that way they're just kind of fading in like that so that's kind of cool out all the effects in you can change like I said you can have them sliding you can have them pop in one this is really effect that you guys can place your own creative little individual touch onto so that's something that I think is really interesting now let me show you guys some bonus little tips and what we're gonna do is we're going to hop into After Effects and we're gonna completely add some crazy stuff onto this so we're gonna set it up the same as if we were gonna do it in Premiere so let's go to the beginning of our transition one frame to the right so one click to on your right arrow control K and then just drag that frame up just like that and then we can right click it and then we can click add frame hold drag it out just like how we've been doing that what we're gonna do is instead of masking it out here we're gonna do the masking with in After Effects because it's a lot easier to do it with in After Effects highly recommend that you guys do do this especially if you're working on a huge project and your computer's being slowed down sometimes the cropping within Premiere will be super slow and super laggy so what we can do is just right click this and then click replace with After Effects composition and here is our clip now you're gonna see it's a normal speed its frame isn't there so we're gonna have to redo that so just go to the part where the transition happens so right there and we're gonna right-click on the clip and then just go to time and then we're going to click freeze-frame just like that alright so now we're set we have the freeze-frame back to normal so make sure you guys do remember that tip it's super important but I do the same exact thing we're just gonna add the masking so let's click this pen tool and like I said it's way easier to mask with an After Effects so I recommend that you do okay guys so we got him all masked out with an actor of X let's couldn't let's connect that like that and make sure that your mask is on ad so just M make sure it's on ad like that so we're good to go we can scroll here and it's exactly the same now if you want to just do the masking with in After Effects you can just click file save and if you are using that dynamic link like how I am you can just hop back in here you guys are gonna see it's exactly the same we have the same freeze-frame just mass within After Effects you guys can do the same thing with adding that feather so let's click em to show the masks bump up that feather a little bit something like that you guys can also drop down the mask expansion if you don't want the mask there just click this little button here and it'll not show it so that's a little bit easier just to do that alright so we got a nice freeze frame going on here now what I'm going to show you guys how to do is really awesome guys so we have a normal freeze for a mix that we did it with in After Effects now let me show you guys some awesome stuff you can stack on top of here that you can only do with in After Effects so add some line effects onto this now this is something that's super unconventional this is something that I just been doing recently because I thought it was pretty cool what you guys can do here is just double click on here until you're in a layer just like this and you can draw a line effects now if you guys haven't seen my line effects video link down the description it's a really cool one really awesome go to effects what you guys can do once you're in this layer right here so just double click on here until it says layer not composition once you're in the layer you can click on this little paintbrush tool up here gonna pop up these little windows here so you have your paint window and your brush window you can go ahead and select a brush tool that you would like to use select a color that you would like to use so also another thing that's super important that you guys are going to want to know right here in the paint window change the duration from constant to single probably the most common comment that I see on that video a lot of people get mixed up because they don't change the duration from constant to single so make sure it's single frame and then let's just draw on this freeze-frame so draw anything you want usually I just kind of make the eyes like that you can completely draw the face you can completely trace the face once you've done that click page down on your keyboard just to move one frame and we can just keep making little animations and these animations are going to stay on our freeze frame so it's a really cool little trick guys like I said so keep drawing and then once you finish the drawing click page down just to move one frame repeat that process over and over and you guys are gonna get something really cool going on here let's go ahead and click file save and then let's hop back into premiere over here so we got this awesome animation going on here just click it click sequence render selection just so we can see what it looks like and I think that looks pretty cool just something you can add on here now you can combine in the methods I showed you with the sliding stuff you can come you can add in the glowing that I was talking about you can add in the flickering combined everything that I talked about if you want into one crazy let me just show you what you can accomplish if you just combine all these together so let's duplicate these anyways guys well hope you enjoy this leave a like comment subscribe let me know in the comments what you guys would like to see next like I said if you guys are interested if you want to up your game if you want to pick up some new effects check out my website we have the business essentials which is really gonna help you if you guys are determined on making a career from the internet or for doing creative work in general check that out business essentials pack business essentials pack deluxe also has the Creator gold preset pack cluded free which gives you all those presets that i was talking about in this video as well as five awesome Luntz which you guys can experiment with definitely going to help you if you do want to make money from this if you do love this if this is your passion if you do enjoy creating this stuff whether it's for fun whether it's for your job thank you so much for watching guys and I'll see you guys later
Channel: Max Novak
Views: 698,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 awesome, freeze frame, transition, effect, play boi carti, asap rocky, magnolia, awge, asap forever, create, design, 3d, trippy, lsd, max novak, cole bennett, hidji films, justin odisho, ycimaging, line animations, famous dex, top 5, best effects, plugins, presets, pack, free, media monopoly, slow motion, brthr, travis scott, keith ape, ski mask, xxxtentacion, tutorial, premiere, after effects, how to, datamosh, jitter clone, clone, peter mckinnon
Id: I4U5a0oN5jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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