Mudlarking Under 13th Century Bridge in Historical Village

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to my latest mudlark an adventure today we're here at this lovely Brook which is actually sort of between Bristol and Bath look at this magnificent old bridge that we've come across so we've just got in here we're just going to start to have a look around now it's looking pretty great what there is starting to turn you can see the leaves look but it's not too cold today which is good and we're hoping that we'll be able to go under the bridge and carry this along it sort of quite far if it's shallow enough so I'm gonna just start to have a quick look around now let you know what I can find well I mean this has to be the the first fine look at it sticking out the water as if it's waiting to be found let's have a look and see if it's old look it doesn't know if it's got anything on there oh it has around the bottom it can you see that or does it say Sun fresh yeah that's good isn't it you know what some fresh was but um yeah great great start it's nice so hopefully that means that there's more to be found so that one's gonna come home with us I'll clean it up anyone recognize what Sun fresh was so yeah oh we go see what else we can find I'll bring you back shortly okay so we've decided we're gonna head up away from the bridge first just because there's usually easy soap sort of go against the flow of the water so off we go let's see if there's anything to be found on the way where's that better no pipe or is it something interesting this is obviously not matching sports you can hopefully see nice really mossy underfoot that's good that was good enough for me like it was something exciting which is a shame little bits of pottery like this through always a good sign that there's stuff here say that's encouraging it's got a little hole in it which is a shame I don't feel it - what does that say on the bomb sardine look at that that's great isn't it from loriann France sardines from France god that's brilliant isn't it I wish that was was totally complete batch I really like it as it is you know got a look hasn't it so yes some promising signs I'm gonna head on a bit further and I'll catch up and let you know what else I can find recognize this some of you will have seen me find things like this before and this is a pretty good condition it complete anyway we find lots and lots and lots of broken parts of these so that's good so just found another one of my trusty paste jars and this looks like a good spot to bring you back like it's lots of interest in that stuff let's start here must have been a great bowl or something at some point popped maybe some of the the stuff and the rocks are quite just sort of deceiving in terms of shapes this is a bottle look at this so put the lid on actually just look at that I can't quite see what that says on there you know I'm going to try and get that I clean up and what's in there I mean it's about to be just river water do you think that's nice and there are a few more things here that I'm going to explore so I'll just empty my hands and bring you back in a sec nice of writing or marks on that one but it's in pretty good condition isn't a consider and it must have been knocking around her for quite a long time and I think I can see any other bottle as well so let's just have a quick look it looked see what it is hmm so what do we think about this modern or old let me know what you think so it's still given at the moment here's another nice finder complete Oh JA luck and it's actually pretty big I quite like this looking good and that look good cleaned up so still stuff coming out which is exciting we've only been here a few minutes so we're gonna keep going and I'll bring you back shortly share my friends with you hi everyone so the water has been pretty deep here but I've just kind of powered through sort of quite wet and quite muddy but I've been finding bottles which is quite cool isn't it say let's out with this one this is nice it's got a really nice design to it so it is screw caps it's obviously slightly more modern and I can't see what brand it was which is always a shame but I'm still quite liking the look of that you know a small sauce bottle these are pretty popular finds as well aren't they but it's got a bit of age to it I'd say and again these actually look quite a nice cleaned up I do you like this little square shape and then this one in the middle is the Gordon's special dry London gin and this boat oh and you can still buy Gordon's now and it's got the screw top but I'm pretty sure this has got some age to him so it's got the established 1769 along the sides both sides and then on the back it's got the little registered mark like six one oh six one seven so what do you think can anyone help me age that bottle but I think it's going to look pretty good in our collection so yeah pretty please with a so far and then my first of really nice little pottery fine with a bit of a pattern there nice green bet which is pretty cool so they're gay so I think we've kind of got as far as we can go this way just because it's just got so deep it's a little lovely though so we're gonna head back down towards the bridge now under it and through on that way hi everyone let me just bring you back to this bottle which I showed you a second ago which is still got the top on and Ryan's mother should give it a bit of a clean look and it's Kate's Somerset cider so lots of cider makers nearby and actually if you have a look it looks like it could be it could be you know so maybe it's modern it's not a brand that I recognise what do you think I think I might bring it with us until we can do a bit of research and see what we find out you so you know I showed you when I first got in that I drowned some little sardine bowls well Ryan's actually found a couple of them as well that see what does this mean does it mean that they're modern and I just don't eat enough sardines to recognize them potentially we'll have to find out it sounds another couple of finds as well this is interesting this at the top for our battery something on those lines and then of course there's always a paste jar I think this is the second or third one that we found that so whoever made these did a pretty good job of making them stir a day for sure so look at this lovely jar that Ryan's found it's not glass it's actually some sort of pottery or earthenware maybe it doesn't look like it's got much of a glaze on it but it's great isn't it what unlovely find I can't wait to clean that up actually I think it's the first one we've got like that a great shape nice obviously got a bit of age to it hasn't it so super pleased with that what would that have been used for I wonder maybe it was just of a bit of a precursor to grass jars becoming so popular let me know so before we go much further let me just show you this bridge because it really is lovely look at these fantastic stone arches underneath it and that's a road bridge as well so that's you know singletrack Road Avery okay to prove my point look at that that is fantastic isn't it what a lovely place to be pottering around looking for interesting historical stuff so maybe now is a good time to just say thank you to everyone that's subscribed I think as I'm filming this I've just got over nine hundred and ninety subscribers super close to a thousand and never thought that that would happen so if you're watching this and you haven't subscribed please do and it really means a lot to me and yeah thank you to everyone that has subscribed so oh we go I'll bring you back shortly and let you know what else we find I found another bottle look at this one nice long neck I always think these look like source bottles as well I guess that's that's what they are and unfortunately no sort of make or brand on it which is a shame I've just come across this spotlit which is an old lunch put up a watery grave for maybe a chicken or a rabbit but yeah so there that's all isn't it circle of life I suppose so I try to be pragmatic about these things but it's not very nice actually to find that they're all in one place still at least someone had lunch okay so we're gonna head further down now with the bridge just up behind us we are following the flow of the water now for a bit so you'll just see it's gonna kick up a bit of mud so what we might do is head down quite quickly and then sort of walk back up searching properly so I'll bring you back let you know where we are and what we're doing and what we found see you in a sec so I think Ryan wins find of the day so far for this look at this lovely old clay pot that nice little pour on top isn't it great I think we've ever found a complete one of these you know see what would this have been used for with this sort of top I'm interested to find out might do a bit of research later and it's great isn't it again that's another one I can't wait to get home and clean it up a little bit I probably will sort of clean up too much I like it when I still got a bit of its life left in it if you know what I mean but yes super peace with that world I'm Ryan could find look at this someone cigar-case anything this is that old look it's got the smoking things on it so someone's obviously jester threw that out and it looked much more interesting under the water there we go look at this I've just pulled this out of the water it's got a pretty little pattern on it in there look looks like you know when I clean it it might have something excited on that and you do I think it's gonna be nice when it cleans up so I'm going to take it with me broken and battered as it is it was obviously special to someone once and I like it for that reason it's gonna come with me I think [Applause] here's another bottle so again bit of a screw cap but a nice little design on it and let's go well it's that okay 1001 does that mean one zeros there anyone yeah I don't know but there it was just lying there waiting to be found let me know if you've heard of it before so I was just looking around Anjali sort of nettles and bushes and I found this at first if it was a bottle by puller and it's actually a can so I'm not usually particularly interested in cans except that this is old look at that super choice Cola say that must have been a budget brand second look at the top see that is before my time I can't remember ever buying a can with that kind of open and say well I know that's got some age to it and you know what I noticed a can probably has any value to anyone else but me but I really like it so I'm going to keep it isn't it where that that's been preserved all that time here's a shot of a plate I can't see that it's got any sort particular pattern on or anything which is a shame it still isn't it odd just find this sort of stuff floating around in rivers and Brooks so in one of my faves the recent videos I found your mobile phone no I said in that video I'm surprised I've never found any before because you know you just would expect to I guess and I found a Nokia today look at that so yeah someone's obviously lost that or maybe they thrown it away in a fit of temper who knows she think hey looks like it survived better than the last one you know okay so Ryan thinks that he's found something interesting so he's gonna go in and just pull it out let's see what is a pacer that's about I think that's about the fourth or fifth when we found just here you know all the same system one obviously had a taste so here's another fairly bizarre find right next to the mobile phone a lasagna dish how is that ended up in there maybe someone just got fed up with it I suppose but uh yeah pretty good condition just sailing away down the river how bizarre here's a great big chunk of pottery look a nice big bowl or maybe it's a garden pot you know something like that little friend in there look mmm just enjoy a knife so I'm not gonna bring it with me but it's interesting to just find great big pieces like that isn't it I always think I can't see that it's got any pattern or anything on it so we'll let him keep his little home putting back I just thought I'd show you see you in a sec there's lots of rocks here that look like interesting exciting things easy to be deceived you know I guess everything can't be obvious [Applause] oh I think wine cellar science let's go and see what he's got the boys found it's a nice financially OS with some writing around the bottom number eight six three seven nine two very specific UK registered design that's nice I wonder well that was then hopefully that's enough information to be able to find out there isn't it's a yeah fingers crossed whatever look let you know what can find out on that one you've banged I'm just gonna have a look around these sort of a murky bit on the outside I will do that now and I'll let you know if I find anything so I've seen something here that is interesting me so I'll bring you with me to just pull it out and have a look at it please broken look let's get a bit of a wipe Dundee marmalade marmalade said that way I'd have an eye only prize medal for marmalade London 1862 gosh I love her I wish that was full and complete that'd be brilliant one net with that print on the front am I gonna keep him I mean I think you probably knew the answer I like taking stuff home with me and I like this so yes maybe I will maybe until I find a complete one similar that sounds like a good plan doesn't it but isn't that nice like I have to wash him off so yes he repeated that wish there was more of it but there we go that's the way it goes let's see what else there is so I've just spotted this bit of pottery on the bottom broken but it's got that bit of right on the bottom look it says mal ing Marling so I made something Jane oh let me know if you recognize that again the shame that there's not more of that but still always nice to just have a look and see what you find in and then more exciting to do I have spotted a bottle just gonna have a look and see if it's any good is it bottle great Raj I think we've seen one like this virtually I don't think we've we've got one no name or anything on earth what would have been in it it's got that little rim look so would it have been a source maybe for that shape don't know look at it I'm really pleased with that which I think that's really nice Superfund yeah and do let me know what you or you think that we've got quite a collection of these actually now sort of we find low to no two broken bits of them and we have found quite a few complete ones but this one's huge it's a really big size I don't think we've got one quite this big or maybe maybe just one but you can see at the bottom there it would say not genuine unless bearing WP Hartley's label in fact maybe this one doesn't even quite say that maybe it's a bit earlier but it's what the WP Hartley's around the outside and the little lighthouse there in the middle that you can just recognize I've just found this really lovely piece of red glass look at it it's nice to sit and I thought it was just a lens off of a an old car or something but Ryan doesn't seem to think it is off of a light of some sort we're sure but perhaps not a car and it's really nice isn't it just looking really good I think so I'm going to try and I'm going to take it home and I'm gonna try and make something out of it at some point maybe it'll be the centerpiece to one of my mosaics that I've been planning to make for a little while with some of my pottery finds but look at that lovely isn't it Ryan's just found this interesting relic look at it and we're just sort of trying to agree what it says or what it might be so it looks like it says gasps here I think that says oil potentially and then GT or CT so we thought it could be like Castrol GT but I'm pretty sure it says gas oil and what would it be what what would it come from so maybe you guys would recognize that I know I've asked you a lot of questions today about my phones but this is the one that's really kind of bugging us the most so yeah let us know what you think look at this I could spot a jar and I thought it must be another paste jar but it's actually an old bottle jar looks like it's got some age to it I'd say both we're all limited it's at three one nine three one eight so I'm sure there'll be a way to age that you may and I might just give it a go isn't that nice what old in England I've never found one of these before so yeah please with that as well okay so you're not actually going to believe this you know it's just having the debate with you about that broken marmalade jar and whether I should take it home because it's broken we came to an agreement I take it home until I could replace it with a complete one and look what ryan has just pulled out it's almost exactly the same it's got the Dundee marmalade along there it needs a bit of a cleanup isn't that crazy I mean I'm over the moon as you can probably imagine so we'll give that a good cleanup I'll take a nice clean photo of that for you so you can just see what it's like cleaned up but what I find look at this beautiful specimen of a bottle I've never seen one like it is so heavy and a lovely shape but look the tops just broken off what a shame but still that's the way it goes I suppose you have to deal with a lot of breaking ones to get the good one say never mind I went to what it would have been just anyone recognize it it's a nice little find a nice little sort of cosmetics jar or something it might be sort of fairly modern it's not sort of super old but I actually like them I like these small ones [Music] [Music] hi everyone I thought I'd just bring you back for a quick roundup video today because we brought so much home with us this is the collection of stuff that's come back with us and this is not everything that we found - it just couldn't bring it all had to leave a lot behind so I stood out here so this a nice bowl I shade it was really dirty and I thought I had a nurse or pattern in it and it has it's actually really sweet isn't it so it still needs a bit more cleaning you can see there's a pattern on the outside as well so yeah I'm really glad I caught that coating that's very sweet my nice little light lens which is going to look great on something and then this which I really do need your help with so if you recognize it and let me know was it a sort of token or badge from something perhaps when it was glass iodine dishes and one of my favorites is wow these look this one's been cleaned up as you can see and it's just got such a lot of sort of marking on the bottom that it was obviously something new sort of quite expensive I guess in its time so if they old anyone recognize it let me know again I haven't been able to find out much about that which is a shame but I'll keep trying so a couple of small bottles this one I like my little bowl for all joy which is my first one of these finds and then this one it's nice this is their 1001 I wondered if it might be a sort of cologne bottle or something maybe let me know what you think and then we had quite a few jar finds today this one's been cleaned already so it's looking quite good this one in the process of being cleaned is going to look great I'm pretty sure and then this first one that we found this complete and I love it probably one of my favorites of the day my absolute favorite of course this one which Ryan found and this is the James Keeler and Sons Dundee marmalades just look at that so you can see we've just cleaned the front there's a lot more work to do to this or cleanup but I think that's going to look great when it's done and then in terms of bottles and we don't always bring the bigger bottles back I do you like the soft drinks or bottles ties only because aid the old ones I do enjoy so we've got this one which is the Sun fresh one still needs a bit of cleaning and the Gordon's one is interesting because we weren't sure actually how much age it's got to it but I mean they're not in the shops like that anymore right so it must have some age to it and actually it just looks quite good doesn't oh and then this which is the cokes from a certified ER and it is still a cider in lamb pretty sure that if I just shake it a little bit you can still even see a little bit Affairs so so that's really cool but actually this is a local cider some of you might remember the advert which had a really Somerset accent saying that you know cider comes from Somerset something I mean I didn't need to do the accent right that's mine anyway but it's pretty cool that we found a lot i'll share some photos of some of the advertising that they did because it's pretty cool and i think they stopped making that in this of late 60 70s and it became part of the company that now makes gamers cider which is pretty cool and then my little coke cam again not a normal sort of fine for me but i quite like that i'm gonna try and clean up a little bit so old packaging of sort of you know 70s and 80s packaging I really enjoy anyway so there we go that's a quick roundup of today I hope you've enjoyed my video please do come and find me on Twitter at Lucy Larkin and or on Facebook Lucy's Larkin adventures thanks so much for watching leave me some comments let me know what you thought and please like and subscribe and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Lucy's Larking Adventures
Views: 85,965
Rating: 4.8126559 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking, mudlark, mudlarker, Thames mudlarking, Thames mudlark, Thames mudlarker, Larking, Lucy's Larking, Lucy's Larking Adventures, bottles, vintage bottles, antique bottles, bottle dump, bottle dig, bottle digging, vintage, antique, antique pottery, vintage pottery, stream, brook, waterfall, bridge, river walking, treasure, treasure hunting, treasure hunter, relics, relic hunting, relic hunter, river, nature, coins, coin spill, metal detecting, metal detector, metal detect
Id: 1cx0ScvBhps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 7sec (1867 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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