Mudlarking with Subscribers

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somebody messaged us and said hey hey guys calm down i will take you down there yeah so i'll have that one that one just jumped bumped into two subscribers here just turned out they saw us in the distance and they come running down here right i just got past there and they nearly went in there there's no way mick could have done that not a chance oh my god i've gotta get back gotta get back yeah i'm gonna have to put some bricks down or something because there's no way i can stand on that mush again i'm gonna i'm gonna die i don't go over there he's gonna look at him him oh my god he's gonna kill himself so [Music] [Music] so [Music] yeah what a great spot this is it's lovely just one big island but now i think we're doing our like second or third circuit around this island and there's just so much stuff that you don't see the first time you went around it what's that oh it's an insulator when it's a full one as well oh gosh i don't have a full insulator she'll take it she'll leave it what we're gonna do with it i'm gonna leave it yeah i'm gonna leave it i don't have one but what do we need one for i don't collect some diva right being good i'll stay in there see how good i am right but yeah second or third time round now i'm just having a look and see what we've missed a tiny little jar there it's all of a shoe bottles those are screwed up bottles we still have age to them you know they can still be quite old so yeah i'd say well i've not been down this bit here so i'm gonna go down here see if we can see anything else um but yeah what a lovely little spot this is i thought it would be difficult to get to but actually it's quite easy it was quite an easy walk to get here all right that's a nice nice little handy jar right let's see if we can spot anything on this edge and as per usual you can come with me what shame it just goes completely completely off there what's that what's that probably a stick is it yeah it's a stick anyway so let's give that a bit of a clean before it goes in the bag let's see if anything's caught here yep can't see anything if there's something exciting in there i could always go get the grabber and get it out that way let's move the nettles make sure it's not hiding anything exciting yep one jar which you probably said before i wasn't gonna take but uh i've been quite good on here to be fair i was trying not to take everything that i saw and i think i've done quite well i think it's doing really well all right let's have a go down here i'm going to bring you with me yep so you can uh help me never fall in oh my goodness me i don't i don't like those it's like the picca lily ones aren't they not so keen on all them little tiny oh yeah i have been here before because i saw them didn't i yeah and i didn't take them the first time around so i'm not going to take them second time around there's a bottle there that's that feet is sinking let's see see what that is hang on let me just put this sleeve up i really should put an elastic band on it right what's that that's modern intake stick it to the side though because you never know somebody else might want it in there let's have a look what we've got in here what's that what's that it's a handle but it's a nice handle it's a handle with something on isn't it so that can go in picture frame a few handles from here what else have we got it's weird i can see things you didn't see the first time around i'm gonna get my head a bit closer to the ground what's that let's put that on there i don't know what that is a lid of something let's try and empty that another little bottle there that's that was broken don't bother picking it up don't bother wasting the time all right can't just see bits yeah i really would have thought i'd found bottle um bottle stoppers here but there wasn't any it's that one screw top leave it there for someone else stone the bottle keeps filling up yeah yeah we thought would have found bottle stoppers but they're quite light aren't they so supposed to just get bopped along they're probably all in that deep bit there maybe when we come back when it's gone down a bit we might find some all right what's that i really gotta take the chat oh it's broken take this chart man it keeps filling up with water all right what's that that looks like a little bottle let's see oh screw it up again stick it on there for someone else right i'm going to attempt to take these back to the bag yeah the previous mud lockers that didn't make it yeah didn't quite get there watch the tides they didn't make it right we're gonna go and have a look at the cliff edge that we never saw last time and uh see if we can get near it this time last time we couldn't [Music] that's what we'll do right here it's where the johnson's building [Music] you can see exactly what we're doing what we've got to go through right that way we didn't go very far we went there looked at little eyes when he came back yeah too close to the this is quite edge so you get your edge where that tree is over there and then you start like go down right i've just got past there and i nearly went in there there's no way mick could have done that not a chance and i barely made it so i'm going to stick something like that down before i step over it again but this is uh is it the place to be hope don't get loads because i've left my bag behind what's that it's a little glass file but i've not brought it back so hopefully i don't find a lot oh see that would have been a massive a massive piece wouldn't it well i've not brought my bag so i'm going to look for tiny little things stick it up my sleeve oh that was that was very scary getting here right let's have a look see if we can see anything super exciting it's all dropping out the bank there hopefully won't drop down on me oh my gosh let's see let's see if i can get me it's a bit slippery it's firm but it's slippery yeah it does feel firm it's just a little bit slippy that's all sorry what's that it's a little jar a little jar i'm gonna leave it just because i've got to get back across that place i've just gone past so and i see something exciting is staying here with this oh my god this is scary this is so so scary i'm scared i am i'm scared because i've got to go back now this feels a lot firmer and a lot nicer let's see if we can find anything on here like i said i couldn't bring i couldn't bring a bag my god if i brought back i'd have to leave it on the other side i've left the back bag with mick there's a paste i'll leave it there i'm looking for something else something a little bit more exciting than that for this bit it's that bit of metal a little hook oh my gosh don't know how people come here all the time honestly oh i got it off someone's left some bits in here a few little bits is that a winder of some sort of winder we'll have that and put my glasses on see what people have left here it's that bead what is it's a bead with some metal still in it we'll have that a bead now this is easy this is what i call wood locking it's so much easier big one pled got a bead a key and that little glass glass jar thing yeah we'll have those i haven't even got a pocket i don't know where i'm going to put it oh i'll stick them up the sleeve right we'll have them easy finds left for us oh look up a teacup oh what a just half of one what's that that's plain that can stay there i'm afraid if you want me to take you from here you've got to just be a little bit exciting you've also got to be quite small because i've got to stick you up my sleeve oh i can't tell you i was so scared oh my god i've gotta get back gotta get back yeah i'm gonna have to put some bricks down or something because there's no way i can stand on that mush again i'm gonna i'm gonna die i don't go over there he's gotta look at him him oh my god he's gonna kill himself oh my god i have to get something exciting because there's no chance of going over there i can't i can't oh my god this is like extreme woodlocking it is it's just like extreme now this bit slippery this bit slippery i'm absolutely not stepping onto that what we'll do is have a little look on the banking just have a little look see if we can see anything hanging out certainly not pulling what's that that was mushroom i'm certainly not pulling anything out of that banking because the whole thing will fall on me and that's me just a little bit not close to the edge of the water so that little bit of a slip wasn't so bad but yeah just have a quick look along here you see all the stuff hanging out the sides waiting to drop but yeah this is uh this is my limit here i think on this bit no wonder no wonder you didn't come with us lynn because and there's no way mick would have done this absolutely i'm i can barely do it mix weighed down with all his bags so there's no chance absolutely zero chance there's a bottle hanging out there it's just good to be here but i can't say that this slope is a place that i would come to again no no just know what's that oh it's a roller is it some sort of roller honestly i don't know i'm going to get out of here i really don't know how i'm going to get out of here this might be my final message oh my god just looking at what's about all right i might have to stick the camera up my sleeve or something to get out one sec let me swap hands let's have a little look around here in this bit that's a little bit further away from the water you see anything what's that the bottom of something it's just if we see anything into it anything exciting little bits and pieces but i'm not gonna lie this is scary as you've heard me say oh that was that lit off something but it's full very iridescent though very nice can't see anything that's infinite exciting there what's that oh an old milk bottle oh i don't think i can carry that oh what shame i'll do like that i'd have to put it on my sleeve i've done worse i've carried him in worse places than obviously them so he's coming back he's there i don't think he's got anything oh yeah cliff face scary scary cliff face let me tell you i do want that bottle i do want my bottle oh gosh i'm gonna carry it right i'm gonna stick it up my sleeve i've got no i've got no alternative i'm taking it it's going up my sleeve oh i'm alive i've got a cross and i feel a lot better i couldn't take that bottle because i couldn't carry it and live at the same time so we're here we're across this bit doesn't seem quite as bad because it's not as muddy it's not as slippery and still got little bits of pieces but yeah i'm just you know what i'm just thankful to be alive [Laughter] oh what's that oh what's that what's that thing there like a like like a light pole yeah it's complete that yeah love it i can carry it now don't panic everybody i'm safe oh my god i don't think i've ever been so scared in my life that's all that's a little bottle kind of risky yeah it's not squishy here we'll have that as soon as i've come all this way i'll get that little bottle just as a reward to myself what's that a little wooden handle oh like that wooden handle sorry didn't show it wooden handle will love it all right let's go back go back to safety i'm just sticking what i've found up my sleeve so that i've got a hand to grab hold of all the branches and stuff it's not so bad here let me tell you it's relatively easy here yeah okay sorry oh my goodness made it just walking along found this really tiny little um fight glass milk glass that's lovely that tiny little island here let's have a quick scout on here see if there's anything anything exciting anything to catch our eye a little jar because i've got such a trek i'm not going to take it handle i thought it might be an arm this space a bit squishy it's a bit squishy but i've made it this far so let's have a look oh what's that oh it's a screw top what's that one there's another screw top what was that agree oh it's a real cream isn't it brill cream one you see anything else tons of pottery and i'm not bothered picking up the pottery today oh i've got these bottles here what are these there's another one screw top [Applause] oh it's broken broken one sticker to the side anyway double up it's like a little bottle graveyard here isn't it stick them on the side for somebody else a few more here still got another inch on me well it's been okay let's have a look screw the top stick it there yep oh there's a few here quite a few you can't tell when you're down there but when you oh what's that one screwed up some sort of poison one this water is absolutely freezing broken right he's not really got got the age to the enough there i could see a couple there they look like soft ones yeah no interest i'm interested in the source ones what's that looks like i would say a caster but i don't know that it's a caster it's not stone is it doesn't feel it doesn't feel heavy stone feels like some sort of rubber some sort of wheel isn't it i think i meant my way back no i was just slipping i just put my feet down and i was just slipping all the way down this watch that's quite heavy on my back [Applause] oh on top of the hill i don't need you at home this is me just jumped bumped into two subscribers here they just turned out they saw us in the distance and they come running down here but sarah's down at the cliff edge there and they're going to go and if someone finds themselves oh yeah yeah definitely well good luck and have a great time and i hope you get some good looking finds there because yes nice treasures yeah definitely but graham wants to show us something before we go so we're going to go and have a look and we're taking you guys with us before we end there's a pathway right here this eventually got got on the ground here and go from the ground again and um we all have a bottle digger and like i said i've really got a town on it but when it's winter about the [Music] beer yeah so and what what did you know what it is it's over here digging has been taking place here right we've got a little bit of a bottle graveyard going on here what's that that little thing with a screw top lid still on it some little jars what have you let's see what we've got here oh i think it's just squashed a squashed little plastic car you found a lot sorry lynn all right did you what is that halifax right i think you should give that to me all right it's founders a great bottle what's this one auckland yeah it's a internal screw top thank you very much you know we'll take it and that because i found one the other week that was like half of that and i turned it into a candlestick and i can't remember who bought it but um but don't don't worry everybody i brought it back they're going in and you know what i do quite like that i wonder if we could push that out a bit what could you do with that yeah a little well so what we're dating this one at 50s 60s right this nice little jar yeah i quite like that i can use that that's a keeper right i've got to not say that's keeper to everything okay i'm just putting it out there that i'm not to say that what have you got there we got something on it oh it has got something on it what does it say it might mean me terrible eyesight um well obviously we're local all right so we've been watching it for a little while what's the vinegar is it when you first came in yeah oh yeah yeah it could be oh but it changed my battery that's good all right yeah look that's good um there's another one here same thing yeah same i think yeah so that's why we think it's more yes sir 60s good job metal metal lens all right little scroll legs but there's another another place just a little bit further are going to get a shovel and you could do a bit of digging for us i like it you've got a ton on this and yeah [Music] [Music] a lot of bubble jars lying around there the big ones yeah they're not marked though that's the only problem that's why we left them last time but there's another well i think i found a bottle stopper yep it's still in its neck which is just how i like them bottle stopping its neck let's see if it's got something on top of it let me scrape that off oh what does that say oh it's upside down oh yes please yeah right this one says is it bentley's brewery bentley's brewery yeah no i'm gone no sorry i can't see it no it'll start with an r let's probably see it better on there yeah no rather brother brother who got there in the end right anyway i can't see that's bentley's brewery brother bottle stopper and yeah found one brilliant oh and uh one of these little just found me haven't looked at another site over here it's not too windy yet so i haven't put the mic on so we should be okay um just a bit tricky getting up but um [Applause] graham's like a ferret exactly like a shot let me go and get the girls right just stumbled across it another little bit of a graveyard that someone's left for me and you know i like it when you've left it for me because it makes it very very easy and let's have a look what we've got oh yeah i've not got one of those a little milk jar yeah that's going in my bag this bubble no there's a plane we've not got above a london or anything so we won't be taking those save those to somebody else but yeah that little milk jar is fine so we'll have that right let's go let's follow lin here they come welcome to the outdoor restaurant come in come on in we'll find a branch to sit and we should have something we'll serve you or something soon that's okay find somewhere to see well there's a lot you're like there's lots of glasses in here as well if you need to go by the way oh there is there is one yes after all that wall you sort of lean over that wall what you got to do go try and get up there because this is this is it okay don't ask me how he got he just hovered it's easy it's madness oh it's another white one right yep another milk pot right there we go there's graeme it's about to take me to another death defying cliff edge so i'll see if we can get up there see if we get up there but otherwise i'll be down here but there seems to be plenty here anyway so we'll have a look and put that in my bag right just got up there tell you what was quite easy because i did i made four things with this it's always nice to find a board dump when you can so lucky we just stumbled a completely new bottle down here so is that deal no toppings here there's a ball to get you that way like a shot so um let me look around here we got there's all like 50s i think 50s 60s jars ah right with a bit of something that's signing up here a lot of smashed glass yeah this is a bit of an earlier tip this isn't it's about 50s but you know what sometimes you just find a little gem don't you just find that little something a little bit of something so i'm exhausted now i couldn't have brought my my bag what's that paste jar of course it is of course it is oh what's that that's a nice little little jar i like that one like that one didn't bring me back but hey ho i can always roll it down but yeah quite like that one all right let's have a look see what else oh there's a oh yeah that would go with my other one i've got a planting in my backyard yeah what do you think planter clean it stick a plant in it goodness another one yeah are we having it i think so oh gosh it's a long way down it's not so bad using this thing to claw footprints in right so we'll just put that somewhere safe let's see where we can put it we'll just stick it here stick it there and see if we can find anything else good jars but i'm not taking the big jars although i can use them i can't particularly carry them yeah loads of stuff i fell down there don't know where graeme's gone is gone deep up there somewhere i don't know there's a scraper around here anyway see if we can find a few little gems or look at that one it's a little bit nice i'd live in a nice big pot of some salt wouldn't it old wheel all right let's have a look some eggs there let's have a look see if you can see anything in this ground because you never know can i just find a little bit of something well please find in that um stopper okay but you know what i'm thinking about i'm gonna get back down i would imagine it's gonna be a lot quicker than how i came up here right i can't particularly see anything up here to be fair apart from my pot and my jar which might just slide down up i think that's it it won't take it but i'll show you it's an old old light fitting mick old metal light fitting yeah yeah there's lots of these are labels still on look should we see if we can read what that label says and i can't i can't read it remnants and a milk bottle a little bit of remnants of labels if that jar there that lay down maybe the lid tells you what it is let's have a wipe a village and see if we can see see if we can see what that is quality i don't know [Music] whitelist quality products quality products i don't know what it was but it was a quality product whatever it was all right let's move my little thing further to where i'm going down the [Music] it on there now i hill know how this is all smashed okay it's just a heap of smashed glass hmm maybe they crushed it maybe they crushed it or something and they put it in the in the dump i don't know apparently this dump is all over the place oh what's that oh that's nice what's that one glasses all right that is a part i've not got let me just get rid of some of that cack out of it there's nothing on it i don't think but yeah i have not got one of those but i have now there we go it's getting a bit fuller in there isn't it what's that what's this top on that so oh it'd be like um it'd be like a vinegar bottle won't it be a little like pouring spout thing on it something like that so there are lots of bits and pieces to be had here isn't it you can't have a bit of a dig but this is all crushed here what shame right i've come further along still up at the top left in there nick down at the bottom oh yeah there's just bottles everywhere bottled some jars all over if you want a jars if you're a painter something like that tons of jars what's that that's plastic plastic but yeah the bottle diggers have definitely definitely been here bottles jars but yeah nothing of great age at this moment in time some sort of fuse box light bulb i can see yeah i've just lifted everywhere but we're at the top of the hill now so i'm thinking it's a bit more modern up here that's why it's 50s up here and probably maybe 40s 50s or 60s up here maybe 40s 50s down there look at that bit of a jargon there thing sorry about that thing there yeah there's just bottles everywhere absolutely everywhere it's that one oh that's a modern modern modern plastic thing but yeah but yeah you might you might want you might want modern bottles you know my 150s bottles i say modern 50s isn't that modern is it really i've got things shoved up my sleeve so i couldn't bring a bag up with me i've just got to make sure oh just going to make sure i go back and get me my tin tin thing which i think i'm going to do now i'm going to go back and get my tin thing that i saved i don't know let's see where's great i don't know where graham's gone he's gone somewhere right i think where did i go i was over there wasn't i need to go over that direction and find my little pan with my things in and then go down and see if we can dig at the bottom well i'll dig scrape i'll have a scrape at the bottom but you know what might be so much fun yeah he knew he was going to say that i mean i really i'm having a great time honestly they took us to two fabulous places apart from the fact that they try to kill me on that slope pace pot i'm gonna leave it apart from the fact that they tried to kill me on that slope had a great time that's a big pot there did i just walk past that i've been to this bit i've not been to this but ever i couldn't i couldn't have been to this bit because i would have seen that oh what a shame but i'm a bit smashed what about that god knows how i'd have got it down the hill oh look at that oh my gosh that would so go with my other one that's got that it's coming home with me that will go with my other one in my garden it's just slightly bigger slightly bigger it's twice as big yeah that's coming home with me how did i not see this place before yeah right what forgot here oh that's pretty late i feel i'm in a keeping mood i'm going to keep that sure i'll be able to do something with that see what i mean that that is keeper and all the things that are here that big pot there is perfect or just another white one down there just seen another milk one which i don't get many of some of it about my camera worker it's a bit bit of a slippy slope [Applause] what's that oh it's a it's a little little kettle a little teapot what's that broken something it broke it must be toilet look must be broken i doubt it i doubt there's a left that they want the left to full pot no it's a cup another cup with no handles or did you just walk past them oh that big thing another teapot yeah it's quite a bit on there but that's a great deal for us sister look at that brand brand new at your local dump now don't miss it take it easy do that rope get it on camera i've got some dramatic dramatic music if anything happens and he's down he's down the hill he's made it just wait until we're just waiting to get sarah out of there now she won't stop right great stuff and a bleach bottle oh that's quite nice it's um when bleach bottles were bleach bottles bleach christ don't drink it whatever you do no but it's it's got a bd is it you tell your doctor oh bd okay yeah just sit in it and slide down i might end up sliding down that's what i did let's slide come on don't be scared easy that's it nice and easy that's it just dig into it it's quite nice on here making a nice path yeah your feet just dig in so it's not bad yeah you come down slide down sideways each other that's what you do when you get actually getting up click your keyboard that's what you do right now oh yes thank you yes a few things for the garden okay and some pops yeah yeah another [Laughter] absolutely on the way down you just sink into it once you get up there it's quite yeah yeah oh yeah right here we go a little soldier it's only a plastic one but that's a great little find a little plastic soldier i've put it on my sleeve he doesn't have a bag with me but it's like uh i don't know i think it might be the end of like a recorder or some sort of instrument some sort of whistle slight bit of breakage there i think it's wood but yeah cute little find anyway we're going to sign up we want to subscribe thanks give us a like and all sorts of things smash that notification bell notification bells and if you really really enjoyed it and you'd like to treat it to a coffee please go to the conference i can't use your point we're down it'll be somewhere it'll be safe and we deserve it yeah over there somewhere there's patreon if you want to join the uh support the channel help us pay for our fuel and stuff like that and uh so we're good so i'm not going to say thanks to lynn and graham yeah showing us around they've been great i had a lovely time great and uh although spring keeps taking this place as well but it down graham's like a little fair age everywhere like he's all over the place there's no stopping him he says look up there he's gone [Laughter] great fun enjoy it so uh thanks for watching guys real soon bye [Music] [Music] right well that was a great model we had a fantastic time um and we've got lots and lots of different things and we'll start with the pottery i've managed all the pottery i've managed to grill the edges already so all the pieces that we've found they gilded and that i rebuilt that um pull cord thing there and just gilded the part the parts that had a tree built and i could use that again so it's solid solid enough to use and usually got four golf balls lots of milk glass in different different shapes you've got that shape there and got these got two two small ones like that and two large ones as well in the same in the same style a few paste pots um little bottles which my favorite sort of style there was this part of a um fire engine i was hoping to push it out a bit and do something with it but it's very brittle that's so it's probably just as is going to stay as is um yeah that wooden recorder bottom of a wooden recorder and this i really would like to know what this is because i found one before and i made it into a candlestick it's like a marbled clay but what is it solid on that end but it's it's not glazed on that end so that probably sat on the surface because that end is glazed and it's got a hole in but the hole doesn't go all the way through so whatever it is i think it sits like that probably has something sat in there maybe i just don't know i don't know what it is so if you've got any ideas what that might be i'm very interested to know uh and then we found this in the bushes just as we were leaving let me just move that uh this and i really like this the dials bakelite and all the lettering still there the back's a bit crusty but yeah i really like that i will find something to do with that [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] and then we've got this which you found um and it must be the lid of some sort of teapot that goes on the heat because that there you've got that hole there and you've got a smaller hole there but when you blow through it it makes a whistle so you know like a teapot that whistles some it must have gone on some sort of teapot but the lid you know like we have it the whistle is on the spout this one's on the lid for some reason so i don't know um and then there was this i didn't get this um this is what graham got when he went climbing up on the cliffside that's what he came back with this little vars thing i thought it was doll's house but it's too big so it's just a miniature fast but perfect condition and it's lovely and he gave it to me so it's mine so i'll keep that one it's lovely and plastic soldier it's plastic but it's a little thumb find isn't it a little soldier and a dog's leg i seem to be collecting legs and i've got a few got cows dogs all sorts yep oh and there's many jar here which i just said or whatever find these for never find these full and there you go the first full one that i found it's beautiful isn't it little miniatures right so oh no nearly forgot found this i just published off found this really heavy and cut glass and then i thought oh it's perfume it's perfume bottle that so i bought one of these and it does it fits on and i can fill it with body spray and use it but look at that it just happened that it i thought i'll chance it i'll buy it see if it fits and it did so there you go i can repurpose it and reuse it stick some body spray in there and away you go yes that was a good find so all in all it was a great day lots of nice things and don't forget all the stuff that i made as well i made the turn the jars into little harry potter inspired jars so they can be reused some sort of decoration yep so don't forget please press the like and if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and don't forget to smash that notification bell and if you really enjoyed it um please go to the copa link down below and donate the price of a copy to us we really appreciate it thanks for watching see you next week wherever we may be on our adventure bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Manchester Mudlarks
Views: 4,322
Rating: 4.9537573 out of 5
Keywords: dockybay 51, Mudlarking Back in Yorkshire, mudlarking, mud larking, river walking, wading, walking, exploration, exploring, treasure hunt, treasure hunting, rivers, scrap metal, adventure, trash art, found, finding, beach combing, beachcombing, pottery shards, pottery sherds, river glass, sea glass, mills, weirs, beach, vintage bottles, yorkshire, a.s.m.r.., west yorkshire, bottle dump, bottle digger, bottle digging, trash picking, riverwalking, dump, neolithic, mudlarking uk
Id: I39IHsM0uAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 8sec (3188 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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