MUDLARKING With Si-finds + Nicola White At Our Favourite Beach!

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] as you can see who we're here with today they need no introduction but it's high fines and nicola white right mud lovers yeah so excited to be out here today with you guys come down to bottle beach historically there's been loads of excellent finds here so we're hoping we can get a bit of luck in the mark when me and nick have been here quite often and i know you guys like to come here as well so there's loads of stuff to find can't wait to get going yeah i'm really excited to meet you both and i've been looking forward to this for a long time and yeah hoping to find something really good today let's do it let's fingers crossed and we'll all get some get some luck in the muck beautiful big white bead to be a cod marble yep a nice battered cod marble there's a broken one of those of the little clay pipe man it's melted that was like a dish yeah i mean there's a bucket list find and it's whole i think the end's a bit broken oh it's got embossing oh it's so melted we're here with nicola white and sci-fi and they're in the mud we're not very good at muds [Laughter] we've been said kate got stuck in the blood they're a bit scared of mud doesn't make his great mud lockers we're more mud skimmers oh it's compatible oh what does it say that's so cold it's so melted like that something street yeah streak oh little clem hobble it's a quarter of a dog's head [Music] oh it's got the measurements yeah 150 180 [Music] oh [Music] i came to the water to film arty shots and i just found this and it's like detailed sorry it's detailed it's got a hole all the way through but i can't figure out what it would have been but it's beautiful okay this looks promising this looks promising please don't be broken oh i think i can feel oh is that a pipe yes the stem the stem of a claw pipe the rest of it's not there the rest of it's not there no that is beautiful though [Music] is that an acorn it's an acorn that's wonderful for craft i like that a lot it's an acorn and a piece of pottery with a phoenix on it that's cool [Music] big lens it's a bird be good with the tail is it it has to be it's that very large ground thing what's that okay giant marble some more freemasons pottery it's the same as we found before i had to remember i have to go back and look at the film remember what it was there's a restaurant i think that's quite creepy though as i said my eyes aren't working yeah he's literally lost the top of his head [Music] is it going to have a top oh it's chipped no i won't take it i'll put it back in to keep it protected though okay someone else wants it right third one of the day they've been getting progressively more whole do you think it's going to be whole um i might be all right this will be the tiniest one i've ever found i got it i got it oh yay it is complete oh lovely little little black blacking stoneware part tiny but lovely adorable nice nice is this gonna have any sort of features oh oh there's i imagine that is probably jesus so this pipe was sticking up there was just this tiny piece of pipe stem and i wiggled it a bit but i still i thought there could have been something i wasn't convinced so i didn't film it and out popped our complete one well not complete obviously it's obviously missing its stem but complete bowl so that's nice well nick was just uh looking at something that she'd actually dropped earlier and uh i spotted which would probably have found is [Laughter] [Music] oh yeah ford i've seen these before but i can't remember where they're from but port nice little pipe oh yeah oh nice we were just saying how many stems there were yeah lovely you found that you can keep it if you really want i don't know no no you keep it it's yours you found it oh thanks we've run in short parts these days i know well you know what you gotta do now don't you you gotta beat me in the pipe race i have i need to find a pipeline you did find a bit of a bowl so you're half up okay we've got a little bit of time [Music] afternoon ladies hello how are we doing you found some bits and pieces yeah i just pulled a paintbrush on the ground but there's only that much sticking out so that was a nice surprise hey nice oh yours has got something on it though something about ford nice really [Laughter] carry on search and see what else we can find [Music] he's got no head [Music] why doesn't he have a head or legs i've got a head just to get on it oh look [Music] to the day the head listings and the heads there she is with her hat on oh hello and i found um i think that's part of jesus i think it is say broken would have been a pink bead and i just i'm telling you i think i see another bead here a red one [Music] a beautiful big terracotta bead [Music] oh that is just so here's what i found this is a little um hair restorer this is s.a allen's right world territory from new york wow oh that's so cool uh-huh definitely safeguards sight by albert sorry she better work out who they are is it a shoe dr scholes that's shoes yeah skull shoes yeah dog oh dear skulls are shoes though so it's like some sort of shoe insert tool [Music] is it a good marble oh this is the spot then wow it's glittery wow that's really pretty it's very glistening well it's very sparkly too sparkly but it's glass nice this is a good spot i should look around closer what is that what is that what is that have a look i need a button isn't it about a missing shank french jet button oh yeah i see very funky stopper what does it say oh it's a oh wow registered number 600 6343 july 20th 1881 really i don't know if that means the company was registered i'm not sure this bottle stop is but look how beautiful it's blue it's tiny would have been such an adorable charlotte as well it's a pretty bead oh it's a whole tiny child's plate oh [Music] we were talking about eyes with sci-fi yeah we weren't talking right there i didn't find another one you need to find another one and if i hold those plates this was all just on film just then i was just wandering around i just found another teddy bear eye i'm not sure if it's working it's getting dark [Music] that your word is good to hold i don't know if that's in focus or not could you push the button for me there you go thank you dropped the eye i dropped the eye after okay i've got the eye i've got the eye someone's legs a nose not an ear but her nose that's just a bit oh it's partial faces at the moment that looks like part of a figure i don't think it's gonna be a head it'll probably be a basket or something oh a jug beautiful green bead look how bubbly that's amazing tiny bead it's broken but it's very it's a limb it's an arm look it's a tiny hand was obviously off a doll's arm now it's just a tiny hand we can use it to fix one of our broken ones though hopefully it's a burnt foot and broken foot but it's a foot nevertheless i imagine it's going to be plain but let's see how much of it there is and let's see if the nicola white pipe luck has rubbed off i know it's going to be plain but i just wonder how much of it is and if her luck has still beautiful though and it's still a pipe [Music] oh [Music] adorable all right of course brought that sun in there so it's small i can pick a good one now well i think i should do anyone happy [Music] so i was going to rebuild this one a foot i've decided to put her more interesting to put her foot in a cup she's bathing her foot and luckily it's broken in just the right place [Music] do [Music] for that to dry wait for that to dry and then we'll paint it blue and sand down the rest of her not sure if i'm going to go leave her or match the paint color yet we'll see let's set now i'm looking at it i'm thinking of maybe using sea glass like bubbles to hide this gap and around the top of her leg the slightly coarser ones [Music] there she is clean and sanded i've decided i'm going to put gold around her neck and her arm and her waist actually you just decided to use copper leaf instead so i like copper more i'm going to put some size on it [Music] going for the tiniest pieces of sea glass but they're not stuck yet because i haven't painted them blue and i haven't done her copper leaf yet i'm going to paint it's white you know a well-used plate of paint [Music] so wait for that to dry and put the bubbles in and i will give a matte coat on the arm to make it look like the wrist put a layer of pva glue in it looks like water and it dries clear [Music] sea glass bubbles [Music] see what they look like when they dry i put another layer on top there's a last layer of bubbles i used to wait for them to dry [Music] [Music] so that was our wonderful trip to one of our favorite beaches with uh sci finds and nicola white and they were lovely and we have to thank them again for coming to meet us you may have noticed there wasn't actually that much footage of the both of them in our film but that's because we spent most of the trip just sort of talking to them about being used about being mud liking youtubers and they had so much wonderful advice and it was really lovely to just talk to them and like about their process and yeah it was it was really lovely so thank you simon and nicola for coming to meet us and this is what we found what's your favorite find my doll's head it's um i've found a few dolls heads before that's what i i find all sets but this one's complete so when i rebuild this one i'll be able to do it properly as they would have done it which is just exciting i mean her face she's lost quite a lot of pain i don't know if i should repaint her or leave her i think i should leave her probably that's how she was that's how she is but nicola white gave us an arm that she found because she knows that we like to rebuild rebuild those probably be her arm so here's an example of a head we found at that beach i think probably most the limbs came from that beach too so yeah we make dolls out of them again i quite like my um quite like my tiny tiny stoneware it's got some fingerprints on it and it's 100 complete but it's so tiny it's definitely the smallest stoneware we have yeah it's smaller it's exactly the same size as this one okay i take it back it's exactly the same as this one so now we have two i found a lot of um pieces of faces and pieces of dolls i mean this one is particularly sad would have been tiny she would have been that's quite sad give her a fancy hat but then there's one as well this one is not as tiny but i've rebuilt the chin the chin was broken but i've rebuilt it i think i might turn her into a dog i'll do some yeah do some detailed carving on that yeah and then there was that piece of face and then there was this piece of face rubber teeth and then the baby's body i was going to rebuild that one along with the other one that i rebuilt but the heads i needed a head that fits better to the size of her body but she will be rebuilt figurehead which is always good for crafting i'm not still missing a single eye a wolf face maybe no do you not think so yeah or a dog i don't know phantom of the opera the frozen charlotte signature find we don't find many of those um little frog some limbs which will be used to rebuild i found two plain clay pipes with some stem this no makers mark on the foot but lovely coloring from where it's been in a fire this one doesn't have a foot or a heel there yeah you can't beat a good clay pipe this is the tiniest bit of a broken clay pipe but it's the little man with the hat ali sofa his little hat and his big nose i have a whole bowl with him on and a couple of other bits of stem with his face on so you find him and i find rats rats and the broken bit of a claw pipe which again i do have a whole one of these but it's just so beautifully detailed it's such a shame that it was broken amazing for craft though very good for craft so mum found this piece of pot with the lion on and we have a whole example of what that would have looked like it's a uh terrine it's a french terrain it would have had some beautiful beads this one is beautiful it's super sparkly it's got like stripes where it's been wound i think it's another another very bright verdant bubbly green one and a teddy bear eye my teddy bears eye where's the other teddy bears in the terrain oh so we have two now ready to go to make another mud lurking bear we made one out of two teddy bear eyes that we'd found before called wonky so you can make another one now that we've got two so yeah this one's gonna have very odd eyes i think that should be cute lots of round things lots of marbles giant although we're not sure that's a marble could be for grinding something could be my beautiful melted torpedo bottle from nassau street gonna use to display things our crafting station here and our find with all the history this week was this unassuming piece of metal and we've got a lot of information on this so on this it says dr scholl's correcto trademark silveroid either dr schroll or dr skull but doctor skull was born william matthias skull in indiana in 1882 and his dad was a cobbler he then moved to chicago in 1899 and at 17 began work in a small shoe shop that specialized in comfortable footwear and he met lots of customers that had lots of number of problems with their painful foot conditions so he applied for medical school and then shortly after qualifying as a doctor in 1904 at 22 years old he painted his first invention which was called the foot easer it was revolutionary at the time and it was an inset placed in shoes to reinforce and support the foot arch and in 1907 he founded the skull manufacturing company and he went from strength to chenk over the following years and the company's still going today apparently his motto in life was early to bed early to rise work like hell and advertise which we think is a brilliant life motto we should be doing that so that's what we've got we've got one of his foot eases so this is probably one of the first foot eases so between 1904 and 1907 because after 1907 it was a shoals manufacturing he no longer went by dr scholz although he did they went back to using that afterwards and so this is american so someone must have must have come all the way from america for someone that had foot problems and as you can see it's made of silveroid so the advertisements for these said those who stand or walk much or have tired aching burning feet find permanent foot comfort by wearing this scientifically constructed device worn unnoticeably in your regular sized shoes and fits as snugly and comfortably as your feet fit into your favorite slippers it provides a natural and springy support to the arch or instep equalizes and bridges the body's weight from heel to ball thus giving an even balance to the entire body your feet need this help so if you see these pictures it would have had it would have come attached to some leather with these little screws here but obviously the leather has since rotted away but yeah i think it's genius and um i've tried it in a shoe and after trying it i've realized i would quite like a pair of feet eases um this is my little girl all finished with all found pieces which is made up of one two three four five different sections or sea glass bubbles and i really love her i think she's turned out really well i mean it's a bit odd that she's washing her foot in a teacup but i quite like that those are the legs we found in this yeah this is these the legs that we found that i found at the end yeah she needs a name really and so that was our trip to our favorite picture of sci finds nicola white and we do have plans to meet them again hopefully soon um we've got a few exciting collaborations coming up i think and some exciting films coming up too we also have to say a massive thank you uh to psy fines for the wonderful gift he gave oscar because oscar couldn't be there unfortunately at school so he couldn't be there unfortunately we just have to say a massive thank you because we did it we reached 10 000 subscribers it's crazy that is all of you so yeah there's a community post with a longer thank you but thank you so very much it's so very exciting and we didn't think that we would no never ever get to this point so and that's all down to you so we will see you next sunday when we were out of kent and there's some more videos like that the next couple of weeks it's very exciting very exciting so we hope you have a good rest of the week and we'll see you next sunday bye thank you sci-fi and let's get some luck in the muck [Music] no sonny sonny no [Music] so [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Mudlarking With Kit & Caboodlers
Views: 23,154
Rating: 4.9596815 out of 5
Keywords: bottledumpsearching, bottledump, victorianbottles, claypipes, exploring, mudlarking, fieldwalking, slowliving, beachcombing, history, dolls, nicolawhite, sifinds
Id: hGy0IoLeWBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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