5 MAJOR Mistakes To Avoid When Creating Music Videos! (Music Video Tips)

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what's going on guys today in this video I have five mistakes that you're gonna want to avoid while you're creating music videos now me I shoot music videos obviously eventually music videos for years now I would say more super professionals but I want to say I'm up again I eat this so I have five mistakes that I see a lot of beginners make when they're starting out creating easy to do so avoid these don't do them just don't do them it's gonna make your life a lot better it's gonna make your work a lot better let's get into it so the first mistake that you want to avoid is exporting your video at any other frame rate than 24 frames per second now me I shoot a lot of my videos at 24 frames per second and then the portions of the video that I plan on slowing down and post I shoot at 60 frames per second or higher but that's just me you have the option to shoot your entire video 60 frames per second if that's what you want to do a lot of people don't know what specific parts of the video they want to slow down so they'll film the majority or all over that 60 frames per second or higher but the thing that you want to do always regardless of what frame rate you shoot your video at always when I export that's when you feel frames per second this is gonna keep the realism in the video this is gonna keep the cinema aspect of it just gonna look a lot better so don't export your videos at any other framerate other than 24 frames per second the second mistake that you're gonna want to avoid is under shooting now a few months ago I was doing a lot of video critiques on a channel for music videos that are the directors and you know upcoming creators we're creating in a common theme and a common pattern a month the majority of them was people were just not shooting enough sympathy what a beginner will do is they'll go to each location that they plan on shooting at and they'll just only film one performance shot at each one of those locations these are like four or five minute songs so it's like you're watching an entire music video for four minutes or something switching from three different shots and then it just gets boring like 15 seconds into it a simple rule of thumb for me is regardless of what I already have planned to be filming at these spots I'll try to film three angles all the time three angles that are typically film adjust Y medium is super close like I said regardless if I'm planning on using these I'll have them there for when I'm in the editing process if I need to use them they're there you know you might not even use them I also film b-roll of everything I've thrown b-roll of first why the disguise don't be role of the artist shoes dragging across the ground fearow the artist watch the car the trees whatever just completely film everything that's going on at the location regardless if you plan on using it or not you'll have it for the editing in order just make the editing process a lot better it's always overshooting overshoot regardless of what you plan just shoot everything the third mistake that you're gonna want to avoid is trying to stabilize things that aren't able to be stabilized now what I mean by this is typically in a lot of the programs that we use to edit they have a third-party plugin or a plugin that already comes to the program because they're and use for you to stabilize footage so what a beginner will typically do is they'll use this on any footage so they'll fill my super rocky shot and purpose and then they'll at this and it'll just give it a really ugly warp yellow look if you plan on using post stabilization make sure you plan this while you're shooting that way you know that you need to film this still and as close to smooth as possible this is gonna help this be able to actually smooth out your footage now warp stabilizer is an amazing plugin for Adobe Premiere Pro but if you don't plan to add stabilization while you're shooting the shot more than likely it's gonna be way too Rocky for warp stabilization to fix it I've used warp on a lot of things even some shots where I use my groaning and the Ronin glitches out or get it right so basically what I'm saying is if you plan on using post stabilization on your shot just make sure you're planning on using it while you're actually shooting a shot this way it'll help you get the shots as smooth as possible then the world would be able to clean out what you messed up at then before we get into this fourth mistake I want to give a really quick shout out to the sponsors of this episode the lovely people res Squarespace you guys have no idea with Squarespace is it's the all-in-one platform for pretty much everything relatives to create a website they have domains they have templates it's just a really easy and fun place to be if you're trying to do anything relative to creating a website aside from the templates they have they have award-winning 24/7 customer support so if you ever find yourself in a jam where you don't know what's 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offer already but a lot of the stuff that they offer is cheesy as well so a simple rule of thumb is if you don't necessarily know if what you're doing looks good or not the best thing is to just take it out most of the time a simple cut the cut on the clip is gonna look a lot better than a cheesy effect keep a simple man keep it classic you don't have to overdo it all the time the fitnah final mistake that you guys want to avoid is overdoing your grade I see this all the time and I see people who will purchase some LUT so they'll use some of the less that are already offering in program and they'll put them on their footage and they lob them all the way up to 100% it'll make the footage super dark it'll make this footage super contrast it don't overdo your grade and you can put it on just put it on like don't don't overdo it so a lot of people actually don't know this but if you go into the blue color panel on Adobe Premiere Pro you scroll down to the creative tab you add on your luck you actually have an option to dial in the intensity of the light so when you go to add your lights on you actually don't have to add them at 100% you can just down the intensity just get it to where it looks a little bit stylistic but the skin tones and everything still look really good unless the trippy effect is what you're going for but a lot of the times people just overdo their grace and it's just unnecessary so that's it man those are my top five mistakes to avoid and you're just starting out creating music videos just visuals in general you can really apply these things to any other field of film that you guys may be in what I want you guys to do is head down in the comments and let me know if you have another tip to help beginners create better visuals make sure you guys drop this video a like also subscribe to the channel if you're new here please [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: YCImaging
Views: 541,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ycimaging, music video tips, music video, how to make a music video, music video tutorial, how to shoot a music video, tips and tricks, behind the scenes, music videos, 5 tips for making better music videos, adobe premiere pro, filmmaking, 5 tips for making better videos
Id: aUt4jr3po_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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