MUSHROOM HUNTING 🍁 Autumn Adventures in Washington

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today we go on an autumn walk and explore the wonderful world of mushrooms some mushrooms are edible and oh so tasty some can make you sick some are medicinal healing some make you hallucinate while few are straight up deadly like with many things in life you learn to identify what's safe and what's not overall though foraging mushrooms can be a lot of fun it's like going on a scavenger hunt in nature hello darlings today mommy oh and i are on a hunt for edible mushrooms there's gonna be some non-edibles too and we'll try to identify them i'm hoping we find chanterelles like a whole community of them because when you cook mushrooms they shrink a lot so we're gonna need about 10 i think but if we don't find any chanterelles it's okay at least we get to walk in nature get some fresh air and i want to say thank you to buksu for sponsoring this video and now let's go find some mushrooms while i've done my very best to accurately identify the following mushrooms please refer to expert sources to learn more about these amazing fungi especially before eating any wild ones while we're walking on this trail we saw a dead tree and there's some inky cap growing now if you come to the other side there's a bunch more these are smaller ones when these mushrooms break down they melt into black goo cool fact inky caps were once used as writing ink look at this one so jumpy it's got a neighbor here we have a bigger one hey look it looks like the shape of a heart yo check out these mushrooms this one very yellow and they look so oily and so tasty sometimes it's tricky to identify mushrooms but i'm pretty sure these are foliota aravela next to them there's a white cream colored mushroom there is a huge mushroom orange one with white dots on it let's see if there's a way in closer [Music] oh it's my lucky day we encounter the amanita muscaria the fly agaric cap colors range from red to orange with shades from yellow to tan to white that big orange one i think i found a baby version here's the flyagarrick before the cap has fully opened now the bright red variety looks familiar doesn't it yup it's the famous mushroom with its own emoji hello we have a group a bunch of small mushrooms growing if i put my hand next to it does it have a kill yes it has gills it smells good but i'm not sure what it is [Music] yeah it smells delicious let's just take one sample i'm gonna take it home and identify it because sometimes it could take a while to go through the book and next to this colony it looks like baby inky caps on the side could this be an artist conk in the making it's got light brown outer bands and gray inner bands perhaps it'll grow into something like this i want to say that's like a oyster or angel wings not sure what it is i need to see like bigger full-grown mushrooms for me to better tell what it is you know i'd like to come back in a few days it's going to be raining again this coming week so it should be interesting to see how much they grow or are they deteriorating already i'm not sure over there it looks like they're still growing they still look pretty fresh oh there's some more down there yeah they love the shade oh wow oh look under the whole thing i could only see it because i'm putting the camera down it's hard for me to go down all the way and see it but the camera can go down lower wow starting to get a little hungry so let's snack we brought our box box with us thanks again to voxu for sponsoring this video do you know about book soup boksu is a monthly snack box subscription service that delivers original assortments of premium japanese snacks and tea pairings every month you'll get a box with a different theme and the snacks will always be different it's a gourmet journey through japan every month what's this month's theme autumn harvest oh they're all in japanese so thankfully we have the culture guidebook right here and it'll tell us what is what let's try three to four snacks we'll do some snacking right now and then more later since we're on a mushroom hunt let's try the shitake one first smells mushroomy and peppery all right let's take a bite there's a spiciness that lingers in your mouth it's almost like a very cute bonfire oh look at this cute yam emo cudi cube no common allergens and it's vegetarian very firm crunchy if you're a kid with a wobbly tooth that needs to come out and just have a piece of this it'll pop right out it's sweet and fried it's my kind of snack the same color as your jacket the packaging oh look at that this one's a bunch of mini chocolate i know emo sweet potato once again it matches your jacket color oh look at that almost looks like sandwiches like cheese or something [Music] that's the sound it makes when you bite into it inside the yellow part is sweet potato and chocolate mix you guys there is still so much to try look at this this also matches your jacket color you guys want to try the boxu box click the link in the description box and use my code to get ten percent off your own books box and save up to forty four dollars the rest of the snacks will try at home and you'll see that review later in this video now let's finish this trail and see what other mushrooms will encounter [Music] so i'm looking for little spots of yellow for the chanterelle because it is autumn we have a lot of yellow fallen leaves so it's a little bit tricky to spot the yellow chanterelle you know because it starts camouflaging amongst the leaves mamio pointed out some mushrooms over here at the base of this tree so these guys it looks like they have gills on the bottom it smells like the one we picked earlier that one also smells delicious the first one we picked was yellow and it kind of grates to a lighter yellow and the next one we picked is brown fully identify that later so while you should not eat any mushroom unless you're absolutely certain that it's edible i am told that it's safe to touch any mushroom but this one anything that's like too spotty it makes me a little bit nervous to touch if you look at the bottom of this guy has no gills seeing that the interior is white i'm thinking these are young up here perdon pirate form the pear-shaped puffball puffballs get their name because they puff out spores upon impact or when their mature body bursts [Music] i didn't know squirrels make that sound don't worry little guy we're not gonna hurt you okay we found the biggest shelf mushroom of the day it got some leaves stuck on there on the top let me see if i could get closer to it if i put my hand on it it's bigger than my hand baby monk bed oh it's so cute i love how they bounce oh this one doesn't bounce much but this guy i think this is the ones we came across before the same species and next to it we got a different species of mushroom the one over here this guy he's seen better days what i learned from my first mushroom foraging experience is you might look at one perspective of a log but you might not see anything so you have to go to the other side or walk around it you know just like with people you might see only one side of their personality but then the more you spend time with them you see different facets right different sites so same thing with mushroom hunting sometimes you just gotta take a different perspective and look from a different angle now this same tree we're looking at see i found some more baby mushrooms on the side so we just saw these guys now turn around there's some more wow look at this oh wow look it from bottom to top these really dark ones they used to be mushrooms a lot of them but you know they're like corpse mushrooms now soft is it oyster a type of oyster mushroom look at the base of that tree lots of mushrooms wow so many and we got some slugs here we've got a black slug munching on this tree i believe this is the pacific banana slug and another guy over here on the side munching away so unfortunately we didn't see any chanterelle maybe they were there but we just didn't notice them um but it's okay we got to see a lot of other kinds of mushroom species and i always wanted to see that yellow jelly looking one and i got to touch it so that was probably one of the highlights of this mushroom hunting it's been a couple days and we're back on the same area we looked at the mushrooms last time and already the minute we got on this trail we saw some big mushrooms a bunch of them remember those white inky caps and some of them were babies well look at this within days it became full grown and now it's turning into black goo and these guys turned into this look at how much these guys have grown some parts have deteriorated now the fly amanita i think it was here last time oh look it's over there very decomposed oh oh look at that the one that was a baby look how much it grew remember this guy he's all grown up now the white spots were washed away by the rain mamio said it's smurf's table if you're a fairy that could be like an umbrella or a place for shelter guess what over there we have another baby in a couple days it's gonna become an umbrella lots of baby mushrooms here i believe this is sulfur tuft we found some more witch's butter they say it's edible but not much flavor oh so many mushrooms wow last time we saw a village of mushrooms like that they were small so it's easy to just pass by and not notice them but this time it's like in your face you're like boom you cannot miss it these small mushrooms became this wow this is the one where there were three slugs nearby wow oh there's still a slug right here now if you're a dog or a cat the view is even more epic from a lower eye level so these are the puff balls let's see if it releases some of these guys already burst open and release spores this one is still intact [Music] we're looking for that fallen log that had the angel wings or was the oyster mushrooms i want to see a bigger version of those is this the log we were looking at the other day i think this might be that log we have white ones over there those look fresh i just don't remember a plant like this next to the log we saw the other day you know what i think this is the log yeah this looks this feels familiar but it the tree broke down so now yeah i mean here you see those uh little mushrooms okay this is where i had put my camera down to see all those small mushrooms yup this was the log we found it oh and this guy grew a little bit this one right here mushrooms they come and go so fast and with these fallen logs and as they deteriorate it's a changing landscape and in a matter of days it could be tricky to figure out where you saw that mushroom last time you know found a bunch of mushrooms over here and here's a nice round big one i was trying to use a knife but i ended up picking up this guy on the bottom wow look at those gills how beautiful is that we're gonna take this home and take some time to identify it i later identified this as heterobasilian anosem this fungus is one of the major root pathogens in north american conifers in other words it causes disease in certain tree species very hard so over there i believe that's either turkey tail or false turkey tail if it's turkey tail it's medicinal turkey tail mushrooms also grow in shades of blue and green and they sure do resemble turkey tails we got some more poly pores here and down here i believe this is the varnish conch on our walk back to the car we are going to say goodbye to the fly amanita the amanita muscaria now i am tempted to take it home however there's only a handful of them maybe they are more growing under the leaves but you know it's also by the trail it's fun for people to look at when they walk by so the one mushroom i picked up today there's a lot of those guys so i just picked up one um that guy fly amanita i'm gonna leave it alone mommy i just pointed out there's another full grown fly amanita it's kept its spots you have two poly pores one on top of the other here's the underside there is a bunch more scattered on this fallen log mommy just pointed out there's mushroom growing on the staircase no right last year mommy will cut it off and they're regrowing i'd like to preserve this mushroom and use it for crafts i have a paper clip i'm going to straighten it in the best case situation i'd have something even thinner and just shoot it right up the mushroom [Music] hopefully it doesn't pop up from the side we're gonna stick it on this styrofoam this came with our furniture i saved up a bunch of the packaging that came with furniture just in case i use it for something like this unexpected repurposing all right and we'll just let it dry like that for a couple days and it'll stay straight it is such a handsome mushroom so cute so cute and round it really is like a mini umbrella in our pajamas onto the snacking sequel which three snacks shall we try next oh is this uni crackers potato chips it's like a star with 20 points i like to try financial to learn a little bit more about this snack let's look inside the culture guidebook smells so good oh it's pretty firm smells like caffeine i smell sauvignon powder it's a sophisticated sweet and the imagery it paints my head foggy day by the window drinking tea and seeing steam next up let's try the uni rice crackers it's concave the bottom looks quite toasty and the top it has a lot more texture bumpy-ish umami it's a very likable flavor i smell a little bit uh oni at the end in this month's box i'm noticing there's a lot of sweetness so that is a very nice contrasting balance let's try one more snack how about the smile crackers let's look up the information on this one white sesame seeds are baked into each biscuit there's four pieces for you to foamy and you get those crystals of sugar on the top just like the illustration on the front it makes you go this one is not just a sweet it's a little bit um nutty because of the sesame it's like a silhouette of a flower with many petals like chrysanthemum so we have one two three four five six snacks left let's try one more i'd like to try this this one what's the info on it so this one's from tokyo sour and sweet and it's very refreshing it's like grape juice yeah but most of all i like the sourness we're gonna save the rest of the snacks for another day gotta space it out space out that joy if you guys are interested in getting your own box of buksu remember to check the link in the description box happy snacking everyone yay remember to subscribe and hit that notification bell for food and travel in korea check out my other channel sweet and tasty tv toodles my noodles the past week it's been raining a lot and today there's a break between the rain and starting tomorrow up until next thursday it's going to keep raining so today was the opportunity to come out and look for the mushrooms now here's a species we've seen for the first time today looks glossy on the top huh i think it's getting old here's how big they are compared to the size of my hand do they have gills [Music] got some mushrooms over here they look quite shredded [Music] baby baby you need to have some extra eyes on your face because you got to look on the sides for the mushrooms and they have to look on the ground watch your step there are some times i got walked in some muddy areas because i was like so focused on the sides wow they are a beauty they're a bunch more on the other side oh this area looks interesting it does get a little bit muddy but i think we could just hop on over on this side oh watch out lots of mud over here mom that's doable oh it does get a little slippery check it out look at this oh there's a little frog that just jumped in i didn't see it but i heard it so mommy oh just pointed out there is a whole village of smaller mushrooms right over there do you see those little circles yeah those little dots those are the mushrooms another mushroom under it i've been hiking many many times but i never was on the lookout for mushrooms right but now that i'm looking for mushrooms i'm seeing them so i'm wondering all the other times i went hiking what kind of mushrooms did i not see so when you are focused on something you're going to look for that and then you're going to see it right whatever you focus on you're going to see more of that before like when we first got to washington we would see all this amazing evergreen trees and moss and i'll just focus on moss but now i'm just like mushroom mushroom looking for yellow patches oh and the bottom of these [Music] thanks again to voxu for sponsoring this video wink
Channel: Miss Mina
Views: 647,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, food, mushroom foraging, mushroom, edible mushroom, mushroom hunt, washington, PNW, wilderness
Id: w3IbKVTM7B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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