A winter storm left things to find. Mudlarking adventure at the big bottle dump.

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good morning afternoon evening or night whenever you're watching this welcome a storm named bella came through and the rivers rose high and in this place that means there will be new old things to find at this mammoth dump site the river hasn't quite gone down yet it's still about 60 centimeters above its usual level but i'm wearing waders not so i can find things in the river for visibility today is too poor for that and the currents are still dangerously strong instead they're so but i'll be more easily able to traverse for tricky parts for today will include the kind of wet clay that loves to eat boots so let us see what interesting things the storm might have revealed [Music] [Music] so [Music] first interesting find i spotted whilst walking into the water it's a large tile with kind of a pentagram and a circle inside and inside the circle it says the peverell i don't think it's related but there is a castle called peverell castle one of the major castles built between phenomenon conquest of 1066 and the compilation of the doomsday book in 1086 i'm pretty sure it's got nothing whatsoever to do with that castle and it's very heavy so interesting though it is i'm leaving it a wing perhaps and maybe a hint of a dragonish sort of a tail and is that a button hmm pearlescent cabochon possibly wants a button but missing a shank if so and a vulcanized rubber bottle stopper e acroid what i found before quite common here not what i thought it might be little bit of verdigris and that's unusual the verdigris remains of brass or copper ball about the size of a tennis ball now shall i take it that would also mean taking the block of ash and soil is firmly attached to so now there'll be less attached pieces to take today like that hmm very corroded but could once have been a harmonica yes i think that's for most likely i'm gonna have to reach it's high up on the banking i think it's a coin but nothing made of copper fares well underground here by the weight of it i'd guess it's a half penny and by it being here i'd guess it's 1920s to 1940s every time a flood rips another chunk out of a hillside it reveals burrows of small creatures i hope they were further inland when it happened feels like a knife blade possibly serrated quite unusual to find one made of brass or copper cupro nickel is a possibility although cooper nickel is supposed to be much better at resisting corrosion yeah not quite as corroded as this thing which probably doesn't have any viable metal left in it looks to have once been a little pulley wheel i'll take both of them it does seem quite a simple process to turn such a chunk of verdigris back into near pure copper dissolve it in concentrated sulfuric acid to create copper sulfate filter off the impurities and then electrolyticize the copper out of the copper sulfate onto something it can either be easily separated from or something that's also near pure copper like wire poison bottle broken bead little glass bead beautiful color i can't hope to muster the unalloyed delight at finding these for fleur and kate of mud locking with kitten caboodlers exhibit but their enthusiasm has made me appreciate beads a lot more another bead white one this time and i found this type before in a little clump of six which i took to mean that they were off the same piece of jewelry perhaps this is off the same piece but i found our previous ones 50 meters upstream and six or so months ago any more hiding hereabouts a zip pull don't find many of these the bag of a bottle dager so today i am not the first on the site after the storm it is after all a pleasant day and i wouldn't be at all surprised if the cliff face gets even more busy before long but no matter how many people arrive there'll be more than enough things to find today the same cannot be said of a beach downstream which is a pale shadow of its former glory when it comes to the bounty of fines there good grief these waiters are noisy i do hope you proved to be worth it really it's the fact that the snow on the ground that made me wear them today i usually end up with a boot full of water when i come here and the water today is probably about 2 degrees c 35 ish fahrenheit air that causes no problem but water is it spirits away body heat fast here is one of the stretches of sinking clay which grabs and swallows boots and it's right beneath an overhang which from this angle looks far more dramatic than it does from a few meters back i certainly don't think it's a danger today not like the sinking clay which is trying to do its thing the waders are doing their job nicely [Applause] i'm not prepared to break this huge chunk apart but i reckon that'd be interesting things to find in it for whoever did nice coil of copper wire some more four degrees poking out from down here mostly plastic with a tiny amount of wire wound around the top i'll still take it clean it and if it's a recyclable plastic and put it in for recycling now to get past for fallen trees i could wade around and be up to my armpits and too close to the central current for comfort or climb a bit and go around nice marmalade jar i fill a hole in the bottom and use it as a plant pot now the bottle diggers are just beyond the trees i won't film them without their permission but i will say hi a friend pointed me in the direction of a video of some people rope climbing down this cliff face for a bit of bottle dump exploration they didn't know about the paths i have thought of doing that occasionally i have the rope but i also have the climbing experience to know that this cliff face is pretty unstable and without a climbing partner for it it'll be dangerous a few things here that i want the copper or brass sheet pieces and over there a square glass battery i'll take neva till i know they haven't been claimed by those who got here before me roller from a mangle maybe not sure little bit of brass the bottle diggers don't mind being filmed as part of the scenery they're nice people her father and son team and they found a wonderful intact cod bottle with great ornate branding which proves that there are some here and i could potentially find one one day i'd like to have permissions for wherever i dig and i only have one permission so far for a site that's not likely to reveal much because it's not a dump site it's something else is that a candle ah no it's glass unusual haven't found a milk glass rod before brass clip not especially special but it's always nice finding some viable scrap metal for third degree color to stick out amongst all the browns in today's white looks like an eye there's not much left of her brass around but i'm guessing this was once a brooch and it'll be interesting seeing what remains of the original decoration between the brass and the glass happy with that and this i never find these wheels attached to the original toy i guess it was a train car made of iron with lead alloy wheels perhaps i can reveal the original shape but still within the amorphous lump a bell i think whether or not there is any viable metal whatsoever left in this i don't know but i shall take it and find out i swear to you i'm not just looking for copper and it's compounds it's just what's most obvious to my eye it is a beautiful color and this i think was probably a clock there is no hope of it being but again that looks interesting i'm not sure maybe wallpaper or a book cover maybe i shall take it and try to figure it out i shall also take a bit of lead down here this bit of lead out of an old battery some other bigger chunks of verdigris for a possible future chemistry video and that is firmly in the cloud which is firmly frozen into the ground and not really worth the effort over here though little red figurine i do enjoy finding these and one day might make a display of some of the better ones in a typesetter's tray this one may once have had a bow and arrow but now looks like he's dancing a tango with an invisible partner now for a boring bit of copper harvesting [Applause] some lead and tiny tiny little thing i'm not sure if it's a bead but perhaps part of some jewelry i'm not sure what material it is either glass plastic or coral i'm curious so i'll take a bead for certain this time lovely blue glass bead in pretty good condition i'm happy with that another bit of lead and another and nothing so far something a fork i'll take it and this third degree thing this lead so close to escaping into the river and this lead over here oh how did i miss this those early 20th century folk really loved elephants and so do i so very incomplete partial piece of a pachyderm i think i'll take it i see a button hiding it's a nice button mother of pearl and in good condition quite possibly came into the dump still attached to clothing so i'll keep my eyes looking for more little bottle with for once enough of the label remaining to read what it once contained shampoo i found this shape of bottle of a few times before and wondered and now i know big and oily grindstone my grandfather had something just like it in a ramshackle workshop behind the house but was falling down by the time i remember it almost arts and crafts style i quite like it this jar over here i can see it has a chip so i won't take it but it's got a bit of the label remaining not quite enough to be sure of i would take it though if not for the chip i like big jars today another jar with some other label many parts have non-embossed labels are a rarity here i still can't really tell no idea again no idea taking them both starting a little pile some blue and white it's a bit curved but i like it a bit of lead like it less some more verdigris and a tiny bottle i don't know how i'm going to clean the inside of this out but of course i will take it and down by my feet i've just spotted another led toy oh wow zulu style of shield but not zulu clothing on a female who's wielding a spear could it be an amazon warrior this thing i think it's brass looks of a moment like a miniature of a fire hydrant maybe it'll be clearer cleaned up lead little glass thing curious shape ah is v in a glass from an old style of light bulb why i didn't recognize it immediately as a mystery i see from here a lot coaster a bit chipped might take it and might not ha there's new arrivals of a cliff face a spread out group of free by the looks of it and it looks to be free generations i'm sure they'll be nice people they do after all look like mud locks i won't film their approach foe till i know if they'd like to be in this video so for the time being i'll carry on a lens quite a thick lens and perhaps a little small for glasses i shall take it and see if i can come up with the likely origin i see some legs just another broken thing may once have been a soldier and i'll be taking back two what a glorious color a nice big jar lid with embossing it says u c b m limited and saint helens nice not one i found before and in good condition i see the first clay pipe ball i found in what seems like ages it's not quite plain though i'm not sure if the slight ridges have any meaning either either way i'll take it a bit of lead alloy down here now is it a toy or something else looks a little but not quite like a toy submarine and a little but nowhere near really like some of the window latch bits and pieces i've seen over the years and another less interesting bit of lead probably a bit of a metal patch here yeah brass lead lead lead and more lead i wish i actually enjoyed carrying this heavy metal out of here that wheel a bit of milk glass which would have been rather tasteless edging to a plate or a bowl and a spoon i am ridiculous in how much i enjoy finding cutlery i do also enjoy finding nice vibrant taco colored bottles in good all-round condition too i'll take this bit of lead glass i think but iridescent and tiny little so little is escaping no glass bead i'm going to have to start a beat string like the other working channels have and maybe start accumulating the tools to try beat making the new arrivals are hovering just out of shot watching me as i self-consciously filmed i was recognized and we've chatted and they're lovely people david the son of the elder mudlark father of the younger found this wonderful little led scottish bagpipe player which seems like one of the most unlikely characters a child would work into play scenarios and i spotted this bike riding mailman which has got to be one of my top 10 lead figurine finds that i have found so far and mike fielder mudlark who i've chatted to before in the comments on my videos found this wonderful lens which i promptly dropped into wet clay so now when i do the obligatory holding high of the beautiful piece of glass to the sky and the sun if the sun is within sight line which of course is not right now the effect is of glass with mud nice lens foam wish i'd found it while i was chatting with mike david went ahead so from here to the end i will be looking for things that he missed or things that weren't his taste copper bits and pieces are always to my taste plastic is not but it is a duty i've accepted to take it that's pretty cool i'm not actually feeling the cold much today and i think the ambient air temperature is around zero celsius that's 32 fahrenheit or 273.15 kelvin don't know why i know that some more plastic i do not expect a karmic reward for poking out the small bits of plastic that i can manage but it is often the case that when i do the places i'm doing that are the same places for something good waiting to be found another strip of plastic so let's see that leaf is pretty cool but a marble little candy stripe red and white good condition and a simple but pure little joy to find what else i do have to be quite picky in what i pick carrying so much lead as i already am another lens and this one i'm pretty sure is from a pair of spectacles i don't know if i've got a craft use for it but it's small enough to take and find out [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] i'm at the end of a cliff face now which is by no means the end of a dump site it stretches a long way up river but further inland it was a tough day exploring the full edge of the site 18 months ago but perhaps this spring i'll do it again if the coveted situation allows and people would like that for today i'm content to win my way back finding things i missed like this very broken poison bottle which i think i'm going to take because who doesn't want a candle made inside glass for claims for contents to be poisonous there is a slight greenish tinge to the glass too if it doesn't shatter badly when i try to cut it it could turn out quite nicely it is always worth looking overground you've already searched on the way out of the site and on this side i'll almost always find something i've missed this i definitely missed and understandably so it's tiny but it's a beauty with striations in the glass reminds me of an unripe red currant i missed some wire over here too which i probably discounted as a root the first time and a bit of nice river glass unexpectedly smooth around most of the edges but there's still one little sharp bit so i'll leave it this looks interesting on the face of it a tile with not a great pattern in not great colors but let's just get that soil off there see the crack and the ice that's in there like we're filling in a sandwich splitting it apart got to wonder if on a day like today there's any eyes doing this behind sections of the cliff face which i am keeping a respectful distance from not just because the ground above the high water mark is covered in snow don't know how i missed this on the way upstream a simple unbranded jar in its simplicity lies its beauty to me and if it cleans up nicely i shall be happy to keep it and use it to store marbles maybe or glass bottle stoppers on a windowsill where light can shine through it now i just want to wait a bit and see if the current's going to be a problem and getting around some other people who are still working on the cliff face in spots where i can't easily maintain social distancing yes it's fairly dangerous still this is the part bottle diggers were working and i see if we've kindly uncovered some copper or brass things a nice shield shaped plate and something that's too far gone no metal remains i'm not seeing much else with vape left and they've done a pretty good job of putting the soil back where it came from the army of mudlarks who come here will soon stamp it all down again now i get to see if the things i spotted coming in have been claimed and i can already see that the glass battery hasn't been looks to be in reasonable condition i can't spot any cracks or chips so i think i will take it and it looks like the brass heating is still here so i'll take that too it has decorations a diamond within a diamond i shall try to find a use for keeping that intact i think there's just about enough light left to go and have a wander downstream see if the storm has left anything on the formally bountiful beach what if the changes in the landscape have reduced for bounty that previously settled there as permanently as i fear [Applause] i think that in the short time i've been here the river level has dropped not much but a few centimeters and if a river has dropped some of the sediment it was carrying some things might now be visible this patch of clay layer is where i've previously found their toys doesn't look like there's any today but to be able to see that absence means water is probably clearer when the path is like this i can hardly fault anyone for approaching the cliff by a rope from above they're probably more or less equal in terms of difficulty though this way isn't exactly dangerous just tiring sorry about that nearly there [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so [Music] interesting i don't know if it's actually gone but the back third of the usual beach isn't here today might just be still underwater and the water didn't get quite high enough to entirely cover this bit which probably means there won't be much to find and the footprints suggest another visitor who will have taken some things if it was actually things to take that does look like a steep drop off into the river and interestingly there's a new island well not exactly new it's just the river has got a channel behind it a lot of plastic there bit of wire there is one thing that i can always count on finding here golf balls from the golf course and the driving range up river they're plastic so i take them haven't picked up many bottles today let's check this one ah big crack and no branding i will take the little plastic shotgun shell that was hiding beneath it the reasons i come to this beach now is not really to find things but to have a nice relaxing wade decompressing from the intense concentration of looking for things of the cliff face and seeing how the water has reshaped for land this particular beach was amazing the first few times i explored it the river had dropped so much here but the river constantly changes course and though it does still drop some things is a pale shadow of its former self blue and white but curved piece and i for crafts take flat bits [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the surface does look so calm and i would like to visit the beach on the other side if i could safely breathe across no the current today is definitely too strong oh well [Applause] i don't really mind finding nothing here that i really want to take it just makes me well wonder where the river is dropping the things that he used to drop here i don't think it will be the next beach down on this side it's too steep but i think come spring or summer i might head even further downstream than i've been before and bring a glass-bottomed bucket and waders and maybe an inflatable kayak if i've bought one by then and see if i can find the river's new favorite spot to drop treasures skull of something but too incomplete for me to take and try to figure out what it was and a little bottle which is heavily stained so it shall stay and maybe another modlak will want it [Music] [Music] [Music] it is confirmed this beach is not a new job zone but as usual when the river is high it will drop a few bottles and jars around about here william hartley common to find but uncommon to be in such good condition the river also usually drops a few things bottles and the like of the leading edge of this beach and it has but nothing i really want [Applause] not a bad amber bottle but not particularly special either and that i think is it for today [Laughter] so [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Laughter] so so [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] since i was stuck behind road gritter there's no hardship to stop and do a panning shot of a sunset i have missed the best of it by checking out the second beach but now i am on the edge of night and though the camera doesn't handle the dark very well i do and i'm going to enjoy watching the moon rise a little before traveling onwards roundup time and hasn't it grown wonderfully with a hobby of mud locking when i first started filming one of the rarest things i found was signs of other mudlarks hunting the same spaces that i was hunting it is nice on the occasions that it happens to meet other people out enjoying the hunt for history getting to ask what they're looking for and discussing other locations with good potential it was very nice to meet mike who watches this and several other mudlarking channels and his son david i gave directions to mike to a site he hadn't found yet and they both told me about another site which i will try to visit this year if kovic 19 restrictions allow there is currently a multination wide lockdown in effect in all the countries that make up the uk which i'm afraid is going to stop me from most of my mudlarking activities for the next two months or more it's not that it's technically illegal for me to go mud liking i could argue to the police when they pull me over but it is work that i cannot do from home and it is also exercise but what i do has a certain amount of risk and danger built in and anything dangerous could land me in hospital and the hospitals cannot cope with what they are currently facing so it would be irresponsible for me to do more than gentle beach combing in easily accessible places or dump exploring in safer places away from the rivers i know of a few but but not places i'm likely to find much i will do a few outings there but i will augment that with some walk videos an unusual bottle dig in a private place if it's successful that is some more poetry videos which i know most of you don't actually watch but i enjoy making them anyway as i get to work with artists and musicians and some crafting videos which i'm still learning how to make well it's a very different discipline to wandering for rivers with a camera just pointing it at stuff i sincerely hope that by the end of the lockdown i haven't alienated you all and done irreparable harm to my channel anyway i had a fun day at the dump site met some interesting people and found a fair number of things i don't particularly like that site for pottery because of rust staining on almost everything and that's hard to remove but i got a few bits good enough to put in for box of pieces for craft work the pipe bowl turned out to be plain after all the race bits which i thought were there turned out to be dried but not baked clay which washed off easily after a soak it somehow feels like a more successful mudlark when i find a glass bottle stopper i like them more than for vulcanized ones that's not to say i dislike for vulcanized ones i do like reading up on some of the branding on them and i have a craft project in mind for when i've got a lot of them i found a fair number of buttons including these which are missing for shank which were probably made of iron and rusted away this fragment of a pottery elephant seems to have had a hollowed-out back so it might have been a trinket box or a novelty ashtray might be a bit far gone for me to resculpt it with milliput but i do intend to try two glass things came up nicely after cleaning it's always hard to know before taking it if it will or not a lot of glass at that site suffers from glass disease which is an inherent instability in the formula used to make the glass and in this place it is exacerbated by the conditions the glass battery case is a case in point unsightly mottling over much of the surface i might try sanding off the top layer with fine emery paper and wet and dry i do like the battery and think it could be a stylish container for a terrarium if it can be made to look a lot nicer quite a project and something for when i have nothing else to do that i fancy doing i found a surprising amount of jewelry modest jewelry certainly but i really like two of the glass beads and this thing which i'm pretty sure was once a brooch for brass backing if it crumbled away while i was cleaning it i think it's shell i'm not sure of what but it's been shaped by hand inside and outside the curve it looks better when it's wet so if i were to ever make a new backing for it i'd look into finding a varnish too that wouldn't damage it david found these two little lead figures for bagpipe player and what i think is a goat he gave him to me because lead toys are something i'm collecting with her hope to display them but i was very pleased to learn that david takes lead out of the sites he visits it's not something i thought i was entirely alone in doing but it's good to have a confirmation but there are others removing pollutants too i really like the motorbike rider and for possibly amazon warrior woman and they'll certainly be in any display when i put it together metalwork is usually an abundance of outside but this visit for variety was wonderful there was a coin too far gone to identify an incomplete knife a fork and a spoon part of a book clasp a zip made of brass some victorian gas pipe and a tap a lipstick case a bell a lot of unidentifiable scraps of brass and copper some wire copper pipe and copper sheet with decorations i'm going to have to get some tin snips to cut that into manageable strips for crafting with and of course a couple of kilograms of lead which will one day be recycled it's quite unlikely that any other brass or copper pieces are restorable but they're all recyclable some are upcyclable and some i will keep as they are because for his beauty and decay that is for fines and for thanks are as follows as ever thank you to everyone who's liked disliked commented shared and subscribed it all helps a huge thank you to everyone who's donated through kofi it means so much to me that people want to support me in what i'm doing and what i'm planning and hoping to do everything that comes in there gets spent on tools and materials for future videos all the ad revenue money gets spent that way too it will be quite a while before i take any money as a wage for myself the kindness for pausing through my amazon wishlist too is bringing dreams and ideas closer to fruition so a huge thank you to luis guerin who's kindly bought me three packs of das air drying modeling clay and a pack of super sculpey which is a good nudge towards me doing some model making videos thank you so much louise the kind lady who bought this chemical fume and particulate mask with replaceable filters signed for gift note as anonymous so i won't reveal her name but this will help keep my health safe from mostly resin fumes which are odorless but as potent as spray paint so thank you so much for your kindness this selection of sandpaper came without a gift note so i don't know who it was that kindly bought it but thank you whoever you are this will be very useful a final thank you is owed for a gift that i wasn't expecting and i'm a little unprepared for d adams very kindly gifted me with a subscription to the gold level on kofi which means that i can now and for the next 12 months put up content there that i couldn't before including hidden content for subscribers only if i so wish take monthly subscription donations like patreon have a shop platform if i want i'm not sure yet what i will put up there suggestions are welcome i was indeed actually planning on getting gold level at some point when i have a craft channel up and running too but getting it sooner is another good motivating nudge for me to get doing stuff so thank you dee adams i'm very grateful and i shall try not to waste the opportunity your kindness has provided i do hope that you've enjoyed this video if you have and you'd like to then anyway you choose to show appreciation is very much appreciated the options as previously mentioned are leaving a like comment sharing the video subscribing if you subscribe hit the bell icon to get notifications of new releases a further option never an obligation is to buy me a hypothetical coffee fruit kofi or something off my amazon wishlist both of which propel me faster towards some other videos that i would like to make i hope you're all keeping safe and well in these troubling times thank you all very much for watching and for now goodbye
Channel: Tom Burleigh
Views: 22,212
Rating: 4.940239 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarking, Mud larking, River Walking, Wading, Walking, Exploration, Exploring, Treasure Hunt, Treasure Hunting, Rivers, Scrap Metal, Adventure, Trash Art, Found, Finding, Beach combing, Beachcombing, Pottery Shards, Pottery Sherds, River Glass, Sea glass, Beach, Vintage Bottles, Yorkshire, ASMR, A.S.M.R.., West Yorkshire, Bottle dump, Bottle digger, bottle digging, Trash Picking, Riverwalking, Urbex, Dump, Antique Bottles, Rurex, Scrap copper, Mudlarking with Kit & Caboodlers
Id: 4jwItUQM39w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 49sec (2809 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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