Mudlarking London's Thames near Execution Dock at low tide.

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this is the stairs on Wapping by the town of Ramsgate pub which is where execution dot was now the turnarounds gate pub was used by the hanging judge judge jeffreys and he used it a court room upstairs apparently and if you had fallen out of fashion and you came in front of him he would send you to America for good so the tides going out we have about thirty minutes to low tide and we're going to go do some mud locking but it's been 20 years since I've been down here and I found some good stuff in fact I found a farthing of James a second right there 25 years ago on this hard pack but this is the sort of thing we're looking for here see that bottle underneath it is a washer so that's washing over this flat pan there might be something there so I can have a quick look let's see if we can find anything I'll get back to you if you do this ancient square now I'm going to use this as a scraper to scrape over bits and pieces to see if anything pops up this is actually a fair amount of pipes down here which is nice my favourite spot didn't have any but there's lots of these pipe stems around here and that's a good sign look at that we're not getting too much wind noise here but see that that is solid nails all around here solid nails bolts from all ages and we're gonna go looking to see if we can find any coins in amongst an looks like a coin but it's a rivet head that's a very fine now I'm keeping that a piece of blue where I have to bring back for my wife 1700s I'd say this guy is going to wash me so I better get up a little bit off a low tide mark thank you sting patch that looks like a bold part of a bowl of a pipe there you go keeping that there's a lot of pottery pieces in here interesting little spot very interesting little spot oh we tried a detector with me specialist one to get nipping and out of the little spaces another piece of pipe ball I'll leave that oh there's a little bit of late with us lift is cold in fact I'm gonna keep that nope can't see anything else gonna follow the low tide line big piece of stem there no not quite a bit of that one of the days or rather was no idea what that is but it's a something looks modernish but you never know always costly on the back oh well better broken bottle glass nice chain positional silver I'll leave that behind don't glare time so roughly this is where execution dock was which is where Captain Kidd was left to hang in a cage after they executed him and there's a jib around here somewhere and if you're a pirate this is where you would end up if they caught you now I never could get down here in the old days because this is all blocked off can't remember what by but it was all blocked off so I'm a little bit dubious because this is lowest tide and also I've got to get round here our push so it'll be a bit careful but I'm just gonna have a little troll around here as your little right up here so this is the view back down stream towards the other dogs and that's the view up to the Tower of London well you can get out up there these days never used to be able to do that so that's good that means I don't have to worry about this little piece getting covered up excellent news there's really nothing till for it but just scan what you see for interesting shapes and that's what we're doing and of course the most interesting shapes around and coin shaped well that's modern but I'm taking it stairs to nowhere not stairs anymore still not a watch Jane so this is all a roading away so it hope they take the loose light stuff off and leave behind the heavy that's the idea and we're going to see what we can find you see the stairs there that would've been some sort of dock at one stage and it isn't anymore and this is all the roading away so Evan look and see what we might find there's a piece of blue where for the wife so let's get back this is interesting you see there's lots of iron in here and round shape stuff and heavy stuff this is the sort of patch you want to find probably nothing here but we're in a good sone there's a nice little shard it's a handle to something pretty old I should think at least before the Victorian period or no later then anyway so we'll have that that's rather nice Oh what's on top now that is old you can see by the top how regular it is so that'll be 1800s maybe 1700s it's just a lot of stuff here none of it what I want well that's just great as in a fire great that's nice for watching more blue pottery back for the y3 go ooh a big bit so this is low tide this is a point six they don't get much lower than this so I'm gonna work my way back now right interesting see that's a pipe and it's snapping into as it's been railroaded out that's kind of cool this is all your rolling away can't see any coin what's that no that piece of pot is quite old so I'm not taking it with me come on a coin show yourself and look at all that pottery in there all eroding out now I've got a theory about this erosion basically the whole city's poop went into this river for a thousand years and you can imagine that build up quite a lot of Earth and as I have been doing it for 200 it's all wearing away again it could be wrong of course so this is all I got to deal with to get back Wow almost missed I'm this not that I couldn't get up the other way must be getting old and stupid Oh older and less smart but just if I can find this calling now I'm back into safety I still spend another half an hour as the tide comes up so that would have been a sewer from the East End of London and that would be posited it's and stuff on this for short that's for certain and see what we can find probably not a great deal let's do it anyway blocks and nails as you can see lots and lots of nails what we're looking for we're looking for is or something I think round coin like just lying under the surface so nothing but nails it's kind of what it is fixed there so let's move up a little bit through this interesting or curly bit on the end keep that but no razor as likely that's the something I'm not quite sure what it is looking ring like could be a ring it could be a washer who knows it goes in the pocket anyway tides coming up now running out of time I couldn't get through there now but we persists because there's still some eroded bits here which I quite like the look off with a nice open support that's old back to the for the wife that one that's a little present to take home a nice little Boland 1700 such a think pretty small though internally so it might be earlier but anyway just a little gift to me as I'm about to leave thank you very much River you've heard a slippery slope well I'm not going down the slippery slope I'm going up it I've been down it and it's quite difficult to say the least the tides coming up it's time for me to get my beer here's a taste of Victorian London down the old alley ways of Docklands this is Sherlock Holmes territory and this is the bub well one of his own
Channel: Chill Bill
Views: 333,867
Rating: 4.4677553 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking mud larking thames treasure hunting metal detecting london clay pipes town of ramsgate low tide artifacts execution dock execution real execution mudlarking london, s thames near education dock at low tide.
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2015
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