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when it comes to something special for the holidays not much more says I love you than a beautiful roasted prime rib wait how about a beautiful smoked prime rib wait and with Yorkshire [Music] pudding back in the old country we'd call them Yorkies that's not true I'm from Canada I'm not from Great Britain but we're making Yorkshire pudding they're going to be fabulous there's going to be a little gravy to go along with it because having a bite of roast beef than a beautiful little Yorkshire pudding with some gravy in it and all it's great Max makes an excellent point if you don't know what Yorkshire puddings are maybe there was a picture of one in this little yding is if you don't know what a Yorkshire pudding is it's not pudding it's like a popover it's a flour milk and eggs that go crispy on the outside light and the tender on the inside they're really great and they're they're the Cornerstone of every British Sunday dinner you hear the smoker or the planes the planes going so so let's just cut to the chase let me show you what we're dealing with and we can start this my friends is a 5.75 lb standing prime rib and it's Prime grade prime rib does not necessarily mean Prime grade could be choice this one happens to be Prime and you'll notice that the bones are still here now I think you've seen before when I've purchased one of these the Bones have been cut off and then The Butchers tied them back on they do that because when you go to carve it you just cut a couple strings this comes off and it makes it much easier I'm going to show you how to do it because I like it for that reason but I also like it because with these off before you tie them back on you can season all the way around this more seasoning more flavor we put gloves on and we cut oh that that hits with some Authority doesn't it to do this you want a good knife I just happened to have a Sam the cooking guy boning knife right here by the way available at shop what we want to do first is come along here and get rid of this fat we'll save it to render down for another day's use but today we'll just come like this and then turn follow the bone that all right now you can see what we're dealing with here we're going to make these a little prettier by cutting off this part this is called Frenching the bone we'll just take the meat out in between this is an unnecessary but you can see it's going to end up being much prettier as we go so finish this guy over here Frenching the bone is also something else Frenching the bone I remember being a young man and learning my ways of the world and when I figured out what French kissing was wondered if that's all they did in France if they if they only kiss like that is it me or is French kissing the first time a bit startling when you're not prepared for it and your partner is What's Happening Here what is going on and then suddenly you're like all right I'm I'm okay with this plan let's keep going but in the beginning ye so how obsessive do you want want to be here how perfect do you want to make these little bones you can make them pretty and then if you want I mean there's all kinds of little extra meat you can take off trim them up so they're super neat it just makes prettier presentation but again you don't have to be doing this so if you're okay with that nice so we'll take these pieces now we want to take the bones all the way off so we're just going to follow the way along right here come down hug hug the bones all the way until they release like that beautiful I love it now we want to get rid of some of this extra fat maybe down to oh4 of an inch is we don't take it all off because you know fat means flavor and I got to admit I do like a bite of beautiful fat on a roast beef when I'm eating it I've mentioned my brother-in-law Tony before everything's gone he would take every ounce of fat off and I think that's a mistake Tony but he doesn't listen to me it's a great knife I'm not saying that cuz my name is on it well I suppose I am but look a good knife is important if you don't have have one whether you buy ours or not if you're going to do stuff like this look I love this little santoku but is not the right knife for something like this you want a longer thinner blade so when you've got off as much fat as you think you need okay I'm good let's move this out of the way and now we'll make the rub that's going on the outside Bowl prepared horseradish not horseradish cream prepared horseradish this is 4 oz I'm going to use out about 2 and 1 half or three of this to that we will add some mustard you could use any kind you like I'm going to use grainy deli mustard and hope I have oh boy oh yeah 1/4 cup should be fine I'm going to go with about a tablespoon or two of garlic paste 1 tbspoon of soy paste yes I love my soy paste and some parsley chopped up couple tablespoons of this and we mix oh [ __ ] the smell all right let's get the roast beef back there's our guy we're going to start by seasoning well with our BFF we can go all the way around and you can be fairly aggressive look it's a big piece of meat and our BFF is kosher salt coar ground black pepper and granulated garlic nice nice now this business with your hands oh can you smell this Max right from here yeah I'm super happy remember if you didn't cut the bones off you weren't getting any of this bottom side but because we're so smart we will now I'll set that aside for a second get this guy here we'll give him the benefit of a little salt on both sides and then as Gordon Ramsey would say just mop up the counter with this beat okay I need some string need this out of the way I'm going to just not make this clean at all because it doesn't matter what you do three of these guys so we're going to cut our strings long enough to go all the way around our fellow and then we're going to put the bottom ribs back on and attach beautiful we want to tie this whole kit up nicely to help it cook evenly and then once it does we're going to be able to head over to the smoker say goodbye to the extra string and our final one beautiful all right I see a bolt spot fellas I love our work let's pick this kit up head over to the smoker and we're there we're at 375 take the guy I'll set them in right there beautiful and because I don't want to guess I'm going to put a probe in to the center I want to be there down we go and that's it that's all the heavy lifting for this I've set the thermometer to tell me when we're at 125° we'll take it off then it will continue to rise another five or six Dees and somewhere just Slightly North of 130 is going to be a beautiful medium rare in the meantime we'll prep the batter for our Yorkshire puddings because it needs to sit in the fridge for you know an hour here's the beginning of our Yorkshire puddings equal parts egg milk and flour four eggs will go in we beat the eggs just a little bit and then add a cup of milk let's go with a teaspoon of salt and now our flour we want to sift a cup of flour into this so just through a strainer a little bit at a time like that and then when it's all in we mix really well you want this super smooth just keep going lumps will not be helpful to your Yorkies coming out nicely beautiful this now is going to go into the fridge you want to give it at least an hour you do it overnight if you wanted that would be fine we're going to not need it until the Yorkshire puddings go right into the oven and I'll explain that when we get there but that's uh that's you know hour and a half or so from now this goes in the fridge let's start a little onion gravy because why wouldn't we the these are my raycon earbuds I wear these every day I go to the gym why the sound come on I'm not going to wear something that sounds like crap in my ears put them in because of this and as if these weren't good enough this past year they expanded their business with raycon Powertech but you don't have to take my word for it they have tens of thousands of fivestar reviews it's regular everyday people like you and me chance is regular free shipping buy now pay later options and on the chance you don't like them easy and free returns no questions asked and right now raycon is offering limited time bundles on some of their bestselling products if this is not the time to buy I don't know what is and let me ask you why am I still yelling did somebody ask me what's my favorite bundle what's your favorite bundle thank you chance Max is asleep back there it's the everyday earbuds kit three sets of these you want a different color get a different color they're killing the competition with great audio great prices and this is the time to buy so this holiday season get premium audio and Powertech at a great price go to buy stcg to get 15% off sitewide that's the whole sitewide means the whole site this is a pot with a little heat underneath it we're going to cook some onions in that but instead of olive oil or butter because today's all about the beef I'm using beef Tallow that was not very elegant this is the first of two times we'll be using beef Tallow you'll see when it pops up again so as this starts to melt we'll add about a cup of diced yellow onion we'll mush it around a bit and now we want these to begin to caramelize because that's really going to bring out the flavor the sweetness and make everything better so don't rush it you're probably looking at 7even 8 minutes before it starts to get where we want to continue without thinking and without telling the boys to shoot it I threw in a little bit of butter a couple minutes ago so I'll repeat it so you can see it that'll just help with the color a little bit add a little richness and make everything nice so you got the beef Tallow you've got the butter we're going to give this another few minutes I want this a little deeper in color before we start the next step with our onions looking beautiful We'll add about a half a tablespoon of garlic paste give it a mix goodness gracious and when it get super fragrant couple tablespoons of flour over the top and mix oh look Suddenly It's a Sahara Desert dry Sandy give it a minute just wait it's going to get amazing now we can start adding some beef broth little at a time and the little at a time business is so that it doesn't get clumpy add it stir when it's smooth add a little bit more and of course when you smoke you're not really getting the benefit of Dripping so yeah cuz you're so high make but let's add two things shall we add about a tablespoon of Worster Shire and about a half a tablespoon of dark soy so the thickness part is up to you my friends so the thickness part if you're a super thick gravy person then less broth if you like it thin then more broth but now we need to season because we haven't yet so we'll give it a little of our BFF and mix let's let Max decide how thick he wants his gravy I like I that looks pretty good to me is it okay we're not going to get rid of our broth because as this sits of course we don't need this yet but as it sits it's going to thicken up a bit or as guy Fury might say might tighten up a bit so we'll keep the broth handy because it's going to cool we want to get it back to where we want it to be if it does that and in the meantime let's go have a look at our prime rib see how it's doing and after about uh 40 minutes look it but we're only at 60° so we deaf have a way to go the prime rib is close and when it comes off the smoker in will go the Yorkshire puddings but first we have to heat the pan with some grease in here so I'm going to use about a teaspoon of this beef Tallow in each one my oven is at 475 this goes in it gets screaming hot we quickly take it out and then put in the batter hey kids you're having fun next door suddenly me Max and chance are like three old men over here hey you kids get off my lawn all right 475 15 minutes then you see the batter part okay these have been in 15 minutes look they're just starting to smoke this is great this is great you want this hot AF so be very careful bring it out this next part happens quick here's my batter one good stir and now we go like this if you can hear the sizzle about halfway trying to be nice and neat now you don't want this temp to drop which is why we're making such a concerted effort to be quick about it because you do this the right way and you'll be rewarded with Gorgeous Yorkshire puddings and then we go we take this back in and there we are and oh snap there's our guy looking about as pretty as you could ask for and smelling about as good as you could ask here's my plan I take it off I tent it Loosely with foil and when those York or puddings are ready it's ready and everything comes together I think I said if you do everything right you'll be rewarded and I've been rewarded I didn't say what I forgot to tell you was the important most important thing was do not open the oven while they're cooking do not open the oven I don't care what happens if there's a fire in the oven then you can open it up but aside from that no and look at them oh they're gorgeous crispy on the outside and they're light oh on the inside and they're HF they're HF oh HF oh HF they're hot as [ __ ] but so now a little bite of this is appropriate you want these but wait remember our gravy this is when they really shine you get some of this beautiful onion gravy on them here's a heaven man if you've never made these I want you to make them you'll be so damn happy but this was just splash but and it's it's five after five on a school night shouldn't they be in there studying or something eating dinner taking baths but here's the thing this is a boat the prime rib it's not about this so let's get to that and there we are he fell over a little bit but he's no less beautiful so here's what we want to do now we just want to take our strings off so just snip snip and remember that's what happens the bones come off now when you go to carve you're just dealing with this and I think the right move boys it's to just come in in nice little ways and give it a good cut shall we the smell really is quite spectacular that ladies and gentlemen we cooked it to 125° and let it rest about uh 25 minutes and that's what you get what's interesting is people think a smoker is used for low and slow and yes I could have done this at 250° but I don't like to wait that long for some things this was cooked at 375 and it came out perfect you cannot complain about any part of this well I suppose you could but don't because why would you and one of my favorite bites is going to be be some outside and some inside so the whole thing no at the same time I like the outside because it's got this beautiful crust on it the horseradish the grainy mustard and a bite I could have asked for it to be any better I could not have asked the level of smoke is great I use pan on this I find mosquit and Hickory it's too smoky for me I don't like that and Kelly doesn't like it either so the pecan the Apple some of the fruit Woods I find a little bit milder but this horseradish on the outside the grainy mustard so good so good and oh here watch this move just get a a little piece of the popover a beautiful little slice of this nobody move and some of the gravy it's menal it's straight menal you can say mental right happy holiday eating this was not complicated and if you didn't want to do this and if you didn't want to do it in a smoker you don't have a smoker the exact same rules apply indoors everything the same 375 till it hits quarter let it rest a half an hour and you get that perfect medium rare all right that's all for me and I'm going to end right now because now the boys can come e to thanks you guys hey hit the Subscribe button if you haven't let us know what you want us to make in the comments below and go to shop to get your stuff this stuff this stuff [Music] yeah
Views: 503,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, prime rib dinner, prime rib, sam the cooking guy prime rib, sam the cooking guy dinner, sam the cooking guy prime rib dinner holiday, holiday dinner, sam the cooking guy holiday dinner, sam the cooking guy prime rib holiday dinner, cooking holiday dinner, cooking dinner
Id: 26-tVN2ezlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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