5 FAST & EASY Music Video TRANSITIONS (Fredo Bang x Sada Baby Big Steppa) | Adobe Pr , Ae

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[Music] what's going on everybody welcome back to the channel today we have some easy useful quick to pull off music video transitions we're going to show you two different ways you can use this method using the freeze frame way and using the rotoscope way we're also going to talk about how you can do this in adobe premiere as well as after effects so we'll interchange a bit between softwares other than that the only thing i want to mention we have a bunch of new digital assets dropping over on my website mediamonoplay.com we have some brand new lut packs trippy infrared cities and places sky face luts some great stuff going on there we're also working on these fire burn transitions here i really love how those look those should be coming out in about a week make sure you guys are in the discord link down below so you can get your hands on a free sample of that other than that guys remember to leave a like comment subscribe if you do enjoy the content and let's hop right into the editing software to get started alright guys let's hop on in here i have my footage all set up ready to go we're just going to cut some parts out of this and start applying in these easy effects so i mentioned these are inspired by the effects and fredo bank big stepa you guys were asking me to cover some of this after i showed that offset clone effect the first one we're going to talk about is at this 26 second mark so let's full screen and just do a little breakdown here you'll see you have your freeze frame come in first and then you have your background fold out second with these effects you don't have to do it with just a freeze frame you could also do it with rotoscoping so it's up to you if you want to take the short route or the longer route freeze frame is going to be a lot faster quick to pull off with rotoscope you can add that motion in there it's going to take a little bit longer to do the masking so let's go back into premiere and recreate that first transition so let's go ahead and make the transition right about here we're going to go and mark this spot so i'll just click here and i'm going to select my footage and click ctrl k to make a cut i'm going to use my arrow keys and move over one frame i'm going to click ctrl k again to make another cut and then i'm going to hold down alt and just click and drag this single frame up make sure you guys are zoomed in here if you're all the way zoomed out you won't be able to see this single frame so ctrl alt mouse wheel in so with this single frame here right click on it we're going to go to add frame hold click and drag this out if you press play this should be frozen sometimes for whatever reason you have to do this a couple of times there you go so you have your freeze frame clip you can drag this out and if you press play this should be a solid image so once you've created your freeze frame and you've stretched that out to give you a little bit of time we're going to actually select this freeze frame layer we're going to alt click and drag up so we're going to create a second duplication of that freeze frame this top is going to be for our subject and this bottom is going to be for our background if you're confused just follow along here it's extremely easy select your top layer go up to your effect controls in your opacity section here let's grab our pen tool and let's just draw around our subject so click you can click in your squiggly key on your keyboard just to make that full screen so connect your mask once you're finished here now if you hide the visibility of these first two you'll have just your subject masked out with the transparent background so take your top layer drag it out a little bit this is what you should see should see your freeze frame pop in at your before footage now we just need to add in this little background stretching animation that you see here so let's go ahead and do that so selecting the middle clip here this is the clip with just the normal freeze frame no masking we're going to go to our effects and presets and we're going to search for a transform effect so go ahead and place that on the clip and then in the top left in your effect controls what you want to look for is this uniform scale value make sure this is unchecked so that scale isn't one value now you can change the scale height or the scale width and let's set up a simple little keyframe animation just to have that wipe in the way we want so we're going to take our scale width and we're going to set that to 1 and let's hide the bottom footage for now just so we can see only this at the beginning of our transition here what i'm going to do is i'm going to take my scale width and set a keyframe so click toggle animation i'm going to drag a bit for how long i want this to be and i'm going to put this back to 100. so here is the animation we just made just a simple little stretch out of the background you can also add in motion blur in premiere with that transform effect just scroll to the bottom of your effect controls where it says shutter angle let's just click and i'll set that at 180. now you'll see we have this natural motion blur going on here pretty cool and that's really about it now we just need to take the clips and drag them over top of this previous footage so that we can transition into it so drag this clip you don't want to change the duration you want to make sure it completely ends right here take your isolated subject at the top change the duration so it ends right here and then you can change how long you want this to be so i like having the so i like having the subject come in first so so you have the person pop in the background pop in and then goes back to normal so here's a little quick example of that if you want this to be any faster you guys could always select the background layer in your effect controls you'll see the keyframe if you want it to be faster pull the keyframe in if you want to be more slow pull the keyframe out so i'll make that keyframe a lot faster so that it ends about here and now you'll see how we're able to create that simple little wipe in transition you can also add a little bit of movement to your first to your first freeze frame here let's go ahead and do that so selecting your top freeze frame here we're going to right click and we're going to nest it make sure you do that step because if you don't it won't work properly then go to your effects and presets drop a transform onto that at the start of where the freeze frame pops in keyframe the position grab this little value and move it off the screen move a bit forward and you can go ahead and click this reset button let's do the same thing let's add a bit of shutter angle there to add some motion blur now you'll see this will fly up on the screen with a bit of motion blur and you're able to get an effect like this pretty cool pretty simple just using some very easy techniques like masking and scaling to get the job done so let's move on to the next one all right moving on to our next transition here this is going to be another simple one using those exact same fundamentals or we're talking about masking and we're talking about scaling so it's pretty simple but it's just doing it in a different way we're going to show this in after effects just because i want to show you the relationship between premiere and after effects and how doing this is literally the exact same thing using pretty much the exact same tools so if you're only using premiere you can still follow along and again i always recommend if you're doing masking do it in after effects it makes everything a lot easier so popping back into premiere let's go ahead and set up our next transition so we'll have the transition right about here i'm going to just cut out this little section so ctrl k ctrl k and let's bring this into after effects so i'm going to hold down alt click and drag this footage up right click on that and click replace with after effects composition so now we're working within after effects and again this is going to be pretty much the exact same steps that we just showed you in premiere so let's find the place where we're going to transition right about here so i'm going to click ctrl shift d at this point to split these clips and on my second clip i'm going to right click on it i'm going to go to time and i'm going to freeze frame so now if we press play there you go just goes right into a freeze frame of this footage let's select that second clip and we're going to click ctrl d to duplicate it and now let's start making those exact same steps we just showed you before so we're going to first mask let's go and grab our pen tool or you can click g and we're working on the top layer here nice thing about after effects you can name these layers so let's right click and we'll rename this top layer to mask legs this middle layer to background in bottom layer to footage transition so selecting mask legs we're going to use our pen tool and we're going to create a little mask around the legs and this is why i say that doing any of these is so much easier it saves you a lot of time in after effects the masking tools in after effects is just a lot more responsive you'll see how i'm able to fly through this how i'm able to zoom in a lot more always recommend after effects so connect that mask here so if we hide this middle background in layer you'll see we just have the legs if you guys ever need to i didn't talk about this in the first premiere version but again if you click m you can always change the feather here if you want to make this if you want to make this blend a little bit better that's all up to you so let's grab the top mask legs layer and just drag it a little bit to the left so that we see it come in onto our footage perfect now let's set up our little animation for our background so we're going to go to our effects and presets and we're going to grab another transform effect place that on our background in layer and let's start setting up our animation so this is just going to be a simple scale in we're not going to be changing the uniform scale we're just going to put it at our starting position here set the scale to zero click the toggle animation button to set a keyframe drag a bit and set that back to 100 so here's what you have now let's add the motion blur so we'll go to shutter angle we'll make that 180. if you're not seeing the motion blur on this layer what you need to do is you need to click this little motion blur switch so enable that if you're still not seeing anything click toggle switches and modes and you need to enable motion blur for this specific clip so you'll see these three little you'll see these three little ovals just enable that for background in and now you will see the motion blur so that's what we want let's take that background in and move it over to the left and here is what we've made so far let's do the exact same thing to the legs here so we're going to go and apply a transform effect to them we're going to keyframe the scale and set it to 0 at our starting position we're going to drag a bit and set it to 100 and same thing let's put that shutter angle at 180 and toggle switches and modes enable motion blur for the clip so you have your legs in and your background in so beautiful easy as that literally the exact same steps i showed you in premiere just doing things in a little bit of a different way also you don't have to just use the ones that i'm showing you the purpose of doing this is just showing you how you can take basic techniques and create interesting transitions out of them just by changing a few things so experiment with it maybe you don't want to do just the scale scale with maybe you want to try and mess around with the rotation it's all up to you there's a bunch of cool things you could do with this just to give you an example i'll keyframe a little bit of rotation i'll scale a bit and i'll set that to one for so it'll do one full rotation and now you have something like this so just with a tiny bit of experimentation i've created something completely new you guys could always mix in presets plugins whatever you want good enough talking i hope you get the gist of what i'm trying to say so we want this to go back to normal at this point so let's click ctrl shift d turn off enable time remapping to get rid of that keyframe you also want to go into the top left and delete the transform effect off of this and then just drag this out so that we can go back to the first frame that we started at so right about here and then just line that up so that whenever this animation plays through it'll stop and then play as normal you also want to take the end of your freeze frame at the very top here and make sure that ends right where you want the footage to play normal again so just like that so now you should have the gist of what you can do with these transform effects with these different masking tools now i've been showing you with the freeze frame let's show you how to do the exact same things that we've been doing but instead of freeze framing our subject we'll rotoscope to add in some movement so here's the next effect which we're going to be talking about at around 107 of this video this is using that concept of sliding in freeze frames or rotoed footage but you add a little bit of a shake afterwards so let's go ahead and try and do that also we're not going to do the freeze frame method i want to show you how we can do the exact same thing we've been doing but use rotoscoping let's go all the way back to premiere and let's find another spot that we'd like to transition let's also look for something that will be easy to rotoscope so this shot here looks like it'll be pretty simple let's go ahead and cut that out and bring it into after effects so ctrl k to make this cut and ctrl k to make this cut here alt click and drag up right click and replace with after effects comp to bring that into after effects so here is the point where our transition happens i'm going to mark that i'm going to ctrl shift d to split there and let's go about rotoscoping this footage so we're gonna double click on this footage that we're in a layer it should say layer up here if it doesn't say layer and you're still in a composition double click in again until you're in a layer once you are in that layer go ahead and grab your roto brush tool this guy it's this little guy with a paintbrush select that and let's just zoom in now you're going to want to go and draw here now it's saying frame rate mismatch and that's because this footage is 30 frames per second so to fix that we'll go up to composition comp settings and we'll change the frame rate to 30 like that so now we can do our freeze frame let's go ahead and draw around here and holding down alt we can cut away from the mask like that if you want a full guide since i've talked about rotoscoping a bunch of this channel i'm going to go pretty quick here if you want a full guide on how to rotoscope i'm going to leave the link down below so watch that first if you want to pull this off so just using my roto brush i'm going to get this little selection around my subject and the great thing about the new updated rotobrush 2.0 is the more of these adjustments we do the easier it'll be able to accomplish this add a tiny bit of feather here maybe something like 17 so once you have the selection on your first frame you click page down on your keyboard to move to the next frame and you just make any tiny adjustments that you need to so i'm going to hold down alt drag this in you'll see that the roto is doing a pretty good job at sticking to the edges that we need so this should be a pretty easy job to go through and complete all right so once you've rotted out the area that you'd like i'm going to hold down control and alt just to zoom into this little gray bar that our playhead is at i'm going to start the back of this gray bar at where this little blue square is and then i'm going to drag to around the area that i want ruddered out and take the end of this little gray bar with the triangles and end it there so once you've done that this is the area that you'd like to freeze go ahead and click the freeze button which is right here and you're gonna see after effects start to rotoscope this footage so you can't see anything now so let's click back into the composition and you'll see now we have this rotoscoped out section you can also come in here and make any little adjustments you can adjust the feather you can shift the edge if you need to you can reduce chatter so let's take our rotoed clip drag it to the left over top of the footage we're transitioning from and this is the point where my roto ends so i'll just click ctrl shift d just so i have that marked off let's right click and rename this to roto footage i'll rename the bottom to strangest transition 1 and i'll rename the top to transition two so we've created a little rotoscope in transition just like that i see so many people doing freeze frames but i don't see a lot of people who are just taking those few extra steps to add that bit of motion by using rotoscoping or by using masking i think that it can add a lot more than just a freeze frame can make sure you're not sleeping on rotoscope let's go ahead and apply some of those same transform effects onto our rotoscoped footage here so i'll apply it so i'll apply transform and then choose wherever you want this to come out let's maybe make him go from left to right so at my starting position here i'll take the position and just move them all the way to the left and let's set a keyframe drag a bit and i'll move him back so i think it's 960 was the starting position so here's what we created bam let's add in that motion blur so shutter angle 180 turn on motion blur for the comp toggle switches and modes and turn on motion blur for the footage so now you have that motion blur it kind of swipes in just like that now let's add the little shake transition at the end here i'm going to select transition one i'm going to move a few frames over so just clicking page up on my keyboard so right here i'm going to click ctrl shift d now i'm going to click page down on my keyboard just to move a few frames over into the new footage and i'm going to click control shifty again i'm going to select these two little sub clips from transition 1 and transition 2 that we created i'm going to right click and i'm going to pre-compose them and i'm going to name this shake in and click ok let's take that shake in and drag it below the rotod footage and if you don't like how it's one longer comp you can just click ctrl shift d here to cut off those edges either way select your shake precomp here and just apply any preset or plug plug-in i think it's easier just to do it that way you can use sapphire shake universe shake if you have those plugins or if you're looking for just a preset shake you guys can pick up some of my website link down below we have a bunch of different presets for premiere and after effects so we'll drop in shake and there you go as you can see we have that swivel in and the shake just to switch up that background clip easy as that so a nice little transition okay so our next little simple transition here sticking with the fundamentals of what we do what we've been doing with the transforms just showing you another little variation let's hop back to premiere to pull this one off let's go ahead and make this effect around this area here so we'll go ahead and ctrl k to make a cut and we'll just cut out this little section that we're working on so using my arrow keys let's find where the transition is so right here ctrl k to make another cut and we'll mark that with our little marker so let's do the exact same steps to set this up but add in some new variation so we'll take this clip holding down alt we'll click and drag up and we're going to right click and we're going to add a frame hold so there we go we have our first little freeze frame let's hold down alt drag that up again so this is going to be our background here this is going to be our freeze framed in clip and looking back at the original there isn't even anything there isn't any background effects back in and delete this middle part that's optional of course if you want to add those background effects let's just add effects to our freeze frame so we'll select this top part we're going to mask it out so in our effect controls under opacity grab your pen tool and let's create a little selection so you see in the original here we have it sort of swivel in and then stretch out to fit the screen so let's go ahead and try and recreate that so let's apply transform onto our freeze frame clip here and let's start setting up that keyframe animation so first off again we're gonna have it stretch out at the end so let's kind of shrink it to start so we'll uncheck uniform scale we'll take our scale width and we'll just kind of drag that down we also want this to rotate up but we'll start it at around 80 for our rotation we'll move the positioning down and we'll just keyframe everything let's drag a bit and let's just start resetting all of these values so here's what you have sort of rotates up of course you can go down and you can take your shutter angle crank that up to 180 to add in some motion blur and there you go now it looks a little bit different from the original but that's because originally this was a lot closer to the screen which made that stretch look a lot better and this clip here right where our normal footage starts so that it's nice and seamless have fun with it experiments the purpose of this video is just to get those creative juices flowing so that you guys can mess around and create your own stuff all right guys and for our last effect here this is going to borrow from our offset clone tutorial which i made about a week or two ago bobby schmidt is out of prison today so i had to throw that line in there either way let's talk about adding a bit of offset if you guys want to look more into this effect go watch that full tutorial because it talks about different variations and it gets really in depth doing this in after effects but let's just show you how we can quickly do it in premiere find where you want the transition hold down alt and click drag up right click add your frame hold let's set up a quick little mask so in our opacity just click in here and let's start going through let's go ahead and just drag this over a tiny bit so that we see it over top of our old footage and end it right here like that so we've created a simple little freeze frame transition let's now add in our offset so we're going to add the transition between these two clips so let's click ctrl k right about here drag a bit into our next frame click control k as well let's select these two clips at the bottom right click and we're going to nest them now search for the offset effect and again i went i went super in depth with this with its own tutorial so you guys can look more into that but essentially we're going to go ahead and click keyframe for your shift center at our starting position now we're going to drag to the end of this and we're going to just crank this value up like crazy and then connect it and drag that keyframe to the end now let's add a bit of motion blur so i'm going to search for a directional blur place it there let's go ahead and direction let's make that 90 degrees and blur length let's go ahead and keyframe this and at the very end here we want this to go back to zero and there you go simple little adobe premiere offset effect that you can throw in there to swivel from one scene to the next all right guys and that's about it i hope you did enjoy comment below what you'd like to see next leave a like if you did enjoy the video other than that guys thank you so much for watching thank you so much for supporting and i'll see you guys [Music]
Channel: Max Novak
Views: 97,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy, music video, transitions, editing, adobe, premiere, after effects, max novak, how to, tutorial, vfx, fredo bang, big steppa, offset, transform, ae, trap, freeze frame, masking, clone, freeze, frame, morph, effect, asap, ferg, floor seats, corridor, rocky, jitter, transition, asap forever, trippy, preset, pack, plugin, free, best effects, top 10, peter mckinnon, justin odisho, lonewolf, zoom, smooth, awge
Id: cErSt07Hk7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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