Mudlarking: The weird and wonderful! Treasure hunting in a Victorian rubbish dump!

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[Music] [Music] so we just got home to our favorite place and we're not even there yet and we're walking along the path the most amazing things so it's so cute it's a little yes we'll show you right now I'll show you okay I would say see you on the first fine but it's literally just ass okay so this is it can you see that oh my god oh my gosh look at it oh I think it's off a figurine but it's beautiful it's like a little chicken I don't know doesn't I think it might be chicken chicken head love it was just in the past it's just the fact that it was just in the past looking up at us is a NICU nice okay I see a brown blob of clay down there and it looks oh no not there that I'm trying to look through the lens of the camera over there yeah look I think we can guess what it will I hope it is what it is look I think it is yes look a little bit strange no isn't it's very poorly molded but it is definitely a little head heads the head the head is a head all right she said good Baker song okay so I'm just having a mich around in these and this under gross and you can see there's a bit of a cod bottle [Music] and I've just picked up these look at that beautiful piece of glass and on sort of cranberry colored glass isn't that gorgeous the other thing is a bag seal which I found lots of so I'm just going to have more of a look around here waste of shells pottery [Music] everything's broken spot the find it's very does a very difficult one because I could not see it through the camera its thou have a look probably plain no no it's not plain it's got a heart on it it's another Thomas white pipe there we go TW is white with a heart can't go wrong Piper okay so I just found this lovely bit of blue and white and it's got a house on it down here or a mill or something and over here looks like a lighthouse it's really lovely Ansel seen oh oh I think it's like soapstone it's like soapstone oh is it comes like some kind of pedestal like Chinese maybe well Japanese oh wow so cool we could make something with that I just found a whole bottle here oh I think it might be yes I don't think it's got any writing on it but it's a bottle it's quite an unusual shape though isn't it it's good for something on the bottom oh yeah like a fork oh I think it's still good it's got its top a stuck here look like a glass top oh that's why it's still got oh it's got something written here like a registration number maybe wasn't it me I'm guessing some kind of perfume or cologne yeah oh that's unusual - I like that it's a lovely bottle might have the original stuff inside you never know hmm great oh look what I've just pulled out of the back what's this it's a pipe cutter means it's big one I think it's plain it's got some milling around the top there oh I think that might be a cutter pipe because it's quite chunky yeah okay so this is a nice bass pot and I have found some really cool looking things okay so first first where is it I've lost them oh yeah another hot clay pipe Oh Thomas white Oh a nice put it another one up here it's broken but look it's quite fancy it's got a strange design on it quite a fancy little design which is uncommon for us to find anything other than this there's something else I spotted that looked really cool oh look at that tiny little dolls pot lid how kids arts tiny and the best find I saw up here so you know how I just found a bird's head before like a second ago well look at this it's look it's another head it's like maybe a swan it looks like as beaks chip chipped off I think here's my miss one's head in glass how beautiful is that see something sticking out just here looks rather suspicious there's anything on it oh it's a funny shape it's not a tw1 I don't think don't know I don't feel something there I'm not sure if it's just nothing melted on it I think it might just be something melted on it white no it's just being in the fire okay so I just found this and it's there's just this bit of a degree metal sticking out but look it's a pipe bowl Wow I have never seen a pipe Bowl oh my gosh with metal around the top rim that's so strange I've never seen anything like that do you think that would be like a really long stem I don't know it's got quite a big heel on it I have never seen a metal on a pipe before that's that's something to investigate yeah course interestings me to look up there you go something new he is a very very worn clay marble it's almost worn away it's a nothing so what are the chances of this this is the third Fang that we have found at this at this dump like and what I don't understand why there's so many fangs well we've only been here three times this our third time there's a third fine I'm not sure what creature this is off someone actually suggested it was of a seal and they could be right could be a seal it could be a seal Fang seal tusk interesting though I'd be able to make some jewelry out of them look at this it's a it's a clay yep clay what am I talking about it's LED toy yeah down by the river it's and a guy riding a horse but he's headless of course he's headless I'm not a little horse head look my little face Oh Oh shame they're always they're always missing some part of them though with it so it's not unusual but I'm not finding these it's cute I was bag seal actually when you sit down and get close to the ground I know we keep saying it but you just see so much more so many more things just start like coming out at ya I'm probably sitting on something actually oh what's that there oh there we go it's a glass button look that's a little cut glass but now I'm pretty sure we found one of these every time we've cooked yeah we found all of them okay so I just found another hole jam jar another plant parts great spot the find is yeah and it's a little button oh it's got writing on it look like make it out wait till we get home oh cool no one was just foul I'm just picked up half a bead and it's a clear bead we've never found a clear bead that would that would have been a first if I had been home okay so I noticed some strange long object can just about see it there that thing but as I knelt down as usual I spotted something else look oh it's a pink bead it's a teeny tiny pink bead like a baby pink bead that's so precious it's metal thing there as well oh but no what did i sat in the pipe Oh No did it have anything on it I bet no I've had anything on it I'm gonna did it have something on it no no I'm gonna go for this thing up here oh I suspected it was a toothbrush there we go it's an old bone toothbrush don't think has anything on it I think it's bone might be bakelite I can't really see it properly hold on I'll look at with my eyes oh it does have something on it it's very faint it's has something there well we'll have to look at that closely oh my I'm not sure if it's bone or not I can't get close enough look at it okay so I thought this is just a bit of broken slate but look it's got little lines we see little lines don't know if it's showing up scored into it that would have been slate used in school hang on I'll zoom in can you see that look lines rolled across it for the children to get their lettering in the right place Wow we found lots of lead pencils but I've never found a piece of actual school slate I love it [Music] oh wait a minute what's that oh it's part of a face oh that would have been beautiful look at that look it's the mouth and the cheek and I some hair it would have been beautiful on oh well I'm talking of slate pencils here's one try that out on that bit of slate later you're the first person to draw on it since Victorian times I see a bottle here it was a bit of resistance going on so I'm hoping that there is well it's home and hopefully it has embossing on it oh no that that's a bone oh it is it's a burr slip sauce bottle did I see the burr slip on there but have been blowing into a mold and just above the top of the mold they would have blow in a big bubble and basically snap the bubble or burst the bubble and that's why they called burr slip bottles I might keep that one says Oh just found a broken white bead kind of breaks my heart a little bit when you find a broken bead but well I got a really knock head clay marble it's really well corroded probably because it's so acidic around here because of the rubbish dump and oh just lost the clue marble and there is a square copper nail ok spot the find I think I've just found a bead we would just say we never find clear beads and here's one wait I'll zoom in oh I was zoomed in look wow that's so cool I just sat down and what's this in front of me it's a card marble actually it's first one I found today but it's got a chip out of it it looks like a head but it didn't look like human head does it good no oh it's a cat or a fox or something or bad growl I dunno or a dog yes could do dog give it a wash okay what is it I think it's a little dog it could be like a little Corgi or something oh that's quite cute and its own broken up a little way think I've just found the tiniest the teeny tiniest watch glad blegh I've just spotted something else up here look oh it's Bear Dolls face and eye and a nose and a little mouth with little teeth with creepy little teeth yeah it has little teeth but look down here look down here I think these are the tiniest tiniest sled toys I've ever seen in my life look at this it is it's a guy on a horse but look it's only like that's crazy of course even in this you know this tiny size it's headless there but look look oh there's a tiny little British flag it's made of large look at its tiny British black I think might be the English flag yeah it was probably thing just flag look how tiny little LEDs little tiny lens toys they are just so cute oh I spotted something else down here as well it's a stud brass stud oh wow I want more little tiny toys oh hey that's a doll with the strange little teeth you can see how it's applied on the back it's a back seal it's the same as all the others I found I've just found this oh that's so pretty look at that great big piece of plate it's got some man in a boat oh I love it must have been part of a big platter it's a bead oh it's a lovely blue what's oh it's a lovely blue don't if you can see it on there oh look at that it's beautiful yay another bead we've just found another one another horsey another tiny horsey I don't know why I haven't found any of these tiny horses before and then suddenly - they're so cute I love them there's other bits of toy down here I think that is a bit of one and that I think maybe some kind of weight for something and this led and I found this clay pipe bill but it hasn't got anything on it it's a TW one though Thomas white can see it quite clearly it's it it's a tiny bead like absolutely minuscule Louis tiniest we need white bead ever I love it well there's some good good finds I love those all that toy so there are lots of bits of lead I'm kind of collecting up there melted I'm wondering if they've all were they all were once bits of LED toys maybe but I know not all LED toys were actually made of lead I'm not sure I don't put these in here I found another one another tiny little white bead just know another bead another white bead look I think it's slightly bigger a little bigger than the other one yay that's three beads today and haven't found a blue one [Music] no idea what this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this family's perfectly broken piece of pottery not sure what it's ours the first time I've seen it ah stoke-on-trent Staffordshire England of course orchid I'm guessing the pattern there's nothing nothing much left of it now but I'm guessing that's what the pattern with skulls and that's the that's the registration number stoke-on-trent is known for its pottery the Potteries a stoke-on-trent is also known as my brother actually lives down there now but it is famous for its pottery all over the world and even today gosh so I found this is random it feels like lead but it's probably like pewter might be pewter or something but look I just realized what it is it's the mouthpiece of a whistle an old tin whistle how wonderful is that there's such a personal item and being an instrument a musical instrument just for me you makes it really special just to think what Tunes were played with this and who played it I absolutely love that little item I was just about to do is pop the fine down here actually when I saw that it's quite a difficult one because I don't know I don't know how I spotted it but just there I think that is a cod Marvel which would be my first Cod marble of the day yep good old cod marble you can't go wrong with the cod marvel okay so I saw something upside down here and it looked like porcelain clay so I flipped over and I think it's a head the show has are some kids over there anyway oh wow it's little soldier look at that it says little soldier with a helmet on oh wow that's beautiful he's reading is really detailed that's beautiful I love it I love the little soldier head look what just dropped out of the bank as ice scraping I heard wow look at that and it's got its shoulders oh my goodness it's got its little shoulders and everything oh look at that it looks like it's probably a little man don't know it's a hair in a bun I can't wait to clean that up ahead I found one of the little Stoppers oh look isn't that cute and it's not broken oh oh this is the first clear on man this is the first clear bead we're having a bead day oh that's beautiful yay that's for beads today then so I just realized this little head they found this little head that I found I'm so happy because look at his face he's got a Tash look at his little mustache oh my gosh the little - I love it it's one of my favorite finds of the day for some reason just I love his old it's a little mustache it's a little bag seal and you can quite clearly say see on there see arr which is quite cool I can see a pipe bowl it's very difficult to look in the water cuz its flowing quite quickly oh that is a big pipe ball but the size of that that's a chunky monster I found as beautiful I rubbed it and it's on my fingers look beautiful mother-of-pearl button gorgeous colors this is gobby I think this is a bead but it can't be a bead it is oh my gosh it's the tiniest Beach I found today it's green just beautiful I don't you know how I spot that that's just gorgeous I love that it's I'm scared that I'll drop it it's tiny isn't it I don't know how I even saw that I go that's even tiny than the one I just found oh my gosh I don't even know how you see them like how do you see beads that tiny is gorgeous quickly put it in your bag oh my gosh oh it's a whole oh it is yes it's whole oh no way it's missing its fingers it's missing its term oh no I [Music] did I said I said though we wanted to find a limited a and that's a limb oh look look what mom just found they have a million names for what were you gonna call them I don't know jack it's a jack a knuckle bone agape Wow oh it's a green one this time it doesn't look like it's going big chips out of it oh cool oh that's so cool we connect we're getting a little collection of them now two counts as a collection doesn't it three oh okay we need three then I know it gutted about this cuz look how tiny that stopper whopper top is it's broken unfortunately here's another one [Music] so we finished here for the day yeah three we're starving actually I'm so hungry we actually had a really good day we both found some really good things some really interesting things I wait to get home and clean them on and look over we've got display them and see what we've got which is really exciting so yeah it's just been a good day as now so we'll see you very soon [Music] okay so here are the lovely things we found yeah Russia we found some things we haven't found before which is always exciting new things yeah and some familiar things which you will recognize of course so we will start with our pottery I think we started watching we found some really nice big pieces with some lovely pictures oh yeah that's the one you found early on yeah I like that I've realized as a theme in the pottery that I pick up they all all the bits of pottery that I picked up this time they all had leaves over here they all have leaves on that has leaves and oranges that has leaves on it that there are some buildings oh the buildings yeah I like that all night buildings and I've yeah like this one is a little scene on there people and leaves for some reason I like to pick up and I found this I like this one cuz because last yeah good for making things that's where it's got boats and people and a bridge I think this is the back of a doll's head yeah we got some glass nice glass oh this glass some glass is just the most beautiful color I think I might collect some of this flat glass and try and do some the colored glass that would be really cool yeah cuz I have the the stuff to do stain good yeah just solder the glass up got some copper tape yeah this another bit of flat glass that could kind of go with it isn't it yeah this one's quite interesting yes it's part of a sort of a stained glass window I suppose it's stained but it's been engraved into and it's quite deeply carved and yeah kinda can I just see it there but what half a millimeter deep something like that probably being the window maybe took her yeah that's that was that was our first thought that it was a pub the window I don't know I don't know why chemist or maybe a shop yeah we'll say it's off a shop window or some kind of advertising isn't it and it kind of reminds me of the beer advertising in pubs yeah same like similar font oh this is an unusual yeah this this we think it's soapstone yaks Chinese oriental yeah type warming it's just got carving on those three panels and the Resta at first I just thought it was a rock it's obviously a plant there's now some it's held something I wonder if some kind of brass figure didn't use some kind of brass or bronze figure figurine or something anyone could recognize that yeah very interesting but I'm pretty sure it's a plinth can't make out what those pictures are it's just like floral baby I don't know what that is it reminds me of the the buildings jinan I mean the Oriental buildings they'd be like stepped on the roofs I don't know tiles I don't know what kind of it yeah so up here we found two more I'm Nigel a mom made slash Jam probably marmalade they are in really nice condition and they're not chipped or broken anything and they're going to be perfect and candidates for our bad pots or flat pot holders or something maybe like candle holders you could like pour in a couple and we have so I think they would look lovely with like herbs in or something and they yeah this is a sauce bottle I'm pretty sure there's a little sauce bottle it says wd-10 on bottom Bert said wd-40 this this one oh I had some information about that yeah you did it's a bit battered up you can see you can see it's got such a crack in there and a crack in the top as well it's a perfume up on the screen what that we looked up I looked up the registration yeah you did some detective and a glass maker in London but I can't remember his name yeah so that's on the screen on the screen right maybe we should move on to the metal we got back feels more bag seals old bag seals bag or Bale seals that would have been attached onto the strings of a bag or a bail and they all have the same thing on ciear and then see see on the other side this is a squashed bullet bullet it's got that inside and it's brown side I think this is all some kind of rail or a brass bed or something or a lamp like a what could even be yeah it could it could be a number of things yeah um this a mystery mystery object number one object right there if you know what that is please let us know because we'd have nobody real check number two this is just a nice curly piece of metal look a bit of a spoon washer yes one of those this looks like some kind of weight off something look like what a spinned spun it just reminds me some kind of weight doesn't it yeah counterbalance that's a good wave I don't know what that is another mystery bit of pipe I think that's off the back of a button for a stud this pick this up cuz you don't know what it is but I kind of recognize it but I can't think what I recognize it from kind of thing so again if you know where any of these are be great to know in a coin a coin but it's just a modern two vents from the eighties 88 1988 and a square copper now handmade staying on metal we've got these metal toys oh yeah I think the my metal toys are my favorite fine I found this look I love this horse's face look at that I love it and then at the leg I was laughing my head off the other night when I was washing this look at the leg look at it it's just some reformed it's funny how his head yeah Iranians these really thin reins manage to survive and yet his head is still managed to be snap yeah but enough there was led tweeze and tin whistle yeah mouthpiece and we like this because it's a very personal item and it would have made music slayed this years ago you said instrument sounds would have been made with this someone want to put their lips around there and blow their lung air through it you know it's very personal really yeah and these um I love these I didn't realize the lad toys would be so tiny nice little English flag and the kids got the Three Lions on one side yeah or three sausages three something's oh yeah kind of look just they just look like there's a little horsey a bit mangled by still lover and then the tiniest LED toy that we found yet it's a miniscule look at that they're like dolls house dolls toys you know yeah the Joey's of those house toys but I would love to come it for dolls house dolls oh yes the toys of dolls house beautiful so yeah I would love to make casts out these and make really quirky necklaces and they would make a great talking point for a necklace be like what is that around your neck and as I offer some random woman from England custom oh yeah and it's too big to be a fox it's too fat for a fox tooth and it's - it's a little too big for a badger tooth and someone suggested it could be a seal I've never found a seal skull before so it's got a massive root on yeah so it might be a seal but it could be a dog as well so but I don't know does know I don't know for sure and there's another canine of some carnival we've got these dolls figs yeah the base so mum found a foot some feet nice handsome feet and then the same kind of figurine so wondering if there was some kind of cake like decorations or something like that or some some kind of trinket you win a fair Mamie yeah fairings yeah Ferenc though that's what they're called and here we have some very messed up clay grated say marbles poor clay moles marbles and again I'll show it for anyone who doesn't know cotton lava would have come out of marble a marble bottle like this a con bottle as they're known as CEO see ya named after the inventor of the neck of the bottle Hyrum Cod paint and painted did this in 1872 so they go their children would smash the top yeah so that's it's sometimes quite difficult to find a full card bottle because kids want us to get to these to play marbles with so they're usually found separately buttons we've got a variety buttons here actually we've got this says edge brass ring and I think we've found those before we've got I think that's a little plastic stud but it's a probably like bakelite and early plastic of sorts that is a cut glass button and this is a mother-of-pearl button so we've got quite a range nice little ring back of the stud which all that started last time didn't we one of those and then beats whoa we found B we found loads of beats but look at how small they are I think with round ah the tiny tiny speed we have we both found so one found a blue one and I found the green one and mum wins on the tiniest but Alex found the green one did you see that and then you found rate afterwards so look at how tiny it is it is what a millimetre and a half maybe not maybe it like a millimeter but they do they do only just fit on our bead string so we are gonna put them on and the pink one which as you can see on here we've never found a pink ones and that's the first for us and unlikely over here one which we also don't have so that's always good but a lovely bright blue one oh yeah that's one of the brightest blues we have actually look okay so oh and a broken beads on a little broken dolls dish which we might save to give to kingka bootless fix it up oh yes doll yeah this is a favorite bit oh yes we found out for these we found our first one of these few videos yeah a few weeks ago and it was a it was so exciting but they have so many different names we don't really know what to call them five stacks knuckle goings go bees they just have lots of names so then that that's what it is it's a game yeah I'll put a picture up of some people playing it as an ancient game actually it actually derives from ancient Greece I think so it's mere thousands of years old that game and they would have originally played the game with actual knuckle bones of sheep yeah so that's why they have known as knuckle bones so that's happen which we're not we're not lucky on arms but mum found an arm which is great the fingers are a bit broken yeah it's a funny shape it is there's no effort to be like attached on like yeah we're thinking it must have just been attached with your sewin right to the wrist yeah dolly this is gorgeous I love it still got its little show yes it's mostly hole and it has a beautiful little face as well I think it's German yes many of them are German so we actually had a German subscriber saying that you can't find these dolls in Germany but they are actually made made in Germany so Felicity something there must be some there if you keep persisting you'll find the jackpot somewhere I suppose a lot we're exported though yeah Alex found this hurt I love this I looked at it and I thought straightaway of Lord your country needs you and I I've seen some figurines of him in a similar hat Victorian ones that predate the First World War mm-hmm ones where he's in a cap so it could be Lord shake yeah how cool would that be any it's got those same kind of Tosh is well the same sort - we don't usually find male heads so that's why I really like this one in the fact that he hasn't look as cute yeah look he's trying to be all tough with his little mustache oh that's the most like it must have been such a cheap doll because look how little detail there isn't there you caught it fold I mean it value looks like a head has no features whatsoever a bit of a doll with the creepy little teeth because you're the creepy little teeth in there I like how they've applied on the back we could make jewelry out of this but like a silver bezel around and that'd be cool I think I'm going to do that oh and you could make jewelry this other one that you found oh look they're like two parts in the same head well yeah I can't even tell doggy little dog looks like a cookie doesn't look like a Kong be a little cookie costing little dolls lid oh yes the tiniest my nuta slid that I found so far and this I really like this glass Swan I think it's this one because Leah shwoo and laconic could be a shoe but it has no beak sadly I knows I first find of the day was one bad is it I think it might be a pigeon a pigeon he's got these old bits here that could be a chick-chick the rouse a grouse okay yeah some kind of game bad maybe Oh quail quail oh it kind of looks like a quail who knows oh yeah I picked this up because it's just so perfectly snapped off the top of a tea pot lid yeah and I thought oh I like that so I feed it up and then here we have our pipes yeah lots we found a pattern ball neck most of a part we don't often find pans beautiful as it is well we do find pattern ones hearts we find service oh my got so many Thomas white hot pipes this is an unusual one it's got a mark on here it looks like it says do us something something it's got a lot of iron standing on there unfortunately just a big old bowl that's huge look how it like thick the peers of it is so chunky not heal as well Wow well the spur is quite chunky and another Thomas white doesn't have a heart on it and it's smaller this one is my favorite because I've never found anything like it this one's unusual it's got like a brass rim around the top and you can see where it's hot it's been scalloped shaped yeah you can see sort of after an impression on the clay and also the metals had engraving on it like floral leaves yeah yeah you can see it just there kind of engraving on it and I've tried looking them up but I can't find anything like it so yeah a pipe with metal on the top that's really cool I've earned a first yeah we've never seen one no never seen any other mudlark find one either so yeah that's really interesting another favorite find of mine oh this is so cool the school slate from Orion time oh that's on this side it's got I remember using ruled lines like this yeah I know books and pieces right yeah primary school yeah and this sides got close together aligns and here yeah kind of wipes off very easily yeah that's beautiful we'll put up some pictures of some love to have more related pictures of this but it's amazing to have the slate and the little hand marks oh the little hands that would have touched that and probably was in a wooden frame probably write my name is so cute here's some more bits of pipes yeah pipe stem and mum got a tiny another one with a tiny stopper I love the little tiny Stoppers they're so cute and so that brings us to our final yeah and Alex found here's a bone toothbrush a little bit of information that's quite interesting actually because it's it's made of bone and it says extra Coupland and son chemist arrogant and it's got a phoenix trademark on that you can just see and they were listed as pharmaceutical chemists at 20 regent parade and 20 montpellier parade Harrogate in Yorkshire and that was in the post office directory of 1876 so I went to the census information and I found 1871 census regent parade Harrogate Joseph Coupland head pharmaceutical chemist and he was age 45 born in Harrogate his wife's Mary Jane she was 26 born in Dundee and he had a son William aged one and a daughter Helen aged one month and now living with them was his mother Eleanor and she was 67 and she's described as a gentle woman and then he has three apprentices a cook a monthly nurse a housemaid and a 13 year old errand boy must have been quite a big house but the interesting thing is his mother now I went back in the census to 1851 and Joseph is a chemist he's 25 and he's living at Regent's Parade with his mother Eleanor who is a widow but she's the head of the household and she's listed as her occupation as a chemist so the Copeland and son was a mother and son because the father died when he was just a boy yeah so so he couldn't have been his father it couldn't and his father was called them John he was also a chemist yeah because the son back then would have only just been a child and Joseph's son wasn't old enough for the time period so it must have been her so she was the chemist with her son Joseph we assumed it would have we just assumed a guy and no no it was the woman with her son which reminds me of an ancestor of ours hula printers the husband died young and she took over the printing business in the 18th century and it was Sarah s Rodham and son so there are women in the past who owned and ran businesses she was a printer yeah our ancestor Sarah so that's interesting they really interesting and you can see little scrape marks around the head with people's teeth of things scraping on it yeah you can kind of see it go you know because it's made of photo blown we're probably hog hog yeah so only they made by a gradable fully biodegradable toothbrushes like that today okay so we've got something to show you now that someone Center so we're gonna clear okay but I will show you so the eagle-eyed amongst you may have already spotted this because we were wearing these during our video and they're already and they were brilliant we absolutely loved them I love my little one okay it's being embroided with Alex it's got little seagull on northern mud luxe and they also have whistles my mum has a compass on and it's braided with her name Gail yeah because because I'm little well these were sent to us by Lori Riley at Great Walks designs there we go thank you so much we really appreciate these because they are fantastic and as you can see we've already used them and they were great they were great sturdy put them to the test yeah on this video and yeah they they were in the water we put with some my bag was actually dangling in the river while I was scraping away no it's fantastic for beachcombers or mud luxe that this one's good for putting larger things in like the bottles and jars this one for smaller things it's a scale and Alex thank you for keeping us happy oh god bless you Lori yeah and so there are measures sea glass seashell beachcombing bags and they're made with UV protected thread and weather durable PVC mesh to allow it to drain which I was really had it in to fasten to suit belt and these are made by Sun sport canvas so rack and click call you for a great you can call me from like across the beach yeah whistle so thank you very much for Laurie for sending these yeah we absolutely love them and it was so thoughtful of you and we're going to certainly be using them yeah so yeah that's it for this video yay and we'll see you next time yeah thank you to all of our patrons and and all the people who take time to comment and all of our subscribers of course and everyone who just comes along to watch exactly so we'll see you again very soon and goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music] Danaher Tallyho it's Lord Kitchener on his horse to the rescue
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 76,919
Rating: 4.9594507 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking england, victorian dolls, Mudlarking, northern mudlarking, history hunting, historic finds, mudlarking scotland, northern mudlarks, bottle digging, british history, finding treasure, bottle dump, scottish mudlarking, treasure hunting scotland, treasure hunting
Id: vm8SI3DEgQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 3sec (3903 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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