Mudkip Meme Runs! Reacting to "Can You Beat Pokemon Emerald With ONLY A Mudkip" by Alpharad

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well you told me and i believe you okay you're all right people like mudkip but who would use nothing but mudkip for an entire playthrough you can't find anybody like that [Music] welcome back friends and a special welcome welcome to all the new friends out there i'm yo bgs player of games speedrunner of some world record holder in a few and also student of the game of pokemon now i've looked at a number of challenges i've looked at jaden's animated play through i've looked at 35 hours speed runs and today we're gonna look at more of like a minimalist challenge kind of like when i looked at picaspree beating pokemon with only a ditto except we're going with one of the meaniest pokemon of all time today it is alpha rad wondering if you can beat pokemon emerald with only a mudkip now this was one of the most requested videos on my channel and if you are still hanging out here from like the technoblade video for example don't worry part two is coming just got a couple videos on the schedule before that one including this amazing play through now if you are gonna beat pokemon with only one starter mudkip is probably a good one to choose the only other one i can think of that is better is like if you could get to typhlosion in a silver because that's basically the way you speed run the game right you know you just get your mon at the beginning you level up the start and you play through that way but i think alpha rad isn't is an evolving mudkip so this is going to be an interesting adventure without further ado let's get into can you beat pokemon emerald using only a mudkip okay as always before we get started if you are having fun here and you want to keep having fun here feel free to subscribe to join the good times you can leave me a comment below if there are any content creators doesn't have to be pokemon doesn't have to be minecraft any cool content creators you want me to check out leave me a comment and i will get to them as soon as i can now for this play through i got to admit i'm pretty excited because i'm thinking you know when it comes to mudkip mudkip is only weak to grass types so that's gonna be a pretty strong advantage although there are a fair amount of grass mons in the course of emerald so it'll be interesting to see where some of the challenges are but i'm excited it's alpha red it is pokemon emerald it is mudkip let's get into it pokemon is all about catching them all well i mean it was until by the way shout out to nova one duke have to do that immediately because that's who did the art and animation which so far looks phenomenal i love the crumpled up paper background because it reminds me of a team teen girl squad from the old days of like home star runner recently anyways i was just curious how little you could explore in a game like pokemon i looked at pokemon emerald and wondered if it would why is it that people go one direction or the other what do you do in open world games are you one of those people that like in a skyrim do you put 75 hours into it before you even start the main storyline or do you knock the main story line out right away i'm somebody who gets so side side quested basically that i have rarely finished the main game but in pokemon i mean you gotta beat a pokemon be possible to go from receiving your starter to becoming the champion without catching a single pokemon the first obstacle that comes to mind is what to do about the hm that are required to trip all right well um mudkip i don't know about cut definitely can't fly can surf i would think can strength i would think can possibly rock smash and maybe waterfall but again you're limited in your moveset first through the hoenn region a fun fact about the 8a gyms in this region is that only five of them are required with three of them being water-based moves it made sense to pick mod kip since oh that's cool i didn't realize you don't need cut an emerald i just assume that you always need it but still you've got to get one more that our strength and rock smash i'm not really allowing much leeway on the catching pokemon thing if it's a legendary that's free xp and if it's shiny you gotta kill it and that's just heartbreaking our precious little mudkit may leave a lot to be desired when it comes to his stats the reason for this is that no rational human being would pick this set of stats over these but that's where i come in and say oh boy i love an arbitrary challenge with an odd set of win conditions the heart of this chat you know i almost think it's more rare to see a youtuber play the game the way it's meant to be played i mean the last one i can remember is a mystery or who played minecraft the dev intended way so many people find ways to make minecraft less fun i don't get it but i do love watching challenge really stems from asking could i instead of should i and that's how we ended up here upon being gifted my pikachu by professor birch excellent immediately went into the grass and started grinding i beat my rival talk to my dad who focuses on work instead of me watched wally learn what a pokemon was and then i made it to petalburg woods i love these i want to pause it like every single bit of animation because they're all so good and they have like i love animators that include all of those little details and little like shout outs and different references it's so awesome but it's like so hard to keep an eye on every single things here since it's just the path towards the rock gym and let this serve as a reminder that i picked the water tank inside the gym our little pikachu had his first attempt at evolution only to be denied by the single press of the b button it really makes you wonder being blue balls in the middle oh it's already heartbreaking if your metamorphosis hurts but i mean you'll get used to it since there's a whole lot of this down the road you get never stoned but that's boring i'm just cheating it's just this arbitrary rule i just made up anyways roxanne losses you already over leveled mudkip we retrieved an old man's lost dog and then set sail on the haha boat we then arrived in this great hey lost dog shout out to uh shout out to jaden jaden said the same thing in um behave and a mysterious hiker offers us flash we then walked off looked at him over our shoulder and said wow thanks for nothing the hard part about caves in this run is that you don't have flash which means but again if you're leveling a mudkip to level 100 as you probably will who cares if you encounter a lot of random rock types i'm guessing rock types give like defense evs and that's going to help mudkip out but who knows to walk through the caves by memory alone lucky for me i played this game hundreds of times as a dumb stupid kid at the dumb stupid after school program in third grade because my real life dad didn't have time for me man man who remembers after school programs shout out to after school that's the so after school for me consisted of trying to play football with people um and it worked to varying degrees of success but then there was a rainy day as most good stories begin there was a rainy day we had to go into the auditorium most places would have put up basketball hoops and call it a gym this was our auditorium it looked like a warehouse with a stage and they had this rollaway tv they i don't i don't remember where this came from but someone had a nintendo and this rollaway tv was the first time i saw contra and it was the first time i saw zelda now this was in like 1996 so i don't want you to think that i'm like older than the dirt that makes up granite cave but man those fond fond memories of after school i remember i was into pokemon cards and the other kids in after school were into i kid you not dragon ball z cards those were a thing i didn't understand them at all but yeah maybe i could do i could i could i have way more after school stories but we'll find steven who gives us the first useless piece of information from which means it's now time to fight the second gym leader i tried to fight every trainer i could in the building but it wasn't enough for this underdeveloped mudkip so naturally i resorted to bullying kids on the beach until that magically became enough to earn another gem badge after that we found i'm so okay so i'm so used to the damageless runs that i see gameplay and i see a pokemon with less than full health and i immediately freak out i'm like no he's got to start over no he's okay he's all right and i think j-rose did uh run of emerald without using the pokemon center may come back to that team aqua beat our rival again somehow like i really don't know how i did this one and then approached myville city which the rival was actually the hardest part of the created the electric gym leader the balance of this in the hoenn region is that if you're going the water type your martian arms should already be half ground type by now thus being immune oh no oh wait because he didn't evolve it oh he doesn't get the ground type oh that electric moves that is not how this story pokemon to pop as is pills as you can before you inevitably run out of money don't do drugs kids your best bet is using mud slap a move with low power that lowers your opponent's accuracy you don't get they only use shockwave which has a 101 accuracy so it's just like i'd like to say that i eventually won this battle power alone but i'll be honest and say that the ai just messed up and hit me with the how instead of shockwave there you go under one of the most we take those kinds of wins i've ever seen but we take those this that's gotta be that's gotta be the hardest gym i would think although the way he breezed through it um i'm guessing it's gonna get bad damn badge allows us to use rock smash which is an actual move we will actually use you can then use rock smash to get strength and this is an actual move that we will even actually use yeah strength is pretty good to figure out that the mud kit we carry is going to be void of an actual move set since we have to use all these agents and have shout out to mudkip the sam goody employee you can go to the move to leader sure but to get through victory road you need strength waterfall surf and rock smash and where lucky dive isn't required otherwise it wouldn't be possible oh okay so on our way to some story related missions we walked through the water and there really isn't anything of interest over here now see i feel like i need to look up like what nameless um ivs are no he's probably maxed out behind a boulder but we'll get to that later after that we run into team magma go through a forest and then fight the fourth gym leader who special i notice that uh alpha's not pointing out team magma and their um their midriffs i'm just pointing out there that again we've we've we've been over the magma midriffs before i want to see that on the pokemon iceberg think about your animes think about shows you like merrick has got a midriff team magmas got the midriff it's that confidence that comes along with being able to show your belly in public makes you evil slices and fire which again let me remind you that i chose the water pokemon upon receiving the fourth gym badge our journey puts us in a b line towards the fifth one i definitely thought that this was going to be the gatekeeper for me norman's pokemon had all the tools to absolutely steamroll me but he's got strength rock smash water gun and dig dig is usually pretty good because you can kind of break i don't know i feel like dig kind of messes up the ai in a lot of instances or any of the two turn moves where you're essentially invulnerable for a turn they work out at this point i guess i just severely underestimated the growth of my mudkip and then norman sent out slack i was worried about being sat on in a hilarious fashion by this beast but then i remembered slacking's ability he can't attack every other turn yes it is oh i love that oh taking advantage of truant that is faster got a thunderstone for a dearest pikachu and then progress towards the weather tower inside team aqua bombards you with exactly aqua has a midriff as well i did not know that because in jayden's playthrough the team aqua grunt the shirt again is fully covering see this is we're learning lessons here this is the problem when you have a pokemon game in a water-based region people get too comfortable they start showing their i'm just i'm you know just think about the same you've seen before and ultimately fails to overpower the strongest mudkip in existence you would think that the weather employees would be grateful for you saving their lives and that's the problem they are too grateful if you ask me they offered to give you a reward for your troubles while stripping you of an option to decline with that being said we retrieve our second pokemon of the playthrough the run is dead i mean we never caught a pokemon i suppose it's not like i used a pokeball for it i suppose that i could just hide him in the box like a redheaded stepchild he never sees the light of day so with an additional skeleton in our closet stephen stone shows us another you could also release it or can you not release gifted pokemon in this fun piece of useless information before we go into the sixth gym i'll be honest and say that these puzzles for toddlers took me a bit longer than i'd like to admit but i eventually found my way oh man this just reminds me i need to play i'm rocking for this gym alone like i played i played through omega ruby but i don't think i beat it i need to get through emerald i have emerald the question is just what ridiculous self-imposed challenges do i trusted my precious child to eliminate oh my god they're all dead from even i talked about team aqua earlier that got just real that again but this time i love the animator but half of like his red crayons must be ground to a pulp that's all he uses with ghosts then imagine that again but with team magma and now rocks are around the twist here is you have to fight the leader during this fight oh he's gonna have to round on oh cause he's not he's not gonna catch anything so he's gonna have to be groudon so i thought using dig against his camera would be a fine answer but i was wrong no we got him on the run back though so let's just focus on the positive okay our next objective was to return to slateport and since my mudkip could not learn fly no matter how many times i asked her how hard he tried so we had to walk across the country again this is just a pointless objective that activates the next lily cove which is a painful process if you don't alpha and mud keep getting their steps in and have the ability of fast travel and since we were in slateport i thought we would surf over to the abandoned ship and pick up tm13 ice beam and we're just gonna put them in the bag until later while returning to slateport i ran into a random encounter upon slaying another tin of cool somebody asked me to fix a stream layout as i was attempting to please a loyal viewer i realized that i made a grave error it's just a lighting yeah it's a white balance thing it's like i can just slide one thing on here and make it work chat chat's got it f's in chat also that is a really cool picture on his on the stream like that is no it's no the run is now ultra dead uh wait wait yeah so i turned the game off and went back to my last save grown loudly and did it all over again also why pick up ice beam because you can't use it sounds and then i picked up toxic along the way defeated team awkward again well why toxic mastery or you can't use that either or do you have to pick them up this gym served as a huge roadblock in our path because this gym clearly incentivizes double battles with his design and theme and gym leaders or at least who cares also you make it to the gym leader room that's why he didn't release cast form they turn you away if you only have one pokemon to battle them i'd have to catch another pokemon which would absolutely disqualify me from this challenge but what if we had a certain albino metabolism child to bring back out of hiding surely this doesn't count as catching up oh poor cast form is going to get annihilated it's not like it's inclusion really matters since he's just going to die she's all too sidekick from this point on my kid easily won the 2v1 by spamming surf the entire battle upon leaving the gym i went out to that's a little dark isn't it though like tate and liza we can't let you in you only have one pokemon so you beat up another mon and just throw its body out there and tate and lies are like yeah seems good go do what i felt was right and release cast form into the wild but they refused back in the box he went and we went to assist mr stoneman leave it alone he was kind enough to allow me to might get a friend i wanted so i chose my mudkip and we washed the floor with these lackeys with our journey soon coming to a close stephen finally did something of value and allowed me to teach my mudkip a brand new hm dive with this being our fourth one mudkip looks no different than the hm's exactly this point and nevertheless we continued our journey to the eighth gym but before i did that i was surfing and ran into a show wait a minute whoa no no no no why do you people do these things cement did it now they're doing it oh shout out to the person in my comments who said they always manage to catch a shiny tentacle in every game they play i thought that was really cool um mainly because of my shiny as a zubat and like i feel like zubat and tentacool are the two mods that you will fight 87 million of no matter what pokemon game you play laughed hysterically and killed it in front of everybody but i still forgot we had to go to the people that said that was a shiny yeah as if that too as if alpha didn't suit our list they play a nice little cutscene while wallace plays 20 questions about raqqa interrogating me about their location as if a 10 year old with a mudkip had even heard of whatever that thing is for whatever plot convenience reason we trekked up yeah at least you're not helping your parent move in right at least you're you could have been unpacking boxes rayquaza dragon and he instant transmission to somewhere random i think since i didn't want to attempt to imitate it by walking painfully slow i just battled in the sky tower until my little mudkip couldn't handle it since whiting out just sends you the last pokemon center you went to it activated the next cutscene immediately rayquaza fight that looks like a stare down to tell groudon that he got insanely counterpicked i mean he has this tiny piece of land and kyogre has this ocean on their side you got to attack the moon that's the strat there if you've learned anything from yu-gi-oh it's when in doubt attack the moon or apparently summon it's like this throughout the white flag which caused kyogre to dive back into the ocean and i don't really know honestly anyways after seeing all three of those monsters this allows our protagonists to enter the final gym and succeed in these puzzles that i definitely remember being much harder as a kid that was created before your very eyes but i thought it would be a very funny flex to throw a master ball at his truly beloved he didn't appreciate the joke very much and to be fair why i mean i know why but still like commenting chat if that just if that feels any time they kill a shiny any time they waste the master ball if it's just i swear man it takes like my insides and it just rip and then i'm i'm not as good as i was five seconds ago i maybe i just need maybe i just need to be harder right maybe this is my my way of getting the the tough love that i need to become the greatest trainer of all i get it it's not really that funny so with all eight gym badges in hand our journey now directs us at evergrand city which is honestly just one building and nice but first we have to go to the movie leader and ditch dive and learn waterfall luckily only four of the five required hms are necessary to get through victory road and if that wasn't true the run would have just ended right here upon entering victory road we are greeted with wally trying to strike the police we can just fast forward through all this he never really served as much of a challenge to the superior species of pokemon victory road is a dark and scary labyrinth and i wasn't really about to rely on muscle memory that's the thing about having one mon is it will be so over leveled in a lot of instances that by the time you get to the end there's not really much anyone can do because your your mind is so much stronger than everyone else and i think i think that's why one pokemon challenges aren't as hard a lot of the times as they might seem is because you get all of that added the added stats or flash so i just look technically step by step nothing really exciting happens here so we just fast forward to the elite four i stocked up on last minute supplies and sold my revive since we can't possibly use those i call this a practice run since the moveset i was going on was full of low pphms with one of them being rock smashed which is a hilariously awful move this definitely sounded much harder drake with only water moves that are not very effective rock smash is just not and we didn't have any ice moves things seemed kind of hopeless i decided to use an ether on strength and that turned out to be the saving grace here somehow there you go beating the elite four we had one remaining challenge in our way this mudkip has been through so much in this adventure and with our journey finally coming to okay we got talks extolled by wallace's melodic in-laws okay whatever at this point i just decided that our move set was not going to come oh one of our moves did not even get used in the elite four and the rest didn't cover what we needed it to again that's why he hangs on to toxic and ice beam like i sit here thinking that maybe i'm like why did why do that of course there's a reason you do that you don't include it in a highlight film if you don't come back to it later with toxic and ice beam still in my bag i wanted to equip them to mudkip but how we made our way back through victory road picking up a much needed pp up on the way and arrived at the move to leaders house after removing half of their hms and giving mudkip as close to a real moveset as i possibly could we set out to see and dive you know since this will work our trainer back to the elite four and the agents required can you hear that i see what happened that is that is big brain i'm i'm a fan victory road were no longer applicable this time was going to be different each move was strategically picked for each trainer incoming incoming bonus but we also had strength to cover the matchups with weak defense or who we're strong to watch i'm just waiting for it mudkip was unchained storming through trainer after training okay and then just use self-destruct this time for sure after arriving at actually technically that would be wait what is it is it from the grave that's the old halo badge right if you die and then you kill somebody else that's from the graves i realized the last battle heard that's clogged oh the excitement which is bad for my limited move pool i also noticed that he opens with protect and would keep spamming it until one connected being that he could use this move 10 times i decided that i would just buff mudkip up as much as possible oh my goodness oh my goodness there's a similar strategy for the next trainer since much mudkip for well i was gonna say mudkip for smash but that mud kip is more like mud kit from mortal kombat constant fear of being exploded on by a living snowball when it came to drake the difficulty of the last run went away since ice beam was confident destroying everything i'm digging that i took my time and beefed up against his waylord which i feel like if that pokemon ever gets dynamic stadiums are going to collapse with ludicolo oh funny you should mention that right because wumbo wailord i'm pretty sure is very much a thing when giga drain this could serve as a that i think it is because i very distinctly remember like i hosted the pokemon shield run at games done quick and i remember not to spoil the ending but i'm pretty sure a dynamaxx waylord was very heavily involved check out games done quick and pokemon shield if you want to see that huge problem being that i had to heal each time you used it i just waited until i used to move five times and then where's his tv by far the least threatening pokemon he has so this was just time all right sorry i needed to get my mirror being the heel buff up file my checkbook and mentally prepare myself for what was coming next let's go and little did they know i could be toxic too this fight went on for multiple minutes but mudkip eventually found himself a victory somehow surprisingly this wasn't the end but after using ice beam wish cash was frozen and at this point it was just heart of the cards from there without attempting to hold the throne and not lose or take it right he threw out you already 83 83 on the mud you got this mud get single-handedly people told me i need to stop it was a long journey but his very fitting lonely nature led him to victory oh no people said that a mudkit couldn't accomplish such a daunting task but let this be a lesson to you no matter how large the obstacle may be if you believe in your what was the time what was the time i need to go back i need to see that again let this be a lesson to you no matter how large the 20 hours 26 minutes your champion obstacle may be if you believe in yourself you can accomplish anything if you have a drugged up fish with legs by yourself that's what i'm talking about one thing that i thought was funny during the credits is that they really want to walk you down memory lane by showing you all the pokemon you caught and so thanks for watching this was definitely one of the more fun videos to make it takes a bit longer to they could have at least shown them again create the typical gameplay videos but i'm down to make more of you guys want them so let me know in the comments of any other arbitrary challenge you can think of and be sure to follow nova for doing all the animations and be sure to like and subscribe while you're here and i don't know if you know this about me but i've always been bad at making outros especially when reading from a script it's seeming that way so there you go that's an out a nice little punch out there there you go alpha rad and beating pokemon emerald using only a mudkip so what do you think could it i mean i guess they couldn't have picked a harder starter than mudkip because no other mon is capable of learning all the moves you need to get to the end but what do you think about these one pokemon challenges i dig them i wouldn't mind checking out some more again if you are having fun here if you're digging what i'm doing if you're picking up what i'm putting down feel free to subscribe it really helps me out um that's part of the reason i've been making so many videos lately is because the support has been astronomical i can't believe you know just a month ago i had 100 subs so it's been unreal and again please comment suggestions anybody doing anything cool in gaming i mean anybody who's got an awesome video you want me to check out just feel free to let me know i'm always open to suggestions and it looks like i'm starting to do some work on a discord may let you guys in on that in the near future um i think it's just something i'm going to open up to everyone from the community i think that could be a lot of fun but i'll be back next time i'm going to be playing some mario 3 tomorrow actually i'm going to do a speed run of a randomizer and let you guys uh kind of see some of my game play for a change i always talk about speed running but i very rarely do it so i will see you thanks again for stopping by be safe catch you for the salty run back
Channel: YoBGS
Views: 28,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon challenge run, how to beat pokemon, pokemon reaction, speedrunner reaction, pokemon challenge, yobgs, pokemon run reaction, reaction video, alpharad, alpharad emerald, alpharad reaction, alpharad emerald reaction, alpharad mudkip, alpharad mudkip reaction, mudkip reaction, mudkip meme, emerald mudkip, beat emerald with only a mudkip, pokemon challenges, beat emerald mudkip, emerald mudkip reaction, pokemon emerald, pokemon r/s/e, emerald reaction, Pokémon
Id: SYtRe0g3390
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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