Catching DUNGENESS CRABS by Kayak πŸ¦€ CATCH & COOK on Lopez Island

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today we are kayaking and catching crabs on lopez island which is located in washington state we then cook the crabs and also enjoy them on toast with aioli it's my first time crabbing so anthony and his family show us the way ready or not let's paddle and munch good morning from washington state specifically we are at lopez island and we're gonna be crabbing and kayaking with hi i'm anthony from edenwild and we're gonna do some kayaking and crabbing here and here's the family and today we're going to be kayaking in an extremely high tide usually our tide doesn't get this far up the beach in fact you can't even see the sand that'll be good because it'll bring more crabs into the bag we use a pretty unique setup here when we do it on the kayaks we use what's called a crab snare and if you take a look this little cage has the bait we're going to use some mackerel and some chicken today and the idea is this sits at the bottom we let a crab walk on top and start eating and when we feel a little tension we pull up on our line and hopefully one of the crab legs or a claw will get caught in these snares and that's why they call it a crab snare mommy is going to stay on the shore she's not the biggest fan of water so you guys set that trap this morning or yesterday just this morning wow there's like more than ten in there now not all of these are going to be legal we have to go through and measure the back of their shell and we'll do that we have a little gauge that tells us what we can eat and what we can't and then the other thing we have to do is look at males and females and i'll just try to grab one random this one is a male and you can see that like shape there i'm going to get a female a lot of males in here actually all right we got a female so here is the difference these are both undersized so we're gonna both throw these back but do you see the difference here and here she keeps her eggs here the female crab has a wide abdomen while the male has a narrow abdomen it's pointier regulations here require all female dungeness crabs to be released back to the water this is our red rock crab oh it's got a barnacle on there too yeah and you can see that the claws are very different than the dungeness crab even though this is a much smaller crab its claw is bigger than its dungeness crab i feel like the dungeness crab is much sweeter the meat is much sweeter than the red rock crab the minimum size for legally keeping male dungeness crabs is six and a quarter inches you measure from the first inner corner to the last inner corner estimating and using rulers are not recommended so be sure to use the crab measuring tool so what do you do with this leftover fish well we're gonna put this pot back out let's see if the boys scored with crab snares yup we got a winner what a beautiful crab he's a keeper yes he is it's so nice to be out here it's the best when you're paddling with people it makes it more fun and also less scary oh look at this water the wind is picking up during low tide this area you can actually walk on it and if you don't paddle you get carried away slowly but surely i am moving right [Music] because my kayak kept getting carried away while filming we do a switcharoo and i'll tandem kayak with anthony today's pretty windy but just two days ago flat as a pancake even this evening it just changes by the hour so we got to the last pot it's hooked onto this buoy sounds like there's some good action over there it's picking up again oh nice how are you oh [Music] no regrets though [Music] all right we're gonna cook some crabs we're gonna see if this will accompany this first we're going to cook the crab and enjoy it as is and then crystal is preparing something what exactly are you making so we're thinking that we're going to make kind of like a rustic crab toast with a little bit of fennel a little bit of spicy serrano peppers in there and a lemon garlic aioli [Music] take the nice sprigs actually what i'll do is i'll add some salt we're gonna wait until the water boils we're gonna humanely dispatch a crab uh so that you know we're not just throwing directly into the water and how you do that is guys check it out it is tailing and you said this is not normal right no this never happens so the rock crab has black manicure yeah look at that isn't it that's beautiful it looks a lot sturdier um in terms of a claw there when you look at the two side by side it's a nice chunk of meat right there you can kind of see that this part is a little bit smoother the rock crab is a lot bumpier and more defined anthony's gonna demonstrate the way to eat it i'll show you the first one of the legs so these knuckles are pretty hard so sometimes you can use a cracker just to break that a little bit but one thing that we really love using is a pair of scissors is that designed for cutting cream yeah [Music] and there's the crab meat right there [Music] uh oops okay there we go that sounded good the little claw will pull out alright we got one piece of meat right here let's try the dungeness crab i'm not gonna say this is the best it's a little bit of a fireworks thing sometimes the water just splashes water works let's have a good sized piece of the rock crab so i just learned that the rock crab the meat falls apart easier it flakes okay i'm gonna channel all my energy into my hands [Music] okay there we go i think i'm gonna burn more calories more than gaining it from eating this so we are going to put together our crab toast and we have just a basic regular fresh country bread and lopez i really like barn owl bakery we have our fresh aioli with garlic and lemon that mama oh helped whip up earlier today which is awesome and then we have our crab mixture this is going to be a little spicy so look for one without the pepper i think it's really good to have fresh lemon cheers thanks so much for having us that crunch is glorious let me guess the best craft toast you ever had you got the mega crispiness and the spiciness and you got two types of crabs in there this time i'm gonna try the crab with the aioli the crab by itself it's like the color yellow but when you add the aioli it's like a neon yellow it really makes things more vibrant [Music] we are back in the room and i had four pieces of those toasts crab toasts and we bought two more to the room maybe we could have as a midnight snack the next day we paddle back out to the crab pots and this time i shall do the pooling and some measuring glide in place oops so this water anthony was saying it's about eight to ten feet deep that's right it makes me feel a little less scared being on this water i think we caught some crabs i wonder how much of the weight is the um crab pot oh we got some crabs we gotta measure it though you can set it on my kayak i'm stuck i can do it all right all right okay we got one two three four five six crabs so one of the ones we just caught this one is a dungeness crab i could tell because the claw there is no black tip and also the rock crab is more red all over the body how do we measure it let's remember what anthony was telling us yesterday so we measure from this inner corner to this inner corner and this one's a keeper as for the ones that are not big enough to legally keep gently drop them back in [Music] we're paddling to the boat that's on land well not really a boat just a skeleton up ahead is a retired reef net boat fishermen would stand on top of the towers upon anchoring two boats next to each other with a net in between them when a school of fish swims between the two boats the fishermen would raise the net as this video comes to an end i want to thank anthony crystal and the whole family for hosting us on lopez island they run a cozy bed and breakfast called eden wild inn and it's super close to where we just went crabbing and kayaking you can check out their website for more info i put the link in the description box i have another lopez island video coming up where you'll see the bnb tour and more hope you enjoyed this outdoor adventure and see you in the next video remember to subscribe and hit that notification bell for food and travel in korea check out my other channel sweet and tasty tv toodles my noodles so under the buoy if you look closely there's some seaweed hanging onto it as a hold fast so my gopro decided not to work so i could tape it or fasten on the boat so instead i'm biting onto my phone case waterproof phone case oh it's windy hold on i didn't put the camera down i'm getting blown towards this rock it's my first time filming from a kayak so kayaking itself can be challenging enough but filming and kayaking you can watch like the camera and you gotta watch the waves oh yeah oh my god i was so focused on filming and paddling i didn't notice there was a boat coming but thankfully anthony told me about it i just barely in time avoided it all i had the um iphone in my lip like this i was like screaming that's the boat i almost hit they're there okay oh look at this water all right we're gonna pause here and observe what's underneath the water we have various sea grass we have a deteriorating piece of kelp over here [Music] you
Channel: Miss Mina
Views: 181,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, food, crabbing, catch & cook, island, catching crabs, dungeness crab, washington, local adventures, outdoor
Id: UThzG7Uihw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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