Day Out with a Bottle Digger

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[Music] so [Music] little haunts if we don't have anything i have trouble finding at the moment yeah well we've found it it's just we need to be winter yeah it's very it's very steep because if we get down here we're going to look around let's see how we get on a little stream at the bottom river she said so yeah i'll have a look around so we get bring you guys with us see if we get any luck let's get going we're still looking around see if we can find some accessory points there's a little bit here victorian houses here victorian houses right here at one time a view okay so we've had a little bit of an adventure and um i think that's one for the winter isn't it yeah it's a little bit overgrown it's a little bit over most of the dumps are totally overgrown right now yeah we'll be back there again but yeah it's a definite definite for the winter so now we're going on a little bit of an adventure and we're going to go into the woods into the woods where we know that this treasure's lurking and digging needs to be dug and that's why not by us because yeah so we're taking the digger with us taking sean with us we're just gonna take a little stroll around and just pick up exercising her hobby yes so right yeah so onwards to the next place right so on our way to somewhere else we've stopped off uh someone we've been to a few times before actually we're got loads of glass bottle stoppers here um i just thought we'd come back to not been back probably since last year i've been here since last year so we just thought we'd come here and see if we can find anything on the way to um the woods really so yeah let's see if we can find anything super here what is that what is that beast of a thing oh it's a speaker oh it's no speaker i thought it was like um some sort of dish there you go old speaker because it's amazing what washes up on rivers isn't it but yeah i can pop that in the bin there's a bin just around the corner up the slope that can get popped in there no problem [Music] i've been to this spot for a long long long long and it's completely changed it always does completely change three years over the top of there just having a look at a spot up here see what's about it always changes all the time i don't think i'm going to find a hell of a bring the glasses with me today so unless it's a car door i ain't going to see it probably it was very large it was lovely and clear but i was to show you the bridge i have just a camera mic on today so it might be noise coming from one angle look at the bridge here though probably bridge that see where they've extended the road the road above here and they brought the bridge out wider to the road across it and both sides a bit of a tiny little bridge so much history and all these stones these rocks and stones look at them so big there's a little bottle there that's a nice little bottle it's clear but it's nice so that's a keeper it's a medical some sort of medical bottle because that's what this dump site is here it's all medical waste oh he's found something for me let's have a look no no it hasn't broke oh look at that i've never found a green stopper here that is a great little find well done i've never found a green one i found brown ones and i might have found clear ones but that is beautiful she's a star look at that a green stopper right i've had a little bit of a scrape there joanna found an amazing um bottle stopper which is very kindly given to me um did you find anything mick uh no no but to be fair we've only come here for a few minutes it was just a stop off um to show shawna a place where she could come to and we're actually on to another destination now where we know there are going to be lots of fines i'm going to be there for quite a while so cut to the next place [Music] all right we've made it to our final destination at the dump in the woods and it looks like someone's been here so this looks great because someone's been here it's all been brought to the surface i've got shauna digging over there happy as a piggy you know what over there digging away got mick having a moot over there and i'm just about to get started i've even got knee pads on because i know here and you have a bit of a scrape because there's loads of stuff just under the surface but as it happens there's tons of stuff on the surface because the diggers have been in they've even lined them up on the tree down there probably can't see don't know but anyway yeah so this looks like an exciting little place to finish off our little bit of the adventure that we had today and so yeah come on first off i'll bring you with me because you're here you might as well this bowl here this lovely bottle here with the caulking and whatever is in there some sort of liquid but yeah i like that white bottle then clear bottle with white stuff in and the cork i'll obviously clean that white stuff out and i'll do it outside because you never know what it is do it outside not with a mask on um but yeah that's a lovely little bottle complete no chips no nothing so that is a brilliant first find okay first bit of a bottle graveyard you might as well have a look as we're passing let's see what there is let's get down here oh it's very cracked that's like a pickle one i don't like those but i'll show you anyway paste pot yeah nice paste pot with the pickle or broken cod oh always a killer little jars this is nice a lot of complete bottles but i'm being good and i'm not taking things like that because you know i've got a million of them already so yeah a nice little bottle graveyard but not oh what's that oh though it was a marble it's not a collection of three marbles it's some berries of a tree spotted something down there i don't know if you can see i don't know what it is you can see it closer little beads this is a bead that's not a bead is it a b no size too close is it a bead i don't know it's a something maybe that's a yeah i keeper don't look like i've been dug up i mean a few times it hadn't been the first time we came back and looked like it has been dug a little look around here see if we can find anything you might as well come along with us as you're here let's go there's another little bit of a graveyard here so before i start digging i might as well just have a look at these just to see if there's anything here on the surface oh this looks like something pink over there i'll have a look at that in a minute but let's have a look what the other people or the diggers have put here oh let's have a look at that let's have a look down here oh that's a nice one oh that's a beauty oh it's got a bit of a chip at the bottom but it's not going all the way through and that and this place has beautifully clean glass really really nice but yeah that is a lovely lovely aqua can you just about see the tinge of aqua on it aqua bottle little bit of a chip at the bottom doesn't matter doesn't go all the way through and that's a little beauty i can still use that and it's a lovely clean bottle super fined let's have a look what's on the rest of this thing oh is that a metal oh the big spider oh i don't if you could see that big spider but yeah that's like the top of a bell metal bell or something so yes that metal piece is definitely a crafting piece yeah absolutely so i'm going to keep that tablespoons bottle nice but i've got loads lots of other what's that one tablespoons poison oh what's that what's that oh now you're talking oh i like that little crack don't matter that it's a lovely little whatever don't know what that is little dish pot mini vars i don't know that is definitely a keeper yeah i like that like that one so we've got our metal bit and that so we'll keep those two thank goodness that spider ran off safely i'm just gonna continue to look at these before i start having my own little scrape bottle with a lid on bother all got tons of those oh little bottle at the end let's have a look at that one let's see what that one is yeah it's a full one let's get rid of the cac any writing on nope no writing but it's still got like um oh something inside like jelly like substance in it i can see it dripping down the sides there inside but yeah that's a keeper we'll keep that one that's nice got a swift look around here milk bottle but it's not really an old enough one what's that what is that oh it's off some sort of metal metal something or other too rusty and i can't think of a use for it but yeah a couple of little things there to pop in my bag i'll continue to look at what's been left on the surface and then we can go oops then we can go and have a little bit of a scrape because this place is great for a scrape just seeing the bottle on set let me turn you around that one oh the next next two broken on that one shame but yeah i'm just going to put these fewer little finds into my bag okay let's go back to the pink thing that i saw up there oh it's half a cup but gosh what a lovely cup that would have been how fancy is that not sure i would like to drink it i have a cup of that shape though to be fair but look at the handle on it like a twisted twisted handle oh that's a beauty what a shame it's only half of it no i'm not going to keep it i'm not tempted for half a cup i can't think of anything to do with it what other bits and pieces are here jars don't need any jars tell you what would be nice so a bit of mesh some sort of metal mesh would be nice little find here come on i'll bring you with me what's that oh it's completely rusted whatever it is all right some more bottles there give you a quick look i don't think there's anything for me yeah i'm just doing a quick surface look quick quick look on the surface see what there is um some more bottles being dug out around here so have a quick look at those and then we shall get to the uh nitty gritty of it i've got knee pads on so as i told you knee pads are on so i'm gonna be kneeling down having a bit of a scrape here oh just show you what i've just seen that that dish there i love those in my garden with plants in i've got a few well i'll say my garden i've actually only got a little backyard but um it will go in my backyard that one that one yep that is a garden contender definitely have to get rid of some of that soil because we don't want to be carrying that but that is a beauty i've got one of those already in better condition so that can stay see being good so look at that cup oh that would have been a beauty that's got a beautiful blue pattern look at that that's beautiful but it's not for me but yeah i should keep that one let's have a quick look with you on this bit here little bottles oh there's a little tiny one let's see if that's whole what is it's a tiny tiny one isn't it a little tiny tiny but little don't want to exaggerate let's have a look probably a mini sauce is it do you think don't know but yeah put that one in the pot shall we stick that in there see if there's anything else that's a screw top oh this is the place where they had the massive dough balls isn't it gigantic ones all right let's have a look something else with some white stuff in oh don't know screwed up anyway so it's not on the list all right just quick quick look can't see anything else in the immediate area so i'm just gonna pop those into my bag two great finds the dish um thingy dish and the little bottle yeah that'll have a plant in it and that'll just go on the shelf i've got something something for me oh with it oh you know i get excited nearly falling over myself what is it i need my glasses your glasses is sort of exciting oh there's one hole i don't know i don't know it could be could be a bead it really could or just a little clay ball that's painted silver do you know but that is a great find thank you so much mick that is a beautiful fan that you give thank you so much thank you oh it's a pleasure to thank you mate could be fun i know you like to be that and i do thank you behind the scenes i thank him but this is a thank you for giving me this beautiful little fight thank you mate ever so much no thank you no thank you right another little bottle graveyard so it's going to be a long time before i start scraping by the look of it let's have a look see what there is here just in case uh big jar oh what's that that's a funny shape what is that oh you know what that would make i was just going to say no because it's a screw top but you know what that would make an absolutely fabulous potion bottle because of the shape of it and you wouldn't never see the screw top because i put stuff around it but yeah i have been asked a few times now to do another potion potion bottle and one video so yeah that is perfect for a potion bottle that would have normally been binned or not binded to put it back um but yeah potion bottle shape and it's not chipped so yeah it'll be perfect and you know even if they are chipped you just sand sand the chip bits off if you're gonna make it into a potion bottle because you won't cut yourself once you've sanded it down it's fine and it doesn't matter being as a little bit gnarly so yeah there you go that has made it into the bag as a potion bottle well done bottle oh i don't know what happened there was just recording and it froze so i'll say it again uh here out of that pile is another lovely little bottle that would be great for potion bottles so yeah what's this here i just stood up because i wanted mixed to sort the camera out because it froze and then look at that that is a beauty perfect condition look at that that is a beautiful bottle and an absolute keeper so yeah potion i'll definitely have to do this video soon i've got some nice shaped bottles but yeah two keepers let's carry on while you're here and i can just pop these oops in the bag there and also colored glass i'm looking for for beads and other sort of glass things that crafts that i'm doing i don't usually look for glass but it's got to be coloured right anyway let's get back to this pile oh what's that oh what was that it would do like a mystery i can't tell what that would have been oh there's not enough of it i don't know i have no idea what that is not a clue anyway a smaller one of those bottles that's a beauty big jar no i might come back for it if i don't find any more for the harry potter things harry potter jars actually i don't want to get too many too soon okay big jar don't think out of this little pile we'll just keep this one come on i'll bring you with me might as well another little pile here metal something sauce we don't collect those to a little spread paste thing don't need those just now only if it was doing a certain project would have picked those up but yeah so colored glass would be nice and just some stuff for crafts really oh look at that oh it's bashed totally bashed but they're very pretty the salt cellars that they had very pretty right okay i'm gonna put this in my bag and then um we'll go to another bit of a bottle graveyard just have a little bit of a search around here quick search then we're gonna start having a scrape i think what we put on there some lids i don't collect those lids but i like it when they put things on the trees because you know that someone somewhere will collect that sort of thing we've got hair bottles a few bottles jars what's that one just a plain one let's have a quick look that's what bring you with me nice little paste thing there oh not quite a circle oh what a shame yeah if it was more of a circle i took that because i've got another similar one actually oh look at that that would have been a beast of a flagging a beast alright let's have a quick look here just a few jars go just get my bag go and have a look up there gigantic dough bowl oh was a gigantic dough ball all right let's get my bag oh and on the way up what would have found it's bucket handle yep i forgot all about my bucket handles i've got about four now and i think um carol's got a few for me as well uh you know what i should go up there and see what shawna's doing actually so yeah before i start scraping i'm gonna have a look up there and see what she's up to see if she's found any goodies i hope she has i hope she's found some goodies um yeah shawna little bottles like a friend aren't we lucky everyone should have one uh right i'm just gonna untangle this from the tree i'm gonna put it in my bag oh that was like one of them little pots with the plastic lid still on oh gosh i hope it's hope it's whole i love those little jars i love them oh please behold please be whole and it is now that it's a beaut look at that with the lid on that wow that is a beauty how could you leave that that is beautiful a little what'd you call it jar a little i don't know i don't know ceramic anyway and they had plastic lids which i never would have known if um andrew andrew found one at a snowy dump and he very kindly gave it to me very kindly thank you very much and uh and these lids actually they glow under uv light so i wonder i'm gonna see if i've got my uv light one second and i'll come back if i ever make my see if i've got it in my bag because these glow will do uv light it doesn't glow this one but the other one did so there you go but that it's a beautiful find i love that a lovely little pot little ceramic pot with its original lid on that's a super find that little little tail little tile very handy for crafts as it is yes it is a little tiny tail square finished not broken so yeah that's keeper gonna have that just working my way over to shawna just looking on the surface as i go let me go pop that in there come on let's have a look while you're here up here with me another lovely little bottle oh and another and they're in perfect condition as well it's amazing don't like that bottle don't know what it is it looks like um some sort of miniature of something like a spirit so i don't know it doesn't appeal to me but yeah there's a few what's that is that glass what is it it's glass and i keep it because i'm looking for colored glass oh it's just the iridescence it's plain glass it's just very iridescent and you can see that can't you yeah it's not colored but yeah two perfect bottles your keepers going in my bag i'll keep you on just in case shall i i can hear her digging over there we'll get to her we will get to her i'm gonna leave my bag here leave my bag here and let's go and walk and see oh what's that walk and look at the same time i think it is glass white glass oh i don't know might come back for you i do want glass so yeah it might come back for you alright come on let's see if we can make it to her you know me just can't go in a straight line can i i can hear her somewhere i think right i'm going to go and look for her all right i found you right what have you got let's have a look oh yeah very good and the clean bottles here as well don't you can tell this is a shame about this one all right what's that one let's have a look yeah and you don't do the cutting down of them now we talk a lot about it we'll never actually do it um but yeah this hit and down this down there as well you know there's tons down there yeah right okay keep up the good work have you brought a bag i'm just if you i can give you a carry bag now if you wanted to there's nobody here there's no minds over there somewhere right okay keep up the good work shauna find some gems that's what you're looking for little gems right okay if you were a scraper where would you be found it oh it's there oh my goodness me i want my like all right let's get this scraper and let's go for a bit of a scrape where should we start let's start up here that looks quite productive little area doesn't it oh that looks like an interesting bit of pottery a little robin oh what a shame it's only got the the belly of the rubbing but still that's a nice piece i don't usually keep pottery i might keep that piece right i'm gonna have another scrape on here see what gems this place produces a bit of colored glass just what i'm after that's on my list a bit of colored glass for something that i'm doing yep perfect it's a bit of blue as well a bit of blue glass i do believe it is a bit of blue glass yep um see if there's anything else paste your have a little bit of scrape around here and see if we can see anything oh that's an interesting bit of metal with my glove hand oh yeah i can i can knock some of that rust off that would be something nice nice craft wise a clay marble oh that's a brilliant little fan i didn't even see it i was just lifting that plate up to see what pattern it was and it's just a delicate little pattern but look at that clay marble sat on top don't mind if i do i wonder if they put it there and forgotten right so we'll take the clay marble and we'll take that lovely little metal whatever that is wheel yep they're keepers tiny little teaspoons bottle and there's not a chip or a mark on it so you know what i'm gonna keep that because that is in perfect condition and it's a lovely little bottle there's iridescence on it but there's other than that i think it's a clean bottle yeah i like that little teaspoons bottle that's a keeper right just bent down to pick something up and found a little button so little button an oyster shell because i'm going to do something with the oyster shell that i saw someone on insta do but button and then i'm going to go down there and have a look and see what we can find down there let's come to this slope here because it seems to be a lot of stuff down here so let's have a look and see if we can spot anything i have already walked this way actually um so let's have a look there's a bit of pottery what's that not that i'm collecting it but just a little bit willow that's nice um job it's screwed up so i'm not interested i don't know if it's oh but i didn't put my glasses on oh my goodness me what is that oh she's beaut it's it's um it looks like snow white yeah it looks like snow white oh she's beautiful she looks like snow white oh that is a beautiful little find my hair's everywhere i don't know why by the time it oh yeah oh but that is a beautiful little find great she's great out she is a keeper nice little bit of patterning on that lovely color [Applause] nice color that isn't it very nice [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] small plate there shameless broken now you can see a bit better there you go all right yeah yeah i think i've got a couple of these at home i've never got one that's lovely i think it must be some sort of lamp maybe yeah oh no i can use that something yeah it's either a light or a or a lamp or always got a bit of a [Music] yeah that's beautiful nice little bit of metal work yeah definitely a keeper marble let's have a look oh if i can get out this hole oh wow [Music] wow that's like a really very big farmer isn't it what is it what's that word say up there that's a little bit of a scrape i can't make that i don't know that is great peace oh well shame that's not whole i wonder what sort of picture that would have been yeah oh absolutely in that mob don't you want these do you not keep anything oh thank you oh see she's spoiling me everyone needs a little bottle digger in the pocket to take out with them but yeah look at that great massive marble and that lovely piece of pottery there with the farmer on it and i'm dying to know what those words at the top say there uh i'll take a picture of it and then zoom in see if i can read it better but what great finds massive marble right can you see it i'm sure the eagle-eyed viewers can see that there it's a button it looks like a mother of pearl can you see it mick i've got it it's a mother of pearl button that is beautiful aren't they just the most gorgeous thing to find a little button no we never used to find him but now i found her well i found two here today for a start that's lovely a little mother of pearl button a little bit worse for wear but you know what she's still beautiful and i have got a project four buttons for all the buttons that i found an art an art project so just add it to the list of projects for me to do but yeah button super fined and i can use it step in my little surface look before i start scraping again and saw a stopper it was a cork one a cork one on wood by the look of it probably might have had a metal bit over that but yeah there's still a stopper it'll still look nice displayed so that it's a little keeper a little cork stopper that might be a fancy bit of metal so it might be a usable bit of metal so let's have a look sorry oh it could be quite corroded let's see yeah it's too it's too brittle that that will it's a shame that would just break but it's always worth having a look isn't it a little bit more there and i've left them but yeah there is a few of those here but you see me pick up a million but i've also left tons too being good all right can i spot something circular on there i think it's probably virtually in the middle of the screen so i think you'll be able to see it too we'll just give you a couple of seconds to focus on it i don't know what it is it's got holes in it is that just let me swap hands my unclubbed hand just to pick that up see what it is [Music] i don't know about that it's a lovely little bit of metal for crafting that yeah i've no idea what it is but yeah it's a usable oh i found it it's a usable little find which i'm gonna put my bag really quickly before i drop it and lose it totally but yeah a nice little find whatever it may [Music] a be pepper pot salt pot something like that oh that's a nice one that not chipped as well a beautiful swirly patterned pepper pot oh that's a beauty that is definitely a keeper right we're going to chuck that one down to my bag i think and carry on having a little bit of scrape here i'm just sort of scraping off the top couple of inches really and just seeing what comes out oh look one of those marmalade jar shards just got vienna 1870 something on there what a shame but i do like that piece so i am going to keep that piece and i'll probably do something with it those are lovely jars i have got one but it's not one that i found well i think it's one my dad dug up what's that there little round things caught my eye is that oh i think it's probably like out of a lid or off the top of a bottle or something yeah i don't think it's don't think it's anything it's nothing but that is a beautiful little shard so yeah i'm going to keep that i'm sure i can do something with that i've got lettering on it so yeah it's keeper well i can see the end oops sorry just i mean look at the size of this doughboy i don't know if you can tell the size of that dough ball that dough bowl is gigantic i mean here's a bit of a rim of one look at the size of that it's just huge oh my gosh i'd love to find something like that but not lightly not likely at all but i have found a hand on let's see if it's complete and it is a lovely big bucket handle which has no appeal to anyone other than me um because i'm going to use it for crafts obviously so yeah that's a little keeper i'm gonna keep it up there just seen this here oh i think it was a wine glass yeah it would have been a wine glass like that a beautiful cup glass glass look at that oh that's so pretty so pretty but busted very very busted all right let's have a little look on the surface here and see if we can spot a few little gems that look interesting let's have a look what that is is it wood oh i know it's metal oh that is really nice that i think it's metal feels heavy anyway yeah it's metal it's a metal mat that is beautiful i wonder what that is after think it could be like a candlestick or a light fitting you know like an old gas light fitting i don't know it's hot i think it's hollow kind of difficult to tell because it's full of full of dirt but that is a little beauty and i'm sure i can use that for something and as always if you've got any ideas what i could use that for in a craft please let me know like i say you know what i have what i can make etc so yeah just give us any ideas you think i could make with that some sort of stand for something or something's hanging off it i don't know you tell me what you think i could make with that well that shell it's perfect i found a few of these today these oyster shells i think i've seen you p you think you've seen me pick one or bachelor so yeah i'm gonna deck a patch inside it and put gold edge around it and make like a little trinket little trinket dish we'll see how it goes but yeah i've got a few now to have a go out they're beautiful i never had a use for them before but just happened to see somebody post something on instagram and it was beautiful and i thought oh yeah i could easily do that that's the craft anyone could do so yeah oyster shell for a little trinket dish craft another tiny little bottle graveyard don't want these two the good travis travis's those big ones and that is a nice bottle but i've got no use for it i wouldn't do anything with it but that one yeah just get the water out of it but that one is a lovely one and also i haven't shown you but i picked up loads of these because there was a craft i was doing i can't think what it was now and i thought oh gosh i should have picked those up now the little like ceramic whatever ceramic things but i can use them for bases from a frankenstein craft so yeah i've got a few of those actually put them in my bag oh yeah three little keepers i think it might be a bead i've not looked i've just glanced over i can see something of color so let's take a further look at that i don't know but i think it might be and it is oh there you go a little i don't know what color you'd call that blue blue turquoise yeah turquoise colour yeah that's a beautiful little find a little bead never find them there you have it there we have it a lovely bead i'm not sure what that is metal thing sticking out there oh it's like a firm off the back of a hair clip isn't it yeah little metal dude off the back of her an old hair clip you know the sort of mean don't you that sort of open up that open up and then sort of close and clip into the end there yeah somebody's personal little find there's no little item oh yeah a little hair click oh sean has found she's trying to take the crown off me there's the jam part rescuer i can't go up there i'll try and come this way look at that that is an amazing find well done look complete no chips well done you what you like that is a brilliant find and definitely a keeper i'm not going to take it but it's got some writing on so we'll have a look rude not to it's in perfect condition as well what a shame scott's emulsion the outside glass is in perfect condition i would imagine it would be a bit of a pain to clean the inside of that but still scott's emulsion that's a nice little bottle i shall leave that there for someone else i've left a lot today for someone else but look at that that is a great little find that sean has done there a jam pot is it it's not a heartless one but we don't care do we yeah i love it i walked past this piece when i came in and then i lost it and i found it again now this piece pottery here that had flags on some may their rain be it's got um union jack on it a crown a leaf may their rain be so i don't know what what that might be of some sort of um commemorative cup right off some sort of commemorative cup may their rain be don't know whether yeah i don't know anybody any ideas about this yeah the curious to know just let us know yep right we're going to sign out here around here oh yeah found some nice little gems yeah yeah the hills is about to do a runner yeah um [Music] yeah just way overgrown yeah as you could see so um we're gonna sign out i'm gonna actually subscribe like and all that malarkey and if you really enjoyed it we've enjoyed it don't forget we do have the coffee link down below but you can donate the price of a coffee or even a little bit more because it all goes back into the channel it certainly does if you're watching this on a saturday night don't forget tomorrow night we have our live show we can come along and have a bit of fun that's if you're watching on saturday night ever so you're watching it during the week forget it we missed out otherwise you want to be in with half a chance get there for saturday night half seven uk time time and uh we're all a bit of fun yeah so uh thanks for watching see you later bye bye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Manchester Mudlarks
Views: 4,999
Rating: 4.9704251 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking, mudlark, mud, bottle dump, craft, crafting, funny, finds, how to, dockybay 51, mud larking, river walking, wading, walking, exploration, exploring, treasure hunt, treasure hunting, rivers, adventure, finding, beach combing, beachcombing, pottery shards, pottery sherds, river glass, sea glass, weirs, beach, bottle digger, trash picking, riverwalking, dump, mudlarking uk
Id: zJ6Ak1of-HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 47sec (2687 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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