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[Music] do [Music] right so we're back at the um one that was the snowy dump now the snow's gone to see to see what it's like and i don't know if you remember last time we were here a couple of weeks ago rick said where have all the bags gone they were in my in my bag well this week i thought i'd get ahead of the game so i put my bags in my bag days ago right i got it all sorted all in my bag and then i put my bag in the hall and then today mick walked past the bag kicked it and said what are you doing you taking stuff back to the dump i said no no just the way the bag was lay no no it's fine but you know what i've got i brought three bags right but these are bags for life so we're a bit bigger never mind ill he'll know when they're full that i've brought the bigger bags right come on let's go and have a look see what this field has to offer us so i've just got to keep my eye on all this mud just see what this field's got to offer us today without all the snow on it well we're back again we're back here again and uh we've been asked to come back and it's not been snowing all week so we've got to come here while it's not snowing and flow and behold it started snowing as you can see so uh we're gonna have a look around see what we can find and we're gonna be bringing you guys with us let's get going right so now i can see under all these things here and i can see a bottle there i think it's a screw top but it looks quite interesting so i'm just gonna have a little bit of a look at that thorns everywhere all right i wonder what that is it's a shame it's a screw top a green one with ridges yeah i don't want it because it's screwed up even though it's not it's a nice enough bottle save that there for somebody else what's that one there so you can see all these things now that i didn't see before oh look oh that's like my favorite shape but a different size yeah i like that one you know what that's a keeper and he's coming home with me and you know what i think someone's been digging from last week definitely from last week that's that's different there yeah and down there so i think someone's been here in the past week or so two weeks has been having a bit of a dig but yeah i'm keeping that one like it's one of my favorite shapes i don't know what that is if it's glass or not but it looks interesting oh now that it's a beautiful little find oh wow i like that complete wonder what that would have had in it tiny little glass bowl oh that's lovely see what the snow hid see what the snow hid from us that pesky snow i can't believe it started to snow now had no snow all week but yeah look at that a little glass bowl thing i like it i'm going to keep it well what looks down there to be a great big bedpan maybe it is maybe isn't it i don't know but yeah someone's definitely been digging here from in the past two weeks oh look at that and a pudding bowl oh this is what's up there oh i'm getting giddy again anna oh that looks like an ink one it's a screw top what a shame what's it say sorry let me just see if i can get something hmm that'd be upside down got it don't need my three glasses on does it um i don't know what that says it's a nice it's a nice shape that though that oh you know what could turn it into one of those harry potter bottles and there we go again talking myself into it harry potter inspired bottles that could because i could tie something around the screw top but it's great shape for it yeah i've talked myself into that one obviously i'm going to take the pudding bowl complete but i'm sure that's a bedpan down there that's a great shape for the harry potter jars even though it's a screw top breaking the rules again but let me just get down here let's just see i'm gonna leave you one oh my god i can't take that kinda can i take that what what will mick say if i bring home a great big bedpan oh my god oops just put those back up there you'll go mad it'll go absolutely bomb oops what do you think i don't know do you think if i could put it in the bottom of the bag and just put things on top of it do you think you'll even notice but how great would that look with the plant in and it's got it's got make on it there and everything hospital for hospital and home oh i'm gonna get me a big bag i'm gonna put this in the bottom and you might not even notice i don't know if you can see what i can see let's get down inside let's see if it condition it's in somebody'll be very happy to see that there's no was hiding it last time and here we have it see how sarah takes it what's that bedpan it's revealing a hell of a lot now isn't it okay it's revealing a hell of a lot now yes oh yeah so much so yeah we was over there asked a lot and we found something for you all right okay don't if you like it though oh gosh i'm gonna get excited don't oh and i've got a stopper for that oh my god good i know so we must have stepped over that 100 times of snow yeah oh that's amazing there you go oh we don't want to dip we don't want a poo pan do we we don't want that it's got the making and everything is right there you go it's in the bottom of the bag he did say didn't want it in the car but i've ignored him and it's going in the car obviously the poor guy right okay but see you don't even notice it's in there when you fill it right mick says lots and lots have been revealed as you can imagine i'm just having a quick look past this uh first bit we've come to but yeah i can just see now all the things that we didn't see on the surface oh so excited well i don't know what that is it looks like uranium glass i thought it was a broken bottle but it's actually sort of complete whatever it is what is that i think mick's got his uh sorry let me just scrape this is uv thing on him australia patent number blah blah new zealand south africa really made in england what is that oh it's definitely had some sort of purpose that it might be uranium glass i don't know but it's complete a little bit of a chip out that corner there but i don't know what it is do you know what it is can you see sort of it's curved but it's got like a lip there so something must have sat in it maybe i'll have to look that up whatever that says pelle belly grip crap hmm have you got your uv pen thing on you mick light sorry oh right okay oh never mind never mind right but yeah yeah it does what's up what is it i'll get me to get that on his camera sorry gosh this now it's all melted all the snow there's so much so much to see i just want to look at this cup oh it's got no handle got no handle um but yeah so you know what i don't need to go in and get that milk jar i've got so many answer but yeah well i'm just saying to mick um once you've just gone round picking everything off the top you know you can come back and then have a bit of a scrape and then find all the other little bits it's just the amount of trips here could be endless could be absolutely endless um which obviously makes me very excited um but yeah come on we're gonna have a bit of a look around here and see what we can see look all that over there didn't even see it last time couldn't see it right so let's have a look here see what the uh the snow has revealed or the lack of snow has revealed now i should say a little milk jar i've actually started making um well my plans are a foot to make candles in these i have got loads and i've just got to make a mold later but yes those were a candle um those will be making next week oh he just asked about do me oh oh mine looks terrible compared to that one that is definitely a pattern i haven't got and a style oh oh it's probably got some of its khaki cream inside as well oh that's amazing uh i know speaking to uh say speaking i was messaging them carol if you remember we came out with cavill and her husband um to um the beach to blitz beach um and i said she'd have to come here with us when we can meet up again she'll people both definitely have to come here with us we'll have such a great time together but obviously i'll be very jealous if you find something exciting that i haven't got right come on let's keep looking let's see what else there is what's that what is that oh i think that was a maybe a doorknob or something i'm not quite sure what that was i don't know there's tons of paste parts and i haven't filmed them because i'm not picking them up honestly i'm not picking them up not just yet anyway yep those are a nice favorite shape what do you say my favorite shape the ones with just like that little lip on the top and a bit of a neck yeah that's a nice one pop that in there see i'm not doing too bad it's not that full is it light bulbs oh somebody said about light bulbs not quite sure what decorate this bit monkey don't know what do you think he said take the light bulbs we make great decorations i don't know i don't know maybe next time because i don't actually know what to do decorations wise with it i think they need to be a bit more specific to help me out there pace parts gonna leave it teapot spout don't need it little milk jar for my candle yes thank you very much not as pretty as the one that mick just found but yeah just gonna have a quick look on all these places that we didn't go to i'm just going to stick that in my bag um but yeah i'm just at the beginning just at the beginning but yeah we could do here on the surface a few times looks favorite shape and then we could come back and have a look maybe a scratch of the surface what's that one that says manchester oh it's got a bottle stopper in it but it's that slack and co is it oh no it's not sorry star table water alongside manchester with bottle stopper now that is one i haven't got so that one is coming home with me and i can see a bottle there with the bottle stopper in i don't want the big bottle because it's a massive bottle um but i want the bottle stopper yep that's going in my bag let's fight me your way through the bushes how desperate am i oh look at that oh what a shame it's a little bit broken that's nice oh can you of course i can use it it's only a little chip on the other side well big chip um but yeah that's definitely usable i've just spotted something as well through here where's it gone there that milk bottle there brick says his tum's over there and there's me scrubbing about in the bushes oh there's a there's a bed warmer in there how do i get in there i'm going to go around that corner in a minute i can just see a bed warmer right oh let me just that's broken right forget that i'm going to go in there don't if you can see it a foot warmer right in there i think we can go around the other side right come on let's have an adventure let's try and get in there oh goodness me turn around that you know what i've got my head stuck in the trees a little mini milk jar oh whole one oh that's nice yep tiny little milk jar milk bottles of it right that's going in my bag that's going in my bag i'm going to try and find that foot warmer oh my goodness me that was a that was the job in our trying to get here but what can you get through there look at that oh my i'm going to get that all right so we get this tree out the way not that i'm desperate or anything but look at that beauty oh my goodness me just need to stop her and i've got a few stoppers a little tiny dinky one yeah in one piece that beautiful oh my god dude sorry i'm exhausted right that's going in the bag my hair i'm just attached to a bush attached to the tree i need to detangle myself wait watch the hole let's get a photograph of that or video of it sideways there you go it's very nice very very pretty very nice tiny one it's great out yep honestly underfoot all you can feel is bottles really under the grass and everything all you can feel is loads of bottles um i've got to ignore it because i'm sorry i've got to ignore it because otherwise we beer all day long right this bit of a graveyard here that's teapot by the look of it great big massive bottle too big to take but it's got a stopper in it so head over to that one but yeah underneath look underneath all the grass bottles jars what have you just tons of them just everywhere all right okay just have a quick glance having a quick glance because we've got so much ground to cover there's obviously quite a few trips in here oh that looks like a nice little blue bottle there little aqua blue should we see if it is might be broken might not be oh my goodness me getting stuck in all the woods oh that's a nice little old one oh yes i like that still got it's caulking it's old it's bubbly glass shame it's not got any writing on it but yeah that is a keeper definitely keeper that was one of my favorite yes it is 12 thin let's get the water out of it it's all thin bottle another favorite i think that one's got a stopper in it right i'm just double up around here see if we can get stoppers out a few bottles if you see anything super exciting i shall bring you back i hope you can all see everything okay i didn't bring my glasses so i don't know if anything's in focus enough but it should be of this camera because this is a good camera i just have to hold a bottle of this camera and i just change it to this new one and hopefully we get better colors and uh better scenery open and it's cold out hands are freezing freezing greeting cold i'm going to go over there it's not been over here let's come over this side of the field and there's another big hole over here if you're a bottle dump scourer this is just a great place to come there's just so much so so much here so many holes serves us over there under a tree oh this bottle here it's certainly it's a tiger one ties are but it's an old one because look it's got a wooden um bottle stopper a wooden screw in bottle stopper so you know what i'm going to take that one that ties the one because that was that what do you reckon 40s a 40s tie the bottle with a wooden screw in lid uh bottle stopper sorry yeah i like that it's a branded one so yeah that's keeper it's gone all the way over there i'm still i'm still at the first edge right ty's one yeah you can go in my bag but let's have a look what's on here obviously they're going to bring you with me because i'd like you to see it with me but there's tons tons of bottles we're just going to see if something exciting because there is so much we don't need to pick everything up yes you heard it right we don't need if i pick anything up just tell me to put it down just say no server no more that's it um we'll have a look i'm going to pick up anything that looks exciting big hole there i wonder if i can get down into that what do you reckon you know what maggie try i see let's stop here first um my bags are just behind me so yes tell me off if i start picking everything up oh and we said that they'll look at that another one of them dinky little bottles oh they're beautiful usable beautiful have it uh dish thing there bottles no stoppers let's have a look so i love that oh look a blue one a broken blue one what a shame is that a big milk bottle let's have a look see if it's a big milk bottle that isn't there's loads of stuff in the look at that oh there's tons in there oh i can't i can't look at everything all right okay this one's got a writing on it okay pure clean pasteurized milk manchester salford cooperative society something street hardwick let's have a look at it yeah that is a beautiful bottle milk bottle and that one is definitely coming home with me i'm gonna put it with a little miniature one here in my little pile um yeah it's going to be a little pie i'm going to try and be good ah what do we have here looks like it's made of metal i think i don't know it could be i guess but i imagine that would go in the back it's quite teeth i nice never have mentioned but if she saw the video she would go with berserk you know beside the teeth oh he just told me he found some false teeth he wouldn't pick him up and i said well where are they he said he oh i don't know someone over there he said but i'm not picking him up oh so i've sent him off now to share him okay because i'll pick up i've got my gloves on oh i've never found those i can't believe it why did you do that tell me what it's not picked up it's pest he's a little pest right what i'm going to do now is we're going to go some hole over there have a quick scar around that one and see what we can find all right let's have a venture down this slope what's that a little tube bottle whatever tube with a bottom on the end yep keeper obviously little bottle with the lid oh gosh there could be all sorts of goodies in here couldn't they but uh not scraping today this this is our second visit we just come for a see what the uh the snow was covering really haven't we but yeah you definitely could come in here for a scrape what's that another bakelite thing oh what's that that looks exciting bakelite um but what is it that's a few bakelite things up here haven't i but what is that 25 25 it's oh it's like a it's like a pinball thing doesn't it it looks like a little thing there the ball would go in a pin but that was like a break like pimple game what do you think oh yes that is definitely a key but you see i got excited about that that is like a little pinball thing oh shane's got a hole in it there what a pity but never seen anything like it that is certainly something i can look up isn't it baker like pinball game that's amazing all right let's keep looking let's pop that there with my little vial sorry sorry just took you down pop that there my little vile thing don't let me forget that because that's super exciting that is oh what's that tiny teeny tiny little bottle there what's that oh that looks super exciting is it got a metal end i like it when you see these because you when you see them without the lids on you just don't can't imagine what glitter but you just think it's going to be a screw top lid but looking at that some sort of metal lid on it oh that's keeper that is a keeper that's it i like seeing things i've not seen before but yeah there you go put it on that little pile there oh my goodness what do you think should we go down there i just let me pop the bag down sorry somebody pop my back down pop the bag down there so just a little look in here don't know how fragile it is okay here's mick he's there all right let's have a look just a quick surface look oh what's that what's that what's that was that look at that that's beautiful that is so iridescent beautiful blue and tiny why would you leave that well i would delete that i don't know what's that put the leather strap off something oh tiny tiny little blue bottle that's beautiful no i don't know what you would have put in that yes oh with the caulking great probably condensation yeah yeah yeah oh favorite bottle oh we know he knows what i like and well well mick i got a bakelite pinball game you know pinball yeah yeah yeah it's got a little bit of a hole in it but uh yeah these are these gonna be keepers here these are my keepers so they'll go in the back just got a quick look down here just see what we'll find on the surface scraping completely for definitely other days there's so many surface things to look at she says pulling something out the banking all right just see if anything catches me i like that blue bottle i bet the dog here and that blue bottle fell out after they left right i can't see can't see anything exciting can you try to move you slow as i can bottles there's another one here right okay should we go on to the next bit he's down the teeth so i'm just gonna have a quick scale around here then i'm gonna go over there that's where he is and get those teeth crazy right made it oh yeah teeth oh my goodness me oh well it's the first because we have never found teeth before i use my hand with the gloves on nice all right oh sorry i was pointing it at you yeah better than yours give them a bit of a scrub mic see if they're just like tiny ones don't they yeah yeah that's great little fine because i never found anything like that oh probably gonna die maybe oh my god making noises at night do you think whispering chattering yeah that's a great little find that's that's a fab find i was gonna leave it another hole holes everywhere look right back again just finished the battery over there at least this camera gives me a really good warning about we need to change the knob we don't lose files it's great yeah that's good i'll leave that sarah can have that i'm gonna light it down because the wind catches it because it's got a lot of cracks in it we have guys think of that i love sarah leave it upside down there you go pretty pretty what do you think of that little thing now one little pack on it happy party see more and leave on top of the hill just here right well there is a lovely and i don't need to get pottery here but that just stood out to me as a lovely piece of pottery that's beautiful and if that cleans up nicely that makes something really nice so yeah i'm gonna all this is here and that piece of pottery just stood out to me that's beauty how many shapes of these milk jars did they do because there's another one another one i've not seen before oops the soil fell out um but yeah there's another one not seen that shape before of course they must have done doesn't inspire what's up there what is that there oh i found one of those before i found one of those in yorkshire it's for a light pull isn't it or a light one of the two oh that's perfect condition ceramic and even i think even the light hangs down off it or the pull for a light hangs off it that's a that's a nice little find i've just seen that little ceramic let me just pop those in there one second little ceramic duda thing here but yeah look at all this oh didn't see it last time didn't see it last time bags are there let's not forget them right i'll have a look i'll go over there and bring you back we're over here now so let's have a look see what we can see the surface look paste jars obviously isn't it funny how these thin little whatever they are tubes survive just just a thin little tube sometimes they've broke by the time i've gotten home but but yeah they survived the second one i've got on here today isn't it a little cheap well what sort of caulking that's the only way you could have possibly sealed that isn't it i don't know what it would have been for could be medicine do you think don't know little vile type thing test tube i don't know you can see a pot there my favorite shallow white ones see all this was covered with snow last time wasn't it in fact i don't know if i came over this side what's that part of the shoe there oh bottle stopper well i'll get the bottle stopper out there let's have a look at this some of it oh it's very chips i've got tons of those um that aren't chipped or that men did so don't just get chipped onto her i said i'd write it and it doesn't just picks it up just in case all right i'm gonna get the bottle stopper out there i'm gonna put that in my bag i'm gonna have another look and see when we came last time that teapot was whole i think the froster's got it and it's broken through the frost that's what happened with a few of the things about two things when i got home when they warmed up they just went into a million pieces oh there's a few a few little bottle stoppers in that little patch there right they'll go in the bag what's that blue in there oh that looks nice is that hole oh that's a beautiful one that's an aqua one nice and bubbly lovely neck if you can see it that's a beautiful bottle that's the sweet little find came across this i thought it was a pipe ball let's have a look oh no it's a face oh my god i was going to leave it as well i just saw that and i thought oh it's that pipe ball look at that as a mouth two chubby cheeks and i oh i love it a face no that is a great find these are the finds that really make the trip worthwhile isn't it yeah a face come on you're going in my bag now look at this one let's see we put sorry big old boy yeah yeah too much what's a lot so i picked it up and i thought i'll keep it because it looks quite nice to see if we can focus on there we go looks quite nice got one leg missing now i don't know if cereal film this but uh i'm filming it now and uh i'm gonna stick on the pile over there the stuff i've got so you can decide to see what you take that's the one uh as they might say as a keeper that's a keeper now i could have stood on that and that could have been a goner uh could have been about that this is like the pile that sarah hasn't seen yet uh i think we'll keep that because that looks quite nice was a light bulb at first but uh i don't know but i'll stick in the pile let me tell you it's cold today and i'm glad you told us to come back to this dump because it's just a different place for the snow gun it's unbelievable and we're just i'm just i'm just scouring a few little spots here and we're finding some great stuff um so it'll probably be a trip for more trips here a little bit here i remember coming here last week couldn't see any of this it's all snow um i know mick's been doing some sort of virtual mud locking for you um filming filming bits and pieces because you know what we can't take it all home but it gives us an excuse to come back if you see something that you like and you want us to come back and see if we can find it for you again just something for us to do isn't it um but yeah i think mick's doing some sort of virtual mud luck over there showing you showing you what's there um stuff that we're not taking obviously we've only got three three massive bags i'm a rucksack um but yeah so you never know we might be able to come back and get you something try try not to pick anything too heavy oh because postage is very expensive right now that is for putting flowers in at a grave that is a sweet little find just only way to make that it's got loads of stuff over there but look at that little gravesite flower thing thankfully i've got a great side to put it at but uh yeah that's nice maybe i know somebody that can use that not actually so let's have a look something else a bit cooler there's any piece piece of pottery but it might be something full it isn't what's that there what is that oh that's full and it's so thin isn't it strange how some things survive that's so thin oh that's beautiful there's not even a chip on it that's amazing a little trinket thing that is beautiful little find wow it's amazing what things survive even though they're so so delicate and yet great big massive things are just smashed oh there's one of my favorite bottles because you know what i'm like talking to you and looking at the same time right they're in my bag we're getting quite a selection in there now answer well there's a great big pile here and this is where i'm going to give you your very first virtual mud log i'm going to film it in a little while and you can have a good look see if you can find anything from your sofas [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i hope you enjoyed it you saw something that caught your eye you know i do if you did i'm keeping this because uh it's glass it's uh right close focus on it nicely glass i'm hoping that's focusing okay i can't really see because uh i have no glasses on today right let's look at this funny funny looking plate thing oh that's strange isn't it i think that's usable but also what i've spotted is this oh if that if that is the right piece and i don't need any more i'm going to glue that together want my like that will be glued together yeah i'm going to keep that i'm going to keep that oh my gosh i'm terrible answer it got for me what's he got it's a little bit chilly oh sorry all right let's have a look oh that's sweet what's that like a turkey a turkey little girl oh i like that oh what can we do with that oh that's definitely a keeper well that was like a big beefy bob rolled bottle or jar all right let's have a look bob roll yep big beefy bob roll yep i can use those so let's stick that there let's stick that there there's one of them lids i was telling you about and i said i didn't know what they were and you remember we just got one with the caulking so you have the rubber top and the cork coming out the bottom i've got some corks so i could actually make with those bottle stops hunter good idea thinking on my feet there you go thinking on my feet all right let's have a look anything else in here paste jars not picking it up not picking it up a bowl bowl but it's got a hole in it it's a nice paste jar leave it leave it right nothing else that's just springing out at me really that's what we're after at the minute isn't it just things that bring out us what's that little glass thing there i don't know broken vial boots another pair of boots what's that there got tons of those tons upon tons of those don't need to take those with us right so what we've got from here yeah bob roll and that lovely aqua bottle there sorry there it's too busy looking around there we go put those in the bag try not to smash that vows he's found another foot warmer i can't believe it another foot warmer oh my goodness me i've already got about three at home and now we've got now we've doubled it i think we've got about six wow gosh what we're gonna do with all these foot warmers i think i've got about three stoppers so i think we might just have enough stoppers for these foot warmers but yeah great little fines all right i'm gonna have a little look down here i'm just gonna put me back right the bags are over there right don't forget they're right near that pile on they're there luckily they've got nice bright colored bags so we can't uh can't lose them okay come on bring you with me i'll bring you with me yeah those are usable as you know so i will take that one just being careful of that of ours stick it in there okay go down carefully see what we can see oh look at that look at that monstrosity oh like a leaf a leaf bowl what a shame there's not more of that if there's a little bit more of that i would have possibly mended it but there's no there's too much too much fun of that even for me even for a hoarder like me now that bottle if full would be very interesting oh up can't beat a sheer top lots of bubbles oh this is a bit older here isn't it something a bit older bottle there with a caulking don't want that bottle but i do want the cork that bottle is plain boxier top and a cork yep let's just create a little pile here put the cork in my pocket sorry right i can see a bottle stop is sticking out there so we will have that one oh it's attached to a bottle it's a big bottle so don't need that right i'll take that bottle stopper out there add it to my collection what's that there oh it's a bone that was a doll's head oh thank you right bottle stopper we'll have you just think this is what we can see here well there'll be stuff buried here we can't see this uh the diggers would have thrown on the dirt and then threw more dirt on top of it so there'll be so much more here that thing is quite large and we saw it last time but the shame wasn't complete so if it gets towards my foot there's a big one that's a big one what's this lid here not a plate or is it a lid your guess is as good as mine maybe you saw that on a virtual mud luck well i'm picking it up now anyway sorry or not it's very nice yeah it's got link in it got the cork iridescence all right look at that tail that is beautiful very crackled and another one of those vials that aren't broken amazing well that's beautiful oh what could you say i got told off into for leaving that other lovely one so you know what so don't get told off again i'm gonna bring this tile back give it a clean and that is gonna have my cup of coffee on it when i'm doing my crafting so yeah keeper look at that dinky little white one that is there's virtually nothing in there gosh must be a lip balm must be for your lips or something because there's virtually nothing that could go in there like i say there's just so many shapes of these isn't there oh look at that oh a shame that's broken oh completely smashed what pity because that's a beautiful colour i've got plenty of those plenty of those ones shallower ones would be good right i'm gonna have a look in here um need to not forget our bags which are gosh i don't know somewhere over there right come on let's have a look and you can come with me because i can't even tell i'm not even showing you them but showing you a few what the pace jars tiny little look at that dinky one look these ones haven't got oh gosh why did you come over here and show me i've not got those two oh i'm keeping them and that's your fault that's your fault for making me come over here and show you them right look down here let's have a little gander see if there's anything sticking out this teapot let's just go over to this teapot here oh hang on a minute hang on a minute what is that there oh it's a poison but i don't know if you've seen it or not you probably haven't but amended the lip of a poison bottle last week at home say last week when i was at home i don't know when you're going to see it but that just needs mending and i did with some resin amended the lip of a poison bottle and that is so beautiful i'm going to mend that one as well so look at this teapot oh it's got a lid oh no it's just a bit of bottom oh it's in pieces but that is a great little find because i commend that yep keeper oh it's a glass bottle stopper what's that ouch oh with them nettles oh those nettles just got me whatever they are them stingers just got my finger uh oh look the melted uh glass stopper you know what it was worth it it was worth getting stung to get that glass bottle topper that's melted yeah all my fingers stinking all right let's put those in a little pile lovely colors in there and because it looks so lovely i think we should keep that what do you think what do you think it is on the cup story or something on there comments down below guys all helps all right there's another one of those uh those nice bottles had something red in it i wonder what was in those bottles then yeah it's nice it's bubbly probably a cork bottle by the look of it i love that what's that white thing down there looks like a golf ball oh what is that is it a light bulb oh it might be a light bulb but you know what that would make a great little stopper for my harry potter bottles so yeah you know what i think you're a light bulb but not today not but not from now on you're gonna be something else you're gonna be a bottle stopper all right what's this oh oh look at that what is that that's another piece of that glass isn't it that we found earlier is that the uranium glass i don't know what that is but that is beautiful we've not got the uh the uv torch with otherwise shining on that but that beautiful beautiful and toxic all in one go uranium glass oh all right what was that oh heartbreaker whatever that was it was probably lovely like a little conserve bottle what's that screwed up but i've seen one of my favorite bottles here there one of those yep usual beautiful little find i have walked past you as well but things keep catching my eye and then i move my head and then they're gone right let's have a look bringing you with me obviously walking past lots of pace parts i know i have picked a couple up oh my goodness what's this oh that is beautiful oh that little bit damage at the bottom doesn't matter that is a beautiful bust that is gorgeous that was hidden by the snow last time oh how beautiful is that it's just beautiful wow oh so just the salt the glass thing there so you want to see glass like that the orange glass down here and then come a bit closer i just think of them and i just think what beautiful beads they could make out of that well you know what they're just going to have to come down here aren't they but you know what i'll be standing over the shoulder making sure they're not getting great stuff but yeah that's beautiful glass would make beautiful beads but unfortunately i can't do anything like that so i'm going to set this bottle stopper i'm going to take this bust i'm going to carry on looking and you know what i'm having such a great time you keep walking around and you walk around and you just keep one hand on one side no handle the other side but keep that let's take it over to sarah she's over there let's see what her reaction is you can all have a guess i think how she's going to feel when she sees this so you might say oh i've seen that here we go milk bottles but i don't recall when they had that but if you do but i know because it's such good i'm going to get a picture of that for you because the advert is so good in that it's so clear i thought you might keep that because it looks very nice what do you guys think is it a keeper or is it a thrower put down there let's see if we'll get a good focus and reach our focus on it what's that yeah it's nice isn't it it's like a little ferris wheel thing or water wheel broken off here yeah i think we might keep that uh what do you think so i'll throw it back in the grass and keep it i'll keep it oh my goodness me that minus this stem is a penny lick and i have never found a penny lick ever it doesn't matter that it's not got its bottom on it but that is a victorian penny lick and that is a fabulous little find it's damaged it's chipped it's not chipped it's cracked but i don't care because i've never found one of those that is a beautiful find oh what a shame just spotted this little tiny bottle bottle but look it's way too dinked way too dink that one what shame little tiny one uh there's just tons of them tons of bubble bottles i have got a few i have picked up a few right i think i think even i i'm saying now we should go home but that's just because my bag's full if my bags weren't full trust me i'd still be here but we have been here a few hours and uh you know what had a great time and i can't think of a better way to spend my sunday afternoon to be fair in the middle of a field looking at through people's old rubbish tell you what i can't i'd love to come here with uh some friends i know i've got some friends that would love to come here um did i say carol earlier um definitely carol would love to come here and she wasn't that far away either but because we can't meet people at the minute um it's not happening but as soon as we can meet people we're gonna meet down here i'll have a good time have a good day ah rightly face is freezing solid i'm gonna go try and find mick now because um i think he's gone to the other bags all right see you in a bit all right we're gonna sign out now we've had a great day oh you know sorry about the wind blowing out he'll bring another mic um [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Manchester Mudlarks
Views: 6,354
Rating: 4.9781022 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking, mudlark, mud, bottle dump, dockybay 51, mud larking, river walking, wading, walking, exploration, exploring, treasure hunt, treasure hunting, rivers, adventure, finding, beach combing, beachcombing, pottery shards, pottery sherds, river glass, sea glass, weirs, beach, bottle digger, trash picking, riverwalking, dump, mudlarking uk, BACK AT SNOWY DUMP
Id: A7ONkP0tK2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 24sec (3324 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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