MUSHROOM FORAGING in the Rainy Woods πŸ„ Found Golden Chanterelles!

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today i'm foraging mushrooms for the very first time but it happens to rain a lot despite getting soaked and my glasses fogging up nearly every minute it was a magical experience i'll never forget being surrounded by nature is always good for the soul [Music] good morning it is saturday around 7 30 a.m and i'm super excited because in just a bit we're gonna be mushroom foraging but it's forecasted to rain all day long so this is gonna be interesting it's gonna get very wet out there so why go foraging today we're going to monroe washington to take a mushroom identification class ready or not let's go i have been wanting and waiting to forage mushrooms for a while but i didn't know anyone experienced or interested enough to go with so i'm hoping this class will give me a boost of confidence through hands-on learning it's becoming more of like an invasive mushroom species here pushing other things out is it a little old it's not part of the mushroom hunting adventure involves climbing over fallen trees then going under them so you gotta look up down and sideways for mushrooms and obstacles mushrooms on logs mushrooms on twigs mushrooms popping out from the ground did you know there are over 10 000 species of mushrooms in the world other sources say over 50 000 species [Music] i need a windshield wiper for my glasses and for my camera for about 20 minutes take my mask off because it's fogging up my glasses so much it is possible to get lost because especially with the rain it's not as easy to hear snapping of twigs and tiny people so i'm not gonna get too adventurous i'm gonna stay here everyone [Applause] so what we're gonna do we're gonna just get a bunch of mushrooms bring it back to the class indoors and then ideas you want to be sure what that mushroom is before eating it some mushrooms can be fatal they'll just give you a really hard time it's been quite dry lately but last night it poured you know in a couple of days there's gonna be more mushrooms it's a bit of a scavenger hunt something here these ones look a little bit old though let's see let's go over here see what we can find so i found these but on this branch this twig has three more [Applause] we were told not just look down but look up as well but i guess i shouldn't go too up because i wouldn't be able to go up there there's some more mushrooms on this tree and if you go up smaller ones i'm so soaked [Applause] there's water going in my pants somehow it's going in my penis if you end up going foraging mushrooms on a rainy day and you wear glasses i would recommend wearing contacts contact lens because this is difficult to walk around with your vision blurred we have a long dead tree on the ground it's a bunch of small mushrooms [Applause] they're so cute so fancy i'm so cute aside from getting lost and losing the group um my biggest fear would be bumping into spider webs the spiders they camouflage so well into the trees i see something over there wow look at that [Applause] what is it i wish i could use my other camera and get really close detailed sharp shots but um the other cameras are not waterproof and when i was using it earlier it was getting super wet there's a lot of teeny ones over here very teeny it's just like specks oh see a bunch over here [Applause] i found a ton of baby mushrooms and someone found a chanterelle it was challenging to spot mushrooms with my glasses constantly getting wet and foggy thankfully our instructor pointed out a chanterelle and i happily hopped on over to it here's a family of inky caps [Applause] man my shoes my hiking boots they got soaked completely inside i wore thermal leggings under my pants and those got wet somehow too the water from the leggings drift into my hiking boots that's how they got wet and now we're going to identify all that we collected using our mushroom handbooks remember the mushroom i cut from the protruding twig it's either polyporous barius or melanopus someone found a baby version of it i must say this is one of the most aesthetic twigs i've ever seen and mother nature wasn't even trying she was just being look at this natural beauty might be foliotis this tiny mushroom is a mycena and this guy we couldn't identify but it looks and feels like a tongue chanterelle is my prized possession of the day and here's a oyster mushroom i inherited from the instructor did you hear that the thunder really chilly my clothes are still wet a fellow classmate was kind enough and he gave me a sweater this one mismatching socks but clean so nice yeah because i don't have any socks right now yeah i'm like shaking oh i love this color i'm gonna always keep this in the car for future times when i get in a situation like this again when it gets cold i end up like tightening all my muscles but you have to like loosen your muscles to actually feel a little bit warmer and to stop shivering i'm a little hungry so i'm gonna get this actually before it rains hard i should hit the road gotta defrost everything first all right oh thankfully it's raining even less now okay back is still defrosting the first portion of the class we were indoors and when i say indoors well all the doors and the windows were open so there was plenty of ventilation because of the you know cove it is still going on during the presentation i was taking notes in my notebook i felt like i was in high school again or college just school in general i felt like i was in school again and just feeling like a student made me feel young i'm learning learning about stuff that i'm interested in now with mushrooms i don't mind studying hours and taking an exam wow look at that fog in the trees it's not like foggy all over just patches of fog i am so excited to go home do some laundry maybe even take a bath snuggle with a book in bed hot chocolate or herbal tea oh that sounds so delicious right now we were advised to not go alone when mushroom hunting because when you go mushroom hunting sometimes you go off the trail so you might get lost and it is mushroom season so we gotta do as much hunting we can while the time is here honestly i have some fear about picking some mushrooms like because some of them are fatal so i'm scared of you know getting the wrong mushroom and eating it and getting hospitalized or potentially dying so that's why i took this class because i want to gain more confidence i needed someone to introduce me the world of foraging mushrooms it really helps to have someone go with you to feel the mushroom to see the mushroom starting is the hardest part because once you get started you're like oh okay i get it i get the basic concept then you just develop from there looks like the rain is starting up again so many trees what a moody weather earlier it was thundering and now it's sunny again before foraging mushrooms be sure to check the restrictions of your intended spot and confirm if you need any permits read up on best practices and mushrooms in your area have fun hanging out in nature but be absolutely certain of the mushroom's identity before eating it just about to cook the chanterelle i think it's my first time eating it i read online to pan fry them dry i know it's just a few pieces but we were advised not to get too many edible mushrooms because you want to try it first and see if it reacts well to your body because not all people have the same reaction to all foods so we're going to give the chanterelle a taste test and make sure our body can handle it and next time we'll get more chanterelle oh it already shrunk so much i try not to cook an empty pan like this but we don't have a smaller one i hear it's sizzling let's throw in some butter [Music] let's also throw in the oyster mushroom on the side [Music] how is it very good it's a very subtle savory flavor it's like a gentle pasta gentle creamy pasta maybe because the butter okay oysters next uh i know i cooked oyster mushrooms many times you need to mix it with other vegetables it's a bit firmer texture for today's cooking i made it very simple because i wanted to taste the mushroom next time we're gonna put it in something um what's your favorite mushroom and how do you like to cook it let us know in the comment section remember to subscribe and hit that notification bell for food and travel in korea check out my other channel sweet and tasty tv toodles my noodles last night it was pouring rain oh it sounded so beautiful now when i sleep i always wear earplugs but in the first hour or so i just i had it out because i just wanted to listen the pitter patter on the roof and i was worried this class will get cancelled because of the rain but i emailed them yesterday i was like is this gonna happen regardless of rain and they're like yes i was like oh thank you oh i see some cows over there must be so nice and quiet living out here so beautiful i'm really feeling autumn here with all these orange leaves oh pothole more potholes [Music] same genus oh yeah polytaurus oh it's like the hard ones um shelf yeah i think a shelf [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: Miss Mina
Views: 169,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foraging, wild mushrooms, foraging mushrooms, chanterelle, mushroom, food, outdoor, travel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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