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today we are in the search for edible mushrooms and boy do we find some we lose track of time must have been out there for like four hours we get lucky and find cauliflower mushrooms chicken of the woods and the chanterelles we even find a rare white chanterelle then we take them home and cook them continue to watch for the details and the adventurous off-trail walk in the woods hello darlings it is that magical time of the year here in the pnw we are in washington state with the rain comes fungi and today we're on the lookout for chanterelles our family friend is taking us to an undisclosed location and we'll have them introduce themselves hi there guys sorry about my voice it's a little bit scratchy but um i'm here with mina and her mom and we are in the forest my name is daniel yan and my channel is the curiosity cave i'm here with my or something yeah i'm his grandpa let's go get some mushrooms [Music] last year they were just on air chanterelles looks like a nice little cave and there was all these little roman chanterelles coming up when it was snowing it was so beautiful it was snowing when you were picking it yeah in the summer found our first edible mushroom oh i didn't even have to use a knife it just came right up so that is the first chanterelle i have picked this year cheers so there's three different kinds of chanterelles in this forest there's goldman which these ones are and there's white and there's kind of one that's in in the middle but they all have um gills that go all the way down to the base so as you can see right here they just come down to the face just to show some contrast the gills of a portobello mushroom are brown and thin kind of looks like the pages of a vintage book with chanterelles the underside looks wrinkly with a lot of forks for extensive details we recommend reading mushroom guide books there are toxic fungi out there so eat only if you have properly identified the safe species dan was telling me when he finds a chanterelle he will look within like a 15 feet 20 feet perimeter okay i just found a cauliflower mushroom and it is huge so [Music] we have a little friend here in for the buffet last year i mean meatloaf out of one of these and they taste like noodles and they're really actually a really good mushroom [Music] it's bigger than your face wow and these can get 10 pounds or more so this is a small one wow oh just look at this smells fungi-licious so i know you call it like the cauliflower mushroom but it also looks like kale while we focus on finding chanterelles we admire other fungi along the way here are some polypores growing on a big polypore that is cool teeny white coral mushrooms then came across yellow coral mushrooms dan was just telling me last year over here he found 30 chanterelles as we're walking through this path we see a deer poop and i just learned from dan that deers love to eat chanterelle so it could be there to clear that area up honestly if all we find is that cauliflower mushroom i'm happy i'm so full my heart feels so full right now [Music] how did you find that there's another one right here you have laser vision that white patch next to the chanterelle is mycelium [Music] [Music] okay that goes in the basket this looks like cobwebs but that is mycelium he just bruised it and it's turned blue super it looks spongy it changes color so fast it's hard guess what found some more chanterelles oh there's more over there oh wow there's some hidden in under that moss gotta watch my step because along the way i might step on some right we don't want that [Music] all right [Music] what a beauty high five there's another one right here ooh this is quite big oh there's another one right here okay one at a time there's two [Music] and yet [Music] and another more this right here the moss is covering it up right now this one looks like a twisty one okay this one looks a little old right it looks a little soggy do you think it's still edible yeah okay there's another one a baby one that's a teeny one that's a big one a little acorn dropped on it and then a moss is hugging it oh this is big it looks like a flower how beautiful is that that's our biggest one yet exciting but when you cook it it does shrink a lot [Music] guys we just found chicken of the woods actually dan found it but then he told me can you spot it and then yeah after that i saw it but he really found it i cut it three weeks ago so it has grown a lot uh i'll do this when you see that one you want to turn them out right here we don't want to cut off the whole thing you want to cut around like this ring here we want to leave some so that it'll continue growing oh it's quite firm okay wow it's a yellow on the bottom guys i have been waiting for this moment ever since i learned about chicken of the woods i was dreaming of finding this in the woods and here we are one year later dreams do come true i'm being like really cautious right now okay is that sharper okay i'll just give that a shot thank you oh it's got some weight to it thanks david oh i thought it was two layers right it looks like two floors but it actually merges into one this is one whole piece together these areas right here will fan out and grow again um i cut this three weeks ago and it's kind of going the other way so it'll start coming up this way now look at our basket so far i've never forged that many mushrooms before thanks to you dan i'm gonna brag for a second i finally found a chanterelle before dan it's right there how do we get to it um i just fell but i'm happy because the mushrooms are still in the basket oh and i'm okay too [Music] [Music] this chanterelle has a belly button it's an innie check it out that is the hugest one we saw today that chanterelle okay we're gonna get to that but mommy oh she's got a harvest wow mom you found this one so congrats oh that is so beautiful oh it looks like it has a nipple it's so cute when the moss is still stuck on them like this one look the moss is hugging it wow compared to my hand look at that [Music] wow that's pretty big there's on the white one right down here so you're saying this is rare wow nice oh my wow look at this harvest we must have been out there for three to four hours time went by so fast my jeans got so dirty it's all good it's a sign of solid quality time spent with mother nature [Music] i just cooked chicken of the woods or at least i tried to i cooked it and a lot of the pieces were still tough so mommy is going to take over and what's your plan we thinned it out mommy shredded it and then i sliced it so we're going to put some sesame oil all right so this is coconut amino mommy mixed it up and then sprinkled on a bunch of sesame seeds it does have the texture of chicken but the dry part of the chicken like chicken breast texture dried the chicken breast but the flavor is good um tastes like sesame oil and coconut amino acid and dan was telling me he puts it in like um fajita oh yeah with agar uh cooked vegetable that would be good if you want to substitute chicken this could be used as a vegan option later i added chicken of the woods to my curry mixed the ingredients and microwaved it the fir mushroom softened and it became very enjoyable to eat in retrospect we should have cooked it a little longer until the moisture evaporated it's all good [Music] wait what did you put in this a little bit garlic salt and pepper that's it so i mean i had this before oh but i think last year when we had it it wasn't a lot it was just a few small pieces but this time we have like an abundance so it's like oh you really feel it so some of you might not be able to forage chanterelle mamio recently saw chanterelle at costco so if you're near a costco maybe you could find it there as for the remaining chanterelle i dry saute them then add a thin slice of butter high five no extra moisture this time gonna eat these tomorrow let's cook the cauliflower mushroom i had to step away for a few days to go on a filming trip mamio kindly cleaned and cut the cauliflower mushroom while i was gone so thanks mommy oh similar treatment as the chanterelles first dry saute then add a thin slice of butter for the first round i just cooked it very simple added butter and a teeny bit of olive oil didn't even add any salt so it is noodle-like but with a slight crunch i would love to put this in a soup are you confident [Music] how do you describe it the best and the first wow you didn't put anything here ah butter mix as for the rest of these pieces let's make an omelet two eggs and throw in the cauliflower mushroom bits sprinkle on salt pepper and garlic powder but omelette is usually not broken up like this i've had to break it up because i didn't think the egg and the cauliflower mushroom were going to be done at the same time so i just started like mixing it up let's try it three two one it's actually pretty good it just tastes eggy if you want to add more flavor maybe you could put some sriracha sauce yeah you could also add in sesame oil soy sauce or coconut amino dress it up however you like just like you do with omelettes and scrambles i like it a lot i hope we find another cauliflower mushroom we want to eat everything we cooked however it is advised that the first time you try a mushroom don't eat too much of it just in case you might have a bad reaction even if it's an edible mushroom so we ate enough and then we'll wake up tomorrow and see how it affected our body probably we're gonna be okay so yeah more to eat tomorrow thanks so much to dan for taking us mushroom hunting remember to check out his youtube channel the curiosity cave [Music] this one runs right off the wood if you're a fairy and that fills up with water that could be a nice swimming pool i think i want to dry it and put it in my office like as a decoration like i love going through nature like this where there's no like apparent path but as a female you know i'm not like the most biceplicious person so it's like kind of scary for me to do it alone but doing it as a group lots of fun [Music] a couple small ones there's one right there [Music] whoa how did you even see that how do i even cut that oh you still have to get it from the side [Music] that's one [Music] chanter rolls i tend to see them around oh this one's got a butt there's another over there [Music] i can't see because of my hair there we go kind of broke it but still got it [Music] if anyone asked me mina where have you been today just look at my pants it's wet and it's dirty how does my butt look good it's not dirtier than the front oh when you stepped in it it became a hole [Music] some earrings [Music]
Channel: Miss Mina
Views: 143,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, food, mushroom, foraging, pacific northwest
Id: 4IUnw-d88Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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