Mudlark at the weir

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i'm mick and this is sarah and we're out mud larkin again and uh before we bring you guys for a run so let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're at mud lagoon again today yeah i made it to sarah thanks for tuning in if you can tune in or stream frankly switching on whatever so we're doing a bit of mud locking today and we're going to bring you guys with us any goals for today uh you know i'd like a glass bottle stopper i think and possibly words on i don't ask so much it's a thing a water thing you can use bob over there experts without rivers of water we are not so anyway we're going to carry on to our mud luck and uh we'll we'll give you a shout in a second right here we are at the beach at the river beach let's see how successful this will be i can see pottery shards just approaching it now so hopefully i'm going to have some nice finds some pottery letters on and a glass bottle stopper will be very very nice thank you very much right let's have a look straight away a nice big blue and white a nice piece of willow edge per usual i'm gonna bring you with me what's that it's that metal muscle ring isn't it anyways sometimes so those metal things look really nice with the pottery on the things that i make so on the candlestick says it's always worth taking them you know what i've got a little little travel just in case it's a bottle stop which i don't think it is it looks like maybe a screw top i've got my little towel just screwed up oh it's worth a try isn't it all right let's see if there's anything else on here i should bring you back in a moment right we'll rise to our little beach here behind me over there we've got some guys doing some fly fishing it looks like that won't be bothering us and we want to bring him hopefully and uh let's see how we get on here i think i can see some pipes down there it's only a little piece can you see it there oh no it's not the edge there's not a pipe to mix the edge of something oh well yeah what's that blue thing there is it a bead what do i think it is blue bead there's certainly something round uh a little blue bead rounded with a bead on here a little blue one yeah my bead found is turning to be like the marble find you know when i found a marble and then i found another marble and another but look i don't have any pellet or the little shots from guns from little pellet guns but they're not beads are the shot from pellet guns i think because i've got green and blue ones here oh now that's disappointing isn't it yeah i think the shots from a little gun little kid's gun or whatever i know the kids come right well there's still lots of pieces to pick up here lots of bits of pottery with flowers on and stuff but yeah they're not beads oh disappointing what's that looks caught my eye get the battery case put that back in the bag right let's secure me back and put these in them very old piece of china here very very old it's quite thin so i'm going to call it china it could be wrong could be a it could be a willow i don't know what do you what do you think let's uh magic this to the pocket now that is magic well i can see a piece down there with some leaves on it i think by the look of it yeah i thought i found another piece earlier didn't film it sometimes you just bend down and pick them up then you remember you really should be filming it there we go oops turned over yeah nice little bit of leaf pattern there that let's keep looking what's that pipe stem can you see it there look another piece brilliant not gonna complain it that way all right let's have a walk to the water's edge let's have a walk and look at the same time shall we it's just the base of something but yeah little bits everywhere should we just turn them over as we go just in case a bit of rich pottery there there you go that might that's nice and warm that that might make a nice necklace actually oh that's a nice bit of blue and white that's nice that's got something on it some blue and white just need to find that exciting fine don't we i'm bringing you with me so that we can find it together oh there's a bit of blue and white stands out a bit doesn't it that one that's nice and dark let's have a look something caught my eye just then what was it i thought it was pipe stem it isn't can you see anything should we go in the water should we see let's have a look with anything in here oh my god a bit blue and white here yeah i love that it's a bit of nothing all right let's venture in oh i can see that one standing outside about quite a way that one yeah got some nice little white ones there all right i'll just put those in my bag and then we'll come back and have a search in there there's a few little bits and pieces bit of dough ball we'll put those in my bag first i don't know if those pipes stem in there but i'm going in anyway let's have a look yep it is a bit of pipe stem thank goodness the water is clear so i can see it but yeah there's lots of lots of bits and pieces but it's getting way too deep down there we can stay along this top edge though it's fine it only drops off a little bit but come on here just above my ankles just above my ankles in the water but let's move slowly let's see if we can see that nice little find what's that it's not a stick eyes there's something metal hmm not sure what that is maybe maybe if i don't know i don't know what that is no idea all right there's still a few pieces in here to look at though isn't it so let's nothing that looks textured down there let's have a look at that one oops sorry yeah that's got a bit of a texture on it what's that what's that got letters on it i think it has jack it says jack on it oh there you go gosh don't lose it that's the jack so i have got some pottery writing on i did find a nice piece here last week last week last time was here um unfortunately by the time i got home it's gone it was no more which was a shame because i wanted to look it up but handle what's that blue and white stripe well i'm gonna put these pipe stem and pottery with the jack on it in my bag let's see what else we can find i don't know if i can spy another pipe still in that looks suspiciously like one yep and it is and i also found that little handle a little handle with some green i thought it was nice even though there's not much handle i thought the pattern on it was nice so we kept that one but yeah what a lovely lovely spot lovely day today nice and sunny i think last time we were here it was raining but no not today got a nice sunny day see i don't if you can see all the midges flying about but yeah beautiful and sunny today and that's the weir over there got some sticklebacks in the wall so you won't be able to see that all right come on i'll bring you with me looks like a handle is it yeah a bit of a handle it's got a little bit of a design to it so that one can go in the picture frame i'm not playing that picture phone for ages maybe a few weeks with the handle ones yeah it's a nice piece you can see nice piece of worn dough ball there which are good for necklaces so let's go in and let's see yeah it's nicely warm that should clean up nicely what else is down here is that pipestone glass look at that it was black obviously a black with black on it that was a good find another one let's see another gosh got quite a few quite a few this trip aren't we what's that there can you see see a picture or something let me jump away oh it is oh just dropped a bit pipes down it is a bit willow it's that fencing bit you know the fencing at the bottom there's the clay pipe that just dropped let's rescue it my goodness i can see it i've been gutted all right let's just pop that in my bag one second let's pop all this back in the bag because it's dropping looks like we have down here yep dobo crafty caravan special i found a really old bit of blue here quite thick stoneware i don't know what they call it but bit bit bit nicer i think it might be keeping that right i can see something that looks like blue and white pottery there a nice big piece but is it too deep i don't know i'm gonna put the bag down just so that doesn't try and follow me into the water put it back down and we'll go get a little bit closer just keep an eye on top of our wellies well what are we doing not too bad right i'm gonna swap hands and let's see let's hope it's something exciting after all that it's a cloud or a tree but you know what that's a lovely piece i'm glad i went in to get it now that's really nice so many lovely pieces i'll be able to use gosh tell you what i can feel the coldness of this water through me wellies let's have a look what else is here might as well bring you with me have a bit of a look what's that that's the edge edge of something those edges underneath don't look like clay pipes and you see them directly on like that so you've got a look at you let's have a try see what it is oh i'm gone that looks like a bit more clay pipe this is the spot isn't it for them only small but it's still clay pipe what's that glass brown glass that looks like a bit more modern we've got brown glasses with a lot of medical glasses won't take a lot of medical muscle that was a very very warm bit but i am collecting one glass still for work so yeah that's a little bit of the keeper i've got a clay pipe again a really thin piece trying to oh sorry i think the camera was pointing up there little thin piece here is all right let's move it a little bit slower let's get a bit closer to the ground see if you can spot anything that i've missed and you know i'll be gutted when you say oh you've just walked past something it won't be there come back again another piece this is obviously clay pipe corner if you could have a bowl please i'd appreciate it need a bottle stop and now do it because we've got some uh got some writing on some pastry because we had the word jack on something didn't we what's that oh it's a thimble oh here's a squash thimble oh i've not found one of those before i know it's not full but yeah i think the camera's going the wrong way there we go look squash gimbal now that's a good find what personal fan that is some so a woman some seamstress has pushed my knees a um needle through with that it's a great little find now i'm just going to pop these few little bits into the bag and carry on and we'll come straight back here and carry on along this edge and then we'll go on there let's see what we can see on there but yeah thimble i'm very pleased with that shame it's not full but you know what i'm grateful for a little fine like that let's pop it in my bag [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yep can you see it another piece another piece of pipes oh then gosh i've got quite a few on this bit aren't we let's just catch on this corner before going down the weir the way which is over there what's that button an actual full button this time is it let's have a look oh no don't think it's even a button there's some metal something or other you can't see what it says is it upper gun what do you have i don't know it's have a bullet can't tell it's metal it's got words all the way around it it might be some sort of small gun cartridge i don't know i'm not opening my gun so i can't be able to tell you to know how to investigate if i can get well okay can i even read anything letters give it to me you might be able to see it it's got better eyes than me i don't know i think the series found like a bullet or something looks like a body i don't know um and this is something else i can't make out you have to google the writing or something and find out what it is it looks like it would have had gunpowder i don't know i don't know if you have any ideas about that because enough to get closer to it for you any ideas about that and what you might think it might be let us know normally you can see the writing better when we get back on the television or on the monitor what we can hear any ideas uh answers on the postcard getting straight to us right away and we shall investigate the situation thank you ever so much over and out right we're back on after finding that thimble what's that hmm that was definitely a something because it's rounded on that rounded on that side what is it half a no got a half a stone marble sorry your camera's not right yeah it's round there flat there what is it it's definitely something definitely something that i don't know it's probably half a stone model because but it could be because i suppose it could be that worn that the edges are like that i don't know but it's keeper but look at that oh that's a nice thick piece a bit of pipe this is obviously pipe corner really definitely isn't it gosh we've found quite a few in a few foot full steps here a bit of stripey pottery we don't want that do we but we're just doing the edge for now let's see if there's anything else let's keep turning these bits over you turn them over with me what's that what is that on that that that was part of a little little something i can't tell the size of things sometimes so they pull them out the water i thought it might be a pipe boat oh that's got something on it let's not drop it let's give it a bit of a wipe that's got a bit of raspberry and a bit of black on it as well raspbian black there we go that's being black very nice let's keep looking see if there's anything else there we go that's a bit of blue and white just as it was on the way to the back so come back here to the back now put these in and then we'll have a look on the land here see what we've got just pop that in the bag let's have a look on here oh shame about what we thought were beads and they weren't beads with it i'm annoying oh hang on can you see it that's nice big piece yeah i know it goes very deep don't it that's what's saying we're well as long ago so far that's very deep oh pretty much i'm falling in oh my goodness imagine slipping down there oh what's that that's got a baby has it oh no it's just bitter now bit of a gnarl not a bit of a pattern now nice bit of warm glass up and collecting still for work so that's good nice bit blue on there there's a broken bowl broken bottleneck that's no good to us the ridged glass nice bit of pattern there sorry nice bit of pattern there i keep saying i keep moving the camera off shot sorry what's that oh nothing hopefully i'm not missing anything bit blue and white there leaving the stripe strap you can stay there but that thin bubble was a good find want it it's a really nice find that really personal find i hope i'm going slow enough for you oh there's a nice nice piece see if you can see it there can't tell what it is but it's nice it's a blue and white let's get back over this way let's see if there's anything here yep can you see it here and here oh there you go look at that two great vines virtually next to each other cleaning this camera sit down having a break [Music] no break for me i'm scouring this beach trying to find something exciting for us [Music] it's going to be here isn't it you've just got to will it you've just got to wish it [Music] so we've got the pottery with it with words on it we've got that so come on bottle stem something that um bottle stop or something like that be nice or a pipe bowl even i see i can add to my own list counter with all these pipe stems there you think there'd be a pipe bowl yeah there's more of them non beads than blue blue things that's annoying oh oh well that's because i found a bead bead here last time on this in the stretch so now obviously i think the beads are always here because that's what i do find one thing and then that's it it just leads on to me thinking that everything is that thing [Music] just keep looking that exciting little [Music] find [Music] lots of pottery pieces isn't there just need something to stand out come on let's get down let's get down and turn a few over oh there we go there's a blue bit oh there's a green bit i think we might have found a piece of that earlier nothing on that a bit faded that one let's turn around so you just got to be all that's got letters on that glass what's that say hd hmm don't know don't think that's old it's not very thick not very thick that one you're not going to fool us [Music] let's see can't see anything else in this position so let's move on [Music] you like my eyes it's just a shame i can't hear you shouting tiny bit of blue oh there we go that's nice that's a nice piece anything bright like that it really looks nice on a necklace oh my gosh i've got so many made i can't tell you i've really got to start listing them or giving them away or both um i have give a few away already and i'm more than happy to give some more away so if you want a necklace you fancy winning one of my necklaces just make a comment down below and you know what i'm going to pick someone i'm going to pick someone who can have one of my necklaces it could be a pipe some necklace it could be a pottery shard but yeah comment down below that you'd like a necklace and i'll send you one if you're the lucky one just having to sit down bit of a chill out why not it's a lovely day sirs having a great little mud a lot i'll sit down here anything missing is a cataloguer or cold drink maybe or coke or coffee and uh the sandwich remind us to bring a sandwich out of us next time we come while i'm sitting on the bank here this is a handy little kit built from uh ebay all the stuff you need to clean your car nothing worse than being on the circuit or out on the street out on the beach or on the river and your lenses and stuff get dirty and you've got nothing to clean them with so it's handy to get into one of these blowers to blow it off off the lens dust off the camera and uh it comes with a handy little brush plus to dust off the lens as well and um great wipes white you know to wipe the lens sometimes you get a rain or something on here and um you can't you know use a couple of these cloths here but what i use when i'm out i use one of these and it comes with these like lens cleaning tissues this is very handy very handy i'm about to use now to clean my lens because it's a bit grabby looking so if you come back a bit if you're out in the bat and you want it's well worth carrying that one of these kits if you're out for a long day because you need to keep your lens clean because it was nothing worse than i mean we did one film once and then i got home and there's something on the end i never realized um until it was too late so i always keep a good check on the lens inside uh inside here alcohol wipe making your lens with it's just very handy to keep you know your dust plus you get a dust in the field if you're changing lenses that's perfect you know for removing dust off the lens without blinking you turn your blow on it you tend to spit all over it so any of you guys are that's uh i've got a camera it's worth getting one of these on ebay ebay or amazon get yourself one of them they are really really good and they saved me many a time you know i used to just use these things before but uh there we go now i'm gonna clean my lenses and uh on my lens and uh get straight back here very handy little kit that so work well getting yourself one if you're running a camera and you can see when you're watching our vlogs or you're watching our youtube channel you see there's a lot more going on behind the camera than what you're seeing you know the maintenance of the camera and looking after it and making sure you guys get a good image anyway let's get some mud locking down here oh nice little finder i've got a slight pencil you know little to use on the slates here see if we can just draw it on there and see i can't we've had if i say i'd show you yeah a little slight pencil and a little do that i don't know little metal thing with the internal thread no age to it but it's heavy it's metal and it'll look nice on something that i make but yeah i've not found one of those it was before i thought it was a carbon battery rod at first but it's slight it's definitely slight so yeah slight pencil oh we've got a piece of slate at home i can use it on but the kids can use it on for work bill that's a great find i did see a pipe stand oh there is another flat pipe's done right this is a this is a place for pipes nice warm bit of glass there another bit that's blue nice keep those we've got something to do with those still see if you can see anything else and what you do when there's so much i turn over as much as i can what else can i do what's that no it's a bit plain all right so we've got those got a uh slight pencil is that another one it's a something or other a metal something or other see i've got a slight pencil the glass that we want a pipe stem and a metal doodac that's another load to go in my bag oh i'm gone there's another pipe stem gosh i'll tell you what if you don't have many pipe stems in your collection come here because you're going to find loads pipe balls would be nice but pipe stems are always always grateful for pipe stems aren't we what's that no little bit of nothing right i shall put these in my bag i think i can see another piece of pipes done oh no it's not it's a handle i think it's a little bit of a handle fake pipe stem always worth a look isn't it always worth a turnover all right you know what i don't think i came up to this bit last time i was here so let's have a little bit of a look see if we can find anything a little bit blue and white got the wear here bottom of bottles all sorts of stuff isn't there put my bags down there somewhere oh so great about those beads oh well never never mind well i think it's been breached hasn't it would have been all like that it's always a bit faster all like that all the way along and it's breached it it must have had some face ribbon flowing through there that's for sure right come on let's go back this way i've gotta go try and find my bag what's that oh that different color again a dirty brown color play pipe stem that was another good find all right let's go see if i can find me back it's somewhere over there i think obviously looking as we go just can't help ourselves can we oh yeah it's going going with some force over there isn't it you see where the water's run down here for so many years it's worn away the the brick and that's strange that our water could just eventually so many hundreds of years this must come down here to wear that away like that constant running just fish this out the water tell you what it's quite a good one i think i might save that when the kids lose their at scoot theirs at school yeah it's not even rusted or anything probably because it's plastic i don't know but yeah a little modern day fun find there and you know what i'll probably use that i'll keep it in a safe place when one of my kids have lost theirs at school if they ever go back to school then uh yeah we've got one spare that's a nice big piece of willow sure you can spot that it's ginormous here we go very nice thank you very much don't mind if we do i need to get these stuff this stuff in my bag now because i can't carry anything else but i shall come back to this point just put this piece up and i went to get my bag sorry i can't quite tell what it is bit bamboo or a tree or something and i don't know don't know a bit pattern on the back as well i picked it up because of the uh because of the that pattern there then i turned it over yeah about on it so i'll go back to where i was which was somewhere around here somewhere over here and i picked up a few more pieces of pipe some as well i didn't film it because you know oh look look look oh it's a killer scrabbled about i scrambled about picking up one or two's inside and then look it drops them on the floor anyway but look pipe's done that's a find that is not a find those blue and green little pellets they they fooled me they filled me for a tiny second didn't they that's nice it's one of those little um things we think of something to do with insulators not quite sure what it is but yeah oh those pellets all right let's have one last look in here see if there's anything in the water oh what's up bit blue a blue and white no but nothing what's that awesome oh that now that is a bead i don't know who is that i'm going i'm gonna go is it a bead yes it's definitely a b it's got a hole that and then hold that and i can't tell i can't tell if it's plastic it feels feels heavy but i can't is it plastic was it let me just take that let me just take that out my hand so i can feel the weight of this it looks like it was gold it's got bits of gold on it is it can't tell hang on i think it might be glass i think that's a glass bead it's had gold on it as you can see where it's worn off on the edges oh that's lovely look at that bead found a bead definitely it's not a piece of shot it's not a piece of anything else that is definitely a bead and i think it's glass i can't tell it feels weighty and when i tapped it with the uh pottery it did feel like it was glass that might be a glass bead even if it's not old don't care that's lovely that's a lovely find i wish the gold was still on it i've got a cast iron there attached that wall there that's been part of the wheel i should imagine it's all wearing away now i'll see if i can get an old photograph of this yeah we've got a few bits here right well we've got lots of pipes done part of the pipe bowl we've got this round thing well half around thing here i'm not quite sure what that is but i'm sure i'm convinced it was something yeah it can be something yeah it can be something i've saved these handles just because that one's got a pattern on it and that one's a bit fancy so that can go in the picture frame of handles this potter here is something jack would have ended in a y that first word yeah jack a couple of little metal do dats lots of pottery a little bit of the willow fence that's quite recognizable we've got a slate uh pencil yeah for drawing on slate i'll try that out later when i get home yeah lots more pottery different colors and the river worn glass very very warm here so i can use that for work um dough bowls obviously but this is a really good find yeah it's part of a thimble yes nice little personal find that pimple and then a bit of a fun find is one of these what are they protected as well you know what it works so when the kids lose theirs i'll pull this out the bag and say there you go we've got another one there for you i don't know what that metal thing is though wasn't sure inside of a window in it is it double glazed we think we're taking everything we're going to leave all this behind feel free to come and find whatever you want to find here this is all here on the wall over here get down here guys it's going quick right we're gonna call it a day here with a nice little mud luck being good fun we're using the uh osmo with my batteries right now telling you where to buy batteries the other way my spare batteries would be rather ironic do as i say and not as i do anyway we're going to sign off here we have a great little david larkin here yeah anything you've got to say about the um incident anything about today if you've enjoyed watching our little video here was mud locking don't forget you can buy us a coffee by going to the coffee link down below don't forget to smash that um notification button don't forget to smash that notification button and subscribe subscribe and press like if you liked it and make a comment because we love to read the comments how would you respond to the comments oh eventually sometimes we don't forget it's just um i'll tell you what happens sometimes they've got they've been blocked to some of the comments but if we not reply to you straight away if the comments get blocked we're not use youtube specialist and i only found out the other day that a lot of comments that were there was blocked because you might have said one thing or two thing that youtube might have thought was a bit dodgy so they stuck it in another folder and i only stumbled across that folder this week so if we don't get back to you you could have gone into that folder no seeing until we uh be really okay so uh yeah so be patient for things we do like to apply to all of you and we do love all your comments all your suggestions yeah and all your ideas yeah we love all the stuff that we find so anyway we're going now we'll see you all later goodbye catch you later bye [Music] you
Channel: Manchester Mudlarks
Views: 3,674
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking, mudlark, dockybay 51, #mudlarking#dockingbay 51#keeplooking, mudlarking uk - metal detecting - beachcombing, dji osmo action, heysham power station, treasure hunting, treasurehunt, treasure hunting documentary, london mudlark, seaglass, half moon bay (city/town/village), half moon bay beach, river calder, rochdale canal, luddenden foot, #bottledigging, #relichunting, Mudlarking Mysterious Finds On The River Thames, river walking, Mudlark at the weir
Id: br_jZw8fyGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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