Mudlarking - Treasures from an 18th Century Hamlet

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[Music] hi everyone and welcome to Lucy's Larkin adventures we're just on the trail of this lovely stretch of water that you can see here it's a lovely cold but sunny day here in southwest England and we've never been to this stretch of water before so we could just gonna try and follow the trail along and see if we can get in a bit further downstream and hopefully there'll be some interesting stuff to find so we'll head off now and we'll bring you back when we're there see you in a second hi everyone so here's a quick update for you as you can see we are now in the water and I just thought I'd give you a quick update on our adventure so far because sometimes it probably looks like we just get in the water and we hit pager and find stuff straight away it doesn't happen like that and actually today is one of these days where we are in and it's shallow here but it is pretty bad there's nothing really to be found we need to head further down that way because we know from looking over the banks down that way that there is stuff down there but it is impassable past that sort of fallen tree down there and then it's not even like weed or deep it's you need to swim really to get anywhere so we're gonna have to get back out again and back in but there you go I just thought I'd shows you the trials of Lucy's Larkin adventure and because I know that some of you have asked about sort of having a go yourself I'll bring you back when we are in and there are stuff to be found see you shortly so we before we move on there are a couple of things that we've found here and I'm going to show you this because you know if you watch my videos sometimes I find teeth and jaw bones I've never seen anything like this they look at that I wonder if anyone can help me identify what it used to belong to it's pretty creepy isn't it here's another quick update before we head off a bit further downstream and there are a couple of things to be found like we found someone's lost their bait box obviously say where Ryan's gonna take that and clean it up send a pretty good Nick this is a bit of a have a guess what do you think this is I genuinely don't know some sort of hinge or suck or something I wonder what that is the birds in the background I don't share which is always a good sign that there's stuff to be found so hopefully a bit further downstream we'll find some stuff look at this still got all the signs of the old nails and everything in the bottom and then look just here on this little rocky but there is a bottle which says baths on it not much left of it unfortunately but hopefully some good hints or things a bit further down so we're gonna head off now and we'll bring you back shortly see in a sec see we're get further along now and and we found a couple of interesting things to show you look this is an old metal object really heavy design on it like it was intended to to be some sort of tool or something what do you think that was I went to how old girls excuse that noise in the background and then there's this which is interesting in itself sorts thing wrapped around it it's just obviously it's been there quite a long time but it just looks like it was you know it used to be something interesting and I wonder if anyone could identify after all this time let me know what you think hi everyone so after quite an adventure we finally managed to make it a little bit further up and we're in a much more accessible place the waters pretty clear is shallow and places a bit deeper of course it's that time of year isn't it so fingers crossed we're going to find some interesting stuff and just as we've stepped in here Brian's found this look isn't this lovely decorative little brass something what is that I wonder could have been the top of something I thought at first I thought it's some sort of weight or something but it is hollow so it was maybe a chopper to something so let me know what you think that's pretty neat find isn't it so hopefully we are here where all of the finds are it's pretty lovely still quite a lot of daylight and it's not actually that cold today either which is great so thanks for sticking with me I'll bring you back and let you know what we can find look at this this is the next interesting find I think it looks like some sort of battery some sort of electrical components well this wire wrapped around it I wonder what it was either way we'll get out of the water oh you look at that it's a kabocha connection at the top now she doesn't know so hopefully I find that there's some weird and wonderful stuff here to be found here's the first sign of bottles which is always pretty good - this looks like an assault bottle doesn't have some description no name or anything it's got pretty nice almost Art Deco type design to it hasn't it so fingers crossed there'll be some I just did a little excavation of something that looked interesting from under Barrett half radius and rocks and look at it absolutely love it it's a little old brass clock you can just see the remains there look of almost the numbers around the outside some of Thurman's or what would have been the hands look at that little handle on the top look and some of the mechanism in the back so I really love it I think it's gonna be a keeper they will try and clean it up as best we can go enjoy how old it is and why it's ended up here so definitely worth the perseverance to get here I hate me like it tea lots of broken bits of glass and bottle hair some of them get pretty exciting this is them the second complete complete bit that I found it an old jar might be a bit pain but I think it's pretty cute we just center of reach now and there is a beachy bit say what a kind I can see let you could see the glue to break up itself it's bigger than I thought supporting something that's quite sweet isn't it little chip they're just the tiny remnants of a loose I can make us my touch just sort of remnants of stuff all over the place broken decks will understand so I could go and see if I can find any computer know any not better but without that they're cutting of these the remains of a Hartley's Tom giarla at the bottom bit so what bring you back shortly and catch you up about a couple of finds to catch you up on and this really nice hand oh look at that I can get in there and they're lovely tiny bit of blue and white there look at that lovely pattern on earth and the top of the bottle there with the stopper and air unfortunate sir beyond much use and a source bottle it's the shame here that so far and there are so many signs about really old bottles but they're just absolutely bust and the only complete ones are sort of these more modern ones well you know I spray sleeve had less time to furnish knock around to the the waterways have it they say there's still hope fingers crossed with some more great one there's still more to come apologies that this is slightly gruesome but we don't very often come across complete skulls or you know relatively complete so it's a bit grease we find wonder what it was a cowboy I expect but yeah isn't it I thought you might be interested to see it there's a nice little find out Oldham maybe the top of some sort of fuses and we would find some sort of Lucas ones before it's obviously some sort of tractor para something isn't it but if it's pretty neat there doesn't it and I can see little chips of pottery here as well so always nice to find those nice lopat and hidden under their look so definitely gonna be worth it clean still lots and lots of broken bottle tops and that sort of thing say I keep our eyes peeled just and complete ones I look almost a guaranteed find the first paste sheriff today it's quite a sweet little narrow one actually is enough so I've just spotted an area that looks like it's got some little pottery fines say I'm gonna bring you with me and we can let's see if there anything interesting but the first one that I've called out on my way here look at this isn't that fantastic I know who is that I wonder if you can name him I'd be most grateful shame that's not bit more of it isn't it but it's just a wonderful little remnant or something to find in the river isn't it let's go on and see what the rest of the stuff is just a river sort of green actually isn't it rather than a pattern this is not always a pleasure to see that isn't it clean up they're not pottery at all I don't know what that is it looks like a tractor part to me but it could be anything not my study on my field hunts I've not been so most of masters with the camera in my hand we've got one of these at home actually this is an old battery case oh look oldham an old acid battery case grass but bust there I think they're quite neat when there are sort of pretty complete are they so pleased with that actually [Applause] you can probably tell her that the the bottom here is very deceiving there are so many sort of leaves and in fact just rocks that look like exciting things so it is pretty difficult to not pick up rocks and leaves is a bit of pottery but it's just a plain piece I think my apologies that the video is a bit late this week actually we were out on a Monday which is not usual for us but the weekend was just a bit busy in weather actually wasn't great pretty much rained all day on Saturday and yesterday it was very cold and it was just gray so we wouldn't mind doing it normally but we need that we had the day after day so we've saved it [Applause] waters really calm here so much classy it's really nice to be bringing me with me on these adventures I really love sharing them with you I'm glad that you seem to enjoy them too that definitely helps it's the battery in my hand oh look at that lovely old green edge that's nice isn't it Oh green pattern so I've got one torn out so I'll pick you down and I'll bring the back of it you never asked the complaint the Unitec I'm just having a little sit down on a rock feeling really peaceful looking at her great isn't it I have got a little fine just as I sat down on the rock I saw a little colored piece and I thought I'll see what that is and look at the color isn't it great so it looks like some sort of hand or door handle or something but the shape of it is confusing so I wonder what it could have been let me know what you think but yeah I'm really pleased with that color it's lovely to pull that nice red color out of the river isn't that say that's what drew me to it I'm gonna catch up on a few of Ryan's finds he's pulled this set Nick made in England Crabtree some sort of electrical part I mean I don't know what really qualified to say but look it's got the working still on the back look and what it was there's lots of this sort of stuff here I see which is really interesting because you didn't tend to find lots of this all in the same place say it obviously tells a bit of a story doesn't it about the location and I'll show you some more and then in quite the same theme look at this so piece strain wedged in it maybe it's all part of the same thing who knows but is always interesting to find bits that we sort of can't identify and that I've just got a bit of intrigue to them say maybe there's a copy of a lamp or something doesn't know I don't know let me know we think look at this this is a little bowl of some description and just on the outside absolutely covered in Merck there's gonna be a really lovely pattern into there I think it's unusual for me to find such a complete that I mean I know you can't really use the word complete can you I suppose better there's enough there isn't there to just see a little bit of that pattern so I like it for that reason and then just over here I've also got really lovely I think this is probably a bit of a sort of serving plate or something by the shape of it but look at this isn't that magnificent not tray and just the top of that house there I would have just been stunned and wouldn't it in its day really grand taken centre place of something I'm sure see I'm pretty pleased with that - I love their pictorial pieces and I wonder if I can just get a bit of colour back on that when I clean it up Ryan's find another complete bot - look at this this is the camp coffee and chicory essence quite popular for us to find but these sir this is the sort of older one with that nice logo on the side and Buster in the class it's Pattersons and it will say here Glasgow rec so quite a collection of those going now and if you saw my last video you'll have seen that we've also just brought the modern version from the supermarket just to sort of compare over time which is quite cool isn't it I'm gonna catch up again on a few more things and this looks like the top of a barrel or something doesn't it so you can quite in keeping with the theme today I've lots of little sort of metal objects oh look it's the insides and then a couple of other things hey so another battery case the grass once again we've got quite a collection if those coming out so they look great all cleaned up in the cabinet this is pretty heavy it feels like bakelite and it is pretty heavy softly got some workings inside of something some sort of electrical piece isn't it this I'm intrigued by this is feels like some sort of clay or porcelain or something you know what it was what an interesting shape let me know what you think about that and then I've just found this as well which is intriguing by its color because it looks like it might have been part of the thing that I just showed you this or red color but you can just see it would've had a bit of a pattern on there so well it's a bit broken but I might just take it home you clean up and see if we can work anything out from it well let me know what you think but if a mixed mark here today there's lots of different stuff it makes a nice change actually from finding bottles nice to find some pottery again haven't had any so good pottery fines for a while that's pretty cool and I'm just enjoying being out in the water making the most of the marled weather as it's pretty much today the waters a bit cold but the weather is not too bad before you know winter really bites and stops us getting out at all I'll bring you back soon see in a sec just look at this these of you and then watch my videos will know I always got very excited to find these they're not easy to come by in the sort of locations that I like in and I can just see a little clay pipe nestled there just waiting for me to pick it out Oh would you look at that it's magnificent our exciting look at the length of that Bowl what's really odd is that we've walked up and down here haven't we since we've been there and we just haven't spotted it and then Ryan just spotted it just nestled there like waiting to be discovered honestly the excitement of finding these just never never dies for me how fantastic see I think that overtakes the crock is find of the day how exciting can't wait to get that home clean it up and put it in my little collection I know that I'm on the terminus there are there slightly more common and not easy to come by I'm sure by any means but they are really difficult we hardly ever kind of spot them in our muddy Brooks and streams so the novelty definitely has not worn off for us yay so I apologize that it's very dark and echoey we are still under the bridge only about two feet from where we found the clay pipe and I've just seen and tonight I dig in this bottle and you've seen already that I have them not had any luck with what was today in fact I've started to fill many a bottle for you and they've all been broken I've got some high hopes for this one oh look it is complete yes and how old it is I look at the shape it's pretty neat actually it's really nice find I can't read quite read what that says do you know what I think we found one of these just recently but like a skittle you know and a Hamilton bottle that doesn't stand up so this is maybe a slightly more modern version of it but looking at we've found so many tops like this today and so many bottoms that it's them sorry we're let's have a look but it's just magnificent to finds a pretty good complete one and I think that says Matthew Millard from Trowbridge see yeah really pleased with that hi fantastic this bridge is obviously got lots to offer for us saying that means I'm going to go and dig up other bits of bottle that I can see hanging out the sand just in case there are any more complete ones and I might even just come out there a little bit deeper in America Betsie us I can find see you in a sec look at this isn't this pretty neat I wonder what it was from some sort of mechanism it's a net with those cogs and everything it just looks great doesn't it it's really interesting here that there's so much of this sort of stuff to find so we'll have to UM we'll have to come back for sure and I've just found one of these Lucas England tops as well I think someone said they were fuses that she found a few of these before say what's interesting here is that and well we started off there was nothing it was pretty blank there was not much to show you at all few things included my great jewel Bay and then we've had to come much further down to be able to get it in and here apart from the Magnificent bottle that we've just found and there are loads and loads of smashed bits of bottles and they look like you know Cod tops some really old bits of bottle so obviously somewhere in the middle is the source of all of that and hopefully some great finds the trouble is that it is just not very accessible so it's one that we'll keep trying we'll keep trying to find a way in it might be that we have to wait until the better weather next summer or spring for the water levels to go down so that we can just wage three rather than try and get in over the top and because we're obviously missing out on I would imagine that pretty much further up because everything's broken here that will be where the good stuff is that theory may or not be correct but it's definitely worth the try isn't it so we're just heading back up this way now look at these little queues of leaves I find these really funny they're like tracks behind rocks and just form a little piece so yes sorry just distracting myself with those so you're heading back up this way now we'll have a little lark as we go see what we can find you know if we find anything we're just about to head back home now with a few finds and it has been pretty much hard work today quite an adventure so it started off really we managed to get into a much more accessible place here just bit further down and we found some really interesting stuff here actually but we've definitely saved the star fines for last which is good so we can end on a high and but just else believe in just have a look at this there's a bridge to savor here look fairly modern saw Road bridge and then this hill and we were just wondering whether it's the remains of the sort of original bridge it just looks interesting doesn't it the way that that side is built up so what do you think and let me just leave you with the last view of this wonderful place that's been really peaceful and relaxing and lots of interesting stuff to show you so do you a quick roundup when I get home so here we are a bat came and I've just given us a quick clean to some of the fines that I've brought back with me so let me just talk me through some of the best things that we found today so I'll start in the front here some really nice pottery finds as I said early I haven't found and there's some good stock of pottery for quite a long time in it this is cleaned up beautifully look at that just that sort of faded pattern around the edge so really pleased with that some beautiful pieces and on here look this guy let's see they've all cleaned out really nice they can see the color a bit matter there look including this one this cleaned up much nicer than I expected actually look at that isn't that great so really pleased with my little pattern to pottery pieces today there's a really eclectic mix of stuff here isn't there and it was a really interested in place to find sort of bits of all sorts really say um I'm still intrigued to see what this is Brian found this it was really sort of dirty and grubby this is the sort of ceramic something I mean I don't know what it is what do you think let me know what you think that might be and this is the Lukas or fuse and the Odom's that tops cleaned up quite nice on that actually hasn't it more today I'm and then this which you think maybe as a bottle stop sort of brass but let me know what you think that is it's really nice isn't it my lovely little in the middle there look a little handle on the top still works still moves and you can just see now that we've sort of cleaned up a little bit you can just see the shudder of the numbers look where they used to be Ryan's gonna try and give it a really good clean up get all these bits out and the back cook um using this or sonic cleaner so hopefully that will laughs that'll clean it beautifully this little I've brought just because it's so when it's all for arty isn't it it's just something about that I really like say that's campaign this is another mystery object so if you've got any ideas let us know what you think that is some sort of electrical thing I'm sure and then we'll just go along with the back come round say the two battery cases that we found looking pretty nice there and a little paste are the only one I found today so that had to come home of course I'm a sauce bottle here and then the other side you can see the camper coffee bottle and then if you just looked at the back of my kitchen is the modern or plastic version of that but then right in the middle is the piece de resistance which is the best bottle find of today really really pleased with this one and it kind of matches the Hamilton bottle that I found sort of skittle shaped water that I found just a couple of weeks ago it's from the same company and interestingly enough I've been trying to do a bit research on the company I haven't been able to find anything so yes the intrigue continues but I can't show up if I find anything else little glass jar here that's cleaned up quite nicely it look nice of a little candle and I think wouldn't it and then these two things here are also intriguing me so you saw me find this I thought was a sort of red color and actually I thought it was some sort of handle is actually hollow although I didn't realize that the tongues of so clogged up with stones and then this piece which I'm almost convinced is part of the same thing the same color it's got this really nice flower design on it look and I just can't quite work out how they would have gone together yet you can see that this is sort of just half of something so let me know what your thoughts are on they're the same thing can you identify either of those pieces yeah which is good and then of course Ryan's lucky spot the wonderful clay pipe probably just needs a bit of a clean but I'm not going to do too much to it isn't it magnificent always very exciting to find those so that's pretty neat that's going to go in the collection as I'm least of these things and you knew we were only saying a couple of weeks ago we haven't found a clay pipe for ages see there you go all of a sudden there it was and that's just how it goes I suppose isn't it so we're trying to age that and find out as much as we can about it but let me know if you can can help us out with that so I really hope that you've enjoyed today's event sure thanks for sticking with us and we're almost at three thousand subscribers say thank you to each and every one of you if you haven't subscribed already please do and please hit the notification bell to find out about my latest adventures and don't forget you can also find me on Facebook Lucy's Larkin adventures and twitter and instagram at lucy lacking i hate to see you all next time thanks so much for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Lucy's Larking Adventures
Views: 17,906
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking, mudlark, mudlarker, Thames mudlarking, Thames mudlark, Thames mudlarker, Larking, Lucy's Larking, Lucy's Larking Adventures, bottles, vintage bottles, antique bottles, bottle dump, bottle dig, bottle digging, vintage, antique, antique pottery, vintage pottery, stream, brook, waterfall, bridge, river walking, treasure, treasure hunting, treasure hunter, relics, relic hunting, relic hunter, river, nature, coins, coin spill, metal detecting, metal detector, metal detect
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 5sec (1925 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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